Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Carol asks…

How can I kick start my weight loss?

I plan to do the 30 day shred and want to get a jump start with my weight loss! Tips?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing weight is always hard for most of us especially that we are overwhelmed with hundreds of information on how to lose weight, making us almost unable to start. We all want to lose weight quickly and safely. The quickest way to lose weight is different for everyone and to know how safe one method is from another, we need to spend so much time to be vigilant and understand weight loss ourselves. All methods, easy or hard, narrow down to 2 things: Exercise and Proper Diet. This is a no-brainer and I bet you’ve heard this for so many times already. But the method itself is not the challenge but the action that you need to take in order to get the desires you want. Follow this step-by-step weight loss blueprint to guide you on your way to weight loss, from setting goals to maintaining your weight.

Be Realistic. This does not only apply in weight loss but also in every goal in your daily life. Don’t jump right in to the conclusion that you can lose 30 pounds in 2 weeks if you’ll just pour some effort and follow your methods religiously. Yes you can lose weight by doing all these things but not 30 pounds in an unrealistic span of time. Don’t get carried away of the emotion you’re feeling right now that triggers you to think of such thing. A weight loss plan is not a dream or an ambition. It’s a plan that needs an action.

Start a regular exercise program. Manage your time and start exercising. Remember that there’s no easy way to a fulfilling goal. Although exercising sounds more like a burden to most of us, remember that there’s no point of being lazy everyday. You need to stand up and exercise to shed off some pounds and release happy hormones.

Have a sport. You might not want to spend money on sports equipments and court fees but you need to start a sport. Look at this as a hobby instead of another part of your diet program. Buy yourself a beginner’s badminton racquet and invite your friends to come along to play with you. Call an old friend, your spouse or a friendly neighbor. Aside from losing weight through exercise, you’re building rapport with the people around you thus making your social relationship healthy as well.

Eat Healthy fats. Not all fats are unhealthy and you need fats as much as you need cholesterol in order to move. Eat healthy fats from seeds, nuts and fiber-rich food such as vegetables and whole-grain pastas.

Make your own menu. You don’t have to starve or eat food that you don’t like in order to lose weight. Choose foods that you like and make sure they could fit your daily calorie meal plan. Know your daily caloric intake and make a menu out of it. Prefer low-calorie than low-carb. The lost weight in low-carb diet are mostly water weight which is temporary.

Don’t starve yourself. Eat smaller frequent meals. Always include mid-day snacks and mid-afternoon snacks in your menu so you won’t starve.Starving will only cause you to eat huge, heavy meals.

Stick your menu on the fridge door. Sticking your menu will help remind you about your weight loss plan. Fill the fridge with all the healthy goodness that are enough for the whole month. Make sure the foods are healthy and that they have to be eaten according to your menu.

Keep a journal. Write all your achievements from day 1. Keep track of your weight and write about how much weight you’ve lost in a given span of time. This will motivate you to continue and maintain your lifestyle.

Keep in mind that this is all about health. The time might come that you are getting bored of living your new and healthy lifestyle without noticing any result, which is a very rare case. If you have poured enough effort and disciplined yourself to reach your goal, there are always results in a reasonable amount of time. You might have not lost weight as fast as somebody else you know but remember that the span of time for one to lose weight differs from person to person. Instead, notice the difference of your lifestyle and health and compare it to how you’re feeling before you started the program. Yes, it’s different.

Lisa asks…

How much weight can I lose in 2 months if I ride a bike 2 hours a day?

I’m 18 years old, 5’0 and about 140 pounds. I eat as healthy as possible and drink over 2 litres of water a day. I eat wheat bread instead of white.. barely eat processed foods.
I’ve been trying to lose weight for so long and have tried running but I HATE it. I love to ride bikes so I figured I’d purchase one for weight loss.. I can ride a bike for hours and hours and never get bored. All of my weight loss plans have failed because I never enjoy the workout so I thought this is a good alternative. My goal weight is to lose 15-30 pounds

weight loss cardiff answers:


Half as much if you don’t go on a diet too. Here’s the calculation. You burn 35 calories per mile. It takes 3500 calories NET of intake to lose one pound. The end result…. You will burn most of your weight only if you cut the incoming calories. My favorite diet is real easy. Eat like you always do. Same things…. Just push your plate back,when t is 1/2 gone. An instant 50% calorie reduction with out doing anything special!


Mandy asks…

How to cut 15-20lbs in a summer?

im 5’8.5, 163 pounds, and 18 years old. Im not fat if you are looking at me, I have curves, but the number the scale says is irritating me so I want to reduce my weight to 140, by the end of summer.

I would like my sides to go down like 5 inches, and my hips go up 7 inches.

