Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Laura asks…

What are some good, safe weight loss supplements?

I need to lose 10 pounds. I’m 16 5’2″ and weigh 123 pounds, Im trying to lose that last 10 pounds. I already workout for 2-3 hours 4-6 times a week and I eat healthy, staying at no more than 1300 calories a day. (that’s my absolute maximum, usually around 1150-1200.) I was looking into non-stimulant weight loss supplements, something like creatine and green tea extract. Any suggestions?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can get yourself a Kechara healing Chakras which can help you to slim down. But of course, i would suggest you to get some proper opinions from the experts. Or why not you can try go drink some pure lemon extract mixed with some water and drink it daily? It does improve in losing weight.

Charles asks…

I am looking for a 7 to 14 day weight loss supplement?

I am looking for a fat burning, metabolism boosting, weight loss supplement that really works. There are SO many online that I can’t find one that seem legit. I exercise daily and eat a sensible diet. I have been on a vacation for the past 2 weeks and gained almost 10 pounds and I just want something to help me lost it quickly. Please no advertising. Thank you sincerely for honest help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Try Customized Fat Loss from this site.

Mark asks…

Can weight loss pills out last their printed shelf life?

I’m just wondering, because i just got a hold of some xyience weight loss supplements, and i know their known for their muscle growth and testosterone boosters. Which work quite well from what i’ve heard and seen.

weight loss cardiff answers:

As with most medications, the shelf life provides the time frame in which the medication maintains potent levels. After the shelf the potent diminishes or lessens. Also, consider that some ingredients in medication can maintain for so long and given the various components may determine the actual yes or no.

Have I taken weight loss or other pills beyond shelf life….yes!

Check with doctor or advice nurse and good luck to you.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

How many calories do i need to eat to lose weight?

I’m 13, 5’3 125 pounds
How many calories should i start eating to lose weight?
The only exercising I do is belly dancing, how many minutes do i Need to do that?
Btw my mom loves to cook and we eat rice oftenly. We only go to a restaurant like once a year and We hardly have any junk food
I need to lose weight quick D: Help me

weight loss cardiff answers:

At 13 the only safe way to lose weight is with the supervision of a doctor and/or dietitian.
Safer to aim at not putting on more weight.

Cut right back on cookies, candy, added sugar, fried and fast food.
Fill up on whole grains (bread, cereal), lean protein, dairy, fruit and vegetables.
Good snacks, dried fruit, nuts, yogurt, a banana.

Diet pills tend to depend on caffeine (makes you feel alert) and diuretics (make you pee).

Drink tea or coffee, same effect and caffeine is also a diuretic.
Diuretic herbs like parsley, diuretic foods like oats, cranberries, tomatoes, celery, watercress, melons, fennel, green vegetables and salad stuff also provide other healthy compounds the body needs.

Betty asks…

How can a thin person lose weight?

I am on the average/thin side and was wanting to lose around 5kg & tone up. My question is, why do obese people lose weight quicker without drastically changing their eating/ exercise habits, and will I have to exercise harder & diet more extremely to lose weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Read these carefully & do it sincerely, so many colums are there, you have to choose which is you like regarding exercises & food.

When mother Nature has provided us with such a simple and easy treatment to cure diseases and even to avoid them we all must follow the instructions given by her. These Therapies only help Nature to cure us. Let us not ignore Nature in our mad pursuit of science. THIS NATURE’S ‘DO IT YOURSELF’ ACUPRESSURE THERAPY ITSLEF IS A SCIENCE AND NOT A MATTER OF BELIEF. Try this Therapy sincerely and regularly for at least 15 days and observe its wonderful and amazing result.

Obesity : This is due to :

1. Malfunctioing of Thyroid/Parathyroid gland and late on other endocrine
glands e.g. Malfunctioning of Pineal gland leads to retention of water and
excess water in the body and leads to excess fat.

2. Underworking of Sex glands mainly in ladies after delivery of a child.

3. Overeating i.e. Taking more calories than required by the body.

C U R E :

Take minimum 3 liters water in a day.

Take Acupessure treatment on all endocrine glands twice daily.

