Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

Are there any diet pills out there that will actually work?

I am a 19 year old girl in college, I work out regularly, and eat as healthy as I can. I know that diet pills aren’t necessarily healthy but I want to help my weight loss process with a kick start kind of thing. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to what type of diet pills work, and it dexatrim (sp?) or hydroxycut are terrible for your body! Thanks a bunch!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hiya, In my line of work, it is easy to comfort eat, especially when there’s a deadline to meet and you’re under lots of stress. Finding time for the gym or cooking healthy food was not something I ever really found time to think about. I had never even realised that I’d become so large until someone I knew well, who I hadn’t seen me for a while no longer knew who I was.

Premium Acai Slim has just given me that added help and support to know that I can now lose and maintain my weight. Losing weight has made me feel so much more confident and I really go out of my way, to ensure I stay healthier, through my diet, healthy exercise and by taking Premium Acai Slim. I cannot recommend this product enough to you all! I feel and look ten years younger.

After doing a quick google search i found this which might interest you.


which has some discount to try premium acai slim… Go for it give it a shot!!

Thomas asks…

What diet pills will help me lose weight quickly and efficiently?

I am trying to look somewhat slimmer for school, but even though I’ve been dieting I haven’t lost very much weight. Has anybody tried any diet pills that work quickly and efficiently?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hiya, In my line of work, it is easy to comfort eat, especially when there’s a deadline to meet and you’re under lots of stress. Finding time for the gym or cooking healthy food was not something I ever really found time to think about. I had never even realised that I’d become so large until someone I knew well, who I hadn’t seen me for a while no longer knew who I was.

Premium Acai Slim has just given me that added help and support to know that I can now lose and maintain my weight. Losing weight has made me feel so much more confident and I really go out of my way, to ensure I stay healthier, through my diet, healthy exercise and by taking Premium Acai Slim. I cannot recommend this product enough to you all! I feel and look ten years younger.

After doing a quick google search i found this which might interest you.


which has some discount to try premium acai slim… Go for it give it a shot!!

Maria asks…

How old do you have to be to buy diet pills?

How old do you have to be to buy diet pills?Now please dont go on saying diet pills are bad.Anyways and what pills would you suggest?
how about for a 13 year old?If not then how could i exercise when its freezing out and I have no tredmill nor weights.I have worked out in September and all I did was gain weight.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Diet pills are not the way to go to lose weight. You are putting an unnatural substance into your body and you will get so many other side effects, that the benefit is not worth the risk. You need to keep your health, not destroy it with diet pills. There are other supplements that do the same thing, but are not dangerous. One I’m using is called Abs + by Genuine Health. And it uses green tea extract and CLA, which is a natural fatty acid, that revs up the body’s metabolism to help you lose your weight faster. But no pill will make you lose the weight totally. There is no other way than to eat regular meals, no second helpings, with good snacks in between. People who skip meals start up the body’s starvation response and you end up storing more fat than you lose. So you have to eat at least every 5 hours, and then stop all night eating by 8 p.m. You can drink fluids up till bed time but no more eating after that time. You see, losing weight is a lifetime process. You can’t take diet pills only, you have to change your entire system of how you eat, what you eat and you have to move more. You can’t do it without some form of exercise. All it takes is simple walking 30 minutes a day. If the weather is bad, put on the music and move for 30 minutes each day. Combined with not over-eating, a little exercise daily, and safe supplements, such as the one I mentioned, you’ll get your goal. But anything that’ll do it for you fast, will backfire. And you will be twice as heavy as you were before. You’ll be very sorry you did it that way. Get “You On A Diet” by Drs. Oz and Roizen and Bob Greene’s “Total Body Makeover” “Diet for Life” books. Now that’s the way to do it!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

How to lose weight. How much weight should i lose to become thin like a model or hollywood actress?

My weight is 70 kgs and i’m 175 cm. How much weight should i lose to become thin like a model or Hollywood actress. I want to be thin, not very thin but thin and fit and look good. The only sport i do are Swimming & badminton. I want to weigh about 50 to 55 kgs and what all should i eat? What should be my daily routine? Please help. Thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Let me start by saying swimming and badminton are both Excellent choices for exercise. To begin the weight loss process and to make it go quickly, I suggest looking into a program. If your looking for more exercise I recommend Body of FIRE highly because it will make you skinny fast, but it is hard. For the BEST results I recommend cooking with certain foods that burn fat really well like celery, certain spices, etc (its known as metabolic cooking).

