Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Laura asks…

what is the best weight loss pills?

i try many weight loss pills, but my body not any change, so who can tell me what is the best work weight loss pills?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I suggest you do more Exercise, and the second choice is try weight loss pills, if you only use weight loss pills to fast weight loss, it is not good way, so you must try more way.

If you want choose weight loss pills, please go to:

Joseph asks…

Best weight loss pills?

I’m having trouble losing weight. I’ve been dieting and exercising, but to minimal results. Wanting to know the best pills to enhance my weight loss as well as give me energy. Let me know what you’ve tried that works and what to stay away from. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss pills, weight loss smoothies and all those “weight loss” products are all a lie.
The best and most healthy way to lose weight is to workout and eat healthy. It´s a very common and obvious answer, but its the truth. If you really want to lose weight i recomend you to do it the proper way. All these people taking pills is a sign that they, maybe want to lose weight, but are not ready to start a healthy life. Think about it, if you lose weight from surgeries or these “pills”, will you start living a healthy life just like that? Probably not. There´s a reason that working out is healthy and good for you.
If you just push yourself hard enough and start working out, you will see that it´s not so hard as it at first seem, and when you´ve started up (with the best training method for you) you will find it fun and hard to stop.

So my answer is, Eat healthy (avoid candy and snacks as much as you can, they will only slow down the process, but its okay for you to give yourself a treat once in a while, you dont have to quit completely, but be more careful with this kind of “food”) and workout as a minimum 2 times a week, I suggest you join a gym, it might seem hard at first, but once you´re there, its hard to stop (workout with a buddy for a funnier workout)

Lisa asks…

What is the best weight loss pill?

I’m looking for a weight loss pill that is safe, but fast working and effective. I’m about 5’4 and approx. 125 pounds. I’m looking to lose that much weight, but I have body fat that I just can’t get rid of. Please let me know of your personal stories, and what you think works best.


weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s not so much the ‘pill’ that you should be seeking as it is the ingredients. There are a variety of weight loss ingredients which, along with a healthy diet and proper exercise, will contribute to healthy weight loss. There is simply no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to the A/B/C of weight loss. What works for some people might not work for you, so, it’s a process of combination of proven techniques that must be properly fit for you and your physiology.

Living in today’s world means having less time to make your a proper diet and weight control a priority. In an effort to ensure that everything gets done we sacrifice sleep, exercise and even a healthy diet. Today, eating is no longer the process of providing your body with nourishment. It has become an act of mere self-preservation in which we eat so that we do not die of hunger. Often times our diet is structured on convenience instead of health. We turn to fast food for our daily nutritional needs, making us the oh-so-popularly-obese fast food generation.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…

How to lose weight fast? Tell me do weight loss pills work? What about Adderall weight loss?

Ok, i’m really desperate and i want to lose quite alot of weight. i’ve been trying to find ways on how to lose weight fast without risking my health. help me please?

weight loss cardiff answers:


1. People often ask the question ‘how to lose weight fast?’, becouse they don’t understand see the best way to lose weight. To lose weight, you must eat fewer calories or burn up more calories than you need. The best way to lose weight is to do both. A positive attitude is very important for successful weight loss and weight management. To lose weight permanently, you must make a commitment to gradually adopt a healthier way of life. It is very important to include exercise as part of your weight loss and weight maintenance efforts. Discuss with your physician what is the best exercise for you, but make a point to exercise.

2. While weight loss pills do work to a certain extent by either suppressing your appetite or loading your system with caffeine so that you work out for a longer period of time. The bad thing about them is that once you stop taking them, there’s a tendency for the lost weight to come back. You also need to watch out for the side-effects of weight loss pills. Most pills are either suppressants or stimulants that hinder the absorption of fat into your body. Subsequently, they can also hinder the absorption of other essential nutrients and vitamins. They’ve also been known to increase the heart rate, blood pressure and cause other gastrointestinal side-effects like constipation.