2. During pregnancy and after delivery, take treatment on all the endrocrine
glands. After delivery, increae heat in the body, take the acupressure

3. Drink charged gold/silver/copper water daily two glasses reduced from 4

4. Drink hot to lukewarm water only during the day and always after meals.

5. In the morning in one glass of hot water add juice of half a lemon and one
tablespooful of honey. Drink it. That will reduec the desire to eat/drink

6. Chew food at least 15 minutes

7. Drink 3 to 5 cups of green juice a day adding 1 teaspoonful of health drink
to each cup. This will help to reduce the body very fast WITHOUT ANY SIDE

8. Eat plenty of salads adding 100 grams of sprouted cereals like Mung. Also
eat two seasonal fruits + 1 glass of buttermilk.

9. Avoid all food if possible. However, in spite of the above diet, if you
feel very hungry, take preparations of only wheat or only rice. That will
rduce the intake of food. But eat this food only when you are very hungry.

10. Do Pranayam + Ling Mundra + Jogging+Skipping+swimming + Acupressure.



In the case of females,damage to endocrine glands of Thyroid/Parathyroid is very common. Moreover, their Sex glands are damaged during pregnancy or delivery because of worry. And so when these two endocrine glands do not function properly, these women start putting on weight more around the waist. Because of damage to these two endocrine glands, sometimes even Pineal gland is damaged and so there is more retention of water in the body, which is also one of the reasons for excess weight.

When such patients come, their obese figure obviously shows their problem which can be confirmed by pressing on point nos. 8, 11 to 15 and no. 3. At this time of checking, it is advisable to check other endocrine glands too, so you can locate any further damage, if any. For cure, first it is necessary to treat these two endocrine glands for 15/20 days and only then start dieting and treatment on not only these two endocrine glands but also on the other endocrine glands. I have treated many cases,where the weight loss was from 2/3 kgs to 10 kgs per month. Once the weight has reached normal then ask the patients to continue Acupressure treatment and they will be able to maintan their weight and pleasing figure.

Ruth asks…

Whats the quickest way to lose weight in a month?

I have serious issues with my body at the moment, so bad i make myself sick, but i need 2 find a diff way to lose weight quick without doing this, please help but please dont judge me

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you are on the internet a lot, you could join a website to help you lose weight and keep you motivated.

Caloriecount is a really good website. You enter some details about yourself and it comes up with how many calories you should be eating each day, and how much you need to exercise. You also type in what you’ve eaten that day and it counts up the calories for you.

It also has forums which help you keep motivated, and journals so you can write down how you are doing in your diet. It’s also completetly free :]

Also throwing up doesn’t actually lose as much calories as you think, and you probably know about all the side affects. So it’s not worth it at all, i think if you are serious about losing weight you should eat healthily and exercise rather than using unhealthy methods.

As long as your not going under a healthy weight, and dieting within reason then good luck.


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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Linda asks…

is this a good weight loss plan?

Hi, i’m 16, and i’m 5 ft. 8 inches. My doctor said i should eat around 2000 calories a day to 2300, and i was wondering if this weight loss plan would help me lose at least 1-2 pounds a week.
Breakfast ~ Tea (with milk)
Lunch ~ Ramen Noodels (lol, love noodles =] ), and some juice or a bottle of water
Dinner ~ A dinner about 900 calories
Well, i go to school, so i suppose i lose about 500 calories a day from walking? o_O, anywaysis this a good plan? I need advice =.=”
i also drink lots of water through out the day =O
i do get a bit hungry, sometimes throughout the day, but i sometimes just buy things like bags of chips.
I also run 2 miles a day on my treadmill at home, when i come back from school. =O

weight loss cardiff answers:

You will lose weight that way, but i don’t know how healthy of a diet it is. You need to eat breakfast. Without it your metabolism will slow down because it thinks that your body is starving. With a slow metabolism, you can’t lose at much weight. You should eat breakfast, even if it is just a piece of fruit. In exchange for breakfast, try to cut down calories somewhere else. 900 is a lot for one meal. So try to balance that out by eating a few small meals throughout the day. Eating a little bit in smaller intervals will also help boost your metabolism and burn more fat. Exercising outside of walking to class will also help you lose weight, even if you only do it 2 or 3 times a week. Good luck!

