Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

How do you lose a little weight easily and quickly?

I’m 16 and I’m only 4’8, so this wont seem like a lot of weight to you but it is to me for my height. I’m 91lbs and I’ve never been this heavy in my life. I only want to lose between 5 and 10lbs, but whenever I try to just lose a little, I gain weight. I started out at 84lbs which is normal and I just keep gaining weight, I don’t know why. What are some things I can do to get back to my normal weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing weight requires you to burn more calories than you consume. So the ways to do that are cut your calories, be more active, or both.

Do not drop your calories under 1200 a day without a doc’s okay. Too low and your metabolism slows down and you don’t get the desired effect…and weight gain becomes easier.

Add exercise to your daily regime. I shoot for at least 1 hr a day, at least 5 days a week…but most week’s I manage up to 2 hrs a day (between 2 workouts, before and after work) 6 – 7 days a week.

Do cardio exercise for fat burning…jogging, speed walking, dancing, aerobics, swimming, bicycling, etc. Do strength training and/or toning exercise to firm your body and speed up your metabolism. If you have weights you can use, that’s a bonus. Yoga is also great for toning and flexibility.

Good luck!

Ken asks…

How can i lose weight quickly, easily and low cost?

I am 163 cm and weigh about 50 kilos. I love my weight/height and most of my body is really toned except for my bum and thighs. They are a ginormous problem as i cant wear half the stuff i want to because of them. I am not pear-shaped as my hips are a nice size, its just all my fat goes into my thighs. Two years ago i went on a crash diet and ate basically nothing all year. I had a BMI of 16, which i know is underweight but it worked for me. Now i have sort of “let myself go”.

Anyway, if anyone knows any way of making legs thinner or longer that would be great. I know running is a good way of solving my problem, but i find it too difficult to breath and i dont really have the time. I am still growing so if anyone knows of any miracle foods that will help, please say. Thanks

weight loss cardiff answers:

“I know running is a good way of solving my problem, but i find it too difficult to breath and i dont really have the time.”

Running gets easier with practice. Just take it slowly and try to improve your distance/time gradually. I started out running not able to even finish a mile without stopping to walk. With 6 months of intense training, I’m now able to run 9 miles (14.5 km) on mountainous trails. It’s not impossible, it only takes one hour of your day!

Start off by jogging as slow as you need to for twenty-thirty minutes. Carry a water bottle with you as you run. You’ll be able to get faster & build endurance.

If not, you can go to the gym and use those machines specifically geared towards working out the thigh/leg muscles.

Sorry bud, but the only way to get toned thighs is to exercise and hard work. I know you don’t like to hear that, but if it were really as simple as a “miracle food” then we’d all look fabulous.

Jenny asks…

how to lose weight easily and quickly?

i want to do it without starving myself i have alot of muscle but some fat to i want to burn all my fat or most of iit so how do i?

weight loss cardiff answers:

1. Keep track of what you eat. Use a food log website such as (that’s what I use, it has helped a lot) to keep track of how much you’ve eaten and how much you can still eat. NEVER eat less than 1200 calories if you’re a woman or less than 1500 if you’re a man. That can put your body into starvation mode which actually makes weight loss more difficult.

2. Find an exercise you like doing and do it everyday! Try to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity in. For me its dancing – specifically the Caramelldansen which is a little bit silly but its helped me stay active and in shape.

3. DOOOO NOOOTTT stress about losing weight. That won’t help, at all. I know from experience.

4. Eat only when you’re actually hungry. Think to yourself, “am I actually hungry or am I just craving this food, or am I jsut eating because its the time of day I usually eat?”

Good luck. 🙂
I used to weigh 195 and am now down to 145 pounds.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

John asks…

any fruitarians around?

A friend sent this to me ~ Pretty Interesting!

Eating Fruit – this opened my eyes.

Dr Stephen Mak is a friend of mine at the BSF course. He treats terminal ill cancer patients by “un-orthodox” way and many patients recovered. He explains to me before he is using solar energy to clear the illnesses of his patients. He believes on natural healing in the body against illnesses. See the article below.