3. For people taking Adderall, weight loss appears to be one of the most common side effects. Although weight loss can be considered a good thing for some people, it may be a problem for children. During clinical studies, weight loss occurred in 9 percent of teenagers and in about 4 percent of children. Prior to taking Adderall, be sure to discuss the benefits and risks of potential weight loss with your healthcare provider.

Richard asks…

What are some foods that will help me get full but also lose weight fast?

Like healthy foods that i can find around my house that are HEALTHY and full of PROTEIN and stuff that will make me lose weight FAST! Please help me eat better foods !

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi 🙂 am not sure whats available in the markets…but, this is what i did to lose weight… PLEASE DONT TAKE PILLS… Pills are nothing but anorectic agents… They make you feel less hungry… There is no way to loose weight fast… Though , sauna , steam and massages help slightly… It has to be combined with diet and excercise… Pills are very bad in the long run… Can lead to impotency and infertility…

Also… Short term diets are no good because , they terribly pull down your body metabolism rate since you dont eat much during that period … Because of this , once you break your diet , you’ll start putting on more weight, the reduced body metabolism will take longer and slower to burn the food you take in…

They also dont work because once you break your diet and start eating normally, you will get back to your normal weight as you might not be cautious as to how many cals you take in per day…

I lost 10 kgs in about 5 months time… I am getting married in august and i desperately needed to loose weight… I was 65 kilos when i started… According to my BMI , i was 10kgs + overweight… I stand 5’2.odd and 65 kilos is grossly overweight…

Just dieting wont help like i found out in my case… Diet + exercise will do the trick…

I’ll tell you what i did… It worked for me… Hope it works for you too 🙂

the trick is not to starve but to eat smart 🙂 and stay healthy 🙂

what you should cut down :
oil , butter , cheese , margarine , mayonisse , sauces (depends , will get back to that a bit later), chips , crisps, nuts , chocolates , sugar , cola, fizz , areated drinks ,ice creams , chocolate , alcohol , cakes and everything else thats hi – cal… You’ll need to avoid everything thats sweet , oily and sticky… If you are not sure about what foods to avoid… Check the net…loads of info available…

Vegetables / meat to avoid :
potatoes – very very important , beetroot (its a root and has concenterated sugar in it) , all kinds of roots basically except carrot… Avoid lamb, mutton , pork , beef, and prawns… All these put on weight… Eat only lean meats… Thats fish and chicken.. Avoid eating egg yolk… Eat just the egg white…

Fruits to avoid :
mangoes , bananas , jackfruit

now that we had a look at what foodstuff is to be avoided…you might be wondering if there is anythig at all that you can eat… Thats how i felt… There is loads of stuff you can eat actually 🙂

here they come 🙂

fast foods are a big no no… You can order salads and special lo cal foods that are avaailable in most outlets…

Its best to eat at home for the period you are dieting and trying to lose weight…after those few months… Once you’ve shed your load…you can get back to your usual lifestyle… Of course with some caution…

My diet…

skimmed milk (use skimmmed milk , is low in fat , other typer of milk are higher in fat content) , fruit… I am from India… Am not sure where you are from and hence you might not understand certain food types we consume here… But let me tell you something… Indian food is very very oily and very difficult to diet…

And try cereal in the mornings… Oats, weetabix… Etc… Have a good breakfast…alwaays use brown bread… Whole wheat brown bread is very good for weight reduction…

For lunch , we are staple rice eaters… Rice is bad for fat reduction… But i still took rice because its a habit tht cant be changed… Everyone takes rice here… So… Rice – one cup – 100gms and lots of veggies cooked in less oil.. And absolutely no coconut and curry with less oil… All in all keep your oil intake to 2 tea spoons everyday… That would be just for seasoning… Also using olive oil helps a lot…

