Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

Does human love come from a deity or is simply revealed by a deity what it is like?

If you believe in deities.

I think, as a deist, that we intuitively know love and receive examples of this through various means. A deity can show you what love is, but it is up to us to love. Not that we are conduits for external love, it is internal.

weight loss cardiff answers:

As Laplace allegedly put it of celestial mechanics:
“Sir, I have no need of that hypothesis”.

One can get to ” love”, complex and variously defined as it is, without introducing a deity, so why do so, unless a deity is required on other grounds?

Richard asks…

What is the psychology behind the belief in a deity?

Why do some people believe in a deity and others don’t?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Indoctrination since birth and logic. They’ve been able to replicate a religious experience by putting a magnetic coil over a specific part of the brain, effectively proving religion is in your head. If you were born into a religion, you’re more likely to believe it (indoctrination) and unless you are smart enough to challenge it, you’ll believe it forever.

John asks…

Does objective morality by definition have to come from a deity?

If so, does logic (which is also objective) also have to come from a deity?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Objective morality may be achieved without a deity, how? Simply once you realize that maximum suffering is the worse thing that may be experienced by conscious beings. No, logic has nothing to do with a deity. For example unless you study Foucault, logic is necessarily true. A priori truths, like math, are objective. Since they don’t rely on observation, there is no observer to color their findings.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

Would running everyday help me lose weight faster then running every other day?

It sounds obvious that running everyday would help me lose weight faster but ive ran 3 days straight about a mile each day and today i wasn’t sweating much and my legs got swore.faster then i expected.Does it mean i need to rest an extra day?Will i lose weight faster every day or every other day?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m no pro, but my opinion is that you should run every other day. You don’t want to be too hard on your body. If you’re getting sore faster, my guess is that you’re already sore, so you need to take a bread. Of course, it will take longer to lose weight.

Just so you know, when you exercise and get sore, it actually burns weight faster because your body has to use more energy to repair the muscles, so getting sore isn’t bad, but it does have its limits.

Chris asks…

Can you combine lemon detox ingredients with a normal diet to lose weight?

I’m 17, 125lbs (57kg) and 5’7. I want to lose weight, but since I live with parents at home with cooked meals etc, making healthier choices at mealtimes is mostly out of my hands. And I can hardly not eat anything and go on the lemon detox diet for 3 days.

So will drinking each day something like half cup water, half cup squeezed lemon juice, and a teaspoon of cayenne pepper help me? Is its effect minimal and not worth it?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m in the same boat! I’ve decided to eat more in the mornings, less in the evenings, I pretty much have stopped eating after 5pm and begin to drink the lemon detox every time I get hungry. I try to eat a lot of fiber rich food in the mornings, fruits, veggies, and little carbs! Plus, during the day I spread out little portions of food so I’m never really hungry, and along with the lemon drink, i drink fruit juice as well, or snack on a handful of cheerios, just drink a lot of water so your body can get ride of the water weight, I divide my weight in half and that is the amount of ounce of water i need to drink a day. I’ve been only doing this for about a week, but feel better. You can do it!

Paul asks…

How many miles a day should I jog in the treadmill to lose weight?

How many miles a day should I jog in the treadmill to lose weight in 3 months?
I am 5 foot 4 inches in height, and I weigh about 135 pounds.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Nothing to do with miles , to lose weight you need to get to an energy deficit so your body burns fat that happens for most people after about(approx) an hour, get a heart monitor and run for an hour with your heart rate about 30% above your resting heart rate( you don’t have to run non-stop just keep the heart rate up) then run for longer at 40 or 50% above your resting heart rate , as you get fitter you can go to twice the resting heart rate, but don’t for normal purposes let it go above about 180 bpm .
This is basically the reason why 45 and 60 minute gym sessions don’t seem to work very well, as far as the body is concerned that’s just a warm up

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

William asks…

Is the anyone who can share their weight loss success stories?

Success stories only please lol for motivation trying to lose weight so I need to know what to do,how and what to eat exercises that kinda stuff

weight loss cardiff answers:

For losing weight the first step you need to do is being positive and staying positive and you have to be committed to the process. Loosing weight isn’t something that’s going to happen over night. It takes time to loose weight, it can take a couple of months of even years to loose weight and get in shape depending on your weight loss goals and how much you want to loose. Remember, even getting out of shape isn’t a process that’s going to happen over night either. It takes time and even weeks, months, or years to get out of shape. It gradually happens step by step over time..