Can you think of a good and EASY weight loss + excersise plan I could follow now till the end of summer, that won’t deprive me of delicious food? Cause you know a girl has got to eat.


weight loss cardiff answers:

If you still want to eat the same food just eat smaller portions.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sharon asks…

I would very much like the 4 day dog diet recipe?

4 day hot dog recipe
Hot Dogs, eggs, bananas
Recipe for people, Not for dogs
This is a simple request
And all I have got is people’s question and answers.
No questions and answers
I need the hot dog diet recipe only

weight loss cardiff answers:


Nancy asks…

What are the Best Paleo Recipes or Cook Book?

I just started a paleo diet. I know what the foods are meat, berries, fruit, eggs etc. But I’m getting bored with the recipes I have and looking for them on youtube is very hit or miss. I would like to get a cookbook or a nice varied list of paleo diet recipes and not just dinner but lunch and breakfast too.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You don’t need to buy a book. There are thousands of recipes online for free. These are some of my favorite paleo/primal/perfect health friendly recipe blogs:

The Domestic Man
Paleo Cupboard
Health Bent
Balanced Bites
Against All Grain
The Clothes Make the Girl
Civilized Caveman
Nom Nom Paleo
I Breath…I’m Hungry
Joyful Abode
Multiply Delicious
Real Sustenance
Slim Palate
Gourmande in the Kitchen
The Spunky Coconut
A Girl Worth Saving
Things My Belly Likes
Deliciously Organic
All Day I Dream About Food
Rubies & Radishes
Foodie Fiasco
Your Lighter Side
She Cooks He Cleans
Cavegirl Cuisine
Paleo On A Budget
Low Carb One Day
The Freckled Foodie
Deliciously Organic
The Saffron Girl
Zen Belly
Jans Sushi Bar
Comfy Belly
Delighted Mamma
South Beach Primal
The compiled recipes section of Marks Daily Apple

You can also go on chow and dessert stalker, the foodee, fast paleo, foodgawker, pinterest etc… For more recipes from others.

Betty asks…

What recipes are doable, low-medium cost, and not super duper hard?

I’d prefer it if the recipe was low on calories and gluten free. Dieting recipes are in demand as well. (No, I’m not dieting, it’d just be another category to add to my Cooking Abilities.) If the recipe does not fit the previous description, it’s perfectly fine! I’d absolutely love it if you shared your recipe with me! Whether it be a beverage, hot or cold, to deserts! If it’s a recipe, I’d like to know it! Thank you for your help, any additional information you need/want to ask, please inform me of it!
-Jilly ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ”Sorry if you complain for any reason on the behalf if this question. I take full responsibility for it, and if you’d like to talk to me about it, I’d be all ears to improve myself. Also, if you like this question, thank you! I was just super curious as to what I would find! Thank you, please take care of me and my soon to be knowledge, hopefully! (Sorry if I sound stupid, it’s literally how I talk….)”

weight loss cardiff answers:

What we all need is ideas of what to have for dinner and a few techniques. Tonight we had pork chops with sour kraut and apples.

Last weekend we had a white bean with ham soup. Tomorrow is mac and cheese (homemade of course) and very soon we will be having palak paneer. All recipes are easy to make and when you learn some technical skills you can invent your own.

Look recipes up on or

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Jenny asks…

Easy ways to lose weight that actually work?

Hi guys, right after winter break I always put on weight!

My question is, do you guys know of any way to lose stomach weight fast? Workouts/ diets that ACTUALLY work, for example something you’ve done before or know of someone who has done it. I want an easy and simple work out to do, since I’m in high school still.

Thanks so much for your time and your help!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Loose wieght with Lil Jack its easy and free

Robert asks…

What is one of the fastest ways to lose weight?

I know losing weight fast is unhealthy. But I don’t care. And if I start losing weight ill work out so I stay toned. I just need something that will work. NO diets. They don’t work. I’ve tried them ALL! Just a quick way to lose weight so I can starts sliming up and then tone.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Ways To Lose Weight Fast

3. Limit any treats containing sugar to three times per week. This includes chocolate, desserts, ice cream, cake, cookies, pastries, etc.

4. You should include a lower fat source of protein at most meals: fish, chicken, beans, cottage cheese, or low fat yogurt. Have nuts, eggs and red meat occasionally but not every every single day.

5. You should plan at least one dinner and lunch every week without cheese or meat. Build those meals around whole grains, vegetables and beans to increase fiber and reduce fat.

6. Reduce the fat content in your milk products. If you are currently drinking whole milk, reduce to 2% fat. From 2% reduce to 1%. Choose lower fat cheese and yogurt. When you buy yogurt, also check that it does not contain sugar.

