Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mandy asks…

How to lose weight, look skinny and get fit?

Here’s basic info about my body :
I wont reveal my age but I’m at high school, I weigh 52kg now and i’m 5’1.

Here’s what I need help for :
– how can i loose weight
——-> I need help on what to eat / drink daily from morning to night. I dont eat nuts nor granola, and I’m not a fan of milk unless they’re chocolate milk. I know I’m being picky but I really dont like them a lot.
– how can i get fit?
——-> I’ve done a 20 day workout challenge which isn’t extreme and I’m trying to workout more everyday. I have belly fats, my thighs are gigantic and my arms are full of fats which makes me look fatter than I already am.
– how do I look skinny?
——–> I need help on what to wear to look skinny while I’m loosing weight. I basically look fat in everything I wear.

Thanks for helping ! It’s gonna be Chinese New Years at where I live and I really wanna get fit and lose weight in 2 weeks and hopefully when i return to school, I wont look ‘fat’. Thanksss ! <3

weight loss cardiff answers:

The answer to doing this is just eating healthy and exercising (unless you want to get on one of those diet pills but I prefer to do it the natural way) Always remember YOU CANNOT SPOT REDUCE, as in you can’t lose fat in just one place. Do more cardio and you’ll lose fat all over.

I didn’t drink milk either but then I started drinking soy milk and I absolutely love it. Give it a try.

Switch things up every day: if you run today, dance tomorrow, it will help you from getting a plateau and those just suck to get over.

I HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend Pop Pilates. Just look it up on Youtube. The instructors name is Cassey Ho, or you can just go to her channel blogilates. I started doing her pilates videos last year and I have seen such a HUGE difference in my body. Cassey also explains a lot about being healthy and choosing the right foods to eat. She has regular pilates videos and then a bunch of cardio videos.

Also what you should do is lift weights. It seriously is going to help you lose weight and you’ll become stronger. If you think you’re going to look too buff, you’re not. You’d have to lift weights for hours every day to start looking like those woman who look extremely muscular, and that’s what they do for a living.

Also, I don’t know if you have a Pinterest/Tumblr but if you have Pinterest start a new board with just all fitness quotes. Make an all fitness Tumblr. Seeing all the motivational quotes and other people trying to lose weight will really help and motivate you. Or you can just get a big poster board and either draw or print out pictures/quotes that will motivate you. I don’t know if this will help much but I don’t weigh myself. In the end you really want to lose that FAT. Try to measure yourself or just go by how your clothes feel and if they’re getting looser. As for your clothes, just wear what you feel comfortable in. If you don’t think that shirt looks good then don’t wear it. As long as you’re comfortable.

I know it sucks trying to lose weight, but don’t give up. You will see change, just keep at it. Good luck! If you need anymore help you can ask 🙂

Betty asks…

How do I lose weight in 2 weeks?

I’m a girl of 14 and I am going on holiday in 2 weeks. I really want to lose a bit of weight so i can wear my dresses. I mainly want to lose weight around my thigh and stomach area. Any good tips to do this? Please help!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Eat many fruits and vegetables,chicken breast,fish,eggs,smoothies.
Cut out white bread,white rice,fast food,deep fried food,sweets(you can eat chocolate in moderation though),sugar,soda.
Run,go on long walks,swim,do squats(does wonders for your thighs and asss),jumping jacks,sit ups,run on the stairs(if you have a stadium nearby it would be great),maybe go to the gym.

In 2 weeks you can’t loose more than 5 lbs in a healthy way(1-2 lbs a week is recommended).


Good luck,girl ! 🙂

Ruth asks…

what is the fastest way to lose weight ?