Thomas asks…

Weight loss Plan??!!Tell me if this will work!?

Breakfast:Special K Vanilla Almond with a apple and water
Lunch:Cream Cheese Sandwich with either(Celery stick with low fat ranch dressing -or-Fruit cup(Mandarins?) oh yes don’t forget water!
Dinner:Tuna Fish sandwich with whole wheat bread or a salad with vegetables and chicken strips with water ?

Also I walk to school every day for 15 minutes twice a day and walk back.I do take gym class 4 times a week as well.
My wight loss goal is 40 pounds By December.I am a 13 year old Girl that’s 5’4.I weigh 155 pounds i lost 5 pounds so far whatever it takes I will loose weight!

Thank You all♥

weight loss cardiff answers:

Healthy weight loss diet plans have a different focus than many of the commercial programs. Too many of the commercial programs compete to show who can have customers losing the most weight in the fastest time. Healthy weight loss diet plans only aim to give participants a better quality of life. These plans focus on turning you on to a healthy lifestyle. The goal is to teach you this new lifestyle beginning with the moment you start the diet. And you never really go off the diet; you will only adjust it to your new weight. You learn a new diet – or healthy way of eating – for life!

For more details visit

Susan asks…

Weight Loss *?

I am the owner of If any of you want to tell me your weight loss success story then email me so i can post your story at my site. Also, if you want to write anything on weight loss then email me to post it on the site.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Every year Americans invest billions of dollars in weight loss diets and gimmicks, many of which yield few results. However, the lure of quick, easy weight loss is hard to resist. Despite ineffective tools, most hopeful consumers are willing to give the next weight loss fad a chance. If you’re planning to start a new diet, it is important to remember the following information.
Food-specific diets: Have you ever tried the cabbage diet or the fruit-only diet? These are just a couple of examples of diets that promote one “specific” food that causes weight loss. No matter how much you think you’ll enjoy ice cream at every meal, inevitably you will get bored with eating the same food repeatedly. As a result, you’ll eat less food than needed to maintain your weight. This type of diet will not teach you healthier eating habits or provide a balance of nutrients, and consequently is not effective for long-term weight loss.

High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets: One of the most recent trends in dieting, these diets are based on the concept that carbohydrates are “bad” and that everyone has some degree of insulin resistance, resulting in poor carbohydrate metabolism. Many proponents of these diets suggest that including carbohydrates in your diet will cause weight gain. The reality, though, is that eating more calories (whether as carbohydrate, fats, or protein) than you burn will cause weight gain.

High-fiber, low-calorie diets: Fiber-rich foods play an important role in a healthy diet. They are a helpful ingredient of weight loss efforts because they provide bulk to the diet, which helps you feel fuller sooner. Be careful, though: if you plan to increase the fiber in your diet, be sure to increase your fluid intake at the same time or you may experience cramping, bloating, and constipation. High-fiber diets will help with weight loss only if you restrict calories in conjunction with addition of extra grains, fruits and vegetables.

Liquid diets: Consumers face a couple of different liquid diet options. Your local grocery store and pharmacy sell over-the-counter liquid meal replacements, which can be expensive and frequently add extra calories to daily consumption if not managed carefully. On the other hand are liquid diets that require medical supervision. These diets are usually very low in calories and may result in metabolic abnormalities if dieters are not carefully monitored. Neither type of liquid diet should be used for long-term weight loss unless monitored by a health care professional. Radically changing your caloric intake in this way will not result in long-term behavior modification and healthy eating patterns.

Fasting: As a way to cleanse the body or jump-start a weight-loss program, fasting has been recommended for years. However, all that fasting really does is deprive your body of nutrients and decrease your energy, leaving you feeling weak and lightheaded. If the right nutrients are not available for your cells to use as energy, your liver will convert fat stores to ketones for use as energy (ketosis). Long-term ketosis can be harmful to your health.
No fad diet or gimmick will work magic for safe and effective weight loss. The following are some suggestions for ensuring a long-term healthy eating plan and getting your weight loss efforts off to an encouraging start:
Eat a variety of foods. Remember, a balanced diet will ensure that you get all necessary nutrients.

