Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

How to hide weight loss from my parents?

I’m a little bit “overweight”, I have large thighs and a chubby stomach. If I asked somebody their honest opinion they would say that I’m thick, but not overweight. I want to be thinner and healthier. But I will need to hide my weight loss from my parents because they say that I’m “too skinny” and I need to eat more. I know for a fact that I’m not skinny, my friends have told me I’m thick, and should maybe lose some weight. Even my gym teacher told me I should be healthier. Also, my parents and a lot of my other family are rather fat, and I don’t want to turn out like any of them. Any tips for hiding weight loss? Thanks in advance for answers.

weight loss cardiff answers:

This isn’t a healthy way to go about weight loss. You need to face up to them at some point it may as well be now. In the end its your choice and there isn’t anything they can do about it.

Chris asks…

What is the best weight loss supplement?

I am aware that the best one would be exercise. I want to supplement my diet which is controlled. I want to take whatever vitamins and herbs will help me achieve the last weight loss of 10 lbs. I gained it after a hysterectomy a year ago- and it’s hanging on.

weight loss cardiff answers:

In my opinion, it is Resveratrol Select.

*Stuffed with tons of resveratrol (one capsule = 200 glasses of red wine)
*Also contains green tea extract, which has two more weight loss compounds in it
*Also contains chromium, which enhances metabolism

Best part is, they’ll give you a free trial offer.

Paul asks…

How much should I sleep for weight loss?

Hi! I’m 14 years old and I’m starting my weight loss journey this summer. And during summer break there’s a possibility to sleep a lot – and I like sleeping a lot. But I wonder how that will affect my weight loss? What’s the ultimate amount of hours I should sleep to get the best results?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi Ellie,

First of all there isn’t a set amount of hours of sleep you need to lose weight, it all depends on your age, activity level, genetics etc. Obviously you can’t survive on 3 hours sleep or anything like that, and that the same time, oversleeping can be worse because you just wake up feeling like you’ve had no sleep.

For this, you can find a complete blueprint at

The most important thing is getting into a sleep routine for optimum weight loss results, it’s no good going to sleep at 1am and waking up at 6am one day, and then then falling asleep at 9pm the next day and walking up at 11am, that will just mess your body clock up and cause you to develop a little pocket of fat around your midsection that you will struggle to get rid of, so when people say that sleep doesn’t help to lose weight, it actually does, quite a lot.

So what I would recommend is to fall asleep at a reasonable hour (the more hours before midnight the better it is for your body) so let’s say around 10pm. And then when you wake from your first sleep cycle, then get up. DO NOT fall asleep again as this will tire you out more than you think, even if you are getting more sleep. Then just fall into this routine and you will notice a significant difference in how efficiently you drop down to your desired weight.

Also if you find it hard to fall asleep, stay away from electronic equipment a good 1-2 hours before bed.

I hope this helps! 🙂



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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Helen asks…

what weight loss supplements would you recommend?

i’m just beginning a new diet and exercise program to lose weight. i weigh about 240 lbs… i know i’m fat so you don’t have to point that out. i need to lose a substantial amount of weight as you can see and i would appreciate a pill that will help me stick to my diet and exercise program. any suggestions?

weight loss cardiff answers:

First of all those 2 in front of me are spam. I used a fat burning system called the tri lean system and it is made by Industries. Go to www.bodybuilding.cim and search “tri lean” and look at it. It comes with a diet and exercise plan and when to take the different fat burners. If you want to try any of the 4 fat burners it comes with you can email alri themselves and they will send you a bottle usually, go to and go to the bottom of the page and go to contact us put in all of your information and ask for a free sample. Also go to and go to trainers corner, they have some good weight loss tips. Also on look up eas 52 week program,that’ss a weightlifing year program and you will see results

Betty asks…

Does anyone know of any weight loss supplements that actually work?

