Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mandy asks…

What are some easy weight loss techniques for wrestlers?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Cut down on soda and salty foods.

Soda is pretty much sugared water, so switching to diet would cut down on empty calories.

Really salty processed foods make your body retain a lot of water– so cutting back on these might not make you lose fat, but water weighs a lot and if you’re retaining less water your weight could drop 3-4 pounds just like that.

Donna asks…

What is an Easy Weight Loss Cleanse?

In a previous question someone (mase i think his name was) recommended that before any weight loss you should first do a cleanse…so what should i do? Hopfully something easy that won’t make me look like a total goon when i go to buy it, are there some things i can mix into a drink? anyways ill stop asking and wait for the right answer .

when i mean easy, i mean like easy to acquire and make, i know it won’t be”easy” to do

weight loss cardiff answers:

My moms friend used that hydorxycut stuff (the one you mix in water) and lost about 15lb. I don’t think she added any exercise (beyond what she was getting at work) either. I don’t know if hydroxycut is considered a “cleanse” though.

I know you find those fad ones online if you type in cleanse, but the maple syrup one sounds like a farce to me.

I’ve heard of the water cleanse, but that’s more difficult, and extremely dull.

Hope I helped. Good luck!

Paul asks…

Can you help give me an idea or an easy weight loss plan that”s free?

I’m 49 yrs. of age I take arobic step,cardio kickboxing,sculp and tone classes 6 days a week for 3 yrs.So I just need nutritional advice to help me reach my goal.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Your regime is very impressive, you should be looking great already!

But really just eat healthy, everyone knows the basics:

– Low fatty foods
– No junk foods, excessive amounts of sugar
– 5-6 small meals a day to help with metabolism

With your workout schedule it should be a cinch.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ruth asks…

How old do you have to be to purchase diet pills in the US?

I’ve heard thigns about casiers refusing to sell young girls diet pills. This made me wonder if there is an age restriction to purchase diet pills. How old do you have to be to buy diet pills?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hiya, In my line of work, it is easy to comfort eat, especially when there’s a deadline to meet and you’re under lots of stress. Finding time for the gym or cooking healthy food was not something I ever really found time to think about. I had never even realised that I’d become so large until someone I knew well, who I hadn’t seen me for a while no longer knew who I was.

Premium Acai Slim has just given me that added help and support to know that I can now lose and maintain my weight. Losing weight has made me feel so much more confident and I really go out of my way, to ensure I stay healthier, through my diet, healthy exercise and by taking Premium Acai Slim. I cannot recommend this product enough to you all! I feel and look ten years younger.

After doing a quick google search i found this which might interest you.


which has some discount to try premium acai slim… Go for it give it a shot!!

Donna asks…

What diet pills work the best for energy and weight loss?

I have tried SO many, and I can’t tell the differance. I want to know your opinion, if you have taken diet pills and know they work. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

To be completely honest, diet pills do not work. I too have tried every diet pill, every diet shake, every diet plan that is on the market, and the only thing that worked, without draining me financially, was healthier eating, light exercise, and daily walks.
I was having health issues, because I was gaining weight, but not really getting “fat”. I had become violently ill, to the point of basically becoming bedridden. The doctors could not figure it out. After several months of tests, and numerous trips to the doctors offices, they did an EKG (echocardiogram) and found that I had fat on my liver. The fat cells were attaching to my internal organs instead of showing on the outside, and it was causing my liver to malfunction and could cause it to completely shut down if I do not lose the fat.

I tried everything. I tried every diet plan imaginable.

Here is what worked:
Eating food!!
I began to eat for my breakfast healthy cereal, with skim milk. One bowl a day, along with a nice tall glass of orange juice. For lunch, I would eat a couple slices of wheat bread toasted, and a glass of orange juice or skim milk, or other juice (apple juice, grape juice, etc.) For supper, I would make a HUGE salad, with lowfat dressing.

Every other day I would have the salad for supper, but on days I did not have the salads, I would make healthy meals– I switched from using ground beef to ground turkey (alot less fat), and would make meals that had long grain brown rice, and chicken in it, with lowfat sauces over it. I also have increased my intake of steamed vegetables– something that is relatively cheap, yet high in vitamins, that I buy in bulk at Sam’s Club.

In between all that eating, I would take a nice steady paced (not fast, but brisk) walk around my neighborhood for about a half hour to hour. I also, while watching TV, would hook my feet under the edge of the couch while commercials were on, and do a few sit ups. I consider myself VERY lazy, so it was great– fast, yet did not make me break a sweat

What that did was tone up the flab, a little at a time, with very little effort. The walking burnt calories, and strengthened and toned my muscles. And the change in eating habits changed my life.I have been steadily loosing weight, and actually keeping it off.