Get some physical activity every day. Calories in must be less than calories out to ensure successful weight loss. To keep “calories out” at a healthful level, make you get at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.

Include sources of fiber in your diet. They will add bulk and give you a feeling of fullness.

Choose a diet low in fats, saturated fats, and cholesterol. You do need to consume some fat for good health. Aim for no more than 30 percent of your total calories as fat calories, of which no more than 10 percent should be saturated fat calories.

Choose foods moderate in sugars. Foods that are high in simple sugars usually offer little nutritional value and will add unwanted calories.

Choose foods moderate in salt and sodium. Remember that salt has been added to many foods during preparation or processing, so it’s not necessary to add extra salt at the table.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

Vegetarian Diet Foods?

I do not like beans…and I eat a lot of foods from Morning Star in the frozen food section. Highly recommended for all of you vegetarians, ex. bacon, chicken, hamburgers. I do NOT avoid eating meat because I feel its against animals, mostly because eating meats, etc. make me feel like i need to throw up, disgusted, grossed out when I do.
Favorite thing to put on tofu?
Favorite protein bar/drink?
Favorite brand of vegetarian foods?
Any website suggestions I should check out?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Are you asking for diet foods, diet tips, or our favorite things? I’m pretty confused.

To lose weight, it doesn’t matter what you eat. I lost 45 pounds in three months last year eating mainly Morningstar Farm products. The key is to eat less, move more. Eat the majority of your calories earlier in the day. Eat like a king in the morning, a queen in the afternoon, and a peasant in the evening. Avoid sodas and junk foods. Keep your caloric intake at or above 1400 to prevent your body from going into starvation mode.

As far as diet foods, you’re on your own there. I don’t do low-fat this, low-sodium that, etc. I eat real, whole foods now.

My favorite thing to put on tofu would be vegetables. Stir-fry it with vegetables and it’s good. I don’t eat tofu anymore though–May not have had anything to do with it, but after eating it quite frequently, my cycles became totally off the wall.

I don’t have a favorite protein bar/drink. Nor do I have a favorite brand of vegetarian food anymore, though a few months ago I would’ve had to have said Morningstar.

Websites, I say check out , , and , to name a few.

David asks…

Diet Foods?!?

I need answers quick please
im going on a diet starting tomorrow
i have my excirising part down, like running and everything
and now i need the foods

could you tell me what kind of foods i can eat to stay healthy but/and stay on my diet

and i promise nooo crash diets.

please and thank you!!!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Dieting tips

Many people find that eating a couple of small snacks throughout the day helps them to make healthy choices at meals.

A fattening breakfastof bacon and eggs or a pastry can be replaced with yogurt, oatmeal, high-fiber,low-sugar cereals; or fresh fruit or fruit smoothies.

Look for healthy, delicious meals online or in your cookbooks, and create amenu for the week.

Make sure that your meal plan reduces your totalcalorie intake: you’re not going to lose weight if you consume thesame amount of calories by eating different foods.

Make a list ofwhat you’ll need for these meals, and — except for a few snacks,of course — don’t stray from your list when you get to the market.

Exercise moderately

Relax, release your stress

Don’t take crash diet

For more lose weight resources visit:

Lizzie asks…

Raw food diet questions – eat anything raw?

After doing some reading and research about my Rheumatoid arthritis and a few other health problems, I found that a raw food diet is most recommended. (Lots of raw veggies and fruits, nuts and seeds, etc.) But does that mean I eat potatoes raw? String beans? Green peas? Who on here follows a “raw food” diet? What do you eat and how?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The raw food diet is a diet based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, grains, beans, nuts, dried fruit, and seaweed.

Heating food above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food that can assist in the digestion and absorption of food. Cooking is also thought to diminish the nutritional value and “life force” of food.

Typically, at least 75% of the diet must be living or raw.

You can heat things up and “cook” them but they have to be in in temperature under 116 degrees F.

There are some really good Raw Foods cookbooks available. I would suggest looking at them and finding the ones that interest you.

Good luck.

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