Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

John asks…

Does anyone have true weight loss success stories to tell, without using diet pills?

Hi i am a 24 yr old woman, with 2 young children 4 and 2, I would like to loose 15 kilo’s, that would make me be my “ideal” weight, the problem is i dont really have the money or time to go to the gym, nor do i have money for diet pills, Once i did try Duromine 15mg and that did work great i lost weight with it, but had to stop using them due to anxiety, so can anyone help me by telling me how much excersise should i do daily and what should i eat for my 3 main meals, Real answers Please.
Thankyou so Much 🙂
The quicker i can loose it the better for me lol

weight loss cardiff answers:

Unfortunately there is no great, fast solution to lose weight fast that will keep it off long term.

You just need to adapt your lifestyle too a healthier one.

Make sure you eat breakfast, and make it your biggest meal of the day – eat a mid morning, and mid afternoon healthy snack. Eat lean meats and lots of vegies, steam or grill your food, only use a litlle or go without dressing and sauces.
Don’t eat anything after about 8pm. And lay off soft drinks etc. But drink lots of water which also makes you feel fuller.

If you don’t have time to exercise, make your life an exercise. Power walk to the shops, get your heart rate up, pushing a pram can be good for this. When putting the clothes on the line, put the washing basket at one end of the backyard, do short sprints between it and the clothesline.

Just a couple of examples but you get the idea…

Good luck

Robert asks…

What are your weight loss success stories? And what are you thrilled about most after reaching your goal?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I lost 30 pounds in 4 months with watching portion size and sugar content.

I was thrilled to buy clothes 2 sizes smaller than I was! 20 more pounds to go, though!

Steven asks…

weight loss success stories?

hey! I’m trying to lose 15 pounds. I would love to hear any of your weight loss stories. what did you do? and holw long did it take you to achieve your goals?? I would love to hear your stories! Thanks so much!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well, I decided when my husband filed for divorce,that I would control what I could control, so I decided to run when I felt stressed. Needless to say, I ran daily, and I had to force myself to take a rest day. One year later, I decided to eat healthy foods only for 8 week (with 4 squares of chocolate, as long as I only ate 1800 calories and I exercised for 1 hr a day).By the end of 8 weeks, I didn’t feel hungry, I lose 2 lbs a week, for a 12 lb. Loss, so I stayed with it. I have flat abs and I wore a bikini for the first time in 15 yrs. I must have looked good, I didn’t open one door. Lol

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

Post pregnancy (read c-section particularly) weight loss success stories?

My son is now 9 months old. He was born via a c-section. I gained 34 lbs during my pregnancy of which I have so far lost only 14 lbs. Also my tummy is sticking out and it appears as if I were 6 months pregnant even now!
I would love to hear from you ladies about your weight loss success stories.

What was your motivation?
How did you do it?
What diet (or rather healthy food) schedule did you follow?

weight loss cardiff answers:

My daughter is nine months old too. I gained about the same weight as you, 32-33 total. I started at 148 lbs. And can’t seem to go below 152. That isn’t terrible since I am still breastfeeding and haven’t tried too hard to lose it, but I’ll tell you what has worked for me so far… Good old eating healthy and working out. In terms of what to eat, whole foods whole foods whole foods. Whole grains, veggies, no processed foods, eat olive oil, organic, yummy sugar free foods.

In terms of working out… Last night my hubby watched baby so I could go for a quick three mile run, on the weekends I make an effort to bike (with baby in bike seat) my errands rather than drive, I sign up for sprint triathlons and short distance runs and middle distance bike races. Basically, I am just active. Given how much I move I hoped I would have been lower than my pre-pregnancy weight, but I think as long as we breastfeed the weight just kinda hangs on, compliments of the hormones. Don’t worry! I am sure you will be back to skinny you before you know it! Hang in there!

Paul asks…

Weight loss success much & how fast did you lose it?

Weight loss success much & how fast did you lose the weight? What did you do to lose it so quickly?

weight loss cardiff answers:

After i had my daughter i balloned to 14 and a half stone. I started eating healthy and doing 10 mins tae bo and lost half a stone in 2 weeks also the hour walk to and from nursrey when she got to nursrey age helped loads. Now i am more near my target weight it has seized up but as long as i am not gaining then i’m not worrying 😉 Basically healthy food and a minimum of 10 mins exercise and added walking on top 🙂

Lizzie asks…

Can anyone give me some good weight loss success stories?

How you did it? How much you lost? How long it took you?

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you are serious about LOSING WEIGHT, have a look at the list of sites:


Good luck 🙂

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

David asks…

Weight Loss Success Stories?