Then for dinner… Compulsarily have wheat… Pasta is a good option…but make sure you buy wheat pasta… Check before buying… And of course in pasta absolutely no sauces… Some varities of sauces are acceptable… As far as they dont have cheese , butter , oil ,mayonisse and fattening substances in general… You can use tomato spicy sauces etc… Make sure your sugar intake doesnt cross 2 – 3 spoons per day… (not tablespoons) and no butter and ghee of course… Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables… And all kinds of cereal… If you are hungry… Eat a fruit… Or you can eat stuff like puffed wheat and puffed rice… But no puffed corn… Corn products again put on weight…

Eat sandwiches as much as possible… I dont know which part of the world you are from and hence cant suggest much for you in terms of recepies…

And combined with dieting… You need to excercise for atleast an hour everyday… You’ll see the difference…defenitely… If you think gym is boring… Take up dance classes… Or run along the beach… If you have one… Or skate… Or just about any physical activity… Brisk walking will also help…
The key is to stay healthy while you diet and lose weight…

Drink loads of water…atleast 6 glasses per day… And do a lot of physical activity…. Take the stairwy instead of the lift…. And small things like that…
If you have any more queries…mail me… Cheers 🙂 and good luck 🙂 its not difficult…you’ll get used to it in a few days… And of course the results are fab:) who doesnt want a great looking body…

You can get back to your normal lifestyle once you slim down… After that… Its just eating what you like and burning it out the next day with just a little bit of excercise 🙂 also check your weight everyday… Its a great way to motivate and monitor your progres 🙂


personal exp 🙂

Linda asks…

How to lose weight fast and safe?

I want to start to lose weight I’m 19 years old and I’m 6 foot. I’m 198 pounds and I wanna lose weight. My eatting habits are horrible. I been eatting fast food once a day everyday for the past 5 days and I wanna stop and eat healthy how do I stop and lose weight fast and safe?

weight loss cardiff answers:

1. Stop consuming sugar. You might know this already, but it really is important if you want to lose weight fast. To stop the sugar ‘cravings’, you need at least 3 days of sugar-free diet to break the addictive cycle. Sugar is like a drug, it’s addictive. You need that 3-day period to effectively ‘wean off’ the effect. After 3 days, the ‘need’ for sugary foods or drinks will substantially reduce.

2. Drink only plain water. No fruit juices (because it contains sugar, even if it’s labelled ‘no added sugar’). Commercial fruit juices are made from juice concentrate or puree. In other words, fruit syrup. So, bear along for a while without the OJ.

3. Abstain from the ‘whites’. For example, white rice and foods made from flour (pasta, doughnut, buns, crackers, etc.). Any form of refined carbohydrates should not be eaten.

4. Bring in more healthy fats in your diet, for example coconut oil and omega-3 rich foods. These fats help you to burn fat. Coconut oil boosts metabolism. Omega-3s aids in fat loss. These fats won’t turn into fat in your body. Plus, you’ll feel full longer so you can reduce frequent eating and snacking. This does not mean snacking is forbidden. You’re encouraged to snack on healthy foods (such as raw peanuts, or sprouted whole grain with nut butters) twice a day.

5. Eat more ‘clean’ protein in your diet. For example, organic eggs, grass-fed beef and wild-caught salmon. Conventional proteins (such as farmed salmon and feedlot-raised cattle) contain lots of antibiotics and growth hormones. These ‘toxins’ tend to overwhelm your liver and accumulate in your body, making weight loss very difficult.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

Any reccomendations on weight loss pills?

Im trying to loose alot of weight, im not overweight im just average but im not happy with my body.. i diet and exercise but i don’t see a change.. i’d like to try some weight loss pills with great effect.. does anyone reccomend certain pills they use/used and it worked?

weight loss cardiff answers:

They burn your pockets, not your fat.. All they do is take away water weight.. Alli makes you poop yourself lol

Just do more cardio, that’s the secret.. 4-5 20 minute sessions to start and work your way up to 30-60 minutes at a time..

