Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sharon asks…

What an easy and healthy way to lose weight fast?

I gained a lot of weight over the summer and I want to lose it. Any tasty weight loss foods or exercise routines I should know about?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Have you tried the lil Jack workout? Http://

Daniel asks…

Weight loss Question!easy 10 points?

My BMR is around 1400 Cals a day burned

I burn around 1200 cals a day ( from exercises)
Does this mean I burn a total of 2600 cals per day??

Also what’s the best way to lose weight WITHOUT crappy diets and insane cutbacks

weight loss cardiff answers:

More important than all that “stuff” you just mentioned is how many calories do you EAT a day? How do you know exactly how many you are burning by exercising? There’s no real accurate way to measure that (how many you are burning). Sorry but there’s no easy way to lose weight. The simple fact is that if you need to lose weight, you need to quit eating so much high fat and calorie foods and start exercising more. You can’t explain, justify, or reason it away. You have to cut back, and you have to exercise period no exceptions.

Sandy asks…

Help! Is my weight loss causing easy bruising?

I’ve lost some weight over the past 4ish months, and I’ve been exercising too.
But recently, over the last 2 weeks, I’ve noticed bruises on my legs and arms mainly, with no clear cause..
They don’t seem to hurt, just randomly appear! I’m just worried why I’m getting them.. any ideas please?

weight loss cardiff answers:

There are many possible causes of bruising including blood disorders (such as hemophilia), liver disease (such as cirrhosis), lymphomas, sepsis (infection), trauma, medications including blood thinners, medical procedures, allergies, and nutritional deficiencies (such as deficiency in vitamins C, K, B12, or folic acid).

Considering your change in diet there is a good chance this is nutritional. I’m assuming you aren’t suffering any major additional trauma as the result of vigorous exercise! I suggest you start taking a multivitamin and certainly see a doctor if things do not improve within a few weeks.

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