Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…

While using Google AdSense on my blog, is it possible to choose what adverts will show on my advertising space?

While using Google AdSense on my blog, is it possible to choose what adverts will show on my advertising space? My blog is about healthy weight loss without the use of weight loss pills and I don’t want adverts about weight loss pills on my webpage. I really want to use Google AdSense but how do I go about choosing what adverts will show up?

weight loss cardiff answers:

This is a very good question. You have a certain amount of control in Google’s AdSense on what ads will show up on your site or blog.

The first thing you can do is blocking certain websites from your blog or site.

For doing that you must go to the “Allow and block ads” section on the top of your AdSense page and there you can stipulate which advertisers you want to block. You need to type in the URL of the advertisers’ sites.

That will not solve the entire problem for you, because now you have to look actively for these sites and that can be a tedious work to say the least, especially in such a highly competitive market as weight loss. But eventually it will work for you.

The second thing you can do is to block certain sensitive categories. Weight loss is one of these sensitive categories.

But I think you do not want to block all ads for weight loss, only those with weight loss pills in them.

But you may want to block the sensitive category “Medicines and food supplements”. That may cause some effects as some of these advertisers will be categorized within this sensitive category.

The third thing you can do is blocking some advertisers networks. If you know that some of these networks have a large clientele in the ads you want to block you can do that in this section on your AdSense page.

The fourth thing you can do of course is looking once again at your blog if you don’t use the words you want to exclude within your copywriting.

This can evoke some debate as you probably have stressed throughout your blog that you DO NOT use or advice diet pills. But this negative connotation will not be noticed by Google.

The keyword diet pills is on your blog whether you advice against it. So better is to get rid of these words on your blog.

But before you take any drastic steps. Why not try the following option?
If you are clear about advising against diet pills on your blog, maybe there is no harm in letting these AdSense ads with diet pills appear on your blog.

People will not hold it against you and besides, some of your blog visitors will be attracted to them.

Moreover, Google thinks these ads make the best conversions, otherwise they would not show them. Another point is that these ads probably bring you the most money as they will get you the highest pay outs per click (otherwise Google will not show them on your blog).

Marketing is all about giving your audience a choice. If you make a sound statement why NOT to use diet pills in weight loss and you have other solutions to offer you will attract the right customers or readers.

Those who think otherwise may click on your ads with pills. Why not? But of course , it is all up to you.

Jenny asks…

Are there any good Tumblr blogs that I can follow?

I am making a personal Tumblr blog to help me with my weight loss. I want to know if ay of you know of good Tumblr blogs I can follow. With lots of good helpful information, and motivation. Popular ones perferably. Please and thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Follow my blog and I will follow back! (:

Susan asks…

What should someone whos loosing weight eat for breakfast and lunch?

Although I cannot change what i eat for dinner, I am flexible with breakfast and lunch but i think what I am currently eating is slowing the rate of my weight loss. Any ideas what I should be eating or could eat to really compliment the weight loss.

P.S. I want something quick and easy to prepare because I have minimal time to get ready for school and for lunch something that i can take around easily?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Start the research on calories and read the below blog post about calorie counting. Basics of weight loss are if you aren’t working out excessively is that you should be eating about 12 – 1500 calories a day of healthy food, lets assume 1300.

Thats two 500 calorie meals, and 3 100 calorie snacks or 3 400 calorie meals and 1 100 calorie snack throughout the day. Don’t think about only breakfast and lunch but what your eating in the day.

Ex. 3/4th of a cup of museli with skimmed milk is around 350 calories. An Avocado or chicken breast sandwich with 1 piece of bread is around 400 calories. 1 big plate of carrots is about 100 calories and so is a granola bar. Eggs are an amazing food, low in calories and very nutritious – about 80 calories per egg and 40 for the egg white only.


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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Michael asks…

does anyone know any weight loss pills that actually work?

has anyone ever used that weight loss pill called AKAVAR?
i want to know if it really works before i use it myself
give me some feed back! i would really appreciate it!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I understand that you want to turn to weight loss pills to lose weight. Now that Ephedra is gone, this is never the best solution. I do a LOT of reading about supplements and diet pills, and have never heard positive feedback about Akavar. Adding a healthy all natural supplement to your diet might do the trick.

Instead, what I recommend is to get a free trial of Extreme Acai, which you can get at the source link below. Then you should follow some of the other links on that site to find a sensible diet and a moderate exercise plan. Try to eat fewer carbs at night, and fewer calories over all if you think you can’t lose weight. Give it 1 month and you should be able to lose 15-20 lbs easy.

