Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Helen asks…

What are good mediterranean diet foods?

What are good mediterranean diet foods?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It depends on what you mean by diet. By definition, a “diet” is anything that an animal eats. If you mean low fat (as most Americans con-notate it) you can probably tell by cooking it. Find any Mediterranean recipe and read through the ingredients and cooking instructions. If it calls for anything fatty (meats, lard, eggs, butter/margarine/shortening, or excessive sugar and oils), then you should try to make as many adjustments as you can. Most people don’t realize just how bad meat is for them and they go their whole lives insisting that they “need the protein”. Truth is, ALL living things contain protein, but only animals contain cholesterol. Eating a *balanced* vegetarian diet will supply all the nutrients you need without all the disgusting fat and cholesterol. Many vegetarians and vegans eat a lot of Mediterranean foods because there are plenty of interesting meat-less options. For the record, vegan/vegetarian is a type of diet. Fat-free, sugar-free, low-fat, etc. Are *weight-loss programs*. One is the way you eat, the other is what you’re depriving yourself of to loose fat.

John asks…

What is the diet that has worked for you to lose weight and what did you do?

I want to be about 120 lbs so I need to lose about 30 lbs. I am 5 ft 4 in tall.
I do not have a lot of money to spend on special diet foods and pills. And I do not have a lot of time to spend killing myself exercising all the time (I have a 2 year old). When it is warm outside I do take walks a lot, pushing my daughter in the stroller but it is hard to do when it is 10-20 degrees outside.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight watchers..not expensive, and the group support really helps. But you need to find a group in your area.

Ruth asks…

How long do diet shakes take with replacing 1 meal a day to start losing and noticing changes?

If i was to replace 1 meal a day, say lunch, for a shake, how long would it take for me to lose weight? And also i want to go on a diet, im really good with exercise, i exercise everyday but im a very fussy eater therefor i don’t like much. How am i supposed to eat healthy then if i don’t like the diet foods advertisers tell you to eat?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Some diet shakes are real garbage drinks. They often contain cheap ingredients such as casein (milk protein) or aspartame (a neurotoxin). Counting and reducing calorie intake has been proven to be ineffective over a two year period of time in one scientific study after another. The most popular diets fail time after a period of two years without fail. Most participants end up putting on more weight than they lose.

The only effective way to lose weight in the long run is to change your lifestyle. If you can maintain a low-fat vegan diet you have a chance at permanent weight loss. It also helps to maintain an aerobic exercise program and a free weight exercise training program.

You see, it takes 7 times as many calories to add a pound of muscle than it does a pound of fat. Would you rather gain 7 pounds of fat or 1 pound of sculpting muscle? The muscles cells also burn calories, even when you are resting.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mark asks…

What are the risks of losing weight while pregnant?

I’m overweight and losing weight. I’m not doing it on purpose. Actually I’m trying to eat more every day, but I keep losing a quarter pound a day. I’m not vomiting at all. I don’t know why this is happening and I can’t seem to stop it. What are the risks to the baby if I continue to lose weight?
I’m eating about 3x what I normally would eat before I got pregnant. More than double my husband.
Just wanted to let everyone know that my first trimester is almost over and I have stopped losing weight.
Even though I lost a few pounds, my belly is still growing outward and very round. In fact, it looks like I’ve gained weight.
Thanks so much for all of your advice and concern. I did check with a doctor and also went for a second opinion. Everything is fine since I’m a super healthy eater. They assume the weight loss is from all the sleep that I have been doing.
Thanks again everyone.

weight loss cardiff answers:

As long as you are not doing it on purpose, you are fine. Just make sure you are eating what you are supposed to be eating. I have lost and gained weight throughout my entire pregnancy. I once lost 9 lbs in just a few days. My doctor said as long as I’m drinking enough water and I’m eating what I’m supposed to be eating, the baby will be fine. Fetuses take what they need, even if it’s at the expense of the mother. So, basically, your baby is taking from you and that’s why you are losing the weight. Just bring it up at your next doctor’s appointment. But I wouldn’t worry about it.

George asks…

I lose almost 15 lbs in few months, and this month my preriod later for 2 weeks can I be pregnant?

My period late for almost 2 weeks now, and for last 3 months I lose almost 15 lbs. I had 2 hpt one last week and one this Thursday but both (-). Usually people gain weight while pregnant, can I be lose weight while pregnant?

weight loss cardiff answers:

That’s normal. You’ve changed your habits, and so has your body! It should come back soon. If not, go to your doctor. I doubt that will be necessary though. Don’t worry, happened to me when I lost a few pounds!