Of course if you went with diet pills, you might suffer from seizures or heart attacks.. Sure it looks like a quick fix and you see lots of people using them but it speeds up your metabolism for a very short time because your body gets used to them.. So in the long run, you need them like you blood, just to stay the same rate your metabolism has always been.. Or you’ll get fatter and fatter..

Chill on the pills, really.. Not sayin anything toward you or anyone who’s ever thought about them because I have before.. But really, in all honesty, you don’t need the side effects and all the problems they’ll cause you down the road for a year of looking decent when you could look even better with dieting and exercise.. It takes a lot more commitment on exercising but it pays off 10x more and you’re healthier in the long run.. Isn’t that what you want? Instead of 5 years later you’re on the pills on wondering why you’re gaining weight?

Good dieting, I’m sure you do though..anything with boneless skinless chicken breast..

My diet consists of stuff like:
Peanut Butter
Almonds, Cashews, ect…
Turkey, Chicken breast.. The boneless skinless kind.. Lean red meats..
Lots of beans and legumes..
Eggs.. Lots of them.. I usually use about 4 or 5 egg whites and 1 whole egg.. Eggs are actually easy to seperate if you crack the egg in your hand and move it around from one hand to another and eventually the yolk will still be there..
And fruits, veges… I eat fiber one bars sometimes, and I always drink 2 protein shakes a day.. One after breakfast, one before bed/working out.. Those are key for my diet..

If you wanna tone up.. You need to do cardio man, there’s no way around it.. Believe me, we’ve all tried.. Lyposuction only lasts so long lol

My advice.. Don’t eat refined sugars, too much white or other bread unless it’s 100% whole grain.. Yeah the stuff isn’t too good, but the white bread is a lot harder to process than the good stuff.. Makes you fatter.. And if you want fiber, fruits and veges.. They also have hidden benefits in them you might not have realized, google certain benefits and you may find yourself eating them more often. It’s hard to do, but do it.. They help you feel fuller, longer and are best ate w/ the chicken or turkey or if you’re a vegetarian.. Tofu/beans..

5-7 small meals a day, and a protein shake can be one of them.. Low calorie recipes.. Man, there are so many.. Check out the abs diet online.. You’ll find a lot of appetizing meals in there. Best of luck, lmk if u need anything else

John asks…

Should I take weight loss pills?

I have lost two and a half stone by eating healthy and going gym I still go gym 5 times a week and eat healthy maybe not as healthy as I ust to but still healthy I am now finding it hard to lose weight. If I take weight loss pills will it help?

weight loss cardiff answers:

No sry weight loss pills are bad for you………… Instead of eating meals try eating healthy snacks, as the day goes on and you use up calories/enegry. Nooooooone should ever be “full” unless you are wieght training and want to gain pounds of muscle, which you stated you are not…

So my advice= every day more meals only HEALTHY snacks as the day goes on ( no pop or alcohol too lol almost forgot) not lift heavy wieghts at the gym, u may feel like your working out harder and ur more sore but ur actauly gaining weight lifting heavy so do maybe 5 pounds or less curls 40 reps (use ur judgment)

goooood luck!

Donald asks…

What are the best pills for weight loss?

i have a desk job and sit for about eight hours a day and I’m getting a roll. it pisses me off because by the time i wake up and get ready i have to go to work and when I get home I’m so tired i just wana spend a lil time with my girl friend then go to bed. i really don’t have the time to run. so what’s the best pills to lose weight? I’m looking for the most hard core pills there are, I’m 6 foot 2 so no worries if its strong, i can handle it.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Popular weight-loss pills

A number of weight-loss pills are available at your local drugstore, supermarket or health food store. Even more options are available online. Most haven’t been proved safe and effective, and some are downright dangerous.

