Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

William asks…

Is the anyone who can share their weight loss success stories?

Success stories only please lol for motivation trying to lose weight so I need to know what to do,how and what to eat exercises that kinda stuff

weight loss cardiff answers:

For losing weight the first step you need to do is being positive and staying positive and you have to be committed to the process. Loosing weight isn’t something that’s going to happen over night. It takes time to loose weight, it can take a couple of months of even years to loose weight and get in shape depending on your weight loss goals and how much you want to loose. Remember, even getting out of shape isn’t a process that’s going to happen over night either. It takes time and even weeks, months, or years to get out of shape. It gradually happens step by step over time..

First you can start by eating right! What I mean by that is making sure you eat healthy and eat 4-6 meals per day. Make sure your drinking plenty of water and is getting enough sleep.. You want anywhere between 6-8 hours of sleep.. You can start working out in the mornings when your metabolism is at its highest and start doing some cardio workouts on a empty stomach before eating.. Doing so will cause the body to break down the fat cells that your body is holding on too and convert that into energy which will help you loose weight.. You can also buy a home gym, resistance bands, and kettle bells,to aid you in your weight loss goals for losing weight and getting in shape…

Thomas asks…

What is the best way to lose wieght?

I’m 17, 6’2″ tall, and weigh 350 lbs. I have talked with my doctor and he has given me a clean bill of health and the “ok” to start extreme weight loss (150 lbs) what are some exercises besides pushups and situps, and can you recomend a diet (weight watchers) or anything similar, success stories welcome. I have committed to ths and am going to do it. Most helpful and informative answer gets 10 points, thanks for the help. I have allready stopped drinking soft drinks and lost 20 lbs.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Engaging in morning exercise like road walk wil help,take healthy diet 4 breakfast,reduce food intake at 9t,reduce intake of sugar. And dont exercises and self discipline

Lisa asks…

Does anyone know much about the green-juice diet?

I have heard that the green juice diet is good for weight loss and I am considering it. Any success stories?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Are you talking about green smoothies? The diet that allowed me to lose 90 pounds is the “whole plant based diet.” This way of eating is a permanent lifestyle change. It involves consuming foods in their natural and unprocessed form. For more information, look up recipes for “green smoothies” and also learn about the diets recommended by Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Neal Barnard, and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.

Former President Bill Clinton announced that he lost 24 pounds on this diet just to get in shape before his daughter’s wedding.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

How to kick start weight loss again?

I’ve been on a weight loss diet for five weeks now, 1200 calories per day (which is what myfitnesspal recommends for my goal / lifestyle etc). I’ve lost 14lbs so far, but now my weight loss seems to have stalled this week. Any tips to help kick start it again, and to keep motivation up? I’m an at home mum with a 3yr old and a 12yr old, so going to a gym is not really an option.
Guardian – I realise I won’t keep up the high weight loss I had initially (I lost 9lbs in the first 2 weeks) and I am genuinely aiming only for 1 or 2 lbs per week. I am not a new comer to weight loss, and I understand what is healthy and what is not. It is just when I lose nothing at all despite having stuck rigidly to my plan, that I feel a little disheartened. As long as I’m losing something every week I am happy and find it easy to stay motivated.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Your body may have adapted to your lower calorie intake and as a result your weight loss has stalled.

A way around this is to either diet more aggressively, by removing and lowering the amount of carbohydrates into your diet but this can be difficult as your body will need to adapt to ketosis.

Alternatively you could also attempt to eat at your maintaince calories again for 1-2 weeks to help restore your metabolism but this won’t cause you to loose weight. Your maintaince calories is body weight x 15, so if you’re 150lbs, that’s 2250 calories daily assuming you are moderatly active and not sitting around all day. Eat at that for 1-2 weeks, you may gain 1-2 lbs, but it should come off quickly once you continue your dieting. Do not use this time as an excuse to eat crap, stick to a healthy diet and try to make most of your calories come from protein as they’re more difficult to digest and therefore keep you fuller and burn off 25-30% of their calofic value during digestion.

Alteratively you could continue your weight loss plan of 1200 calories weekly, and just accept that you’ve stalled. Your weight will continue to gradually decrease. Remember it becomes harder to loose weight as you get leaner, because your previouse weight would have requires a higher maintaince. If you loose 15lbs, your basic metabolic rate drops by 225 calories (15×15) so your weight loss slows by about half a lb a week, because a defict of 500 results in 1lb a week weight loss – but now your defict is smaller because you weight less.

Genuinely I’d say you’re doing very well. Stick to 1200 calories a day and just accept that you’re not going to loose weight as quickly. You may have been loosing 2lbs a week on 1200 calories when you started, now you’ve lost 15lbs (give or take) you’re only going to loose 1.5lbs a week on the same diet. This may not even be noticable on the scales daily. Your weight fluctuares by as much as 5lbs daily due to water retentionhydration, food intake, glycogen storage, and bowel movementsdigestive contents.