😥 Hi my name is Sura and I am 15 years old 5’0 and I weigh 133 pounds. I hate myself from head to toe. my mother is a gorgous skinny woman as are the rest of my family and I am the ugly fat outcast. I need advice on how I can lose weight in 2 weeks. I dont care how unhealthy it is how much pain ill be in as long as I can lose at least 15- to 20 pounds in 2 weeks. Please anyone tell me what I can do. I will do ANYTHING. 😥

weight loss cardiff answers:

Quit crying. Haven’t you heard the golden rule that if the mother is hot, the daughter will be as well? Maybe not right now, but you’ll very likely grow into your beauty. And besides, who is to say what is beautiful? You really shouldn’t hate yourself over how you look because it’s beyond your control.

Why do you want to lose this much weight? For a boy? Well if you want to lose 15-20 lbs fast I suggest you do one of two things (or both):
– steal a bunch of your parents money and buy lots of cocaine. Do the cocaine for 2 weeks straight.
– steal your dad’s chainsaw and remove the fat manually.

See how ridiculous those suggestions are? That’s about how ridiculous it is that a 15 year old is crying about a bit of extra weight. It’s not your fault that you’re unhappy, it’s society’s fault. Movies, TV, magazines all tell you that you’re not beautiful. Peace out.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

What site is the best for weight loss?

I am 23 year young and I would love to get some help and guidance on my new weight loss goal. I am 5’5 and 265 lbs. I would like to write blogs meet people in the same boat and people who are where I want to be. I am really committed to this. I don’t want to lose my life over a Debby cake. Thanks for your help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

This is very helpful
I used to be in the same boat…Honestly moderate exercising and
fat burning foods. Good Luck!
And LOL when you said the debby cake thing.

Lisa asks…

Diabetes – Can you please explain to me how sugar in urine causes weight loss?

I read somewhere how the cause of weight loss in diabetes was that sugar spilt into the urine and it caused weight loss. I dont really understand it though and dont know what to search google for lol. Could you please explain it to me?

weight loss cardiff answers:

From an excellent website on diabetes…

What is “Spilling Sugar” and How Does It Relate to Kidney Damage?

Each person has a certain blood sugar level at which the kidneys will start pulling glucose out of the blood stream and eliminating it in the urine. The average level at which this happens is around 180 mg/dl (10 mmol/l). In fact, before blood sugar meters became common, most doctors diagnosed type 2 diabetes using a urine dip, and patients “controlled” their blood sugar by testing their urine for glucose and feeling confident they were doing well if they didn’t see any.

However, that 180 mg/dl threshold is only an average. Individuals vary greatly in where they, personally, will spill glucose into the urine.

Some people have forms of diabetes (particularly MODY-3) where they can spill glucose in urine at levels as low as 140 mg/dl.

Others have forms of diabetes where glucose doesn’t appear in the urine until our blood sugar goes over 250 mg/dl.

It is possible that there is a relationship between how much glucose appears in the urine and your risk for kidney damage, though there isn’t enough research to draw any conclusions. But if your renal threshold is unusually low, it makes sense to try to keep your blood sugar at a level low enough that you don’t spill sugar, even if you are spilling at a level your doctor tells you is “nothing to worry about.”

Why does spilling sugar cause weight loss?

Some of the calories you are eating are going right back out of your body, through the urine, instead of being used by your muscle cells.

Because you don’t have enough insulin in your body, or because of insulin resistance, your cells can’t unlock the sugar and use it. You eat, but you lose weight.

Your cells are literally starving for glucose, even though you have too much glucose in your blood. The sugar is locked out, and can’t get into the part of the cell that burns it for fuel.

Too much glucose becomes toxic to your body, so your kidneys have to dump it.

This is what causes all the urinating that is so common in undiagnosed diabetes, and also in diabetics that have bad glucose control. This also causes extreme thirst too, and can lead to serious consequences, if left untreated.

Untreated high blood sugar causes kidney damage, nerve and blood vessel damage, heart disease and eye disease, so its not a safe way to lose weight.

This can happen in both type 1 and type 2 diabetics.