I suggest you stay swimming and playing sports and do some metabolic cooking and you will lose weight very quickly, I promise. Go to the source website and you can find a LOT of great information there and I’m sure you will find something good that you like. You will lose weight really fast with some of those things.

Lisa asks…

How to lose weight in a short period of time?

I need to lose weight in 8 weeks. I weigh around 127lbs, and I want to lose as much weight as possible.

Please, I’m going on an awesome vacation and I need tips, food recipes, exercise tips, WHATEVER it takes.

Take note: If you’re going to say losing weight fast is not as effective as losing weight steadily and slowly, I KNOW, but I’m desperate, so yes, please do try to answer the question! Thank you!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Simple math. You have to burn more calories per day than you take in.

Whether it is thru exercise, cardio, whatever.

Thomas asks…

How do i lose weight without building muscle under the fat?

I need to know how to lose weight without building muscle under the fat. I know that cardio is good…but what are some good cardio excercises? im 13 and i dont want anyone to know im trying to lose weight because its embarrassing for me…it just is. so i cant go out and buy special stuff cuz my dad s gonna want an explanation. anyways….my diet….i dont care if its healthy. i need to lose weight in lik e a week…so i know i might gain the weight back by not eating healthy…but i dont care i just need this for an occasion. i reall wanna lose weight on my stomach and my thighs. how do i do this without building muscle under my stomach?


weight loss cardiff answers:

Ok look,
the answer is very obvious- don’t eat too much!!
Think about it- the countries where people don’t stuff themselves with food, such as asia, the people are slim, and in perfect health

today, the society is all about food
we’re eating because the food tastes good, not because we’re hungry!
You see food ads on tv, magazines, everywhere!
Food is everywhere, you cannot go anywhere without being offered food!
You need to learn to resist the temptations.

Back in the older days, you didn’t eat everyday! You ate when you hunted and caught food!

You would be perfectly fine not eating for a day, it’s actually good for you because it cleanses out your body!! All that getting a minumum of at least 1500 calories a day is BS!! You can survive perfectly fine on just 500 calories consumed from HEALTHY food. Sure, you’ll have an uncontrollable desire to eat, but trust me, you’ll LIVE.

And all this diet crap is aimed at overweight consumers. The media suggests that anorexia is bad, all these models are dying blablahblah..that’s all just to make the normal obese american feel better!! I mean, how often do they show people dying from being overweight???

There’s really no need to eat junk food either. It’s a waste of money, and all it does is make you fat!! Think about it. Twinkies and soda and chips don’t fill you up, they just taste good, which makes you want to eat more!

Look at the skinny people nowadays. They don’t constantly crave for icecream or stuff themselves with food whenever they see it.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Susan asks…

Bigggg weight loss question. veryy easy 10 pts best answer. simply how to lose weight?..?

i would appreciate and i would gladly choose a best answer if anyone can simply answer all of my questions

my BMR is around 1500. meaning i need ot eat that much to just basically…live.
what is i want to lose weight or adleast 20 lb. (i am 150) how much would i have to eat if i would burn 400 cals on my bike????

i heard it is minus 500 cals from your bmr and you lose 1 lb a week. but if i burn off 400 calories how much should i be consuiming when i burn off 400. if i want to lose weight????

and how come everytime i gain weight or im above 145. (one time i was 160) i can only lose weight and stay at 145. its always so hard to go lower. and i want to be like 130 125.???

how can i fully lose 20 pounds in 2 months?at least 15!

how much pilates should i do in one day i have the full body workout (20 min) and bun and thighs 20 min. i would do my bike everyday 30 mins burning 400 and how often pilates????

weight loss cardiff answers:

Actually, it’s minus 500 calories for what you need for all your activities (including exercise), unless those calories less 500 is less than your BMR.

One “clever” way of playing around with your metabolism is to go around 700 less than what you need for the whole day (as long as the total is above your BMR) for four days, and then 100-200 less than what you need for the whole day for one day, and continue this cycle.

Sandy asks…

how to jump-start weight loss?

I’m getting married on July 12th, which is roughly about 2 months away.

I’m not a moron, I know I HAVE to exercise, I know I can’t starve myself, etc. I also know that in order to keep the weight off I have to maintain a healthy lifestyle. All of this, I am aware.

I am just curious to know if there is anything I can do to sort of jump-start my weight loss within these two months? Nothing insanely unhealthy of course.

I lead a relatively busy life at the moment, with planning the wedding, lots of family things, and a job that requires me to leave the house at 6am for a 1 hour commute, and generally I don’t get home until 4 or 5pm. So I don’t have a huge amount of time for anything fancy exercise wise.

