Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Richard asks…

How much weight can i lose in 2 weeks?

I kinda wanna shock the people at school. I am planning to eat not to much on Thanksgiving. I weigh 256 now 5’11 16 yr old male. (Posted previous question about weight loss). Cutting down and exercising how much could i lose.

weight loss cardiff answers:

1-2 lbs that would stay off … Up too 5-10 lbs if you starve yourself, but then it would come back with 2+lbs … But lets be realistic …

I used an elliptical trainer and lost around 80lbs. It took around 6 months and I slowly incorporated free weights. Get your body to start loosing weight and gradually add the weights to build muscle and tone up as much as you can. Being that big you may have ‘left over’ skin so youll want to tone as well. Just dont rush it, do cardio until you notice a difference, not what a scale says. Then begin to lift.

Try 15 minutes of cardio, or whatever youre capable of, but use your time wisely. Like 20% warm up … 50% moderate … 30% cool down.

Alot of people think its just about the weights, but you need to get your body burning that extra fuel. Try an elliptical if you can, treadmills and stairclimbers are hard on knees, stationary bikes suck for people trying to lose weight. Ellipticals are very fluid and easy on the body.

Ruth asks…

What can i do to lose weight healthily?

I’m 5’6 110 pounds and want to lose abit of weight. Nothing too major, just tone up for the summer. Is there any specific thing that makes HEALTHY weight loss easier (besides the obvious exercise and moderate eating) ive heard that six small meals a day help but am a bit confused on this. any advice at all would be great. Thnx

weight loss cardiff answers:

Throw out ur deep-fat fryer.
Throw away all ur frying pans.
Roast, grill or microwave all ur food with minimum fat.
Ban takeways, chocolate bars & full-fat milk.

Lisa asks…

Any suggestions on good ways to lose 60 pounds?

Not looking for the easiest way, but rather the best way to lose and keep off 60 pounds. Looking for any tips on specific exercises, foods, supplements, and anything else. Also, what is a good timeline for this kind of weight loss?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Check the web for weight loss…there’s billions of ideas, some that have worked for one person, to lose it quickly, but would never work for anyone else, let alone help keep it off.

Here’s the only way to lose any weight, and keep it off…


It’s the most obvious, and yet the most difficult thing to change: no or low sugar intake, low calories, exercise DAILY, lots of water, and keeping tabs on all this…AT ALL TIMES!! (no “just one more” or “one last one” excuses)

A diet pill/concoction (Dexitrim Max) can help for the short time, but stop the pill, and BAMB the weight is back on. Find a friend, even a long-distance one who you contact regularly to help with encouragement, tracking, and overall support.

Good Luck Friend!!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

Is it possible to lose 80 pounds in 3 months if you weigh 295 pounds?

My friend wants to lose 80 pounds by new years and she weighs 295 pounds and I keep telling her that it’s impossible but she says she loses weight easily. She says because she weighs almost 300 pounds it would be possible and we made a bet (80 bucks), am I gonna lose? Is it really possible to lose that much because she’s really overweight?
I support her in her effort to lose weight and I’m gonna work out with her and stuff but I just don’t think it’s possible.
She is 5’8

weight loss cardiff answers:

If she’s 6 ft 9 inch tall, then 295 pounds would be normal for her height, would be impossible to lose 80 pounds. 4ft 10 inches tall, then 295 pounds is reaaal abnormal and could probably lose 80 pounds if she didnt eat anything for a week.
In other words, be specific about height and other stuff, like is she very muscular or fatty and so on.

Mary asks…

How do I lose weight fast?

I want to lose weight as fast as possible this summer. I don’t lose weight very easily; every time I try to lose weight, I just end up gaining it instead. I’m tired of being at an unhealthy weight and not liking the way I look. I will pretty much do anything to lose weight. Please give me some tips, eating habits, things I should be eating, and some exercise to do, and anything else that is not mentioned. It is greatly appreciated.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Eat 5 small meals a day. 3 meals, and 2 snacks.
Here’s an example of a meal plan
Breakfast: white eggs and a fruit
Snack: apple with almond butter
Lunch: baked chicken with 1/2 cup brown rice
Snack: handful nuts
Dinner: salad with veggies and maybe fish

As for working out.. If u want to lose weight rlly fast go to the gym 5-6 days a week.
Just do cardio.. There are so many great work out online.
Try p90x.. It’s tough but it’s worth it and the results are amazing!!

Good luck! 🙂

Maria asks…

Is trampolining a good way to lose weight?