Acai berries have far more antioxidants than any other fruit. Even more than blueberries! Besides that, the nutrients in acai berry supplements help many other diseases and maladies, from diabetes to arthritis to blood clotting. It really is a worthwhile supplement to add to your daily nutrition.

As far as the acai berry assisting with fat loss, acai can be a great weight loss aid. The berry’s natural concoction of essential fatty acids, fiber, phytosterols and amino acids work together to help your body burn fat more efficiently, process food more quickly and shed the unwanted pounds that you’d like to lose.

The fatty acids and amino acids aid in both muscle development and proper digestion, both of which are essential to fat loss. The fiber helps your body to move food out of your system quicker and also to help you feel full, as do fatty acids. Phytosterols help fortify your digestive tract, moving waste materials out and absorbing nutrients more efficiently.

I wouldn’t say that acai berries are the magic weight loss pill, but I would say that acai could be an important ingredient in your vitamin / supplement / weight loss arsenal.

Go ahead and order a free trial of Extreme Acai from the source link below. This is the product I use, and honestly I feel better every day. If you don’t like it, just don’t reorder it… But you’ll like it. =)

Lisa asks…

Which is the best way to lose weight healthily?

I have tried numerous weight loss methods and I lose a little here and there, but I am still not in the best of health.Please help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hey 🙂 I just found this awesome article on “the science behind weight loss”. I got it from but I’ll paste it here to save you the trouble:

“Your body needs a certain amount of calories each day to maintain performance of normal activities, such as walking, breathing, sleeping, and thinking. Depending on your size, your body will require a different amount of calories each day.

On the flip side, if you eat too few calories your body will think its starving. This phenomenon goes back to the days of the caveman, when cave people weren’t really sure when or where they would find their next meal. The body learned to store excess calories as fat for future use. Well, we no longer live like that as we, fortunately and unfortunately, have unlimited access to food thanks to modern conveniences. What this means is, if you’re not eating enough calories your body will store the calories it does get as fat rather than trying to burn those calories. That sounds counterproductive, and it is. That’s why it’s important to feed your body regularly with the right amount of calories from the right sources.

One pound of fat equals about 3500 calories of stored energy. To lose weight you need to eat fewer calories each day or get your butt to the gym and burn off those calories. It’s that easy – you don’t need to be a mathematician to lose weight, you just need to start taking a look at some of your daily habits. Losing weight could mean shaving an extra 250-500 calories off your daily intake. Start your morning with a tall latte? Just one Vanilla Latte could pack an extra 250+ calories onto your daily caloric intake. By simply substituting your latte with regular coffee or green tea you could reduce your caloric intake substantially. If you want to try more exercise, calorie-burning activities such as walking to work, going for a jog with a friend, or taking the kids on a bike ride are all fun and easy ways to increase your daily activity level.

It is also important to remember that you need to eat the right calories from the right sources to lose weight and to maintain your weight loss. A meal of jelly beans and ding dongs that equals your daily caloric needs will not help you lose weight because these types of food are not nutrient sources that your body can use efficiently.

Eating right is a vital component of any weight loss plan, but it’s also very important to ensure that you get enough exercise. Combine aerobic exercise activities (also know as cardio) like walking, jogging or cycling with weight training (it doesn’t have to be anything too intense, but it helps a lot to lift some weights) to maximize your weight loss.”

I really like how this explains weight loss! Also while I was searching around I found this fantastic video which you should definitely check out, has a pile of great tips for how to shed the pounds:

I really hope this helps, the fact that you’re looking for help is a great start!

Good luck 🙂

Mark asks…

How do i lose weight and tone my stomach fast?

Any ideas or websites on how to lose 20 pounds byt the end of August? I am not really overweight just have a little fat. Looking for a fast and simple diet exercise plan. Open to over the counter weight loss pills also. Anybody tried NV?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I would like to recommend you my weight loss method that works just amazing. I get correct weight loss method and applied the method, then I lost weight easy. You should have the method that works. You can get the best method weight loss that worked for me and lost 14 pounds after 2 weeks. You can get more info from link below.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

Weight loss pills that work?

