Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ken asks…

How to lose weight easily?

I’ve been doing so sit ups and ab workouts, i do 2 discs of hip hop abs which are like 23 and 29 mins. I don’t really know how much calories they burn but i do them 5 days a week for at least 1 and a half.
And also my tredmill broke so i can’t run on it but i still can run outside if the weather isn’t too hot or too cold.

weight loss cardiff answers:

That’s good, just try to remember to eat. You can have junk once in a while, but the main thing is to get a source of all of the food groups and don’t stop eating or you’ll gain more weight

Paul asks…

how can i lose weight easily and in under 2 weeks???

weight loss cardiff answers:

Try the master cleanse. 10 pounds in 10 days. Not easy but you will feel great.

Helen asks…

Gain weight Easily, Lose Weight Easily?

So, since I can put weight on quickly(nearly 2 pounds in a day,if I eating REALLY bad); wouldn’t it be healthy for me to lose it at the same rate?
They say you should be losing 1-2 pounds a week! But for me (when I’m consistent w/my healthy eating & exercise) I can lose up to 5 pounds in a week.
I need to lose about 30 pounds…

Any info,tips,suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you think about it, its actually hard to put on weight. You need a huge infrastructure of Burger Kings, Wal-Marts, and other calores dense food at hand AND you need it all to be so easily accessible that you can basically not have to physically work for it in order to put on fat.
Early man had to hunt and gather spending hours a day roaming around looking for either calorie poor vegtables, and fruits, or calorie dense meats that took a lot of energy to kill and bring home.
Think of the food you eat as Fuel, if you eat the high octane stuff you sure better work hard for it.

5 pounds a week is good and all for the first week or two, but its more than likely a lot of water weight. The reason why they say 1-2 pounds a week is ideal is that if you lose weight any faster you increase the chances of your body wanting to baloon back up to what it thinks it should be, plus a little extra for next time you diet.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

HOw do I lose weight in 2 weeks for prom?

Okay my jounier prom is in 2 weeks and i’m a size 11. I need to lose alot of weight before prom i wasnt a size 7. Pleeeeeeeeease help me!!!!!!!!!!! Noboy likes a fat kid.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You are NOT fat. A size 11 sounds like a nice figure to me. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day will help you out a lot over the next week or two, but it won’t get you to a size 7. I’ve heard those special body wraps they do at day spas will guarantee you’ll tighten up your body and lose inches. So if you have lots of money, then go try one of those.

David asks…

How can I lose weight in 2 weeks?

Is there a way to lose weight in 2 weeks with out having to starve myself. I’m going away on vacation and I would like to feel comfortable wearing my bikini.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi Ashlee,

What you’re asking all depends on what kind of shape you’re in right now and how much you want to actually lose. If you’re already active and semi fit then toning up is all you probably want to do. Eat foods high in whole grains, have a lot of vegetables and fruits and drink a lot of water. Work out 3 – 4 times a week with light weights and high repetitions.

If you are a more on the over weight side then there are several things you will need to do if you want to lose weight in such a short period of time. To be honest a lot of the weight you do lose will only be water but you won’t feel and look as bloated.

Week One: do a detox. Week Two: eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, have meals high in protein, complex carbs and drink a lot of water. Then do weights at least 4 times that week. Using light weights with high repetitions and make sure to have short rest times between sets to get your heart rate up and get you sweating more.

Eat 5 meals a day for the whole week. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner should consist of 60% protein, 30% complex carbohydrates and 10% Healthy Fats. Portions should be no larger you’re your clenched fist. Mid morning & Afternoon snack can consist of fruits, vegetables, almonds or a meal replacement shake. Examples of great proteins: grilled chicken breast, Tuna in water, salmon. Example of complex carbohydrates: brown rice, sweet potatoes (yams) and oatmeal. Have a serving of vegetables with both lunch and dinner meals.

Drink 1 glass of water before your three major meals, get at least 8 hours of sleep every night for the 2 weeks. Eat every meal nice and slow to digest your food properly. Do not eat 2 hours before bedtime. Do not eat any junk food, like chips, sweets that are high in refined sugar and carbohydrates.

Do this and it will help you lose a little bit of weight and add exercise to the mix, it should help you to get a little more toned for your trip.

Thomas asks…

How to lose weight in 2 weeks to a month?

Im 16, 5 ft 3 and weigh 9 stone 10 pounds, i want to lose weight but im not sure how ? i was thinking about doin the special k one .. where i would eat special k for breakfast, a special k protein meal bar for lunch and for dinner a well balanced meal, filling up with water and fruits also i would be doing 1 – 2 hour excersize daily, would this help me achieve in losing a stone within 2 – 4 weeks ??

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing a stone in 4 weeks means losing 3 1/2 pounds a week.

Your diet sounds quite reasonable, but losing more than 2 pounds a week might very well adversly affect your health.

The fine-print disclaimer at the bottom of the telly screen in the special k advert says, “Consult a physician before embarking on any weight-loss program.”

I assume you’re on the national health: See a doc!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Maria asks…

What do you think about weight loss pills?

Who is for and who is against weight loss pills? I`m doing some sort of a survey among you people so I can decide whether I will take some weight loss pills in order to lose almost 30 pounds or not. If you don`t agree to weight loss drugs, what else besides eating vegetables do you suggest?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hello! I don`t agree to weight loss pills. I believe you must lose weight the same way you gained weight.. The best way to lose weight is the healthy way. Just keep your calorie intake under control and things will work out great! I work a lot so I use an online diet and workout planner to count my calories. There`s a good one at, and it’s free. In case you`re interested in losing weight the “usual” way, that’s a great choice. In my opinion, this is the safest and healthiest way to stay in shape.

Daniel asks…

What are the risks of taking weight loss pills?

I’ve been trying to lose weight recently. I’ve been really healthy, drinking a lot of water, eating healthy and doing excercise, but my weight never goes down it just stays the same. So i considered weight loss pills. Is it true that after you stop taking them you’ll put on weight like crazy? Are they bad for you? I just want to know if its true that you gain weight when you stop taking them, as i dont want to be taking them for the rest of my life. Any info on this would be great. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Percent of body fat is more important, not weight. If weight was more important then most bodybuilders would be considered overweight. Weight loss pills usually dont work and if they do they arent good for the heart and more than likely you will gain all that weight back when off the pills…

Michael asks…

What weight loss pills work that are sold at walmart for men?

What are some good weight loss pills that are sold at walmart or places like cvs walgreens kmart for men that help loose weight (researching for a friend)

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss pills don’t work. They just suppress appetite and pack you full of caffeine. The best way to lose weight is through diet & exercise alone, there are no shortcuts.

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