Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

William asks…

I’m 13 how do I lose weight quickly and easily?

I’m 13 about 5’4″ and 148 pounds! I’m pretty strong but not cuz of workin out I was just born that way! and so a lot of my weight it probly muscle but a lot is fat too! and I really really want to lose it! my thighs are ENOURMOUS and my belly is flabby I’m not like obese or anything but not skinny by any means! somethin easy and free please thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

U are too young but if u want u can go running everyday for 30mins than rest 10mins and eat your dinner. That is 1 way to lose weight fast and effective

Linda asks…

How Can I Lose Weight Quickly And Easily? =] Please Help! x?

Well.. I am a 13 Nearly 14 Year old girl and i am quite overweight.
I Really Want to lose quite a lot of weight to be Healthy. However i am on my School holidays at the moment and so i am not excersising as much as i used to.. because when i am at school i walk to and fro everyday which is over 4 miles.

I know You probobaly think its Easier to exercise because its the holidays but its not that Simple..

Also Which doesnt help, i am really not a big fan of vegetables, when i eat certain ones they make me sick. However i do Love Fruit <3.

Please Can you tell Me What sort of foods i can eat And when and whatever else i could do! I really Want to Lose A lot of weight Before i go back to school which is in 5 weeks!

Please Help =]

Thanks xx

Will Give More Info If Wanted x

weight loss cardiff answers:

I think almost everyone finds that there isn’t any quick and easy way to lose weight. There are definitely ways to do it, but they require work and dedication! It’s not rocket science though; you’ll get slimmer if you exercise more and eat less.

Robert asks…

How do you lose weight easily and quickly? HELP!?

I have a normal metabolisom (sort of..i think so) but i don’t have time to go to the gym and don’t have enough money to buy weight watchers or other products like that and i live with people that eat junky food a lot so there is some good food but a lot of temptations…..PLEASE HELP! i don’t wanna be overweight by ithe time i’m graduated from high school.seriously any suggestions……tell me please.:D

weight loss cardiff answers:


You do not sound that overweight to me.

I was in a similar situation not too long ago. I needed to lose some weight for the summer.

I tried almost every weight loss program under the sun, and nothing seemed to work.

Out of frustration one day I was searching on google. Out of my frustration came the greatest day of my life. I found a website that gave an honest review of different weight loss programs.

Their number one product claimed I could lose 21 pounds in 28 days. Naturally I was a little skeptical, but I was also desperate. I purchased the program (around $70 something) and dove right in.

Of course, I did not lose 21 pounds in the first 28 days. But, I did lose 18 pounds in the first 28 days. In my opinion, this program was totally worth it. Because it actually gives great results, and is not too expensive.

This website has ended all of my frustrations and desperation when it comes to losing weight. Be sure to check it out now.


Good Luck,

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lizzie asks…

Does anyone know any Free Weight loss programs online?

I’m trying to find a free weight loss program online,
and it always asks for a credit card number.
I would like to find one that didn’t.
Something free. Please help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The best weight loss plan is a healthy diet, moderate exercise, lots of water and a good night’s sleep. See the article below for more information.

Good luck!

Linda asks…

where to get top weight loss programs?

I want to get a systemic guide to follow to lose weight quickly.
where to get top weight loss programs?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Try low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein, and exercise. The foods are low caloried, and yet filling and healthy. Brisk walking is great for burning body fats.

It is my lifestyle now. I am on low carb, low fat, high fibre, high protein and a hour brisk walk 5 times a week, and I have lost 31lbs/14kg and gained better health. I am now maintaining my 108lbs/49kg for more than a year, with more fruits and complex carbs.

Details such as my experience, meals, snacks, recipes, foods to buy, reading labels, walking as an exercise and to shape the body etc etc, are in the link.

Ken asks…

Does anyone know any good weight loss programs?

i was wondering if anyone knew any weight loss programs that really work.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve used the weight watchers online program and its the healthiest way to go, and trust me from experience stay away from diet pills whatever you do. This program is set up for your height weight ect and gives you so many points per day that you can have the great thing about it there’s no restriction on what you can eat but how much you can eat of each thing the lower the food points the more you can eat. It also keeps track of your daily exercise you should at least do something active 30 minutes a day to help burn calories. I’ve lost weight on this program and feel better then i have in a long time. Long story short eat healthier food and exercise there is no such thing as a quick fix its how bad do you want to lose weight and what are you willing to do to get there.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mark asks…

Any free weight loss programs for 13 year olds?

I am trying to loss weight and need a program that will work.
I know all of you think I am to young but I really do need to lose weight.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well, I do know one diet I found did work for me, but it’s not an easy diet to deal with, and it’s free as free gets! And I’m probably going to catch a lot of flack for even suggesting this to a child, but try a water diet. It’s suggested normally for about five days, but you might want to start it trying just two days to see if you can handle it. This is the way it goes…

*Side note: I lost five pounds in two days trying this diet, if that’s any indication.