Thanks for the email on fruits and juices. It is one of the strategies to heal cancer. As of late, my success rate in curing cancer is about 80%. Cancer patients shouldn’t die. The cure for cancer is already found. It is whether you believe it or not. I am sorry for the hundreds of cancer patients who die under the conventional treatments.
Thanks and God bless.
Dr Stephen Mak


We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It’s not as easy as you think. It’s important to know how and when to eat.

What is the correct way of eating fruits?

If you eat fruit like that, it will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.

FRUIT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD. Let’s say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so.

In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil….

So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals! You have heard people complaining — every time I eat watermelon I burp, when I eat durian my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel like running to the toilet, etc — actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat!

Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes all these will NOT happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach.

There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon are acidic, because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter. If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.

When you need to drink fruit juice – drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans. Don’t even drink juice that has been heated up. Don’t eat cooked fruits because you don’t get the nutrients at all. You only get to taste. Cooking destroys all the vitamins.

But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it. You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look!

KIWI: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E & fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

APPLE: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low vitamin C content, it has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack & stroke.

STRAWBERRY: Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits & protect the body from cancer-causing, blood vessel-clogging free radicals.

ORANGE : Sweetest medicine. Taking 2-4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessens the risk of colon cancer.

WATERMELON: Coolest thirst quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione, which helps boost our immune system. They are also a key source of lycopene — the cancer fighting oxidant. Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C & Potassium.

GUAVA & PAPAYA: Top awards for vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high vitamin C content.. Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene; this is good for your eyes.

Drinking Cold water after a meal = Cancer! Can u believe this?? For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this ‘sludge’ reacts with the acid, it will break down

weight loss cardiff answers:

This sounds very suspicious. I do not disagree for a moment that fruit is very good stuff. However, much of the reasoning in this sounds a lot like pseudoscience and quackery.

“Drinking Cold water after a meal = Cancer! Can u believe this??”
No. Frankly I am cannot. The causes of cancer are very complex and to make such simplistic statements is nonsensical.

“Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes all these will NOT happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach.”
These are extremely large and general claims. Since they seem too good to be true, they probably are.

“If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight. ”
As for the last point. Note also that claims like ‘happiness’ and ‘health’ are very vague and would be difficult to prove anyway.

“If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it.”
Why should it need to mix with the saliva? Why would that help? Saliva breaks down starch into sugar. It also begins the process of breaking down fats. Most fruits have insignificant starch and fat content. So, what would saliva do to be so beneficial.

I must say that I tend to eat fruit before eating anything else anyway. Not because of all this nonsense. Just because, while I am getting the water boiling for macaroni, toasting bread etc, I eat it as a snack. Will doing so magically ward off cancer? I doubt it.

William asks…

When is the best time to eat fruit and drink water?

I found this very informative and thought my contacts might want to live a longer life so please read this:


It’s long but very informative

We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It’s not as easy as you think. It’s important to know how and when to eat.

What is the correct way of eating fruits?


If you eat fruit like that, it will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.

FRUIT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD. Let’s say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so.

In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil….

So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals! You have heard people complaining – every time I eat watermelon I burp, when I eat durian my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel like running to the toilet, etc – actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat!

Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes all these will NOT happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach.

There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon are acidic, because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter. If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.

When you need to drink fruit juice – drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans. Don’t even drink juice that has been heated up. Don’t eat cooked fruits because you don’t get the nutrients at all. You only get to taste. Cooking destroys all the vitamins.

But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it. You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look!

KIWI: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E & fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

APPLE: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low vitamin C content, it has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack & stroke.

STRAWBERRY: Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits & protect the body from cancer-causing, blood vessel-clogging free radicals.

ORANGE : Sweetest medicine. Taking 2-4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessens the risk of colon cancer.