I know that diet and exercise are needed too… I just want something that works.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Resveratrol and Weight Loss

Resveratrol Antioxidants and Weight Loss: A Good Pairing?The golden rule in weight loss is pretty simple: take in fewer calories than you expend in exercise. However, as any dieter will tell you, it’s far from easy. Americans spend billions of dollars a year on weight loss supplements, exercise programs and other diet aids—and still we can’t seem to win the battle of the bulge—even when we get desperate enough to try risky surgery or fad diets.Recently a new product has come to light that may help people trying to lose weight stay on the healthy end of the spectrum: Resveratrol Select, which is unlike many diet supplements in that it uses a combination of natural and herbal ingredients designed to help the body stay healthy while losing weight.How? By mimicking certain aspects of the Mediterranean diet.Studies have shown that part of America’s war with weight lies in the uniquely modern American combination of stressful lifestyle and fast-food consumption, and that the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle seem to be more conducive to healthier weight levels and longevity. In fact, much as been made on the news in recent months of the purported “French Paradox,” (how the French eat a high-fat diet, enjoy rich desserts, drink wine and still have better cardiovascular health than the rest of us). One of the biggest differences between the American and French diet seems to be the wine consumption, and red wine (a staple on most Mediterranean tables) contains one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants, resveratrol, which is a key ingredient in Resveratrol Select.In addition to wine, resveratrol is also found in grape skins, blueberries, cranberries and other plants, and recent animal and in vitro studies indicate that it can have a positive effect on helping to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, supporting insulin health and optimizing metabolic and immune pathways that protect cells and improve mitochondrial function. * And one capsule of Resveratrol Select includes as much resveratrol as 200 glasses of wine—without the added calories that alcohol can add to the waistline.But consuming resveratrol alone isn’t enough to help with weight loss—so the manufacturers of Resveratrol Select also added a different type of antioxidant, Green Tea Extract (EGCG), which could make a big difference. Over time, green tea consumption helps increase metabolism, burn fat and reduce fat storage due to its caffeine and L-theanin content, which can be pivotal in helping to maintain energy for exercise. *Resveratrol Select combines these two powerful antioxidants with yet another energy boosting ingredient, Chromium, a niacin-based mineral that plays an important role in how the body uses insulin to burn sugars, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for energy.*Although relatively new to the market, Resveratrol Select seems to be making a big splash, and many people are taking advantage of the free trial offer to see how well the product works for them. The trial offer also includes two bonus tools to help with weight loss: an e-book with over 70 weight loss tips, and a weight loss visualization audio.Of course, consuming fewer calories while burning more is the most efficient form of weight loss, and it’s always a good idea to inform your doctor before taking a weight loss supplement, but this new combination herbal supplement is worth a look for those concerned about maintaining good health while losing weight. For more information on Resveratrol Select’s free trial offer and bonus materials, visit
For more information visit:

Sandy asks…

Is it unhealthy to take weight loss supplements along with protein drinks?

I take hydroxycut and go to the gym everyday. After the gym i buy a protein shake. I work out for about 1.5 hours, and cardio for 30 min to an hour.

weight loss cardiff answers:


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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Maria asks…

How do I break through a weight loss plateau?

I’m having some issues with a plateau I’ve hit. I can’t seam to break through it. My weight loss was going great but now I’m stuck. I’ve already lost about 20 lbs but the last 10 are just stubborn. Any tips?

weight loss cardiff answers:

This is a problem that many people come across when they’re trying to lose weight. Whenever you hit a weight loss plateau, this is a sign that your body has acclimated to your diet and/or exercise routine.

This is a problem that many people come across with dieting and weight loss. Whenever you start to plateau it’s a sign that your body has acclimated to your diet and exercise routine.

Essentially your body is burning calories more efficiently. In order to break through a weight loss plateau you need to change things up. An example would be try increasing your intensity levels when you workout. For your diet you could try going on a low carb diet for 2 weeks then go back to your regular diet.

Anyone who is trying to lose weight will eventually hit a weight loss plateau if they aren’t changing up the things they are doing.

I’ll leave you some ehow links below that talk about weight loss plateaus and how you can speed up your metabolism.

Hope that helps and good luck.

Sandra asks…

What would you buy on a weight loss site?