It helps if you have a water cleaning system, like PUR or Brita, because the diet calls for nothing but purified water. If you have something like that, this diet only costs the price of replacing the filter every three months. If you have a fresh filter, then there’s no problem.

But basically, you do nothing but drink water– and maybe occasionally eat an apple or something– they’re mostly water anyway. It’s not an easy program to get through, but after three days (on the full five day program), hunger basically goes away and your body starts feeding off its stored energy (fat). However, since you’re young, again, I’m suggesting maybe trying it for two days and taking a break for a day or two before doing another two days.

The basic trick of this diet is that your body starts dropping stored water and salt from the foods you eat on a regular basis. You’ll have to use the bathroom a lot, but that’s natural for this diet. Whatever food allergies you might have cause swelling that is what’s called “False Fat”, which you’ll lose almost immediately (within three to five days on the full program). Again, it’s a hard diet, but it does work if you really stick to it. Doing it once per month is considered ‘safe’, but it’s basically a fasting. DO NOT do it more than once per month… It can make you sick if you do it more than that. A few days on and a few days off usually helps keep you safely fed and the weight should stay off as you continue to lose it. Remember: No more than five or six days per month.

Carol asks…

do these weight loss programs offered by kaya life, vlcc, that provide passive exercise with machine work?

I have been told that these passive exercise machines provide muscle stimulation that aids weight loss.but i am worried about side effects.If anybody has taken such a program, pls give review.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes they work if you do as per as it’s written, I have got to know about few of those who have said that they don’t work, but they will also say that they didn’t followed there rules as well.

Nancy asks…

What inpatient weight loss programs are in New York?

I’m looking for a hospital or clinic that has an inpatient weight loss program in the state of NY. Do you know of any? Thanks for your help 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:

Cut down on the takeaway food!! And say if you happen to head over to McDonald’s don’t get a Big Mac Meal, instead select a salad or a wrap. They’re significantly better.

Cut down on the carbohydrates and fat. And when you eat many burgers in your diet aim to substitute it for ground turkey in its place. By simply replacing a couple of items can really change lives.

Drink soy milk, it’s got a lesser amount of calories and it’s much healthier.

Do a cardio exercise at least twenty minutes every day.

Remember it’s okay if you happen to slip. Just picture your self immediately after and say ‘I CAN do this!’ Don’t think of it so much as a diet, think of it more of a approach to life and trust me, the unwanted weight will come off.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

Once you lose weight is it possible to get rid of the stretch marks ?

Also can you still get like six-pack abs when you lose the weight ?
My weight is 240lbs, and I am really trying to lose this weight. Also what types of workouts should I do to get rid of the weight, and then workouts to getting six pack abs ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

As you lose weight the stretch marks will go away naturally. Unless you have your weight surgically removed in which case I don’t think the marks will go away. Do it the natural old way and lose it steadily with exercise and healthy diet and its possible. Any workouts work for getting rid of weight, maybe cardio would help.

And then for the six pack do chest exercises / weight lifting..

David asks…

How much weight will I lose if I start to jog and do weight watchers?

I want to lose weight but I am not all about that diet pill stuff. I tried weight watchers before but I was really busy with getting things ready for my wedding that it was the last thing on my mind to eat right.
If I do weight watchers and run/gym how much weight do you think I would lose in about 2 weeks?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Everyone body is different. Remember too if you decide to exercise you have to use your activity points calculator to determine how many extra points you get for the day. But everyone’s body loses weight at a different rate. Someone who jogs everyday while on weight watchers for two weeks could lose 5 lbs where are someone else could lose only 2. A bunch of different things factor into this including what you are eating everyday, how much activity you are doing, how fast your body reacts to exercise (some people need to exercise only days before seeing results while others need to exercise a month before seeing results) how fast your body gains muscle mass, how much water you are drinking, how much water your body retains after exercise and so on and do fourth so there is no way of knowing how much you will lose but cardio IS the best form of exercise for burning fat. Just make sure you are at least doing moderate exercising meaning you are pushing yourself but not too hard (just hard enough that you start to sweat after about 10-15 minutes) and doing at least a half hour of exercise each time.

Lizzie asks…

How to lose weight without looking like your going on a diet?

I need to know how to lose weight without looking I am dieting or anything. My mom won’t let me lose any weight but I think I need to lose some weight. The thing is I don’t want her to know I am dieting, so what is a good way to diet without her noting it?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I would like to recommend you my weight loss program that works just amazing. I find right weight loss program and applied the program, then I lost weight easy. You must have the program that works. You can find the best program weight loss that worked for me and lost 15 pounds after one month. You can find more info here link below.


Good luck!

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