Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Nancy asks…

How to kick start your weight loss?

I have recently hit a plateau in my weight loss and have stayed teh same for the past 3 weeks. What can I do to get back on track. I have switched up my meals so they are not the same, remain eating healthy, i walk 4-5 km’s a day, lots of water, 20 minutes of intense cardio a night.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Plateaus are very normal and they CAN be as long as 1-2 months. Just don’t give up, it just means that your body got used to the way you treat him now. Change your exercise, maybe intensify it or make it longer. Just don’t lose your motivation until the plateau is over and you will be on your way to gain your goal weight! 🙂

I also recently found this blog. It’s very motivational and maybe it has some alternative exercises that might work for you?

Here’s the link:

Keep up the determined mindset of yours and good luck! 🙂

George asks…

What are good weight loss sites you know of?

I’m interest in some weight loss advice/help sites. I find I’m not getting a lot of the answers I need on here. I need somebody to talk too about fitness/weight loss, etc. I want some kind of online support system you know. Thanks..

weight loss cardiff answers:

I like the five days on a diet blog and just reading the weight loss articles

and restaurant diet reviews

Mark asks…

what is the best weight loss shakes to drink for weight loss diet?

o.k. been searching the web for awhile and i wanted to know what is the best weight lost shake and exercise. If you have accurate answers please share. Really need the help to help and find weight loss options for the people I motivating to lose weight.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can find details about all you need to know about lose weight effectively and healthy supplements for weight loss at the blog on my profile. Also, there is information about a simple and efficient program to lose weight, and if we combine the blog’s tips with this program, amazing results could be obtained.

If you have any question, just email me ethbbv@yahoo…

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

Do you have some good weight loss tips?

I am looking for good weight loss tips – healthy ways to continue to lose weight, not fad diets, pills, etc. I have currently lost almost three pants sizes, and have (fingers crossed,) lost a lot of weight in the past three years or so…primarily in the past few months.

If you lost weight, what did you do to successfully lose the weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It can be easy if you put your mind to it. Start getting rid of those fattening fast foods like McDonalds, Wendys, Burgerking, etc. Don’t eat things with too much fat including sweets like donuts or cookies. Eat things with protein. Eat salads, fruits, veggies, and most importantly drink LOTS AND LOTS of water. If you are still hungry after you ate something, chew gum to help you ignore it. Hope this helps 🙂

Sandra asks…

What are your weight loss tips?

Looking for weight loss tips that you’ve tried that actually work .

weight loss cardiff answers:

I think a vast number of persons hate the image they see of themselves in the mirror commonly because of excess weight. If you have that extra fat around your stomach and/or obese, I’m here to tell that it’s not impossible. Losing weight is a very simple thing, but the difficult part is what most people lack and that’s motivation and determination.
It’s easy to get up at some point and just start working. However, here is the part that makes us stop – as soon as we are done working out we look in the mirror and expect to see actual results. Well folks that’s IMPOSSIBLE! Changing our body takes time like everything else that’s worth it. If we all could wake up with a 6 pack tomorrow then I don’t believe reading this right now would make any sense.
Here’s how it works, if you want to lose weight:
· Stop making up lame excuses and start working out. Too many times I’ve seen persons delay their work out program and continue eating crap because they have convince themselves that it’s okay to eat crap for they are determine that they will work out tomorrow. Funny thing though is that tomorrow never comes.

· Learn your body type and plan a workout and diet program base on you. The thing that most people don’t realize is that a weight loss strategy used by one person may not necessarily work with someone else. For e.g. The weight loss diet of a 6 feet tall man will NEVER help a 5 feet 2 inches man lose weight. Learn what works for you by reading and don’t be convince by fab diets.

Go here for more tips from same article

Joseph asks…

How lose weight fast before the summer season starts?

So as you all know, it’s almost summer !! As of right now, I’m 5’5 and 145 pounds. I know I know I’m overweight haha so I obviously need to lose some stomach and thigh fat before the middle of June. I’m a competitive swimmer, so I excersice at least an hour and a half every day. However, practice ends in two weeks, so I won’t be getting to burn those extra calories anymore. What kind of excersises do I need to do to make my stomach and thighs slimmer? How many calories do I need to consume each day? Is 20 pounds a realistic goal for the middle of June? Weight loss tips? Thanks! (:

weight loss cardiff answers:

1. Cut out the sugar. It’s easy to say and hard to do for most of us but if you want to start seeing results you need to start now.

2. Eat 4-7 meals a day. Believe it or not by eating more frequently, you actually increases your metabolism which helps you to lose weight faster.

3. Eat more fiber. Next time you go shopping pay attention to the food label and buy products with higher fiber content.

4. Drink a glass of water before you eat. Filling up your stomach with water will help suppress your appetite. *** Drink a minimum of 8 glasses (8 ounces)of water each day.

5. Lose the scale and start measuring.

6. Exercise at least 30-60 minutes for daily!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Richard asks…

where can i find a forum or community for women that are dieting or trying to lose weight?

i’ve been trying to stick with a diet for the past month or so, but find that it’s a lot easier for me when i have other people to talk to about tips and progress and such.
does anyone know of a community or forum where women can discuss their diets and weight loss plans with one another?

weight loss cardiff answers:
Helped me out!!!
I LOVE the members on there they are all sooo helpful!!!
You’ll love it!!!
I have lost 20 pounds thanks to them!