WATERMELON: Coolest thirst quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione, which helps boost our immune system. They are also a key source of lycopene – the cancer fighting oxidant. Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C & Potassium.

GUAVA & PAPAYA: Top awards for vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high vitamin C content.. Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene; this is good for your eyes.

Drinking Cold water after a meal = Cancer! Can u believe this?? For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this ‘sludge’ reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well…this is certainly making me realize how unhealthy of an eater I really am. It also makes me want to eat an orange.

George asks…

I want to lose 50 pounds and I found a diet- do you think it will work? plz skim and answer!?

To lose weight in 5 months, follow this simple diet routine, proved to be more effective:

General Motors Weight Loss Diet, a.k.a. The GM Diet* – An e-mail received from Shri M Siddique (who recd from Ravindra Jaju)
Have you heard of the Physics Diet? As common sense goes, prevention is always better than cure!
The following diet and health program was apparently developed for the employees and the dependants of General Motors Inc.
The program was developed in conjunction with the grant from the US Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. It was first tried at the Johns Hopkins Research Centre and was approved for distribution by the Board of Directors of General Motors Corporation at a general meeting on August 15, 1995 .
General Motors Corporation wholly endorsed this program and is making it available to all employees and families. This program will be available at all General Motors Food service facilities.
It is the management’s intention to facilitate a welfare and fitness program for everyone.
This program is designed for a target weight loss of 5-6 Kgs. per week. It will also improve your attitude and emotions because of its systematic cleansing effects. The effectiveness of this seven day plan is that the foods eaten burn more calories than they give to the body in caloric value. This plan can be used as often as you like to without any fear of complications. It is designed to flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well being. After seven days you will begin to feel lighter by atleast 10 pounds. You will have an abundance of energy and an improved disposition.
During the first seven days you must drink 10 glasses of water each day.
All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consists of all fruits you want. It is suggested you consume lots of watermelon and cantaloupe.
All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the new and cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the account or type. Avoid oil and coconut while cooking vegetables. Have large boiled potato for breakfast.
Any mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet and no potatoes today.
Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. You can also have one bowl of vegetables soup.
Today is a feast day. You will eat 1 (one) cup of rice. You also have to eat 6 (six) whole tomatoes and drink 12 (twelve) glasses of water today to cleanse your system of the excess uric acid you will be producing.
Today is another all vegetables day. You must eat 1 cup of rice today and eat all the vegetables you want cooked and uncooked to your heart’s content.
Today your food intake will consist of 1 cup rice, fruit juice and all the vegetables you care to consume. Tomorrow morning you will be five to eight kilograms lighter than 1 week ago. If you desire further weight loss, repeat the program again. Repeat the program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you rest for three days before every repetition.
You have your system under control now and it will thank you for all the purging and cleansing you just gave it. Even more than a diet program it is good to follow this diet once in a while to clean your digestive system and remove toxic substances that have a accumulated in the system.
The most important element of the program is the 10 (ten) tall glasses of water a day. You can also flavour the water will some lemon to make the drink easier. While on the program, take only black coffee and never more than one teaspoon of oil. Preferably do not use oil because the high calorific content. No fruit juices before day seven.
Here is what happens to you body while you are on this program and how and why it works.
Day 1: You are preparing your system for the upcoming program. Your only source of nutrition is fresh fruits. Fruits are nature’s perfect food. They provide everything you can possibly want to sustain life except total balance and variety.
Day 2: Starts with a fix complex carbohydrates in the form of a boiled potato. This is taken in the form of a boiled potato and taken in the morning to provide energy and balance. The rest of the day too consists of vegetables which are virtually calories free and provide essential nutrients and fibre.
Day 3: Eliminates the potato because you get your carbohydrates from fruits. Your system is now prepared to start burning excess pounds. You will have cravings, which should start to diminish by day four.
Day 4: Bananas and milk. You are in for a surprise. You probably will not be able to eat all the bananas allowed. But they are there for the potassium you have lost and the sodium you may have missed during the last three days. You will notice a definite loss of desire for sweets and you will be surp

weight loss cardiff answers:

Please do not follow this diet. It is a fad diet. Fad diets do not work.

