Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

James asks…

If I’m dieting and exercising trying to lose weight and then I get pregnant, do I have to stop?

I know they advise against losing weight while pregnant, but if I’m overweight before I get pregnant and I’ve been dieting and exercising for several months before I get pregnant, do I have to change what I’m doing, or can I just keep doing it because my body is used to it?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You need to focus on a healthy diet of fresh whole foods to both lose weight and be in peak condition for a healthy pregnancy.
Avoid as much processed and refined foods as possible. I’m not a purist, cut back as much as you can.
Having been there it is really tough to maintain weight with the little ones around. It just seems better to eat that perfectly good food you just prepared for the kids that they didn’t touch.
That is how stay at homes load lots of extra calories.
Focus on fresh or whole high fiber foods and you will be golden.

Donna asks…

Is it possible to actually lose weight in the legs while pregnant? If you do a stair climber?

for at least a minute a day and stretching exercises for 20 reps on legs and then stretch arms out too, maybe you can actually lose weight in legs while pregnant?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I don’t think you can actually LOSE weight while pregnant… Perhaps you shouldn´t focus on losing weight, because chances are you will fail — It´s better if you focus on NOT gaining much weight.
And about your legs, it is very common for pregnant women to have some swelling in the legs.. It will go away once you give birth!
But it is definitely a good thing to exercise!

Robert asks…

im 29 weeks and realized ive gained way to much weight?

whats some good healthy ways to lose weight while pregnant? im officially starting to eat healthy. fruits vegetables no more fast food (my main craving has been double cheeseburgers and french fries from mcdonalds) ( i know very bad) anyways so what are some better things i could be doing. i know i cant do any hardcore workouts,but i figure i could go walking and eat healthy.

oh if u r wondering, i have gained 51 pounds and im 29 weeks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Im 32 1/2 weeks and Ive gained almost 50 pounds too. Despite it being unhealthy, Im just trying to indulge as much as I can now, because once he’s born its going to be hardcore dieting. Walking and eating healthy are great ideas though. Walking is pretty difficult for me though, I cant even walk around walmart without getting exhausted or lightheaded. But if I would of been healthy and walking the whole pregnancy it’d probably be a piece of cake. Try to enjoy your pregnancy and not worry too much about weight. Just do small changes, like cutting out fast food. Good luck!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

How much weight will i lose if i do this?

How much weight will I lose if I do this?:

1)Follow the Special K diet
2) Drink Zendo weight loss tea
3) Ride my stationary bike for 30 min-40 min, workout my arms, and do ab exercises.

How much weight will I lose in 1 month?
Thank You for your answer
Im 5’5 and weigh 132lbs
Ride stationar bik 30 min. 4x a week and jump rope 10 min 2x a week?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can find out yourself with a Eat & Run burn Calculator:

Robert asks…

How to lose weight as a 14 year old boy?

I am 14 years old, about 5′ 7″, and I weigh about 98 lbs. I would like to get down to about 90. I run 4-5 miles on weekdays, and this has helped a little but not enough. Any other suggestions? Also, which would be more effective to weight loss: running or biking? Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
Eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast – they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner – repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
Ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

Sharon asks…

How many weight watchers points would I get to eat?

Im already on LA weight loss and have done GREAT so Im not looking for a free way to do weight watchers. Im just curious about how many points I’d get if I were on weight watchers.

Im 5 6” and weight 134.4 naked first thing in the am. lol.

How do they decided?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have the book in my hand right now…You have to add the numbers in order to get your points. Ready?

Are you:
A Nursing Mom*?—–12pts

How Old Are You?
Over 58——-0pts

What do you weigh?
Enter the first two digits of your weight in pounds. For example, if you weigh 175, enter 17. If you weigh less than 100 pounds, enter the first digit of your weight in pounds. I.e. For 98, enter 9.

How tall are you?
Under 5’1″—-0pts
Over 5’10”—-2pts

Do you spend most of your day:
Sitting down?——————0pts
(e.g. As a receptionist, bus driver, cab driver)
Occasionally sitting, but mainly standing?—2pts
(e.g. Sales person, housewife, cook, teacher)
Walking most of the time?——-4pts
(e.g. Waiter, mailman)
Doing physically hard work most of the time?—6pts
(e.g. Nurse, gardener, construction worker)

The total is your daily points target.

*Nursing moms and young people under 17 should talk with a WW leader before beginning the program.

**If your total is less than 18, your daily points target is 18; if your total is more than 44, your daily points target is 44.

***Retake the quiz as your weight goes down, as you get older or if you change the way you spend you day.

Remember that you have 35 allowance points each week as well. You can save them to eat out once a week, or however you choose. You don’t even have to use them if you don’t want to. Keep in mind that they start over each week.

You also earn more points when you exercise. You have to have a points calculator to help determine how many points you’ve earned.

I was able to lose 25 pounds within two months. The weight melted right off. If I can do it, I know you can too. It works. Trust me! GOOD LUCK!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Richard asks…

I need all the best weight loss tips?

