Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donald asks…

How do I find yesterday’s yahoo featured news stories?

I’m looking for an article that was on yahoo! featured news about weight loss blogs with before and after pictures but it is gone. Anyone know how I can find it?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I think you can search for it. Do you remember the name of the article ?

William asks…

Does anyone know of a site that is specifically for blogging about weight loss?

I am planning on starting a diet and would like to blog about it and be inspiring to others who are dieting an get discouraged. Because I know the struggle, my weight loss might not be as life threatening as it maybe to others but it’s important to me. & I would like to share my story with those who it would encourage to pick up and try again.

weight loss cardiff answers:


Take a look at – it’s free and easy and you’ll find a lot of support there. In the last couple of days, there’ve been a few missions started dedicated to weight loss (a couple women who’ve lost 20+ already and want to lose 20 more).

There is a lot of support, encouragement and accountability – and you’ll get an opportunity to inspire a lot of people if you’re successful! Hope that you’ll check it out!

Nancy asks…

What weight loss pill should I take that will work fast?

I am an 18 years old girl, and I am overweight, I need to lose weight fast. What weight loss pill should I take to burn fat fast, and what exercise should I do to help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Taking pills is the worst thing you can do for yourself. You should try working on your eating habits and set small and achievable goals at first. Also start an exercise regimen. Remember, weight loss should be slow, gradual and permanent! Not a quick fix unless you want to fail at it. If you want more information on healthy eating and exercise, visit my blog below as well as my facebook page. I work with overweight people 🙂

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Michael asks…

Where can I buy the Acai Berry supplements without getting ripped off online?

I am wondering were to buy the Acai Berry pills without risking the possibility of getting a ridiculous online bill later on. Can you buy them at a health food store? Costco? Walmart? Shoppers Drug Mart? I heard they have amazing health benefits besides just weight loss.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Studies have shown that this little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world! …Hidden within its royal purple pigment is the magic that makes it nature’s perfect energy fruit. Açaí is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids.

I just started taking it 3 weeks ago and have lost 8 pounds. I have been working out and some time on the tread mill have helped as well. I ordered a free trial online and so far so good. You can purchase locally at stores but it was easier for me to have them shipped directly to my home.

If you are really looking the best way to lose weight,
I suggest doing what this mom did and combining the Acai diet with a cleansing program for the best result

Susan asks…

What is the best weight loss supplement for someone who has trouble losing weight?

I have tried acai berry and colon cleanse combination, hydroxycut, lipozene, metabolife. And while i was on these i either did a 1000 calorie a day diet or weight watchers. I want a fat burner that actually stays true to the title as a fat burner. Im the biggest i have ever been and i need extreme work done

weight loss cardiff answers:

You have tried every unapproved diet pill available at the grocery. Weight loss supplements are called “supplements” because they are not proven drugs. Under a bad law passed in 1994 diet pills, protein powders, oils, even soaps can claim they cause weight loss as long as people don’t report injury or harm. So we don’t find out until injury has occurred before we know if they are safe or not. Quite a big difference from an approved drug that is extensively tested.
80% of weight loss is diet.
You can eat a healthy diet and lose weight.
You can eat a healthy diet and exercise and lose more weight.
You can exercise and eat a poor diet and not lose and even gain weight.
A good healthy diet high in fiber, lean meats, eggs, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, antioxidant foods, healthy beverages and low in added sugar and salt help people lose weight, lower cholesterol, increase energy, improve brain function, lower blood pressure, reduce cancer risk and have a more positive lifestyle!
You need to eat a lot more food and a lot more fiber!
Diets that exclude foods from any food group are fad diets and do not lead to permanent weight loss or solve any other health issues.
First, try to kick your fiber intake to 40 grams of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Whatever you do, get your fiber from your food, not from a jar.
Fruits and vegetables have good fiber in them. A high fiber diet increases the metabolism.
Try a breakfast cereal with at least 20% of recommended daily allowance of fiber in it. They are usually low in sugar so there is a double benefit. Blueberries or raspberries on top add more fiber and antioxidants. But fresh or frozen, not the kind in syrup.
Raw nuts are a great source of fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Avocados are the best.
Lots of beans, peas, and grains are high fiber. Whole grain breads. Fiber kicks up the metabolism so you actually burn more calories. These foods will give you more gas in the beginning but if eaten daily, the bacteria in the digestive tract will elevate lowering the gas output.
This will get you on the path for a healthy daily bowel movement. This helps clean the system and aids healthy digestion.
I know it goes against everything you’ve heard but eating lots of the right foods will actually help you lose weight!
Next, take an age appropriate basic daily multivitamin. Don’t look at your multivitamin as nutrition but more as an insurance policy. Think of it as filling in the gaps in your daily diet as opposed to a primary source of nutrients.
You have to drink lots of water to be healthy. But you can disguise it. Fill your glass all the way full with ice before pouring low sugar beverages. Try iced green tea with a splash of orange juice in it for sweet. More antioxidants. Add lemon juice to water for flavor. Slice up a cucumber and float it in pitcher of water. Gives it salty fresh taste. But you must drink up to 100 oz of water daily to help your body get rid of waste and the natural toxins.
Last, you need to get 7-10 hours of quality sleep depending on your age. All recent sleep studies report a connection between poor sleep and weight gain.
You must combine a healthy diet with exercise to multiply the benefit. Whether an hour a day in the weight room or just a 30 minute brisk walk every day, the added benefit of a regular exercise program really do increase and accelerate healthy weight loss.

I lost 30 pounds in 5 months by spending my money at the grocery and gym and have kept it off for two years now. 3% of people that attempt weight loss lose it and keep it off for two years. It is not easy. It is a lifestyle change.
Good luck and good health.