Good luck. 🙂

Carol asks…

is it possible to lose weight while pregnant?

im tired of feeling fat and unattractive im only 2 1/2 months so i was wondering if its possible to lose weight while pregnant without hurting my baby.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It is possible but i think that would be a bad idea considering what ever you eat also has to go to the baby which has to grow healthy. You should ask you doctor before you consider trying to lose weight wile your pregnant. Or just wait to lose weight after you give birth.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

What eating habits are ideal for weight loss?

I’ve heard snacking through out the day is good, but then i’ve heard that you shouldn’t snack to loose weight. I’m currently trying to loose weight and i have the working out part down, i just need to figure out the eating part of things. I’ve been trying to eat less calories than normal, but i always end up slipping.

What are your thoughts on different eating habits geared towards weight loss?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi Blondie,

As far as the IDEAL eating habits, which is what I think you’re asking here, I would not worry too much about counting calories and slipping up on that, because that can drive you insane! But more just think about the actual quality of those calories. Building healthy eating habits and keeping the weight off in the long term is what you should really strive for.

As cliche as it may sound you gotta eat your veggies. They are amazingly good for you, also raw nuts (almonds are best) fruits, and 100% whole grain breads instead of white flours (white flour is very bad for you, read up on it if you get the chance!) Try and stay away from fried foods and fast food as much as possible, and other empty calories and foods that provide you no nutrients, like ice cream/candy/cake etc. Substitute Soda for water and 100% pure juice (this was HUGE for me, I lost 10 pounds doing ONLY this)

Just be persistent, set goals, make little changes and stick with them. You will get to where you want to be. You really have to want it, I did and I’m at my goal weight now. Please check out my blog, I think you will enjoy the information and my weight loss story. The link is below and best of luck hon.

David asks…

Why is sleep so important to weight loss?

Everything I read it seems as if sleeping 8 hours every night can help with weight loss. Why is this?

weight loss cardiff answers:

if you want read something about weight loss
i just come accross this blog may help you :-

James asks…

Is it even appropriate to have a weight loss blog if you’re under 150 pounds heavy?

I created a weight loss blog on tumblr, but after reading some of the others, I can’t help but feel bad. These amazing girls who are like 200-300 pounds heavy are struggling everyday and losing weight. they are amazing… and then there’s me a 5’7, 146 pound heavy girls who want’s to lose weight.
I am planning on posting some pictures, but… my body really doesn’t look that bad (especially not if im sucking my tummy in) and it looks like a body of an ex-200 pound girl who struggled to lose 50 pounds. I dont want to offend anyone or be rude… I really want to lose like 20-25 pounds and get some muscles because I want to feel more confident, be fit and all.. I promise I dont have bad intentions. This blog keeps me very motivated. Is it okay?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s fine! Everyone has their own interests. Yours is toning up what you have. You actually may not lose weight but even put it on if you develop some good muscle. But strangely, even with being heavier, you will look slimmer and won’t have to suck in your stomach. Go for it!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

How to lose weight SUPER fast?

i run xc so i already run about 2-3 miles a day…
yeah i lose weight RLY easily and faster than everyone else but i want to actually keep it off because i just always decide OH im already skinny no need to diet so HELP

weight loss cardiff answers:

Just watch your calories and the certain foods you eat. If you are careful with what you eat, you won’t have to exercise as often.

Its sucking trying to stay in shape, obese people have all the fun.

Maria asks…

How would I lose weight fast?

I am turning 49 this month and I am finding out that I don’t lose weight to easily. My daughter is getting married Oct. 2 and I feel like a heifer…any ideas that are within reason?

weight loss cardiff answers:

One thing,stay off carbonated drinks(Coca-Cola) and avoid fast food
such as McD’s. Exercise regularly.

Michael asks…

How can I lose weight fast but safely?

I am a pre-teen. My height is 5′ 2″. My weight is 134 pounds. I want to try to lose about 30 pounds in about 2 months. Is there any way I can do this fast, easily, and safely?

Thank You.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You might want to set your goal at losing 15 pounds not 30 and it’s only healthy to lose 2-3 pounds a week. I do crunches, walking, any exercise that makes you bend. It can be a simple as dancing around your room.

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