For the most accurate reading, you should only weigh yourself once a week, in the same conditions, wearing the same (lack of) clothing

Ken asks…

What weight loss pills have you used and which do you recommend, if any?

I am a middle aged female and am looking to lose those stubborn extra pounds in my tummy area.

I have used some weight loss pills int he past with some success. I am looking to try one of these products on the market today but there are so many! Help me out with your experiences, if possible. Not looking for opinions, just facts. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

** You should try drinking 8 to 16 ounces of water before each meal, this will fill you up and you will eat less, resulting in less calories at every meal. Weight loss pills are not very safe, at least water is safe. I know it may be hard at first to drink water, but you can add more and more everyday until it becomes easier, ( you will get used to it. I lost 50 pounds in three years and kept them off , I also walk for 20 minutes at least 5 times a week. Patience is needed,, if you want quick, this is not it, better to lose slowly than too fast (not healthy for your body) Well good luck too you, hope this helps.

P.S. I also think that the younger you are the faster you will lose weight, 50 years and up will take longer

Mark asks…

What weight loss products would you recommend?

Hi, so I know I need to eat healthy and exercise which is the right way to do it, but I want to know what are the best products out there for weight loss.

I have heard of shakes like slim fast and also tablets like la slinky/curvy, but I would like to know what actually works and how much of an effect these products can have.

Thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The best method of losing weight is by juicing. You drink freshly made fruit and vegetable juices and eat a couple of small portion low calorie meals per day. It is the only thing that worked for me. I am 33lbs lighter than I was 5 months ago as a result. I now help others to achieve their weight loss goals. Visit my site for more information on

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Laura asks…

How do you lose weight in your stomach and thighs?

I’m 14 years old and over the last year I have gained some weight in my thighs and stomach. I’m not overweight but I’m not super skinny anymore. How can I lose this weight…what are some specific exercises I should do?

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you’re looking to lose weight, then before you get suckered into any fad diets, diet pills schemes or any of the gimmicks, I highly recommend you download the free guide at

It shows you the healthiest and quickest way to get thin (and how to easily maintain that weight). The book is 100% free and is a big eye-opener to you if you’re looking to drop some pounds.

The book is 100% free – you just type your name and email in to the site to download it.

Carol asks…

Are MiO water enhancers bad for you while trying to lose weight?

I get bored with water, but i want to drink 8 cups a day. So, i have started to use MiO. I am trying to lose weight and I was wondering if MiO is bad for you or has any ingredients that may hold back weight loss.

weight loss cardiff answers:

They are bad for you in general. They are packed full of artificial sweeteners and preservatives. The only zero calorie sweetener that is remotely good for you is stevia. This is because it’s not chemically altered like all the other ones. It’s just like sugar in the sense that it is ground from a plant and then packaged to sell. Stevia comes from the stevia plant. Now a better alternative is tea. Get the caffeine free kind and get a large pitcher and put a lot of hot water in it and steep the tea bags. Or you can do what I do and buy a coffee machine and just put the tea bags up top so it perfectly steeps the tea so you don’t over do it and make it bitter. Then sweeten the batch with a pinch of stevia and your good to go. My pot makes 4 cups so 2 of those would get you to 8 cups a day easily. I’ve had 10 already.

Daniel asks…

How to balance University life with weight loss goals?

Any advice would be appreciated. I would live to lose weight while in university and not gain a pound, but it’s harder since my workload is so full I feel like any time dedicated to exercising or cooking proper meals (am not living on my own) should be spent on studying. Is it better to just to ditch studying for exercise and eating and cooking healthier? I think I might be on the verge of failing university (First year).
It feels like academic achievement comes at the price of health.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Wow it sounds like you must be at a really intense university or have a really intense major because i just graduated from university and did not seem to have remotely as much time-consuming work.
You obviously cant ditch the studying, but to be honest, taking a half hour – 40 minutes out of your work to cook a healthy meal isnt going to make a whole lot of difference,

For a Healthy Breakfast all you need is a good whole grain cereal and skim milk or a bowl of wholegrain oatmeal with a piece of fruit, this can be done in no time flat, so you have one healthy meal out of the way.
(dont skip breakfast either, studies have proven that this leads to weight gain)

For Lunch all you need is some whole grain bread and a slice of low-fat cheese, mustard and some deli meat. You can easily prepare this in the morning and bring it with you to class or the library – its very healthy and quick (go to the grocery store on weekends to stock up on food for the week so you’ll always have something on hand)

And for dinner, there are a lot of frozen entrees that are designed for weight maintainance/weightloss, you could easily pop one in the microwave and have a meal in 5 minutes – or you could also grill a piece of chicken or fish in less than 10 minutes, and add any kind of veggies from a can or jar and voila, youve got a very healthy meal.