*foods that speed up metabolism
*drinks that speed up matabolism(cold&hot)
* “negative calorie” foods
* best breakfast’s that have green yogurt involved

-would eating the special k bars be good for my small snacks?
-would greek yogurt an a bag of 130calorie pastachio’s be a good breakfast? Maybe with a orange or 8oz of strawberry’s?
-is using Mio water enhancer have bad effects(not good for u)

My weight limit is 5lbs i dont have function of my rite arm i just recently had surgery…so wat would be good easy workouts till im not restricted on what i do?

Anything and everything will help
Please all positive nothing rude or stupid

BMI: 29.26-overweight (30 is overweight)
Boob size-36DD

weight loss cardiff answers:

Tons of water (10 glasses a day) and watermelon (usually less than 90 calories each serving)
But instead of eating less, the trick it to eat more. Atleast 5 small meals a day of 3 big meals and 1 or 2 snacks. I dont really know about exercise though. GOOD LUCK! 😀

Michael asks…

Am i on the right track for weight loss?? Need advice?

*foods that speed up metabolism
*drinks that speed up matabolism(cold&hot)
* “negative calorie” foods
* best breakfast’s that have green yogurt involved

-would eating the special k bars be good for my small snacks?
-would greek yogurt an a bag of 130calorie pastachio’s be a good breakfast? Maybe with a orange or 8oz of strawberry’s?
-is using Mio water enhancer have bad effects(not good for u)

My weight limit is 5lbs i dont have function of my rite arm i just recently had surgery…so wat would be good easy workouts till im not restricted on what i do?

Anything and everything will help
Please all positive nothing rude or stupid

BMI: 29.26-overweight (30 is overweight)
Boob size-36DD

weight loss cardiff answers:

A piece of fruit would be much healthier as a snack than Special K bar – lower in calories, fat and sugar or plain non-fat yogurt with fruit in it (Read the nutrition though some yogurts are high in sugar)

For breakfast you can have plain non-fat yogurt with fruit in it. I’d try something filling though like Oatmeal or whole meal toast (400g pack) with egg whites or a banana. (Avoid margarine or butter)

I’ve read it has sugar in it so maybe avoid it.

Daniel asks…

What’s a good supplement(shake, pill, whatever) to stop hunger and aid weight loss after a workout?

Right now i’m taking something called afterglow euphoria. but i really don’t know much about all those sorts of things.

After a workout i’m usually hungry but i don’t always have the time or supplies to make a healthy meal. i don’t want to drink any slimfast or special k stuff because it tastes like crap. so something easy and tasty and filling that will help my muscles recover and aid weight loss.

FYI…. i know there is no magic anything to make me lose weight. i’m exercising and eating healthy. all i’m looking for is something for post-workout.
EDIT: water only helps with recovery and does not replenish muscles with energy. also it does not satisfy real hunger. plz do not suggest it

weight loss cardiff answers:

Water. It fills up your stomach, but has zero calories.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

What is the difference between supplements and diet pills?

I have a hard time telling the differences in diet pills and supplements. How can I tell which is better to take?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well, diet pills offer more practical effects when you’re trying to lose weight (such as hunger suppressant pills so you’re not really hungry, which’ll help you avoid snacking). Supplements are like mini boosters that supply you with a specific vitamin or mineral that your body is insufficient in (where a lower amount of certain vitamins or minerals in your body can result in lower success in losing weight or exercising). Knowing that, it’s easier to decide what’ll work best for you in your situation.

Sandy asks…

What are the possible negative side effects of diet pills like Hoodia?

I want to use diet pills but I want to make sure that the one i pick will have the least negative side effect. Which diet pills woul you recommend?

weight loss cardiff answers:

FORGET DIET PILLS. Try this surefire way of avoiding side effects, and it is cheaper too.

Losing weight steadily is the best!

1) Eat more steam food, lean meat, vegies and fruits

2) Cut out the junk food, soda drinks and snacks

3) drink plenty of water / green tea

4) Exercise – look at combining weights and cardio into your program. You can look at alternating upper and lower body exercises without rest, say bicep curls, then lunges , rest and repeat. With cardio, try sprinting 100m, jog 100m and repeat.

Here’s a review link to a fitness program

5) Have 5-6 healthy meals a day(1 plate portions) to keep your body satisfied

6) if you have cravings drink water or eat fruits
here’s an article to a healthy diet

7) have an action plan for long term goals, start off with small goals and increase it gradually over time.

Good luck

Charles asks…

What happens if a take multiple diet pills at one time?

So, I started taking these diet pills I found in my parents medicine cabinet. Bad I know, but I’m desperate to lose weight. The bottle says to take one a day but what if I took more, like 3-4 in one sitting? Wouldn’t I just lose weight faster? And can you overdose on diet pills?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It depends what ingredients are in the pills.
Too much caffeine (or it’s equivalent) could make you very anxious and jumpy, cause insomnia, diarrhoea, nausea.
Too many laxative ingredients – diarrhoea.
Too many diuretic ingredients could lead to dehydration.
Too much fibre – gas, abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea or constipation (depends a bit on the other ingredients).

Read the label and google each ingredient.

Generally so called diet pills do not lead to weight loss, theyall say ‘together with diet and exercise’ and ‘results may vary’.
If you don’t do the diet and exercise you don’t lose weight.

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