Linda asks…

What are some reliable, good weight loss plans?

yes, I’m know this question has been asked a million times, and there are about a million and one answers to go along with it. But I am asking this question honestly, asking opinions on what has worked for people. I’m talking about serious weight loss too, not just “oh I want to fit into a size 2 pair of jeans” type of deal. I need to lose a good amount of weight for health reasons and lifestyle choice. Yes I am an active person, and I have tried some programs before, usually had good results with Weight Watchers, but for some reason it’s just not working so well now despite watching the points and such. So I’m looking for a reliable, inexpensive weight loss plan. I am in college, with limited funds and options, and this may be the reason WW isn’t doing so good, not sure, but that’s not really the point either. What plans/techniques/ suggestions can you make or things you’ve tried that have worked for you?

weight loss cardiff answers:


The recommended diet right now is 2k calories a day. It’s recommended that you eat 5 meals instead of 3 to spread the calories. If you eat rice, I highly recommend eating brown rice instead of white rice because it doesn’t contain as much sugar as white rice. Also, try drinking a lot of water since it helps control appetite. Avoid diet soda because diet soda is just as bad as regular soda. Eat a lot of protein after you’re done exercising because it helps relax muscles. Don’t eat too much bread either, because it can make you gain weight. Eat a balanced meal, meaning if you eat meat, eat veggies and fruit too. And I would recommend eating fruits and veggies during the summer, because it helps your body stay cool.

Exercise wise, I would recommend doing an every other day workout. For example, Monday-Wednesday and Friday try to run and do as much cardio. The other days try to work on upper body. Believe it or not, that’s how military personnel work out during their basic training. Sundays, you can go easy and do whatever you want. I would also suggest hiking and high altitude training, because it helps build stamina and endurance. Hiking two to three hours may be tiring, but it’s completely worth it. If you have gym membership, try using the elipticals and stair masters (sorry for the misspelling.) I usually go on lvl 15 on the stair masters and I burn calories like crazy.

Try to get as much sleep as possible too. Researcher found out that the more you sleep, the less hungry you get when you wake up.

Steven asks…

What is a good diet plan loss that works?

Please no pills and something for a 15 year old girl that I can do =] And something afforadable. LIke how long will it take to loose 16 pounds and what is a good weight loss plan?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Abs Diet for Women. It’s an easy, eating for life plan. I lost about 15 pounds on the first month on it and have kept every ounce off.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Laura asks…

Can anyone give me some good weight loss advice?

I am a very busy 21-year-old woman. I work full time and go to school full time nights. I don’t have much time and am always eating on the run. (Which means it’s hard for me to lose weight.) I have gotten into the routine of walking half an hour in the morning every day which is good, but I’ve kind of hit a plateau and am stuck because I can’t find anytime to cook so I can eat right. Do you have any good advice or quick cook recipes (no fish) to solve this problem? Anyone else my age having trouble with their weight loss?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m 29, and have always had a hard time. I have found that the easiest and most effective thing is to eat small amounts, several times a day. I don’t even eat healthy all the time…I keep things like nuts, string cheese, summer sausage, etc…around, and just make myself eat something every couple of hours. I avoid fast food as much as possible, and when I do eat it, I order a kid’s meal to help with portion control. When I sit down to a regular meal, I always take 1/2 of what I think I want, wait about 20 min., and then judge if I NEED more or not. The other big key is water…AT LEAST 8 servings a day, and more is better. NO regular pop. The fact that you are already in the habit of walking is great as well. Keep doing that, but maybe use a timer and try to go a little farther each day within your 30 min. That will increase your pace without taking more time. I hope this helps. I know how frustrating it is to try and do work and school at the same time, and still struggle to find time for housework and taking care of yourself…which always seems to end up the lowest priority. 🙂

Sandra asks…

What is a easy way to loose weight at home?

I wanted to loose some weight before summer time. Please help me.

weight loss cardiff answers:

This is what I have been doing

20 sit ups every morning (I just now started a 10 min workout video in the am and pm ( in the living room) but I started with the 20 sit ups every am.)

Get an exercise ball if you can they are wonderful. You can you tube different workout videos for free.

The following are all just examples of the food I ROTATE:

Breakfast: Hard boiled egg, 1 bowl cereal with 1% milk ( i don’t like skim) yogurt~anything lite and healthy.

Lunch: Salad or 1 lean Pocket (hot pocket brand) or smart ones frozen lunch

Snack: all I snack on is raw veggies or fruit~THATS IT! No more soda or fast food either all water, tea or flavored water.

Dinner: I eat whatever dinner it is that I cook just in a smaller portion than usual.(fish and steamed veggies are really the best dinner I really had to get use to the fish bout figured out some great recipes)

Walk everyday: I don’t care whether it is around the block or on a treadmill very important to walk.(my fiance is just happy to see I am finally using our treadmill)

This was a REALISTIC plan for me. I know it was alot to read but it really has worked. THis week I am @ 12 lb weight loss. Im sooo happy!

Best of Luck

Charles asks…

What are those easy cook food for teenage girl that is suffered from obesity?

What are those easy cook food for teenage girl that is suffered from obesity?

weight loss cardiff answers:

At my heaviest I weighed 355 lbs. I had been successful on many diets, but I could never keep the weight off. It wasn’t until I read a little ebook that i ordered online called, “Lifestyle Changes That Cause Weight Loss” , that I understood that permanent weight loss will never come unless i lose the weight in a way that I can continue to live once it is gone.

I learned how to eat properly (Yes there is a correct way to eat). I learned that i didnt have to go to the gym eveyday, that I could incorporate exercise into my daily life. This was great because I hated working out at a gym.

Over a two year period of time, I lost about 7 lbs. Per month eating in a manner that didnt leave me hungry all the time. And over that two year period I lost over 160 lbs and I have kept it off.

I strongly recommend you order the ebook. It is simple but the knowledge is very powerful. It only cost me $5. I have tried dozens of diets over the years, but this ebook is the only source of information that was able to show me how to lose and MAINTAIN my weight. I am thankful I came across it.

You can order the ebook at:

PS There are some lists of food that are good to eat in this ebook, as well as a few recipe’s

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