Ruth asks…

Can anyone recommend a good weight loss supplement with little to no side effects?

I need a boost to help in losing some extra weight. I have tried a few different products before, but they seemed to do more damage than good. I’m pretty clueless about what’s good and it seems to me that people will just try to sell what costs the most. I would like something natural but any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve been using a cleansing product that’s been great for me. It provides all the nutrients you need, is easy to follow and the biggest expense is buying new cloths : )
You get a coach to help you (no charge) and as your body gets rid of the impurities the excess fat goes with it. It just melts away.
I’m just a happy consumer of the product, but my coach can give you more details and you can learn of her success at
www dot malfox dot isagenix dot com
Good Luck

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

William asks…

How do I find out how much of my weight is muscle?

And also, what are some ways to lose weight easily?
What kind of excerises will target fat in my abdomen?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hard to say; I have never heard of that before.

There area few ways to determine the percentage weight of your body fat, but not muscle.

Consider the average running back in the NFL; lots of muscle! His Body Fat % is probably very low, but his weight is “high” compared to other, non-muscular people. So what does weight mean to him?

Running is one of the best healthy ways to lose weight fast; malaria drops weight faster, but you don’t want that. You also should cut out sugar, which your body happily turns into fat.

When your body gets fat or makes it, it starts in the blood and your body decides where to store it. For some, it’s in the belly; for others, in the thighs. The more you have, the more places get the extra fat. When you succeed at burning fat, your body pulls it out in reverse order according to the body’s own logic. Muscle cannot burn the fat residing right next to it; it must get the fat from the blood.

Increasing the amount of muscle in your body tends to burn more calories; however, you tend to burn sugar first, so you need workouts that last linger than 30 minutes to make the body burn fat. Sugars & carbs get burned first, just the way it goes.

Laura asks…

Do you think I can lose 25 pounds before school comes around?

I’ve been exercising daily, usually burning around the amount of calories I have eaten that day. I am taking hydroxycut, and drinking a ton of water. I am heading to college for the first time at the end of august. I weigh 150 lbs now, I am muscular and thick-boned, but because of genetics I dont lose weight easily. I am determined to get that fashionable thin fragile body.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have always struggled trying to lose weight fast. Here’s a good site I found that really helped me. It gave me great diet tips and workouts to lose weight that I had never realized before…


Good luck to you!

Susan asks…

What’s the name of the weight loss product where the woman’s boobs get smaller in the commercial?

The commercial is of a cartoon couple. The man is able to lose weight easily, but the woman just loses weight in her breasts. What’s the name of the product?
Wow, you weight loss people are hard up for some consumers, huh. I just want to know which commercial it is. It’s a cute commercial.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Boob- be-gone

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandra asks…

what is the quickest form of exercise to lose weight?

Want to lose weight quick without dieting much and im just wondering which form of exercise would be the quickest to lose weight doing, what do you all think? :p

weight loss cardiff answers:

There are a thousand different ways and reasons to lose weight and all of them would do no good for you if you didn’t have the mindset to actually lose the weight. I can’t count how many times I asked myself how I could lose my weight, just wasting my time talking and never acting on anything. Then last New Year’s came by and I promised myself that I was going to lose all the weight it took to see my abs. I started out weighing 298 pounds. A few weeks passed and I tried a lot of crappy diets and fake fat loss pills that did nothing for me but empty my wallet and made me ask myself if I was stupid. I eventually came across a program at and I watched their video on weight loss and decided to try it out and see what it could offer me. Now, it didn’t shave off 60 pounds the first week like everything else guarantees but those things didn’t either. After 9 months passed I walk into my bathroom and stepped onto my scale to see what I weighed. I weighed in at 170 pounds. I had lost 128 pounds in 9 months through my hard work and dedication. I was looking at my abs for the first time in my life and I was proud. That hasn’t changed today either, I’m still proud and I work hard to keep it that way. The most important thing to remember is you can never give up and you must stop letting your weaker side be the boss of you and gather the resolve to finally do what you want. I wish you the best of luck in your journey to lose weight and hope you stick with it.

Betty asks…

what is the quickest way to lose weight on the lower half of your body?

i don’t want people telling me it is not good for me to lose weight quick, i want proper answers please:)

weight loss cardiff answers:

Do you see the box near the top of the page?
The one labelled ‘Search for questions: ‘?
Well type in ‘lose weight’.
You will find over 493,128 pre-existing questions.
Try the misspellings ‘loose weight’ and there are another 113,731.
In all there are over half a million Health section questions requesting solutions to being or thinking you might be overweight.
On average these each yield 6 answers, that is over 3 and a half million answers.

I can usefully summarise these answers in 4 words :

EAT LESS DO MORE. Are you desperate enough to try this???
Oh yes, sorry, forget quick!

Carol asks…

Is it possible to lose weight by eating whatever you want and exercising 5 times a day?

eating whatever i mean whatever you want, as much meals per day, portions etc. but still lose weight because you exercise a lot? if yes HOW!?
if no, how can you lose weight? QUICK?
sorry i meant 5 times a WEEK 😉
i could never manage 5 times a day!

weight loss cardiff answers:

It is, depending on what it is you want to eat. Really to properly and efficiently lose weight you need to follow some sort of diet. Also with exercising you may not seem to be losing weight, since muscle weighs mroe than fat, but if you compare a picture or such you will see a difference. The major thing here is nothing is good in excess, though you could technically go on a eating rampage, then an excercise rampage, I HIGHLY recommend against it. I have found a lovely book describing in detail the type of things that help and hurt you, and the excercise. Unfortunately it did cost me $12.95 but was DEFINITELY worth it. I’ll leave yall the link in my sources.

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