Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ruth asks…

How much weight could I lose in 2 weeks and how?

I want to lose as much weight/fat as possible in this time period, i know its not long but I know I can lose at least some. Please help. Im 13 weigh 102 and want to weigh at least 95 and im 5′2. I dont care if i dont need to lose weight or anything cause i want to. I hate my stomach and will docanything to getvrid of it. So what is the most/least possible pounds i can lose in 2 weeks and how like what diet plans or how much exercise or how i should exercise or whatever

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you want to rid yourself of fat around your stomach, you may need to totally ignore the bathroom scale. The human body maintains an energy in the form of fat or muscle even after a person goes on an extreme calorie reduced diet. Anorexic sufferers see the energy reserve (fat) and continue to try and lose it through starvation. That doesn’t work.

Please recognize that muscle is seven times as efficient (pound for pound) as fat tissue in providing an energy reserve. In other words, you can choose to build up two pounds of muscle tissue on your torso, or you can continue to store 14 pounds of fat around your stomach. If you are like me, you’d rather become involved in a free weight training program that will build muscle and decrease your fat energy reserve.

You can lose weight rapidly by changing your food choices. The optimal diet is a Whole Food, Plant Based (WFPB) diet. You will see a loss of about 5 pounds in two weeks if you merely change to a WFPB diet and give up excess sugar, salt, oils, fat, flavor enhancers, MSG, aspartame, and other food additives. Giving up most meat and milk can give you quick results, but over the long-term, you want a very healthy, balanced, diverse, mostly plant based diet. The initial weight loss will be a combination of fat, muscle, retained water, and waste products in your bowels. Over the long-term, you BMI will become optimal by eating a WFPB diet. This is a lifestyle, not just a temporary diet.

Mandy asks…

How can I loose a lot of weight in 2 weeks?

I eat somewhat healthily and exercise anyway, but I have an event in 2 weeks that I’d like to lose weight for. I need a specific diet/exercise plan. That doesn’t cost money.
10 pounds would be great. Thank you!
Oh, I’m also vegan.

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you do your food shopping, dont buy anything except fruits & veggies, and just have a fruit or vegetable (uncooked!) every time you get hungry. Also, work out like crazy for an hour or so a day. If you are that fat, none of this will work in 2 weeks, but if your looking to loose like 5-10lbs then go for it. It works every time for me.

Thomas asks…

How much weight did your baby gain at their 2 week check up?

I know most baby’s lose weight the 1st week then start gaining it back and are usually back to their birth weight by 2 weeks. I was just curious as to how much more your baby weighed at their 2 week check up than at birth.

weight loss cardiff answers:

She was born at 7 pounds even. And at the two week check up she was 7 pounds 3 ounces. Her doctor was pleased.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

James asks…

Recommendations for diet & exercise/weight-loss plan?

I’ve heard WeightWatchers was a good one. I tried South Beach, I didn’t like it. I would prefer plans that have websites where I can keep track of my progress. And also an excercise plan (cardio is needed)

Not to be overly picky since you guys are helping me, but I wanted to know which ones you prefered or heard were good.

weight loss cardiff answers:

First step is to eat healthier food. Eating healthy, balanced meals is the first goal we must strive for. Pay attention to what you’re eating to make sure it’s not filled with additives. Include lots of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Stay away from too many sugars and sweets, and drink plenty of water.

Exercise is the second key ingredient if you need help to lose weight. Aerobic exercise is something you should fit into your schedule a 2 or 3 times per week. Keep your heart rate up for 30 minutes – 3 times per week to start. Increase the length and intensity of your exercise, as you feel more comfortable and energized. Some light weight training and resistance exercises a couple times a week can be very beneficial also.

The exercise part – do some incline walking

To lose weight as efficiently as possible, you’re going to need to combine exercise and diet efforts. One without the other mostly gives sub-par and temporary results.

For exercise, do some simple walking. But make 1 change. Make sure you’re walking up an incline. Since most people don’t have a hill nearby, a treadmill that inclines is what you’ll need to use.

My suggestion… Just incline it slightly. Ten to fifteen degrees. Nothing too steep. Then… Just walk for 20-25 minutes. Before you start saying inside your head that “it’s just walking”… Well, try it once and there’ll be nothing more to say

You’ll realize how great it is for fat loss after doing it just once. So try it and see how you’ll lose stubborn stomach fat fast.

