Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

David asks…

how can i lose weight easily?

I dont want to be a bother to anyone but i really need to know how to lose some weight. Im 13 and i weigh 140 i am 5’3. I was walking yesterday and my friend said we got to get fit for before summer i said “o k , but i really cant picture myself with a 6 pack” so I was wondering if anyone could help me i cant go to a gym. But i have a big field in front of my house. Please tell me what i should do and thank everyone so much for the answer’s!
laughing thank you so much and i didnt mean to put easily what do you suggest i eat for breakfast,lunch,and dinner. Because school lunches are really well idk. But they try to add wheat bread.So do i pack my own lunch or what please send back and you’ve been a great help. i dont have a bike but the big field how many times should i jog around it? How many days? WHich days? Am i the normal weight size for a 13 yr old boy? so much to ask!

weight loss cardiff answers:

There is no “easy”, I will tell you that much. Also, you must be fit for yourself, not for others.

Weight is diet and exercise. For someone your age and height, you should consume about 1,400 just to function. (Calories are used for growth, heart rate, breathing, and all body functions, not just fat.) As you drop weight you slowly drop the amount of calories you consume. These are also 1,400 calories of food you can get real nutrition off of… Fish, chicken, apples, yogurt, etc. Cheetos, french fries, and hamburgers have very little nutritional value and what are called “empty calories”. For your metabolism to function properly and to lose weight you must feed your body well and properly. Starving yourself does absolutely nothing except cause you to bloat.

As for exercise, there are TONS of activities you can do! Swimming, biking, jogging, playing sports, etc. A one hour bike ride of “leisurely” riding (11mph or less) can burn 350 calories. Just bike 3x weekly with friends and you’ll drop 1,000 calories per week. Guess what? That’s about 1lb!

The absolute best thing you can do for your body is don’t over do it. ALL bodies respond differently and should be treated as such. Don’t listen to anyone, you must take things slow and make a real change, not something “just for summer”, or you’ll end up sick.

Try having 3 healthy meals per day with a healthy snack or two. Stick to the 1,400 calories. (Breakfast 400 calories, lunch 400 calories, a 100 calorie snack, and a 500 calorie dinner.) A 100 calorie snack can be a small pack of popcorn, a Yoplait yogurt, some grapes and cheese, or whatever you want!

Remember, drink lots of water! Water keeps your body healthy and keeps things moving. Try and drink 4-6 glasses of water per day. Not to mention if you drink a bottle of water with an afternoon snack it helps you feel full and will reduce urges to “snack”!

3 meals, 1 snack, 1,400 calories. Do regular exercising and try and get your heart rate up at least 3x per week along with other exercises. (Jump rope, jogging, etc all get your heart rate elevated.) Drink water, keep yourself healthy, and enjoy being a young teenager!

I wish you the best of luck!

(With what I just told you, in 8 weeks time, you can lose about 8-10lbs. It’s unhealthy and unrealistic to expect any more than that. If you stick with it and strive to be healthy, though, by next summer you can shed many more pounds.)

Linda asks…

Help from a teenager: losing weight?

This is coming from somebody who wants to change. Please don’t be immature.

I’m always big. I never was at an average weight, and I hate that. I never was average.

I’m 14, going into 15. I am considered overweight. You don’t even have to weigh me, you’ll already know if you see me. Lol.

I want to change, so I have a few questions.

To start off, if I were to lose a lot of weight (probably half of me right now… uh… don’t laugh), will that affect my skin? That’s what I fear the most. I don’t care about stretch marks, it’s the tightness of my skin that is bugging me.

I fear that I will look older than I really am if I were to lose weight. I dislike surgeries, and rather not take that option, even if it was offered to me. Plus, my single mother isn’t doing all that well in the first place…

Will it sag or wrinkle?

I assume that it “depends on how big I am”? Let’s just say I’m probably bigger than you, but I will not have my own documentary of how large I am (get what I’m saying?).

The only positive thing about being overweight is that when you sleep, it’s comfortable. Your stomach acts like a pillow.


Yes, it’s a serious question.
Well… I’ve always, always been overweight…

Phew… I’m surprise by the mature answers. Thanks.
Mr. Choke… I can’t help but think that you’re not overweight. I think it’s your height.

I’m 5’1. That’s bad for somebody who’s overweight. Lol.
I will never go on an unhealthy diet routine like throwing up.

Also, does taking lots of fiber work?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hey man chill lol i used to be a fat bastard myself, still am a little overweight but not as bad. Used to be 5’7 230 pounds now im 5’10 190 pounds.
Im 15 as well, at our age our skin stretches as we lose weight so you wont have hanging skin or anything.
You’ll see that you don’t bruise as easily though.
It wont make you look older so you can chill on that one.
Hey if your really that fat you can lose a lot of water weight and look better, which could boost your self esteem
Find a girl you like maybe, she will motivate you to get your fat ass into motion and work off some pounds
Just cut down on any fatty stuff your eating
Look at the percents on the back of stuff your eating, follow those loosly you can go over a bit or under a bit its all good
Just jump on a treadmill and lift some light weights with high repetitions.
Find motivation, i dunno if your like some people but think “Wow if i get a nice body, it will fit my personality and i can get some pussah”
You know what im saying?
Take it easy work hard. Peace 🙂
Hey i wanna call ivy a idiot 😛 just putting it out there
I wanna call anyone saying that he will have sagging anything
a retard because its not true.
Maybe if hes gifted he will have some stuff sagging but other than that it wont
LOL yea im pretty big, but i have a gut and man thighs too bro. I got pics if you really don’t believe me
Fiber helps but not too much of it
Hey add me on msn i like helping people that are like me lol
When you lose weight you will grow bigger but i dont know if youll ever reach past 5’6 you never know though