7. Have at least two servings of fruit every day. This can be for dessert or snacks. Choose fruit that is in season.

8. Drink water instead of sodas, juices, milky drinks or alcohol. Avoid diet soda – the sweet taste only encourages you to crave sugar. Hot water with a slice of lemon can be very refreshing in the morning.

9. Include at least two servings of vegetables at lunch and dinner. If you are getting hungry, have more.

10. Eat slowly. The body is slow to register when you are full and it is easy to eat too much if you are racing through your meals.

Lisa asks…

How can I lose weight without the systems, diets, or pills?

Hi everyone. I’m 5’6 and i’m about 162. 5 months or so ago i used to be 180 so since then i’ve lost 20 lbs, but for the past month or two i’ve lost basically nothing. I eat healthy most of the time and always work out. I sleep well and drink lots of water. How can I lose weight fast without the systems, diets, or pills? I know everything that your suppose to know about weight lose, but for me nothings happening.

weight loss cardiff answers:


I graduated high school at 240 pounds and at 5 foot 3 that made me about as round as I was tall. I was one of those overweight teenagers who ate anything and everything without any regard to the effects it was having on my own body. Therefore, I began the diet pills, which did not work; I ate the special diet foods and even began drinking diet beverages. None of this stuff worked for me, just as it does not work for millions of overweight people. Eating less did not work and I was not one to work out or even get up and do anything remotely related to exercise. I knew I would look silly and it would hurt. I never thought or really cared about the health effects this would have on me, back then.

A year ago after a successful weight loss plan, now at 120 pounds, it is a major difference. I’ve lost 30 pounds in the first month. The most significant change in my life is the amount of energy I now have and the way my clothes fit loosely. Everyone close to me and people I haven’t seen in a while are amazed and tell me that I look really good. This is a life changing experience for me although at first I was skeptical about the weight loss plan.

Our own metabolism system play a vital part in controlling the amount of body fat burned in the process of providing energy to the body. Knowledge about our own metabolism function is the mother to all weight loss programs. With the knowledge you not only reduce your weight but able to maintain an ideal weight and living a healthy life.The weight loss program has proven to be effective in the short and long-term, without need to endure starvation and without any daily athletic workout. (But taking a light exercise every few days is highly recommended). Best of all you can eat what you most enjoyed without gaining any weight The weight loss program is affordable by all and do not need to pay a monthly fees to use it. In contrast to diet pills regime where you need to buy it on a regular basis and you will gain more weight when you stop taking it.

The success has inspired me to help others and i am sure you won’t be disappointed. Get your free “Top Fat Loss Tips” and discover how you can become noticeably thinner in 15 days by eating in a way you’ll actually enjoy.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

Is eating a little less than 1200 calories a day bad for weight loss?

I’ve recently started eating a lot healthier and planning my meals different (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner) and I find myself feeling all around better. Food is the last thing on my mind and I have barely any cravings! Although my goal is around 1200 calories, I always find myself coming in just under around 1100 or so. I googled it and people were saying that’s really bad and puts your body in starvation mode, but my body doesn’t feel like it’s in starvation mode at all! And I really don’t want to be eating when I’m not hungry, but I definitely don’t want to slow down my metabolism and progress.

So is 1100 too little for my body and will overall be bad for my weight loss? Also, I’m 5’6 and 180lbs and I burn around 300 calories a day from exercise!

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you are only eating and/or drinking 1100 calories it can hurt you more than help you. You need to increase your calories to more like 1500 and keep up with burning the calories you are burning. Cardio can help greatly with the weight process, but make sure you are taking a multi vitamin to help with vital nutrients you may be missing.

Good luck with your journey

You can check out my blog for my weight loss journey and how I lost fifty pounds in three months.


Charles asks…

What is the difference between weight loss and fat loss? Which of the two is recommended more than the other?

I was under the impression that fat loss leads to weight loss or vice versa but it seems both are different. Can anyone explain the difference??
and I want to get any advise/tips for fat/weight loss… thank you

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss could be fat loss + muscle loss + water loss. This sets you up for rebound weight gain. The water loss will come back. The loss muscle will be replaced with fat when the weight comes back. Weight loss alone that is not ALL fat loss is not sustainable. Weight loss can be achieved via dieting but fat loss can only be achieved via a sensible diet and exercise. Fat loss is sustainable on the long term as you will most likely build on your muscle reserves while you lose fat. Fat loss is correct weight loss.

If you are looking for the best way to loose weight, check out this blog

Here you can learn the secrets how to lose fat permanently

Hope this help,

Maria asks…

Know of any good weight loss memoirs that tell how the author lost weight?

I’ve read quite a few weight loss memoirs and none of them explain HOW they lost the weight. (Ex. What did they eat? what kind of program where they on?) None of them explain it. Thanks any suggestions.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Jimmy Moore wrote a great book about his weight loss:

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