I recommend to cycle to, that is always good, and anyone can do it easily
The diet part – protein shakes and apples

Obviously there are 2 parts. Notice I don’t even touch on your meals… The protein shakes are more mini-meals or snacks. Working with thousands of women has shown me that I need to start with snacks first.

And protein shakes and apples fit the bill.

All I want you to do is alternate between eating an apple and drinking a protein shake that has 20-30 grams of protein in it. And of course, eat your normal meals.

Now, to be clear… If you eat healthier you’ll get better results. But I’m allowing you to eat you regular foods so you don’t feel like you’re suffering. The apples and protein shakes will take care of how much you eat during those meals. It’ll be less. Smile. That’s exactly what we want.

This is a good “starter plan”. I consider it the best weight loss program for women who are transitioning to a more healthy diet.

If you’re SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice… You know, like “Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water…

glad if i help;)

best regards David Stefansson

Lisa asks…

Help me with a weight loss plan?

I’m 13, female, 5’0, and about 130 lb.

I want to loose weight during the summer- maybe 15-20 lb. and I’ve found a great website to help me,

bassically the site says things about making a weight loss plan for your body, and I’m not so sure how to do that.

I am cutting down on what I eat, and eating healthy things like whole grain cereal, fruits, veggies, ect. any other ideas on food?

I also need help on different exercizes I could do. I DONT like running, i can walk, and I have heard that 30 min. of running= 10 min of jump roping. Is that true? Plus I don’t have a lot of gym equitment around the house so these workouts have to be innovative. I also have a suscription to Lifetime Fitness, and I know i have to go there more often.

I know this is a lot but I am in dire need for a fitness plan. 10 points to the person who best answers all of these questions. thanks!!! <3

weight loss cardiff answers:

It sounds like you’re on the right track, but that’s a lot of weight to lose, so just remember that you want to do it the healthy way, so that it’ll stay off.

Food wise, I think you’ve got the right idea. Lots of fruit, veggies, whole grains. Limit your sugar intake, don’t eat out at fast food places, that kind of thing. Just remember, you don’t want to cut EVERY thing out of your diet. Little rewards are a great way to stay in control and not feel deprived. Instead of having desert every day (not that im saying you do now, cause i dont know what your eating habits are lol) have, say, your favorite desert once a week or something. Plus, you’ll look forward to that (absence makes the heart grow fonder-it works with food too! Lol).

As for exercising, thank god it’s summer! You can be outside more, which is a great thing. Do you like sports? A lot of people get so focused on ‘ive got to run 5 miles a day and ive got to 100 crunches’ and things like that that they end up not having fun, which means they often don’t continue to exercise. Sports are a great way to exercise because you’re working lots of muscles, running, catching, throwing, dodging people (depending on the sport lol). It’s also a lot more fun then hours in the gym. If you’re not a sports person, go to the mall! Power walk around the mall, looking at all the cute clothes for motivation! You could also join a class at your local Y. They have tons of different types of classes to choose from.
Just remember, it IS summer, and you’re going to dehydrate fast. Always have plenty of water on hand (not soda-thats my problem. I loooove pepsi lol) and make sure you stretch well before exercising. You don’t want to get sidelined because you pulled a muscle or something!

Don’t get down on yourself if the weight doesnt just fall off. It’s hard to lose weight. Worry more about how you look and feel then the numbers on the scale. You could be losing fat and gaining lean muscle, and the number on the scale could stay the same because muscle weighs more then fat. So ignore the scale if it’s really getting you down.

Not sure how much I helped, but just keep in mind what I said. Water, fruits, little rewards, and have fun with your exercising so you don’t get bored. Good luck! I hope you meet your goal and have fun doing it!

Laura asks…

Any Weight Loss Plans?…?

What is a good and efficient way to lose weight. Anything including tips, exercise routines or diet plans and especially a way to keep away from the junk food. Anything would be helpful, thanks 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:

