Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

What is a good, motivational, or competitive website I can use alongside an exercise program?

I’ll make myself exercise regardless, but having a bit of motivation or incentive would be great. I’m overweight, but I’m in good shape, so the incentive is just not there, although exercise comes easy to me, and I have a lot of energy, so I can make myself do it. I get motivation through competition, or proving others’ wrong. Are there competitive weight loss websites? I just love proving I’m better at everything I do, even when it concerns something like this,

weight loss cardiff answers:

Fitocracy is probably closest to what you’re looking for. There’s also MyFitnessPal and for less social sites.

Donna asks…

What is the easiest way to lose weight in your lower body?

Most of my body weight is in my legs and butt. What are some exercises that I can do to increase weight loss in these areas?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Have you tried The Lil Jack workout? Http://

And Merry Christmas

Sharon asks…

Can someone give any suggestions for exercise programs for more weight loss?

At the beginning of this year I started eating better in hopes to lose weight. On Jan 2 I was 225.5 pounds and have since lost 11 pounds. I started exercising the third week of January, which consists of an exercise DVD in the morning (1 hour) and playing 10 Just Dance songs at night. I’m still watching what I eat and went from being sedentary to exercising almost 2 hours a day so I feel like I should be losing weight more quickly. Does anyone have any suggestions for ways to increase my weight loss? I would like to get different exercise videos for the morning, but it is hard for me to do any exercises where I sit or lay on the floor because of my back pain. I really enjoy playing just dance but I am not sure if it would be enough to do that only. I need something that has easy moves but works up a sweat at the same time. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Okay you’re on the path the first most important factor in weight loss is eating a clean diet. No fast food, process food, or junk food. Also drink atleast a gallon of water a day. Eat stuff whole grains, lean meats, veggies, and fruits. Also incorporate a good workout plan here’s a link with great plans also check into insanity workout dvd its works great.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Susan asks…

what is the quickest way to loose weight?

im 14 and am 5’6 and weigh 138…. i want to loose weight and just be skinny all around. i want to lose weight quick, i know its not healthy but im going to do it no matter what. i have tried puking, but i feel like it doesnt work. i need to lose weight in 2 weeks, so please help!

weight loss cardiff answers:

You are going about this is a totally unhealthy, dangerous way. Anything you lose now is most likely to be water weight, not actual fat loss. You shouldn’t cut out any foods, but the ones that are most liekly to make you put on weight (and therefore to avoid) are your sugars, fats and bad carbohydrates (white breads, etc). Good luck, and please stop puking… Try to do this sensibly.

Carol asks…

How to lose weight and get healthier skin in 2 weeks?

I am 13 and i have something special coming up in 2 weeks, I need to lose some weight (especially around my thighs) and have healtheir skin in 2 weeks
any suggestions????
remember im 13 and cant take the pills stuff and all the other stuff

weight loss cardiff answers:

Try the lil Jack workout it really helps

Mary asks…

What are the easiest and quickest ways to lose weight?

I really want to lose weight in 1 or 2 weeks…any ideas?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Shedding weight isn’t really “easy.”

If you are serious about knocking off some pounds, you have to commit yourself to cardio (running) exercises daily. Perhaps take one day off. Run for 45 minutes each day.

You have to eat good, too. Cut down on the sodium, cholesterol, and saturated fats you eat (read the nutritional facts label on foods). I’d say aim for no more that 1600 cals daily, but no less than 1200. Take a multivitamin tablet when eating so few of calories to ensure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Have fun and I hope you lose weight!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sharon asks…

What an easy and healthy way to lose weight fast?

I gained a lot of weight over the summer and I want to lose it. Any tasty weight loss foods or exercise routines I should know about?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Have you tried the lil Jack workout? Http://

Daniel asks…

Weight loss Question!easy 10 points?

My BMR is around 1400 Cals a day burned

I burn around 1200 cals a day ( from exercises)
Does this mean I burn a total of 2600 cals per day??

Also what’s the best way to lose weight WITHOUT crappy diets and insane cutbacks

weight loss cardiff answers:

More important than all that “stuff” you just mentioned is how many calories do you EAT a day? How do you know exactly how many you are burning by exercising? There’s no real accurate way to measure that (how many you are burning). Sorry but there’s no easy way to lose weight. The simple fact is that if you need to lose weight, you need to quit eating so much high fat and calorie foods and start exercising more. You can’t explain, justify, or reason it away. You have to cut back, and you have to exercise period no exceptions.

Sandy asks…

Help! Is my weight loss causing easy bruising?