The areas I’m most concerned about is my butt and thighs. I have A LOT to lose, so I hear I’ll lose faster than someone of average weight.

Anyways, any easy/relatively quick workouts? I can do at home. Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hello…i’m not a guy…just on my son’s account…

With that said…

Everybody is gonna give you safe healthy answers – but i will tell you the truth…

Take phentermine. It is doctor “prescribed”. I lost over 20 lbs in 3 wks with this stuff.

You WILL gain it right back – but if you wanna look hot and feel great for your wedding (who doesn’t) I would go this route all the way.

It will completely take away your appetite and give you tons of energy – if ur working out it will double the effects.

You can get it in 7 day or 30 day supplies, then you go in for weigh in to renew.

Good luck and CONGRATS!

Sandra asks…

need helt diet, workout and weight loss?

I was wondering if anyone can help me out on giving me some pointers on how to loose weight i need to loose 30 pounds in 2 1/2 months whats the best way to do it. I have the p90x but i feel like that will only make me gain muscle and weight im starting a diet and i want to use the most effective diet and workout even if its hards nothing is easy specially loosing weight but im motivated and will be dedicated to continue untill ive lost 30 pounds and even more.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Any form of cardio preformed at a higher intensity will drop your body fat fast and effectively. Given the nature of such a rigorous exercise, the exercise itself is broken up into intervals, giving it the name “high intensity interval training.” Interval training routines are usually taught in the more recent and proven fitness programs.

The benefits behind a higher intensity workout make such a routine much more powerful than a traditional low intensity workout. It is known to boost metabolism and increase the maximum amount of oxygen your body can take in during a workout. Both these elements will greatly aid fat loss.

It is important not to neglect your diet though, as it is a major component in the weight loss process. If you have enough dedication, it is best to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. This will land you at five or six small meals a day. The key in diet is lean protein. Almost every meal should contain some source of lean protein. Due to the fact that protein requires much more energy to digest than carbohydrates, this will significantly increase your metabolism. In addition, make sure to cut out any soft drinks in your diet and replace it with water. Drinking a lot of water is also a great way to assist you in your weight loss goals.

If you stick to a legitimate fitness routine then you will without a doubt drop the weight. Just remember that this will take a lot of dedication, but you will eventually reach your goal. I suggest looking at a few of the proven fitness routines recommended at

p.s. You can download a sample fat burning workout at There is some good information in there that you can learn a lot from.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

James asks…

How can I boost my metabolism without pills or weird diet drinks?

I’ve decided to take a 4 month long diet challenge to see how much weight I can lose my August4th (my brithday)
Is there any way I can boost my metabolism naturally (fruit veggies so on) without costly pills and gross diet shakes?
🙂 Any other tips on weight loss (again no pills or shakes) are totally welcome. 🙂

I’m 16 by the way and havent been eating right. I’m trying to change that now.

Any diet pill or tea add will be ignored

weight loss cardiff answers:

A diet low in (or free of) starch and sugar will definitely boost metabolism. In fact, you can consume about 300 calories more per day while eating this type of diet.

Linda asks…

Is it safe to take diet pills if you take the stimulant Ritalin and anti-depressants?

I’ve been on Ritalin for over 5 years, for Narcoelpsy.
I need some help to lose weight, and was thinking about looking into diet pills.
I know Ritalin is already a stimulant, but it really doesn’t cut back my appetite.
Does anyone know if it’s safe to take diet pills if you’re on prescription stimulant and anti-depressant?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You should check with your doctor before taking any pills, but diet pills are a waste of money, don’t work, and some are actually bad for you with nasty side effects. No pill, potion or supplement will help. Please don’t fall for all the spam adverts you see.

All you need is a good healthy diet – lots of fruit and veg, and exercise. It takes time and motivation:)

Chris asks…

Are there any diet pills out there that will actually work?

I am a 19 year old girl in college, I work out regularly, and eat as healthy as I can. I know that diet pills aren’t necessarily healthy but I want to help my weight loss process with a kick start kind of thing. I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to what type of diet pills work, and it dexatrim (sp?) or hydroxycut are terrible for your body! Thanks a bunch!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Don’t use diet pills. They are a waste of space, time, effort, and money. Just change your eating habits- limit your calories, stop eating fast foods, junk foods, processed foods, starchy foods like potatoes and corn, bread, rice, and cakes, cookies, pies, etc, and foods with preservatives like corn syrup, MSG, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, etc, and also stick to a workout schedule of getting 30 min cardio per day, and with time the fat will be burned off. BUT be patient- real results take time!!

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