I want to lose weight quite easily and I have a trampoline so I was wondering whether thats a good way?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s not the best form of cardio, but it’s fun and it tires you out. Try pulling some shapes up there to get your muscles going, and maybe throw in some jump rope or walking for simple more effective cardio. Any form of moving is better than none! 🙂

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Robert asks…

How much water do you need to drink to lose the same amount of calories in one pound?

I drink water everyday, all the time. Even though it doesn’t taste well, I still drink it to keep myself hydrating at all times. Now, I’m pretty sure you can lose weight really easily by drinking tons of water and cutting back on your daily intake of calories. How much water do I need to drink daily to lose twenty pounds in the next month? Month in a half?

weight loss cardiff answers:

First of all, the concept of “how much water to I need to drink to lose so much weight” is an erroneous concept based on erroneous information.

I suggest you research this further. Yes, water helps your system work efficiently and being well-hydrated makes your weight-loss efforts work better than being partially dehydrated, but the notion of water CAUSING you to lose weight just isn’t correct.

Once you’re well-hydrated, drinking MORE won’t cause you to lose more weight. It’s the eating healthy foods in healthy amounts and the exercise which cause you to lose weight (for the record, it’s not just a matter of eating LESS but eating RIGHT).

You should usually drink around a gallon of water a day to be hydrated. More if you’re in hot, dry environments and exerting yourself. Check the web and/or ask a doctor for guidelines

But please don’t listen to folk tales, like “drinking more causes more weight loss”. It’s amazing how much misinformation is out there (like in a previous question of yours, some people were trying to say 190lb was just “big boned” or “a little overweight but not obese” – it is obese, not that you should feel bad about that, but you should be realistic about where you stand; you should lose some weight).

Good luck in your healthy weight loss efforts.

George asks…

How man calories should i consume everyday?

Im 14 years old, i am 5′ 6″ and i weight about 117 pounds. I am a swimmer, and i swim vigorous workouts everyday for 2 hours. I gain weight pretty slowly but lose weight easily. Im trying to put on a few pounds so how much calories do you think i should be consuming a day?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Wow youre really lucky.
Im 13, 5’4 and 128 pounds lol i wish i lose weight like you and gain it slow.

Daniel asks…

Is it bad that I gain and loose weight easily?

ie always gained and lost weight easily. too easily. like i worked out one one day for like an hour and lost 5 pounds. then as soon as i ate something i looked bigger. but as soon as im done working out there is a there something wrong with me?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Whats wrong wtih that?? You just have a fast metabolism. I have a very quick metabolism but i can only loose weight!:(

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lizzie asks…

How long after giving up drinking beer do we start losing weight?

My brother is a little fat and wants to know if beer and alcohol in general has some effects on the body that lasts long after someone stops drinking and if losing weight comes only weeks later, because he’s not drinking for a week, eats very little, but still his weight hasn’t given up on him.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Just because you stop drinking beer doesn’t mean you’ll lose weight. You’ll get healthier but if you want to lose weight, go on a diet.

Chris asks…

How does a 14 year ol lose weight in a week or less ?

Im 14 and i want to lose weight for summer because i am going to irish college at the end of the week. I want to do exercise to lose it like running or something , but i dont know how long to run or walk or jog or stuff . Can someone please help ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s impossible to do anything substantial in a week. You gotta take small steps and trust me the wait is well worth it if you stick in with a good diet, and regular exercise. If you work out for a week and then stop obviously nothing will happen and you’ll gain the weight back in 2 days

Charles asks…

Whats the quickest and healthiest way to lose weight?

I want to know whats the quickest way to lose weight? I’m 14 years and 5’2″. I weight about 130 pounds and when I checked my BMI, it was 23.2! I want to lose weight in two weeks. I know it sounds impossible, but please help me! I want to be at least 120 pounds and be able to maintain it. So please help! Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The quickest is to start eating a lot of salads and veggies and soups. Drink LOTS of water.

Dont’ eat red meat, breads, starches, pastas, sodas, or sugars.

In moderation eat white meats, and fruits (fruits have natural sugars that can add weight over time).

Practice portion control. You’ll feel hungry at first, but every day you get more and more used to it until you are become full on the smaller portions. Everytime you feel hungry, if you’ve already eaten, drink water.

Exercise at least an hour a day doing both cardio and weight training. Weight training builds muscle, muscle builds fat. If you don’t want big muscles like men, use lighter weights and do more repetitions.

Good Luck!

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