I go to the gym 4 timesa week anddo huge amountof cardio excercise –
I eat really healthy and also swim twice a week – But I’m still 5stone over weight Immiserable and depressed and need a solution but I cnat afford a gastric band – You know of any pills that work???

weight loss cardiff answers:

Many weight loss pills only work by curbing appetite. But the fact that you’re so active means you need to eat a lot of protien and even carbs to ensure you can keep up. Others also work by reducing the amount of water in your system… Again not a good idea if you are working out… You need to have as much water to feed your muscles as possible.

Generally, women need to increase their strength training(lifting weights, squats, etc.) and protien intake (shakes immediately after working out) to increase muscle mass and speed up metablolism to burn fat better. For some, (and it sounds like you too), cardio does almost nothing to burn fat. I guarantee if you focus more on strength training, with only light cardio (20 minutes of walking), your metabolism will shift in about 2-3 weeks and you should start loosing weight.

If you still want to try a weight loss pill, i’ve seen some results with “slim quick”, but it’s expensive and you have to remember to take it on a regular schedule – which many women also don’t have the luxury of. Also watch because some types of pills are addictive and literally the minute you stop taking them you gain it all back.

I’ve also heard of some health benefits packages covering the costs of gastric bands or other surgical procedures when it’s necessary to prevent serious illness or injury… Check that out with insurance companies in your area.

William asks…

Anyone know anything about weight loss pills?

Im looking for some weight loss pills that actually work. Does anyone know of any work?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You will be searching for a long time my friend because the fact is, there are no weight loss pills that work. Please trust me when I say you don’t need a weight loss pill to lose weight. Nobody does.

Every weight loss pill company says to diet and exercise while taking their product. Why, because that is how you lose weight, through diet and exercise.

That is how they get you. They make you believe that it is their product that caused the weight loss when in fact it was actually your hard work. What happens when you don’t diet and exercise while taking their product and see no weight loss results.

They say to you, “Well, we do reccomend diet and exercise as well”. It’s a win win situation for them.

Each pill has there own set of side effects and hidden dangers and all have the potential to cause harm. Why would you take the risk when you can lose weight by simply eating well and exercising.

There is no magic secret to weight loss. It is all about hard work, commitment, goal setting and desire. If you want to lose weight you can and you will.

This following website gives you the tools you need to develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain it for a lifetime.

Good luck and all the best with your weight loss goals

Michael asks…

wat are some good weight loss pills?

what are some good weight loss pills that actually work and dont make you to jittery and what are some other good ways to loose weight? thanks

weight loss cardiff answers:

Don’t take diet pills. They are unnatural and dangerous. It is not the lack of pills that got you heavy; that is not the fix you need. It was (most likely) improper diet and lifestyle that got you the extra weight. That is the fix you need.

The best way to lose weight is through the principles of balance and moderation. You need to eat good food and eat enough of it.

Shoot to lose 1-3 pounds per week. No more. Don’t go hungry, just keep yourself filled with good, natural foods.

Don’t worry about calories. Caloric science is flawed for several reasons. 1) it assumes 100% absorption, but we all absorb and excrete different amounts; 2) It assumes all calories are processed the same, but calories from natural sources are burned more slowly and evenly than from refined sources; 3) It assumes that the amount of energy released by combustion (burning) in a lab is the same amount of energy released when the food is broken down enzymatically in the gut; 4) It assumes that the same exercise done by different people will burn the same amount of exercise, but different exercises will be harder or easier for different people; 5) Correlation does not prove causation. People who are heavier eat more calories: did the calories make them heavy, or did being heavy make them need more calories? Maybe they are both symptoms of a deeper problem. 6) people in China consume 25-40% more calories; even the sedentary office workers have more calories and less obesity than we.

Asian cultures have long ago figured out how we should be eating, Ever since we have looked to science to tell us how to eat we have seen more obesity and diet-related disease. If we eat like the Asians, we will look like the Asians. This doesn’t mean you have to eat Asian food, just adhere to the principles that are common to the different cultures and cuisines.

You should eat mostly vegetables, mostly cooked (cold and raw foods slow your metabolism because they need to be cooked in your stomach) and a wide variety, mostly fresh and in-season and local, simple grains (more rice, less bread), some fruit, a little meat, no dairy (it’s for infants and grows tissue), and no artificial foods.

Avoid artificial foods, including sugar substitutes. Don’t worry about calories, fat, protein, carbs, nor any one component of food.

