Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

Vegetarian Diet Foods?

I do not like beans…and I eat a lot of foods from Morning Star in the frozen food section. Highly recommended for all of you vegetarians, ex. bacon, chicken, hamburgers. I do NOT avoid eating meat because I feel its against animals, mostly because eating meats, etc. make me feel like i need to throw up, disgusted, grossed out when I do.
Favorite thing to put on tofu?
Favorite protein bar/drink?
Favorite brand of vegetarian foods?
Any website suggestions I should check out?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Are you asking for diet foods, diet tips, or our favorite things? I’m pretty confused.

To lose weight, it doesn’t matter what you eat. I lost 45 pounds in three months last year eating mainly Morningstar Farm products. The key is to eat less, move more. Eat the majority of your calories earlier in the day. Eat like a king in the morning, a queen in the afternoon, and a peasant in the evening. Avoid sodas and junk foods. Keep your caloric intake at or above 1400 to prevent your body from going into starvation mode.

As far as diet foods, you’re on your own there. I don’t do low-fat this, low-sodium that, etc. I eat real, whole foods now.

My favorite thing to put on tofu would be vegetables. Stir-fry it with vegetables and it’s good. I don’t eat tofu anymore though–May not have had anything to do with it, but after eating it quite frequently, my cycles became totally off the wall.

I don’t have a favorite protein bar/drink. Nor do I have a favorite brand of vegetarian food anymore, though a few months ago I would’ve had to have said Morningstar.

Websites, I say check out , , and , to name a few.

David asks…

Diet Foods?!?

I need answers quick please
im going on a diet starting tomorrow
i have my excirising part down, like running and everything
and now i need the foods

could you tell me what kind of foods i can eat to stay healthy but/and stay on my diet

and i promise nooo crash diets.

please and thank you!!!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Dieting tips

Many people find that eating a couple of small snacks throughout the day helps them to make healthy choices at meals.

A fattening breakfastof bacon and eggs or a pastry can be replaced with yogurt, oatmeal, high-fiber,low-sugar cereals; or fresh fruit or fruit smoothies.

Look for healthy, delicious meals online or in your cookbooks, and create amenu for the week.

Make sure that your meal plan reduces your totalcalorie intake: you’re not going to lose weight if you consume thesame amount of calories by eating different foods.

Make a list ofwhat you’ll need for these meals, and — except for a few snacks,of course — don’t stray from your list when you get to the market.

Exercise moderately

Relax, release your stress

Don’t take crash diet

For more lose weight resources visit:

Lizzie asks…

Raw food diet questions – eat anything raw?

After doing some reading and research about my Rheumatoid arthritis and a few other health problems, I found that a raw food diet is most recommended. (Lots of raw veggies and fruits, nuts and seeds, etc.) But does that mean I eat potatoes raw? String beans? Green peas? Who on here follows a “raw food” diet? What do you eat and how?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The raw food diet is a diet based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, grains, beans, nuts, dried fruit, and seaweed.

Heating food above 116 degrees F is believed to destroy enzymes in food that can assist in the digestion and absorption of food. Cooking is also thought to diminish the nutritional value and “life force” of food.

Typically, at least 75% of the diet must be living or raw.

You can heat things up and “cook” them but they have to be in in temperature under 116 degrees F.

There are some really good Raw Foods cookbooks available. I would suggest looking at them and finding the ones that interest you.

Good luck.

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