Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ruth asks…

How much weight could I lose in 2 weeks and how?

I want to lose as much weight/fat as possible in this time period, i know its not long but I know I can lose at least some. Please help. Im 13 weigh 102 and want to weigh at least 95 and im 5′2. I dont care if i dont need to lose weight or anything cause i want to. I hate my stomach and will docanything to getvrid of it. So what is the most/least possible pounds i can lose in 2 weeks and how like what diet plans or how much exercise or how i should exercise or whatever

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you want to rid yourself of fat around your stomach, you may need to totally ignore the bathroom scale. The human body maintains an energy in the form of fat or muscle even after a person goes on an extreme calorie reduced diet. Anorexic sufferers see the energy reserve (fat) and continue to try and lose it through starvation. That doesn’t work.

Please recognize that muscle is seven times as efficient (pound for pound) as fat tissue in providing an energy reserve. In other words, you can choose to build up two pounds of muscle tissue on your torso, or you can continue to store 14 pounds of fat around your stomach. If you are like me, you’d rather become involved in a free weight training program that will build muscle and decrease your fat energy reserve.

You can lose weight rapidly by changing your food choices. The optimal diet is a Whole Food, Plant Based (WFPB) diet. You will see a loss of about 5 pounds in two weeks if you merely change to a WFPB diet and give up excess sugar, salt, oils, fat, flavor enhancers, MSG, aspartame, and other food additives. Giving up most meat and milk can give you quick results, but over the long-term, you want a very healthy, balanced, diverse, mostly plant based diet. The initial weight loss will be a combination of fat, muscle, retained water, and waste products in your bowels. Over the long-term, you BMI will become optimal by eating a WFPB diet. This is a lifestyle, not just a temporary diet.

Mandy asks…

How can I loose a lot of weight in 2 weeks?

I eat somewhat healthily and exercise anyway, but I have an event in 2 weeks that I’d like to lose weight for. I need a specific diet/exercise plan. That doesn’t cost money.
10 pounds would be great. Thank you!
Oh, I’m also vegan.

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you do your food shopping, dont buy anything except fruits & veggies, and just have a fruit or vegetable (uncooked!) every time you get hungry. Also, work out like crazy for an hour or so a day. If you are that fat, none of this will work in 2 weeks, but if your looking to loose like 5-10lbs then go for it. It works every time for me.

Thomas asks…

How much weight did your baby gain at their 2 week check up?

I know most baby’s lose weight the 1st week then start gaining it back and are usually back to their birth weight by 2 weeks. I was just curious as to how much more your baby weighed at their 2 week check up than at birth.

weight loss cardiff answers:

She was born at 7 pounds even. And at the two week check up she was 7 pounds 3 ounces. Her doctor was pleased.

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