There are several books that explain this strategy of eating. “The Asian Diet: simple secrets for eating right, losing weight, and being well” by Bussell explains the diet and its rationale. “The Asian Diet: get slim and stay slim the Asian way” by Tran has recipes that adhere to the principles. “The China Study” by Campbell has the science behind the recommendation.

Get some exercise every day, but not too much and not always the same exercise. Start slow and work your way up. Calisthenics are great, as is Tai Chi. Walking and swimming are also great. All other exercises should be in a wide rotation.

Follow the principles of balance and moderation and you’ll be fine. Most diets in America are not balanced nor moderate.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandra asks…

What are the best cardio workouts for weight loss results?

Im on W.W. and I have lost 11 pounds, weight loss stopped,but I don’t work out much. so I am guessing I need more exercise in my routine.Any suggestions? Which workouts are best?
not lifting weights. I am clueless on what to do, I need a work out plan. 184 lbs. 31 yr. old.i know Im way over weight, but I want to get down to 130-135 lbs again.

weight loss cardiff answers:

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). It’s the same workout given to the olympic Japanese speed skiing team, so don’t come into it thinking it’s gonna be easy by any means.

Read all about it here:

Nancy asks…

I want to lose some weight before my big wedding day in Sept. 08. I eat healthy foods but I want to start?

exercising. How fast will my results show and how much weight is possible to lose just by incorporating exercise into my life?What types of exercise work best for weight loss?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Eating several (5-6) small portion meals of everyday healthy food per day, along with exercise, will burn calories faster and build your metabolism in a short period of time, without dieting or counting calories.
You will lose an average of 2-3 lbs per week
(eat about every 2 hours)
Meal suggestions:
piece of fruit
bowl of cereal (high fiber low sugar)
bowl of oatmeal
string cheese, summer sausage
cottage cheese/yogurt (lowfat)
tuna/turkey/ham sandwich (lettuce, tomatoe)
raw veggies
boiled eggs
Always eat a good dinner (small portions)…fish/meat (bake, broil, grill) potatoes/pasta/rice, veggie…your body needs carbs, protein and vitamins to stay healthy…cooking with olive oil is best.
Low calorie sweets…sugarless candy, ginger snap cookies,
fig bars, 100% juice popsicles
Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses per day)
Drink milk (low fat) or 100% juice/water with every meal
(no soda pop or flavored drinks)
Stay away from munchies, fried & fatty foods (no fast-food)
Never eat before going to bed
“Daily” simple and cardio exercise (30 min. Per day) like walking/hiking, running, biking, kick boxing, swimming, jumping jacks, aerobics, dancing and playing any games that uses a ball, will shed pounds, tone your body and keep it fit.
Food is fuel, energy for the body, if you don’t exercise to burn the energy, it turns to fat…fasting or skipping meals lowers your metabolism and forces the body to hold on to calories/fat, causing headaches, fatigue and weakness…weight loss pills damage your organs leading to diabetes, kidney and heart disease, even death.
Losing weight at a healthy pace along with exercising everyday you will feel and look so good. (over 30 lbs by sept)
Here is a great site to target specific muscle groups for abs, butt, hips…
Take it easy in the beginning to avoid overworked sore muscles.
(scroll down)

Michael asks…

Having gastric bypass surgery in a week. How much weight can I expect to loose in the first few months?

I realize that everyone is different when it comes to weight loss and recovery. However, I am just trying to get a non-textbook answer. I am very excited about the surgery and am just trying to anticipate the results. I am kinda hoping someone can tell me what they experienced. How much weight can I expect to loose by christmas if I exercise?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It can vary widely but the average weight loss in 3 months is 40-50 pounds. Christmas is about 5 months away so if you work very hard, eat right, take your vitamins and excercise correctly, you could see a weight loss of 60-80 pounds. But everyone is different and I am in no way saying that you would totally lose that much. I lost 30 pounds my first month, 70 pounds at 3 months and 115 at 8 months. A friend of mine who had surgery around the same time as me, has only lost 80 pounds so far to my 115. We excercise together, have the same diet but since our bodies are different, we have lost differently. You will lose weight quite quickly int he beginign when you can only eat pureed foods but as you add foods to your diet, you will lose more slowly. It’s easy to sneak in extra calories so use that will power!!

Good Luck! I hope that the surgery is everything you want it to be and more. It changed my life in so many ways. I can play with my son, I can walk down the street without feeling like everyone is staring at me and laughing. I feel beautiful for the first time in years. My life has begun at the age of 31!!

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