Tell your weight loss story !

-No fads.
-No surgeries.

Just the good old diet & exercise !

(By the way I’m 220, 5’5, and I have I goal weight of 160. I’m trying lose by September. I’m not sure if this realistic or not but be specific in your success thanks.)
-No pills, or anything crazy..

weight loss cardiff answers:

I weighed 243 on january 1st, 2009 and decided I was tired of being fat and unhealthy so I started watching what and how much I ate, I stopped eating fast food, stopped drinking soda, stopped eating sweets. All of these things were very hard for me but I am so fed up with not feeling good about me! So I made the sacrifice…Today I weigh 227!! My goal is also 160 which is completely possible by September. I do take a multivitamin and a vitamin c which I’ve noticed give me more energy! I workout 4-6 times a week and do 45-60 minutes of cardio and weights ( I alternate legs and arms )

Good Luck! It’s hard but so worth it!

Betty asks…

Any weight loss success stories with fast results?

how much weight did u lose in how much time? what did u do?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I lost 60lbs in less than a year. I jogged and ate three small meals a day, I never ate after 6pm.

Linda asks…

Weight loss success stories?

I need to get some inspiration. Tell me a weight loss story and how it has, if so, changed your life.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve lost 60 pounds since February just by eating better, eating less, and exercise. NO diet pills, NO starving myself, nothing stupid.

My life is pretty awesome anyway, and I didn’t lose weight for any reason other than I didn’t want to die of heart disease or contract diabetes. I have a lot more stamina now and I buy smaller clothes. Those are good too 🙂

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

Dose anyone have any weight loss success stories?

I am in the process of losing weight after being pregnant, and having a c-section. I actually gained most of my weight before I got pregnant. I had a hard time getting pregnant. I had PCOS, and some hormone problems that made me pack on the pounds, on top of taking meds to help with those problems, the meds I had to take caused weight gain. During my pregnancy I only gained about 35 pounds, which my doctor told me was the healthy amount to gain. Before all these problems came up I was used to being very thin. I always felt like I was very pretty, and I had a lot of confidence. I still think I’m pretty; I just want to lose weight. Also after I get my weight off I will be buying a completely new wardrobe, and makeup. So that gives me something to really look forward to, and makes me want to get it off that much more. I would love to hear some of your weight lose success stories, or makeover succes stories. Or if you have any kind of tips what so ever.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Being preggers screws up many women’s body forever, and loosing it is tuff, for sure. It all now comes down to the oldies but goodies— both yucko: diet and exercise.

Things that work for me:
steel cut oats,1/4 c cooked until done also called Scottish oats, you can get them at Trader Joe’s, or any health food section.
Walnuts,10 or so halves, blue berries, ground flax seed, 2 T, some brown sugar . Skim milk
1 c. Green spinach, olive oil for dressing, some olives, a carrot sliced, one tomato, or some cottage cheese and fresh fruit.
a few oz. Fish, chicken or other lean meat, a green veggie, and a very tiny salad… Again, olive oil, not man made dressings..
Eliminate breads,candy, brownies, and the other stuff you and I all love. Snack on celery. You can easily loose a pound or two a week. Just remember, it didn’t take you just two months to pack in on, it will be longer than two months to get rid of it… And the exercise… Walk at least 20 min every day….even if it is just around your neighborhood pushing your baby with you. Boring??? Oh, yes. If you go to a gym, walk or use the elliptical strider or the tread mill for 15 minimum, and at least 3 times a week. Then use some of the machines for toning your tummy, and muscles.

Hope this helps.

Susan asks…

anyone have any great weight loss success stories?

just wondering if anyone out there has had success in losing a bunch of weight, if so how did you do it ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well here is one tip. Try eating more in the morning and less before you go to sleep. Avoid eating 4 hours prior to sleep so eat dinner early. This will help you to burn the calories from the morning thorughtout the day and will avoid you from gaining weight at night. At night your body turns everything to fat. Also eat less fat foods and reduce calorie intakes. And excercise to get a higher metabolism. It worked for me! I lossed 10 lbs in about 2 months!

Sharon asks…

tell me your weight loss success stories?

I’ve been on a succesful diet for a while but I still have a long way to go. I would like to hear some inspiring weight loss success stories if you have any.

Be sure to include:

1.) How much you lost

2.) How long did it take

3.) how’d you do it

Thanks. True stories only please

weight loss cardiff answers:

So far i’ve lost 25 pounds

started mid to late june of this year

weight watchers…i never ate poorly, just ate more than i should..WW teaches u proper portion size…

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