First you can start by eating right! What I mean by that is making sure you eat healthy and eat 4-6 meals per day. Make sure your drinking plenty of water and is getting enough sleep.. You want anywhere between 6-8 hours of sleep.. You can start working out in the mornings when your metabolism is at its highest and start doing some cardio workouts on a empty stomach before eating.. Doing so will cause the body to break down the fat cells that your body is holding on too and convert that into energy which will help you loose weight.. You can also buy a home gym, resistance bands, and kettle bells,to aid you in your weight loss goals for losing weight and getting in shape…

Thomas asks…

What is the best way to lose wieght?

I’m 17, 6’2″ tall, and weigh 350 lbs. I have talked with my doctor and he has given me a clean bill of health and the “ok” to start extreme weight loss (150 lbs) what are some exercises besides pushups and situps, and can you recomend a diet (weight watchers) or anything similar, success stories welcome. I have committed to ths and am going to do it. Most helpful and informative answer gets 10 points, thanks for the help. I have allready stopped drinking soft drinks and lost 20 lbs.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Engaging in morning exercise like road walk wil help,take healthy diet 4 breakfast,reduce food intake at 9t,reduce intake of sugar. And dont exercises and self discipline

Lisa asks…

Does anyone know much about the green-juice diet?

I have heard that the green juice diet is good for weight loss and I am considering it. Any success stories?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Are you talking about green smoothies? The diet that allowed me to lose 90 pounds is the “whole plant based diet.” This way of eating is a permanent lifestyle change. It involves consuming foods in their natural and unprocessed form. For more information, look up recipes for “green smoothies” and also learn about the diets recommended by Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Neal Barnard, and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.

Former President Bill Clinton announced that he lost 24 pounds on this diet just to get in shape before his daughter’s wedding.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Robert asks…

How much water do you need to drink to lose the same amount of calories in one pound?

I drink water everyday, all the time. Even though it doesn’t taste well, I still drink it to keep myself hydrating at all times. Now, I’m pretty sure you can lose weight really easily by drinking tons of water and cutting back on your daily intake of calories. How much water do I need to drink daily to lose twenty pounds in the next month? Month in a half?

weight loss cardiff answers:

First of all, the concept of “how much water to I need to drink to lose so much weight” is an erroneous concept based on erroneous information.

I suggest you research this further. Yes, water helps your system work efficiently and being well-hydrated makes your weight-loss efforts work better than being partially dehydrated, but the notion of water CAUSING you to lose weight just isn’t correct.

Once you’re well-hydrated, drinking MORE won’t cause you to lose more weight. It’s the eating healthy foods in healthy amounts and the exercise which cause you to lose weight (for the record, it’s not just a matter of eating LESS but eating RIGHT).

You should usually drink around a gallon of water a day to be hydrated. More if you’re in hot, dry environments and exerting yourself. Check the web and/or ask a doctor for guidelines

But please don’t listen to folk tales, like “drinking more causes more weight loss”. It’s amazing how much misinformation is out there (like in a previous question of yours, some people were trying to say 190lb was just “big boned” or “a little overweight but not obese” – it is obese, not that you should feel bad about that, but you should be realistic about where you stand; you should lose some weight).

Good luck in your healthy weight loss efforts.

George asks…

How man calories should i consume everyday?

Im 14 years old, i am 5′ 6″ and i weight about 117 pounds. I am a swimmer, and i swim vigorous workouts everyday for 2 hours. I gain weight pretty slowly but lose weight easily. Im trying to put on a few pounds so how much calories do you think i should be consuming a day?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Wow youre really lucky.
Im 13, 5’4 and 128 pounds lol i wish i lose weight like you and gain it slow.

Daniel asks…

Is it bad that I gain and loose weight easily?

ie always gained and lost weight easily. too easily. like i worked out one one day for like an hour and lost 5 pounds. then as soon as i ate something i looked bigger. but as soon as im done working out there is a there something wrong with me?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Whats wrong wtih that?? You just have a fast metabolism. I have a very quick metabolism but i can only loose weight!:(

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