(My grandmother’s blood sugar got high enough to spill sugar quite often, she lost a lot of weight, and went into a diabetic coma more than once. Now my mother is in the same situation. Type 2 runs on both sides of my family).

Carol asks…

What sickness can cause this much weight loss?

A 17 yr old male that I knew has recently missed 2 days of school. During that time he lost 10 lbs! He came back very shaky and well…sick looking. What could this be? I’ve only heard of one thing that could cause such rapid weight loss (untreated Type I Diabetes) but what else could it be? Can the flu do that to you too?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve been asking the same question but the best answers that I have found are by a guy named Peter Sweeney, his blog has tons of info about weight loss, diets and more. It’s worth a visit. Good Luck!!!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

David asks…

Can asians be a face character other than mulan?

size 5 through 7 (can lose weight easily) height:5’6, skin tone can range from fairly tan to tan or pale (if i dont tan in the summer) and a very experienced dancer.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yup… Last time I was there Poccahontas was phillipino.

But other then that no… They cant have people of different races, that would COMPLETELY ruin the magic 😛

could you imagine going to the park and seeing an asian cinderella? She would probably be just as beautiful… But it wouldnt feel like it was the real cinderella (For little kids that is :P)

My little cousin honestly believes that all the Characters are real 😛 she will go up and ask them about their husbands and what duties they have as princesses 😛 She is only 3 and is the funniest kid ever

(lol long, rambling answer :P)

Ruth asks…

What is a good exercise program to lose weight fast?

I am 13 (14 in october) and over the summer holidays i would like to lose 1 or 2 stone i play rugby am 5’11 13st. need to get back in shape would prefer to have vigorous exercise than eating healthy any suggestions? i have dumbells and exercise bike and £60 put back for exercise equipment

weight loss cardiff answers:

Firstly you can lose as much weight as you want in a short time period, however, you will gain it back. I am speaking from experience from someone who has been there done that with fad diets. There is the obvious liposuction, however, the recovery time is 3 – 6 months and it sounds as though that you’re in a rush to lose the weight for possibly an event with no downtime to spare. I am and have been on weight watchers for 2 years and lost 25 lbs. It was a slow and steady race, however, I haven’t gained the weight back ‘cause my diet has been stabilized and so was the weight loss from 0.5 – 1 lb/week.

Remember the weight gain didn’t happen overnight, it happened slowly over time, the same is with proper healthy weight loss, you can’t have/perform miracles over night.

These are some things that I do.

1.Drink lots of water as it kept me full longer.
2.Used an appetite suppressant like hoodie to make sure I don’t go over my daily calorie intake.
3.Did cardio and toning 3 – 4 times a week.
4.Made meal and recipe modifications as I cooked.
5.When I dined out, I made sure that I wasn’t shy about asking the kitchen to make modifications like dressing/sauce on the side, half portion ordered the kids meal etc.
6.Brushing teeth after every meal, the mint acts like an appetite suppressant and without the taste in your mouth, you can easily forget about the food.
7.Never drank diet cola, the aspartame actually made me crave food more for some reason.
8.At work I take a break before lunch and either take the stairs in the building or just general toning without weights. We have a gym at work so I do about 15 minutes of weights which not only gets my blood flowing but releases tension from a**hole customers.
9.Bought snacks in bulk (to save money) and properly measured what a cup or portion was and made individual baggies. There are some snacks on the market that are 100 calorie snacks, however, I find those to be too expensive than just buying in bulk and separating the portions yourself. Also by physically separating them yourself, you get an idea of what a portion is supposed to be and you learn to properly eye ball correct portions.

Joseph asks…

How to help little brother lose 10-15 pounds over the summer? Advice?

He is obese. Hes is 7 & hes a 2nd grader.
I dont want him to be picked on as he gets older. He already has low self-esteem.
He has a cute face& I think if he lost weight he could get girls easily.

He is around 75-80 pounds. His weight is supposed to be around 60-65.
We dont own any exercise machines or fitness memberships.