1. Bitter orange Increases the number of calories burned

* Touted as an “ephedra substitute” but may cause health problems similar to those of ephedra
* Long-term effects unknown

2.Chitosan Blocks the absorption of dietary fat

* Relatively safe, but unlikely to cause weight loss
* Can cause constipation, bloating and other gastrointestinal complaints
* Long-term effects unknown

3.Chromium Reduces body fat and builds muscle

* Relatively safe, but unlikely to cause weight loss
* Long-term effects unknown
4. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) Reduces body fat, decreases appetite and builds muscle
* Might decrease body fat and increase muscle, but isn’t likely to reduce total body weight
* Can cause diarrhea, indigestion and other gastrointestinal problems
5.Country mallow (heartleaf) Decreases appetite and increases the number of calories burned

* Contains ephedra, which is dangerous
* Likely unsafe and should be avoided
6. Ephedra Decreases appetite

* Can cause high blood pressure, heart rate irregularities, sleeplessness, seizures, heart attacks, strokes and even death
* Banned from the marketplace because of safety concerns, but may still be legally sold as a tea
* Despite the ban, many ephedra products are still sold on the Internet
7.Green tea extract Increases calorie and fat metabolism and decreases appetite
* Limited evidence to support the claim
* Can cause vomiting, bloating, indigestion and diarrhea
* May contain a large amount of caffeine
8.Guar gum Blocks the absorption of dietary fat and increases the feeling of fullness, which leads to decreased calorie intake

* Relatively safe, but unlikely to cause weight loss
* Can cause diarrhea, flatulence and other gastrointestinal problems
* May cause intestinal obstruction if not taken with enough water
9. Hoodia Decreases appetite
* No conclusive evidence to support the weight-loss claim

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…

What are some effective weight loss supplements?

I am looking to buy weight loss supplements. How to lose 10 pounds in 2-3 Weeks? There have bunch of recommendation about supplements. Want to know which is most effective for a body. Any side effect if i take dietary supplements?

weight loss cardiff answers:

African mango supplements are good because there is science to back up the weight loss claims. While African mango has real science to prove it works, some of the other popular ones like raspberry ketone and garcinia cambogia do not.

The only two natural weight loss supplements that work are African mango and green coffee. They work. The others do not.

I like African mango. The science is real. And it works perfect. To know more:

James asks…

What are some weight loss pills that actually work?

I’ve recently gained about 20lbs because of work, and now I have been trying to loose it for about 2 months and have only lost about 3lbs total. I changed my diet, and have been running about 5 times a week. I’m going to continue this routine, but I just need that extra push. So i have been looking into weight loss pills to help, and I’m not sure which one to buy. Help me please.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss pills that are based on all natural ingredients can help you as they should be side effect free, aside from helping you lose weight. But you have to check the best information that can help you or better yet ask a health professional to be certain. Check the resource below.

Ruth asks…

What is the best program for weight loss?

I want to lose from 20-25 pounds. I had planned to do this at the end of the summer. Got distracted and can’t remember which weight loss plans I had found. Would like suggestions from any Yahoo people.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Criteria of a Good Weight Loss Program:

If you want to lose some weight, it is not necessary to take natural weight loss pills and supplements. The ugly side effect from taking weight loss pills may outweigh the benefit. The whole idea of a successful weight loss program is to approach it in a realistic manner without compromising your overall health. The following are some of the criteria of a good weight loss program.

• Without using any diet pills or supplements. Although a few type of diet pills have been approved by FDA but there were cases at a point in time, the FDA have approved a drug that is certified safe for the public but later recalls it back when there is a new finding that the drug is not safe in the long term.

• The weight loss program is affordable by all and don’t need to pay a monthly fees to use it. In contrast to diet pills regime where you need to buy it on a regular basis and the amount of lose weight will reversed back once you stop consuming it.

• The weight loss program must prove to be effective in the short and long-term, without need to endure starvation and without any daily athletic workout. (But taking a light exercise every few days is highly recommended).

Since 2005 I have tried reducing my weight using most of the so-called popular weight loss program from the internet but with no avail until I meet the weight loss program that’s finally worked for me with all the above criteria. I’m confident that it will work for you too.

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