I’ve lost some weight over the past 4ish months, and I’ve been exercising too.
But recently, over the last 2 weeks, I’ve noticed bruises on my legs and arms mainly, with no clear cause..
They don’t seem to hurt, just randomly appear! I’m just worried why I’m getting them.. any ideas please?

weight loss cardiff answers:

There are many possible causes of bruising including blood disorders (such as hemophilia), liver disease (such as cirrhosis), lymphomas, sepsis (infection), trauma, medications including blood thinners, medical procedures, allergies, and nutritional deficiencies (such as deficiency in vitamins C, K, B12, or folic acid).

Considering your change in diet there is a good chance this is nutritional. I’m assuming you aren’t suffering any major additional trauma as the result of vigorous exercise! I suggest you start taking a multivitamin and certainly see a doctor if things do not improve within a few weeks.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Charles asks…

Does someone knows about a good weight loss program at a clinic or hospital in the Boston Area?

Does someone knows about a good weight loss program at a clinic or hospital in the Boston Area?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You have one of the finest hospitals in the country in Boston: Brigham and Women’s. If you call there, they may have such a program, or be able to refer you.

Having said that, weight loss is under your control. It is ALL about calories taken in vs. Calories burned. If you eat more than your body needs, you’ll gain weight. If you eat less, you’ll lose weight. And you are probably taking in far more calories than you realize simply by snacking. By adjusting your meals to wholesome, filling foods without empty calories such as gravies and sauces, and then eliminating ALL snacking and “treats” such as dessert, candy, sweets, etc., you will lose weight at a sensible rate over time. Meanwhile, get out and move. Walk around the block a few times every single day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. For short trips, walk, don’t ride. If you do these simple things to modify your daily behavior, you’ll lose weight. No question about it.

Laura asks…

Anyone have the first 3-day jump start sheet for quick weight loss program?

I purchased the quick weight loss program back in 1999 and part of the package included the first 3-day jump start portion. I have got the entire plan, except for that part. Would someone please email me a copy of it?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Try the Lil Jack workout its fun and it works

John asks…

Does anyone have a weight loss program they would like to share?

I just need a simple, effective weight loss program, but I don’t want to pay for it. Anyone want to share their secrets?

weight loss cardiff answers:

To lose weight, you need to get your body to use up these stores of fat. The most effective way to do this is to:

1:) reduce the amount of calories you eat

2:) increase your levels of activity.

3:) jog in the morning BEFORE breakfast, since you would have been starving for a long time, the body will use fat supplies as energy!

Below are ways to reduce calorie intake without having to alter your diet significantly.

Replace fizzy drinks and fruit cordials with water.
Swap whole milk for semi-skimmed, or semi-skimmed for skimmed.
Eat less lunch than usual. For example, make your own sandwich and limit the use of margarine or butter and full-fat mayonnaise (store-bought sandwiches often contain both).
Stop taking sugar in tea and coffee.
Have smaller portions of the food you enjoy and avoid having a second helping at dinner.
Cut out unhealthy treats – such as confectionary, sugary biscuits and crisps between meals.
Cut down on alcohole intake.

Don’t be tempted to skip breakfast. While skipping a meal will reduce your calorie intake for that hour, it will leave you much hungrier later on.

Drinking fresh water also helps in removing waste and redundant calories which is great for losing weight and detoxifying the body. Drinking water frequently is a very important to maintaining a healthy diet and losing weight naturally.

Supplementing with Hoodia Gordonii Plus Appetite Suppressant contains 100% pure South African Hoodia plus other weight loss ingredients. On November 21, 2004 CBS correspondent, Lesley Stahl reported on 60 Minutes that a strange little plant, Hoodia Gordonii, “… Is a natural substance that literally takes your appetite away.” According to CBS, “Scientists say that it fools the brain by making you think you’re full, even if you’ve eaten just a morsel.

Hoodia extract is one of the most potent appetite suppressants available. It was originally discovered after the hunting tribes of the Kalahari Desert were found to use the root of the plant to starve off hunger. The extract was chewed while on long hunting trips, and when food was scarce.

Hoodia which is 100% natural, works as well as, if not better than any drug based appetite suppressant. It works so well, that Pfizer has been reported to pay over £20 million pounds in funding to isolate the active molecule found in Hoodia – known as P57. The reason why? Hoodia is completely side effect free.

I have personally used this product and it did help me to lose weight because i didnt feel hungry for most of the day, you must try it you will thank me, guaranteed;)

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