Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

What is a good, motivational, or competitive website I can use alongside an exercise program?

I’ll make myself exercise regardless, but having a bit of motivation or incentive would be great. I’m overweight, but I’m in good shape, so the incentive is just not there, although exercise comes easy to me, and I have a lot of energy, so I can make myself do it. I get motivation through competition, or proving others’ wrong. Are there competitive weight loss websites? I just love proving I’m better at everything I do, even when it concerns something like this,

weight loss cardiff answers:

Fitocracy is probably closest to what you’re looking for. There’s also MyFitnessPal and for less social sites.

Donna asks…

What is the easiest way to lose weight in your lower body?

Most of my body weight is in my legs and butt. What are some exercises that I can do to increase weight loss in these areas?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Have you tried The Lil Jack workout? Http://

And Merry Christmas

Sharon asks…

Can someone give any suggestions for exercise programs for more weight loss?

At the beginning of this year I started eating better in hopes to lose weight. On Jan 2 I was 225.5 pounds and have since lost 11 pounds. I started exercising the third week of January, which consists of an exercise DVD in the morning (1 hour) and playing 10 Just Dance songs at night. I’m still watching what I eat and went from being sedentary to exercising almost 2 hours a day so I feel like I should be losing weight more quickly. Does anyone have any suggestions for ways to increase my weight loss? I would like to get different exercise videos for the morning, but it is hard for me to do any exercises where I sit or lay on the floor because of my back pain. I really enjoy playing just dance but I am not sure if it would be enough to do that only. I need something that has easy moves but works up a sweat at the same time. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Okay you’re on the path the first most important factor in weight loss is eating a clean diet. No fast food, process food, or junk food. Also drink atleast a gallon of water a day. Eat stuff whole grains, lean meats, veggies, and fruits. Also incorporate a good workout plan here’s a link with great plans also check into insanity workout dvd its works great.

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