Diet pills DO make you lose weight, but cost too much, and you have to continue to take them long term to keep the weight off, and you have to take suppliments (like “One A Day Plus Iron”) iin order to get the proper nutrition in your system. It is much cheaper, and much safer, and way far easier to eat your way to skinny, by eating healthier foods, lowfat foods.

It worked for me, and I now have more energy, look much better (I was beginning to look worn and ragged, but now look younger and healthier), and sleep much better. I have found that diet pills were not the answer, but rather a change in what I eat, and actually taking a few small steps to be more active was all it took to get the weight off and keep it off.

So my advice is this:
Do not use diet pills, but rather try new eating habits– I can eat as much as I want now (healthier foods, and lowfat foods) and am still losing weight.

I feel your pain with weight loss issues– been there, done that, and the best way to have high energy and loses weight is the eat right, sleep regular hours (at least 8 hours a night), and watch the pounds melt off, and the energy levels rise.

Good luck.

Richard asks…

What is your experience with diet pills or juices?

So I know they’re not good for you and I know crash diet results aren’t usually permanent, but I need fast results to look great in an outfit for an upcoming event even if I gain most of it back. Has anyone here experimented with diet pills or juices and had success or failures? Which brands and what side effects?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Like you already know, the weight loss was temporary and gained back plus some. Permanent weight loss is best done with the knowledge that the body can only lose 2-3 pounds/fat/week. Any more than this is loss of muscle and since muscles helps burn calories and also makes us look good it is not something you want to lose.

So, eating too little calories will simply cut your metabolism too much and also cause you to lose muscle, and then gain back fat. That’s a 3-way formula for not-smart dieting.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

Is it safe to try to lose weight while pregnant?

I’m only talking about 10-15 pounds. I’m not pregnant now, but trying to conceive. I want to be totally healthy beforehand, so I eat well and try to exercise daily. I just don’t know if it’s okay to step up the exercise level, or if this isn’t a good time. (like taking up running?) I guess my uncertainty is in not knowing between ovulation and missed period what is happening. I don’t want to go overboard and miscarry. What have your doctors recommended??

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you’re not pregnant now, it doesn’t matter what you start doing. You can exercise as hardcore as you want.

Usually, if you normally workout intensely, they let you continue doing that once you’re pregnant. You just don’t want to make a drastic change AFTER you’re prego.

Richard asks…

Is it possible to safely lose weight while pregnant?

When my daughter was 5 months old I got pregnant again, Im happy about having another child but I didn’t get to lose all my pregnancy weight from my daughter and I don’t want to gain too much weight so is it possible to safely lose weight while I am pregnant now?!?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It is NEVER recommended that a pregnant women try to lose weight while pregnant.
You can however not take in as many calories and exercise to limit the amount that you gain.
You need to gain some weight while pregnant so that your baby can develop accordingly.
Just eat right, exercise and try not to give into every naughty craving.
But sometimes if you are craving something, it is your body telling you that you need it for some reason or another.
Good luck on your pregnancy

Lizzie asks…

Is it ok to lose weight while pregnant?

It’s slightly possible that I may be pregnant. Won’t know until I miss my period. However, I started dieting and exercising recently and I’m actually losing weight and doing well with it. If it turns out that I am pregnant, should I stop dieting and exercising or should I just change how I’m doing it?

weight loss cardiff answers:

No. Any doctor will tell you that. What you can do is just make sure you are eating healthy. Don’t eat any more calories than you need for you both to be healthy. While pregnant that is only about an extra 300 calories a day. And you can take walks everyday to stay active.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mary asks…

do i factor in calories burned from exercise into my daily caloric intake to lose weight?

i calculated from a weight loss calculator online that to maintain my current weight i should consume no more than 1700 calories a day and subtract 500 calories a day from that amount to lose about a pound a week. so i try to eat no more than 1200 calories a day. if i exercise and burn aprox. 200 calories does that mean i can eat 1400 calories a day and still lose the same amount of weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

In theory yes this is correct

Lisa asks…

weight loss?

how many calories would I have to burn each day to loose ten lbs by august. an online calculator would also help. and what do you think of trampoline exersises are they effective for fast weight loss. I have a mini one and a 14ft one. Thanks any advise is welcome.
PS I’m 5’2 and abt 200lbs

weight loss cardiff answers:

U cant count on 1 exercise plan

go for walks every1 once in a while and go to youtube ans search for sparkpeople exercise videos they rock!
Or go to the website and sign up, they offer everything from a calorie calculator to support groups

Linda asks…

Anyone knows a good weight loss web site with calorie counter and bmi calculator?

It should have calorie information about foods and support groups. Of course, I’d rather try a free one… thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Have you tried It’s a great site, and it’s free. It’s got menu and workout planners, and an integrated calorie calculator that lets you calculate how many calories you eat, and then how many you burn when you work out. Plus, it’s got really nice graphs – I’ve been using it for a couple of months and I love it!

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