For snacks keep things like yogurt, apples and nuts.

If you have a cafeteria at your school this is also a good way to get a quick meal, but be careful because there are many bad choices whihc could lead to the “freshman 15” – choose the salad bar (but avoid high fat dressings! Use oil and vinegar if you can), deli sandwiches with mustard instead of mayo, any kind of fruit offered, and often times the hot meal will include a fresh steamed vegetable and a lean meat. Choose these options instead of pizzas and pastas or mayonaiise based salads.

As for working out – do what you can. I would wake up every morning and go to the gym before classes because it guaranteed that i would have time to get in a work out, and all it cost me was an hour less of sleep (for some people this is impossible to part with). You can also work out on weekends when there is more free time, or bring your books to the gym and read while riding the stationary bike…my roomate used to do this.

Keep in mind too that excercising reduces stress and clears your head – it may benefit your studies to take a break from them and have an hour to yourself – youll find you think more clearly and have better concentration when you return to the books. Or, use your time running or training as a time to review material in your head – it will help you realize what you know and what you need to go over in more detail by thinking about the material without the books right in front of you!


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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

David asks…

How can I lose weight without exercise?

I’m 16 and my parents won’t allow me to go out to exercise because we live in a dangerous neighbourhood. There’s nowhere for me to exercise indoors as our apartment is tiny.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.
I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!

Jenny asks…

How to lose weight without exercise?

How to lose weight without exercise? I’m looking for some good alternatives because I just don’t have time to exercise each day, but I need to lose weight.

I’m about 6ft and weight about 210, but I want to get down to 180. Right now I eat 3 meals a day, about 3000 calories, but everything is pretty healthy. Vegetables, meat, etc. Should I start eating differently or what?

I’m just looking for some goods tips or ways on how to lose weight without exercise. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

You’ll need to cut your calorie intake to 1500 calories and find some form of exercise you enjoy or can at least stick to,because if you lose weight by cutting calories you’ll eventually lose muscle tone too and you won’t lose as much weight anymore.walk at a brisk pace every day and try some strength exercises too because the more muscle you build the more weight you lose.good luck!

Richard asks…

How Do you lose weight without exercising?

How do you lose weight without exercising?…And if you train your muscles and gain more muscle will you actually gain more weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:


Diets have come and gone and a new one will be invented tomorrow promising you everything and delivering very little. That is because they are considered something you go on and then go off. In other words, they are temporary. That is not to say they are useless just that they will never give you continued success unless you change some things permanently.

What is a Diet Good for?

Diets have their place in your weight loss goals. First of all, they can be beneficial to jump starting your metabolism. Kind of a fire starter if you will. A jump-start will give you more energy and the initial weight loss can boost your self-confidence.

However, you will need to be ready to make some whole life changes if you want the results to be permanent. What are some changes you will need to make? Well a lot of that depends on you.

Lifestyle Changes- Fast Food

Are you a fast food junkie who eats out at least a couple of times per week? If so, you will find that you have plenty of company. Many people are so busy that the drive through is a perfect solution for dinner, lunch and even breakfast. The problem is many have no idea that one meal from a fast food restaurant can contain nearly a whole day’s caloric intake.

One popular fast food joint has a burger that is 750 calories! The burger alone is a third of your recommended daily allowance; add the fries and a drink and you are done for the day.

Does this mean you can never have fast food again? Not necessarily, but it will mean that you have to be aware of what you are eating. Most fast food places have a website that contains all the nutritional information for the foods they serve. Check them out then make you a list of “safe” fast foods.

Exercise Changes

If you never move your body more than from the house to the car to work and back you will have a hard time losing weight and keeping it off. The human body functions best when there are periods of exercise. It increases mood stabilizers in the blood stream and best of all burns calories.

While you are on your diet, take the time to incorporate exercise into your life. You will feel better and increase your weight loss rates exponentially. Start with a walk, park further away from the store or your office. Then as you progress, find time to walk more or jog. Whatever you can comfortably fit in your schedule will be a great place to start.

Healthy Eating

This is absolutely the most important part of all. While you are on your chosen diet, you will want to become familiar with healthier food choices. Find ways to make your favorite foods better for you. Can you substitute ground turkey for ground beef in some recipes? Learn new recipes that include fresh fruits and vegetables.

You see your body needs several things to function at a healthy level. Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals just to name a few. You also need certain fats to cushion joints and protect your vital organs. Create a lifestyle eating plan that brings all of these elements into play and you will feel amazing and best of all you will be able to lose weight and keep it off.

If you are looking for a proven diet with which you can lose weight in short time, Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the answer.

Check out my source link, you’ll see much more info about the program that really works. Good luck!

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