Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mary asks…

do i factor in calories burned from exercise into my daily caloric intake to lose weight?

i calculated from a weight loss calculator online that to maintain my current weight i should consume no more than 1700 calories a day and subtract 500 calories a day from that amount to lose about a pound a week. so i try to eat no more than 1200 calories a day. if i exercise and burn aprox. 200 calories does that mean i can eat 1400 calories a day and still lose the same amount of weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

In theory yes this is correct

Lisa asks…

weight loss?

how many calories would I have to burn each day to loose ten lbs by august. an online calculator would also help. and what do you think of trampoline exersises are they effective for fast weight loss. I have a mini one and a 14ft one. Thanks any advise is welcome.
PS I’m 5’2 and abt 200lbs

weight loss cardiff answers:

U cant count on 1 exercise plan

go for walks every1 once in a while and go to youtube ans search for sparkpeople exercise videos they rock!
Or go to the website and sign up, they offer everything from a calorie calculator to support groups

Linda asks…

Anyone knows a good weight loss web site with calorie counter and bmi calculator?

It should have calorie information about foods and support groups. Of course, I’d rather try a free one… thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Have you tried It’s a great site, and it’s free. It’s got menu and workout planners, and an integrated calorie calculator that lets you calculate how many calories you eat, and then how many you burn when you work out. Plus, it’s got really nice graphs – I’ve been using it for a couple of months and I love it!

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