1) The very first thing u should keep in your mind and that is the extra weight u put on didn’t come in overnight so it is not possible and also unrealistic to take it off quickly. You have to show patience. Please remember learning to eat well and exercise is the only solution to long-term weight loss.
2) The 2nd important thing is that your body weight is controlled by the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you use each day. So, if you consume fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. You can do this by becoming more physically active or by eating less.
3) The 3rd important thing is never skip ur meal or go to a crash diet. Don’t ever try to starve urself. It is very important to understand that when you skip a meal or go on a crash diet, the result is that it slows your metabolism to conserve your energy. And when you lose weight too quickly for a few days, your body thinks it is threatened with starvation and goes into survival mode. It fights to conserve your fat stores. There fore keep in mind never try to skip ur meal, especially breakfast and always try to take food on time
4) Before starting any type of diet, weight yourself and note ur whole body measurement in a dairy. Then after every week weigh your self again and compare with earlier measurements and see how much weight u r losing. Record a goal that you can reach in one month that is 4 to 8 pounds less than you weigh now. Set a goal you know you can achieve.
Now some tips how to set ur diet plan.
5) Start taking your food with out any oil. Try to use boiled/steamed vegetables, meat, and lot of salad. U can eat fresh and raw fruits, boiled/steamed chicken or red meat too but no pork. Please note and put it in ur mind that nothing fried or oily.
6) No Junk Food, Potato & Sugar Please.
7) Drink at least 3 ltr of water daily. Make ur habit to drink water as much as u can. In this way you are not only flushing out toxins, you are also teaching your body that it no longer needs to store water. When you feel starving, drink it as much as u can. Pls remember water is a natural appetite suppressant.
8) Make you habit to use brown bread & sugar. Skimmed or low fat milk & yogurt.
9) First try to avoid any type of soft drink but if u want to taste some thing sweet then drink any soft drink (remember use regular one, no diet cola pls) once in a week
10) Make ur habit to eat once a day a vegetable soap or Thai soup (as ur dinner or lunch) But remember no corn flour in it.
11) Just look at your food portion. It is much better to eat several small meals a day (like 5-6 healthy meals a day) than eat either one or two or three huge meal a day.
12) The most important factor in any weight loss plan is how many calories you consume each day, and eating too few is the most common mistake. Divide ur diet into 5-6 healthy meals a day (1 plate size only)
13) One bowl of oatmeal can be taken as a break fast
14) Smoking & any kind of hard drink is not allowed in this diet.
15) Try to chew ur every food as much as u can, and then swallow it into ur stomach.
16) Watch out ur every drink and every single piece of ur food. Stay away from fatty foods, junk foods, synthetic foods, foods with preservatives and too much carbohydrate. Don’t try to take foods that are made of white flour for example white bread, cakes, pasta etc and food contain sugar such as cookies, ice cream, candy etc.
17) Remember after every 15 days you can take once in a while with a little treat any thing u like. But remember just a small portion. For example one small personal pizza or one small burger or small pastry.
18) Try to adopt some healthy timing. Early to rise and early to bed. No late sittings.
19) People usually want Quick and Easy result, we are all impatient. U have to be patient in terms of ur weight loss and never give up. Always keep in mind that slow and steady win the race.
20) At least take this diet for 3 to 6 months. When u feel that u have achieved ur desired weight then make this is as a Life Style change for ur entire life. Remember do not focus on just losing weight; try to concentrate on diet plan forever so that u will never have to loose weight again. Occasionally u can take junk food too.
21) You have to keep in mind that above plan is a not a quick thin program. Don’t try to deceive ur body. It will destroy your metabolism and in the future the proportion of gaining weight is much higher and easier than today.
22) Never ever go for any type of Diet pills or any drug which claim that it will reduce the weight quickly. Taking Diet pills will kill u.
23) Exercise: Rule-of -Thumb: remember the formula for weight loss and that is Diet= 70% Exercise= 30%. So remember exercise is must with every diet plan.. The best indoor exercise machine is tread mill. Run daily on tread mill for 30 mnts ~ one hour as per ur convenient. If you don’t have Tread Mill then best indoor Exercise is skipping.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Nancy asks…

baby boomer generation and fad diets?

the beginning history of fad diet

weight loss cardiff answers:

Fad diets have been around forever. Cereal actually started as a fad diet. Mr kellogg had a retreat home back in the day (1920’s) where he made ‘corn flakes’ for rich people willing to pay a pretty penny to be ‘healthy’. The 8 glasses of water a day myth? Started as a fad in the 1800’s by some crazy guy that said walking in stream each day would make you healthy. As long as people have time free to be curious about health as well as the money, fad diets are going to exist.

Susan asks…

how kan u be on a diet????

How kan u be on a diet witout using pills…..

weight loss cardiff answers:

Dieting has nothing to do with taking pills. A diet, in the general sense, is just what you eat. If you are trying to lose weight you just have to alter your diet so that you take in less calories. No pills needed.