I’ll tell you what I do not like about this diet. This diet does not provide sufficient fat or protein. Both are essential nutrients. This is basically a semi-starvation diet. You will lose lots of lean muscle mass as your body wastes away.

It is very difficult for people to sustain wt. Loss of more than 1 lb a week. A pound of fat= 3500 calories. If you burn 500 calories more per day than you eat than you will lose 1 lb a week. If you lose more than this you are losing water weight by dehydrating yourself, losing weight at an unsafe rate through semi-starvation, and you will not be able to maintain this weight loss.

Don’t believe me? Americans spend billions on weight loss programs and products each year. If these fad diets worked than 2/3 of adult Americans would not be overweight or obese.

Losing weight takes patience, persistence, and a desire to learn how to eat healthfully. Most people find that exercise is needed to help them create a large enough calorie deficit to lose weight. There is no quick fix.

If you want to lose weight I would highly recommend talking to a registered dietitian (RD). An RD is a nutrition expert that can help set up a customized diet plan for you to help you lose weight. Contact your local hospital for more information. Good luck.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Carol asks…

What is the difference between a Dietitian and a Nutritionist?

I know that one of the differences is that a Dietitian must be registered and have at least a Bachelors degree in a Food Science/ Nutrition related program as well as have gone through and internship and attained a license ( depending on state) but as in career wise, what is the difference? Are Dietitians found more in hospitals while nutritionists work in private practice or health centers? I am interested in studying in this field , please help 🙂

Thanks 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:

The primary difference is that the nutritionist certification does not usually require as much training. Getting a job is like anything else; you have to get someone to hire you.

Paul asks…

What major should I go into in college if I want to be a certified dietitian?

I dont know what classes I should take to become a dietitian or even what major. Also, do I have to go to medical school to be a dietitian?
Please Help! Tell me as much as you know about the dietitian feild. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I am a Registered Dietitian and am happy to fill you in on the details! You will have to go through several steps to become an RD. First of all, you will need to find a college that has a specific program in place (called DPD requirements- they must be nationally accredited) that will give you the necessary classes to then be eligible for the next step- the Dietetic Internship. This program will lead to a BS , usually in Nutrition Science or Dietetics. It varies from school to school, but you can expect to take the following courses as they are fundamental to the practice of nutrition: 1 year General Chemistry, 1 year Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Anatomy & Physiology, Psychology…as well as your Nutrition core, which ranges from general nutrition to advanced metabolism, etc. Of course, you will also need to complete you liberal arts classes as well (math, English, history, etc). Of note, many employers and the American Dietetic Association are encouraging RDs to also complete a Masters of Science degree before being eligible to practice…this may also be mandatory in the future. After you have graduated (either BS or MS) – you can then apply for the Internship. This is usually about 1 year long- and must also be at a nationally accredited program. Check out for more info on programs. Internship selection is very competitive, so I encourage you keep your grades up and get as much clinical experience as possible- even if that means volunteering. Then, once you have completed the internship, you are eligible to sit for your RD board exam. Once you pass, you are officially an RD! (YOu have to maintain your credentials, however, via continuing education…but we’ll save that for later!) Good luck in your endeavor!

David asks…

What is the difference between a nutritionist and a dietitian?

I’m interested in health and how the body works so I want to become a dietitian or nutritionist. But I don’t know the difference. Is there anything different between the two? If so, what is it? Thanks 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:


1) In a hospital or nursing home, a person who plans and/or formulates special meals for patients. It can also simply be a euphemism for a cook who works in a medical facility but who does not have extensive training in special nutritional needs. 2) In clinical practice, a specialist in nutrition. Nutritionists can help patients with special needs, allergies, health problems, or a desire for increased energy or weight change devise healthy diets. Some nutritionists in private practice are well- trained, hold a degree and are licensed. Depending on state law, however, a person using the title may not be trained or licensed at all.