I am trying to make some extra money and my weight loss website will launch in December. I am wondering what type of things people would buy. Someone suggested a weight loss bracelet someone else said I should sell healthy foods I make at home, any other ideas?

weight loss cardiff answers:

A weight loss product from ClickBank. That would be so cool!

Sharon asks…

What weight loss supplement is the most effective?

My boyfriend is about to begin a weight loss supplement to help give him a boost and work on managing his weight. Which ones would be recommended? We are looking at Garcinia Cambogia, healthe’ trim (original formula), raspberry keytones, and coffee bean I believe it is? They are all a product of healthe’ trim. I am looking for the most safe and effective, price is not an issue! Thank you!

weight loss cardiff answers:

If he want to really manage his weight then he should exercise on daily bases.
I heard that conjugated linolenic acid, or CLA also useful for weight loss. You can try this.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

how can i purchase or get my hands on prescription weight loss supplements? like the same kind the models get?

i want t purchase those prescription weight loss pills with the rx labels and everything. how do i get my hands on the ones that the models, actors and actresses, and rock stars get all the time, but they do not qualify for a legitimate prescription from a doctor. i’m willing to pay a decent amount for them.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The drugs don’t work and they are harmful.
The models use a combination of heroin and starvation.
(I know I am a doctor, and I constantly struggle to keep my weight “ideal” so if there was an easy way, I would do it!)
Try oolong tea. Purchase a water boiling hot pot at the asian store that will keep nice hot water on hand all day. Then, sip the oolong tea when you are hungry. Take a vitamin daily.
Other than that, it is the usual, eat breakfast, avoid simple carbs, lots of fruit and veg…..blah blah blah, I know, easier said than done, LOL

Mary asks…

Are there any weight loss supplements out there that won’t affect some who had a kidney transplant?

I had a kidney transplant six years ago. I’ve been trying to lose weight that I gained from peritoneal dialysis, but my energy level is not what it used to be. I’ve recently been diagnosed with sleep apnea also. I got sick when I was 21 and I will be 35 next month. I need to do something or it will all be down hill from here. I need something that will give me an energy boost and help me burn calories without damaging my transplanted kidney.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I am a kidney/pancreas recipient, and am very protective of my organs. I don’t take supplements in general, and if I did, I would check w/ the transplant team or nephrologist first. There’s just nothing worth losing these organs over, or taking something that interferes w/ the immunosuppressants.

Re the lack of energy – are your hemoglobin levels normal?

I just rejoined Weight Watchers, which has worked for me in the past. I’d recommend that over a supplement.

Chris asks…

What are some weight loss supplements that actually work?

I want to lose like 10 pounds. What’s the cheapest, best, and fastest supplement that will allow me to do that? Links would be helpful.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have been through it all and know what’s it about. The main thing is to stick in there. You can’t be an addict to food and never exercise if you want to live a healthy life and keep the weight off. I’ve worked out, done every diet, and all types of classes.

Nothing works, besides dedication and intelligence towards the subject of losing weight.

First, depending on how much weight you need to lose, your diet is the first concern. You can’t eat 10,000 calories a day and expect the weight to come off, even if you are exercising a lot. Which brings us to the next thing. Duh, Exercising…

This is a must especially if you need to a lot of weight. Get at least 30 mins of some good hardcore exercising. Do some cardio, in the long run, it’s good for the heart.

However, I find the most hardest part of losing weight/keeping it off, in my diet. It’s so hard to keep your fingers out of the cookie jar or those chocolate goodies. I’ve found a great addition to help any one out, it’s a natural weight loss supplement called Proactol. Now don’t get all crazy on me and say diet pills don’t work. That is true, but not in this case. This one isn’t meant to burn pounds while you sit on the couch. It’s an appetite suppressant, along with being a fat binder. I saved money on the pills at theweightlossplace. Com along with getting some good info. It basically makes those fingers not go towards the cookie jar. For me it’s the best pill I’ve tried and I’ve tried cupboards full. Now this doesn’t mean you have to follow my foot steps but I’ve successfully lost roughly 70 pounds and keeping it off til this day.

Well good luck and remember what I said, Dedicate.

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