Sandy asks…

the raw diet?

is the raw diet just another fad diet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Its just another fad diet, and about the 20th ‘Answers’ question like it today alone! Look for yourself!!

No I haven’t tried it, I haven’t tried jumping off cliffs to check if it is fatal either. There is a mass of science based info out there, so why do so many people seem to go out there determined to find the quackery?

No it doesn’t work!

I have to admit I have a ‘stock’ answer for this question, since if you look it appears 20-30 times every day!!!

Type ‘guaranteed weight loss’ into google, you will find 1 1/2 million sites!

Look around you if ANY of these things worked would we be getting so overweight?

We are what we eat, but we are at least as much what we don’t do. Calorie intakes in 1900 and 1950 were higher than they are now, we just don’t use them up!

Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg.

Take a healthy amount of exercise 30-40 minutes of vigorous exercise per day 4-5 days a week. I hate to think what percentage of the UK population does that 2%? 5%?

I have seen hundreds of questions with this same pattern :- I am fat, tell me where on line I can get this super diet or herbal/dangerous/illegal drug that I hear will fix it for me in 10 minutes without the need for me to get off the couch!

No fixes pal , less in more out, its the only way.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

Do all of the major weight loss pills have caffeine?

I have read that the major weight loss supplements are mostly caffeine (Xenadrine, Stacker, Trim Spa, Ect.). This is why most pro athletes do not use them. Is this statement true? Are there any caffeine free supplements? Also, is it true that ephedra is a form of caffeine?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You’re right — ALL the major weight loss pills are either LOADED with caffeine or they contain ephedra, which can be lethal if taken by teenagers or persons suffering from high blood pressure or heart disease. That is EXACTLY why pro-athletes won’t take them. Ephedra = ephedrine hydrochloride, but I have no idea if that’s in the caffeine family. And no, I can’t name any weight loss or fat burning supplement that doesn’t contain caffeine or ephedra (or both). BOTTOM LINE: They don’t work over the long term and can have nasty long-term effects. The high levels of caffeine and/or ephedra mess with your metabolism and actually cause your metabolism to run slower after you stop taking them. So you could take them for a few months, lose the weight you want to lose, but once you stop you’ll have to exercise harder or eat a lot less just to maintain. Not good. You’re better off going the natural way. Check out the website below for a plan to lose weight and keep it off without the use of fat burners, supplements, or pills.

Betty asks…

What are some weight loss supplements for men?

I’m in a very unfortunate situation because I don’t have money to eat the healthy way as of yet.. and I work so much and commute so far that I find it hard to find time to exercise.. I wanna drop some weight .. At least 8-10 pounds over the next 2-3 weeks. I’m going to buy some fruits and vegetables, some grilled chicken and things less fatty but I would like am extra push.. Hence, the idea of weight loss supplements. Is there any that you can recommend to me that has great reviews and hasn’t caused serious complications to the body. I really would appreciate this. I’m a male by the way. I know their are women and men supplements. Thank you.

If you don’t have any ideas for supplements then have any of you dropped weight fast using different techniques with limited exercise and little access to fruits and vegetables? I’m pretty sure it’s unheard of, please get back to me!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

A very good weight loss supplement is hoodia gordonii – it works by suppressing the sensation of hunger which helps the person lose weight.

Susan asks…

are there any safe weight loss supplement that actually work for teens?

i’m 19 and i want to lose about 20 or 30 pounds. i exercise and eat well but im just not losing the weight. does anyone know of any weight loss supplement that actually works? (i don’t want slim fast)

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m sorry, there’s really no such thing as a safe diet pill. They almost all contain stimulants that can damage the cardiovascular system, and then there’s Alli, which can give you explosive diarrhea, so I don’t think you want that pill either.

Diet and exercise should work perfectly fine. I think you’re probably either not giving it enough time (you should give it at least a month before you decide you’re not seeing results), or you aren’t dieting or exercising right.

As for your diet, you should be eating high protein, high fat (saturated not trans, and no that’s not unhealthy), low carb, low sugar. Keep your calorie intake around 1500 a day, carbs around 100-150 g a day, and as little added sugar as you can manage. Make sure to eat lots of fruits and veggies too.

And you need to push yourself when you exercise. A nice easy pace won’t do anything. You have to get sweaty, tired, and work hard. If you don’t feel tired when you’re done, if you’re not out of breath, you’re not doing it right. And you need to do both cardio and weight training, but on different days. Try and work out for at least an hour, 4-6 days a week.

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