A dietitian knows a lot about food and healthy eating. That’s because dietitians are people who are experts in food! Dietitians can help you decide what to eat, when to eat, and almost anything else about eating right.


one concerned with the promotion of good health through proper diet and with the therapeutic use of diet in the treatment of disease. The dietitian may work in a variety of settings, including hospitals and other health care agencies, schools, hotels, and other commercial institutions where duties include both food service administration and therapeutic nutrition services, or may choose to enter the fields of education and research. Some dietitians practice independently either as consultants or private practitioners in the area of therapeutic dietetics.


They also are not regulated. They have varying degrees of education in nutrition – some have very little and some have a masters or phD. Since the term “nutritionist” isn’t regulated, anyone can call themselves a nutritionist and dispense nutritional information without having any education.


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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Carol asks…

how can i lose weight quick and naturally?

im 17, am about 5’6 and weigh about 135, im not particularly fat, but i would feel a lot better about myself if i could lose a few pounds. what can i do naturally to shed some weight quick?

weight loss cardiff answers:


Sandra asks…

Can lifting dumbells every night help me lose weight quick?

I just wanna get my biceps toned up quick, not so much losing weight. How long will it take me to see results just from lifting free weights

weight loss cardiff answers:

About 3/4 month to show, yea not what ya expected eh! Only Jesus performed miracle and that could be doubtful, but I ain’t a bible

Laura asks…

How can i lose weight quick?

I need to lose weight quick and i need help. I have an exercise ball and a treadmill and i walk from school mostly everyday the walk is like 2 miles.. i want to lose like 10 pounds so please help .
i dont wanna take any pills im only 13 . So something natural pleaseee

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss is an overall process and there are no magic answers. Pay no attention to weight loss supplements and pills and all the latest fads. You need to think about many factors but most of them are related to issues we’ve known about for a very long time. There are many sensible things you can do that will make a tremendous difference over the long term if you need to lose weight. It can be done in a healthy way. This is what has worked for me.

Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.

Make a few additional small changes – walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or your life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Be more active and watch less TV and spend less time on the computer. Buy one piece of exercise equipment to have at home and be strict with yourself about using it. Sometimes you can find mini-steppers or exercise bikes at second hand stores and thrift stores for just a few dollars.

Start a weight lifting routine. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall. Even if you can’t get to the gym you can work out at home using things around the house. Invest in a good weight training book. The Dummies series actually has a good one.

In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Particularly if you choose a vegetarian lifestyle include natural peanut butter, hummus, dried fruit and nuts. Pay close attention to getting the nutrients your body needs to be healthy.

Make your portion sizes smaller. Use a smaller plate – in our society we have become accustomed to thinking that we need a large plate of food at every meal, and we don’t. About quarter of your plate of food should be protein and at least half of it should be veggies.

Learn to count calories. At your current weight and activity level, you may possibly need about 2000 calories or more to maintain your current weight. So you will lose weight at a reasonable and healthy rate if you cut back to about 1600 or 1700 calories a day.

Eat small amounts frequently, rather than three large meals. Never skip breakfast. Include some protein in your breakfast. It will help get you through the day.

Drink plenty of water, at least 8 big glasses of water a day, and more if it is very hot, if you sweat a lot, or if you are exercising intensely, and eliminate fruit juices. Fruit juices have too many calories, so get your vitamins from fresh fruit, not the juice. You will begin to see changes in your body.

Vary your routines. Don’t eat the same number of calories every day (vary your calories from 1400 a day to 1900 or 2000 some days), eat a variety of foods, and do different kinds and amounts of exercise. You will lose weight much more efficiently if you mix things up from time to time so that your body doesn’t adjust to any one routine.

An area that many people overlook is getting enough sleep. You are much more likely to overeat or to binge eat if you are tired and not well rested, so get enough sleep.

Check out websites about nutrition, exercise, weight training, etc. Here are a few helpful links.


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