Is it possible for a child of his weight to lose that much weight over the course of 3-4 months?

weight loss cardiff answers:

He’s 7, he doesnt need the girls easily right now lol

all you have to do is help him stay active (30 min + per day, 7 days a week) and make correct eating choices.only 1 fast food meal a week, the smallest option for the kids meal (if you eat fast food a lot)

tell your mom not to buy too much junk.

Your parents really should be doing this as this is their job.but i think its nice you want to help your little bro out!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sharon asks…

What is the best way to lose abdominal fat, exercise or diet?

I am a lean and healthy 18 year old. I have no fat on my body except for on my lower stomach. While the easiest answer is do everything. What is more effective to weight loss, burning 500 calories a day with elliptical, bike etc, or eating 500 less calories a day (less saturated fats, more whole grain etc.) ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi Felix

Reducing your calories by 500 a day is not the best way to lose abdominal fat. All this will do is to slow down your metabolism, which will mean less calories being burned.

You need to burn calories through exercise, but it also depends on which exercises you use, some can burn calories more effectively than others.

Instead of spending an hour or so of doing cardio, start doing interval training, which is harder but less time consuming. Also you can get really good results.

What is interval training?

Say you are using a bike, instead of just riding it for an hout, you ride at a slow pace for a couple of minutes and then you speed up as fast as you can go for 30 – 60 seconds. Then you go back to the slower pace for a couple of minutes to catch your breath, you then speed up again.

Just keep repeating this for 15-25 minutes. This can really help you to burn a lot of calories, in a lot shorter time. Interval training is regarded by many as the best way to burn abdominal fat, so give it a go.

If you would like to know which other effective methods you could use, take a look at the resource below. Hope this has helped.

Mandy asks…

Why do morbidly obese people lose weight so quickly on these weight loss shows?

On the Biggest Loser for example they have them losing close to seventeen pounds a week, I see men that are well beyond the 400 pound mark drop to 190 within four months, it’s just absurd. Isn’t healthy weight loss no more than four pounds a month, are they giving these people speed or something or do severely obese people have a faster mechanism to lose weight when they start exercising. Does anyone know.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Its easier for them to lose weight because they have more weight. For example it would be impossible for a 175 pound man to lose 50 pounds.

John asks…

How much yoga can I incorporate in my exercise regimen when trying to burn fat?

I weigh over 240 lbs. I’m 5’4″. I’m miserable with myself and like all women, it’s my Old-New years resolution to lose this weight. I love yoga (yet haven’t been doing it for a few years), but I don’t want to over-indulge in it to the point where I’m not practicing more beneficial exercises for weight loss. WHAT WOULD BE A GOOD WEEKLY YOGA BALANCE?

weight loss cardiff answers:

20 minutes a day, three or four days a week is about all I can manage. Losing weight isn’t so much about exercising as it is eating the right foods, however. Eating a diet high in nutritious raw fruits and vegetables will go a lot further than trying to exercise more than you want. It’s much easier, too. Look into the diets linked at the bottom of the page. Here’s my weightloss blog:

Here’s all you need to lose weight all over, look good, and get really healthy. First, you have to realize there is no quick, long lasting weight loss plan or pill that is going to do the trick. It’s purely mental. You have to learn to “Eat to live, don’t live to eat”. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? It is, if you understand that you are going to be reprogramming how you think about eating for the next few weeks. Old habits die hard, right? Not really. You get rid of bad habits by replacing them with good habits. If you learn to count your calories, keep calorie intake lower than output, exercise moderately, and eat only healthy food, you will lose weight. That’s a fact. All it takes is repetition. All success stories have this in common: The successful folks among us know how to be patient, persistent, and consistent. Set a goal, write it down, and stick with it. The benefits of feeling good will outweigh any sense of sacrifice you might feel about having to push away that cake and ice cream. Here are some helpful and healthy links to help you get started on your way:

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