Jenny asks…

why does it become diff to lose weight after acertain age?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The reason it becomes harder for people to lose weight after a certain age is the same reason for why people gain weight easily after a certain age: metabolism. After people are done growing, their bodies don’t need as much energy (calories) to keep their bodies doing what they do. Since a lot of people don’t really know that their metabolism slows down after a certain age, they continue eating like they’re teenagers, consuming more calories than they need, which causes them to gain weight. When they try to lose that weight it’s harder than it is for a teenager to lose weight since the metabolism of a forty year old isn’t as going to burn as much calories for energy as a fifteen year olds.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandra asks…

What are the best cardio workouts for weight loss results?

Im on W.W. and I have lost 11 pounds, weight loss stopped,but I don’t work out much. so I am guessing I need more exercise in my routine.Any suggestions? Which workouts are best?
not lifting weights. I am clueless on what to do, I need a work out plan. 184 lbs. 31 yr. old.i know Im way over weight, but I want to get down to 130-135 lbs again.

weight loss cardiff answers:

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). It’s the same workout given to the olympic Japanese speed skiing team, so don’t come into it thinking it’s gonna be easy by any means.

Read all about it here:

Nancy asks…

I want to lose some weight before my big wedding day in Sept. 08. I eat healthy foods but I want to start?

exercising. How fast will my results show and how much weight is possible to lose just by incorporating exercise into my life?What types of exercise work best for weight loss?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Eating several (5-6) small portion meals of everyday healthy food per day, along with exercise, will burn calories faster and build your metabolism in a short period of time, without dieting or counting calories.
You will lose an average of 2-3 lbs per week
(eat about every 2 hours)
Meal suggestions:
piece of fruit
bowl of cereal (high fiber low sugar)
bowl of oatmeal
string cheese, summer sausage
cottage cheese/yogurt (lowfat)
tuna/turkey/ham sandwich (lettuce, tomatoe)
raw veggies
boiled eggs
Always eat a good dinner (small portions)…fish/meat (bake, broil, grill) potatoes/pasta/rice, veggie…your body needs carbs, protein and vitamins to stay healthy…cooking with olive oil is best.
Low calorie sweets…sugarless candy, ginger snap cookies,
fig bars, 100% juice popsicles
Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses per day)
Drink milk (low fat) or 100% juice/water with every meal
(no soda pop or flavored drinks)
Stay away from munchies, fried & fatty foods (no fast-food)
Never eat before going to bed
“Daily” simple and cardio exercise (30 min. Per day) like walking/hiking, running, biking, kick boxing, swimming, jumping jacks, aerobics, dancing and playing any games that uses a ball, will shed pounds, tone your body and keep it fit.
Food is fuel, energy for the body, if you don’t exercise to burn the energy, it turns to fat…fasting or skipping meals lowers your metabolism and forces the body to hold on to calories/fat, causing headaches, fatigue and weakness…weight loss pills damage your organs leading to diabetes, kidney and heart disease, even death.
Losing weight at a healthy pace along with exercising everyday you will feel and look so good. (over 30 lbs by sept)
Here is a great site to target specific muscle groups for abs, butt, hips…
Take it easy in the beginning to avoid overworked sore muscles.
(scroll down)

Michael asks…

Having gastric bypass surgery in a week. How much weight can I expect to loose in the first few months?

I realize that everyone is different when it comes to weight loss and recovery. However, I am just trying to get a non-textbook answer. I am very excited about the surgery and am just trying to anticipate the results. I am kinda hoping someone can tell me what they experienced. How much weight can I expect to loose by christmas if I exercise?

weight loss cardiff answers:

It can vary widely but the average weight loss in 3 months is 40-50 pounds. Christmas is about 5 months away so if you work very hard, eat right, take your vitamins and excercise correctly, you could see a weight loss of 60-80 pounds. But everyone is different and I am in no way saying that you would totally lose that much. I lost 30 pounds my first month, 70 pounds at 3 months and 115 at 8 months. A friend of mine who had surgery around the same time as me, has only lost 80 pounds so far to my 115. We excercise together, have the same diet but since our bodies are different, we have lost differently. You will lose weight quite quickly int he beginign when you can only eat pureed foods but as you add foods to your diet, you will lose more slowly. It’s easy to sneak in extra calories so use that will power!!

Good Luck! I hope that the surgery is everything you want it to be and more. It changed my life in so many ways. I can play with my son, I can walk down the street without feeling like everyone is staring at me and laughing. I feel beautiful for the first time in years. My life has begun at the age of 31!!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandra asks…

Is detox diet good for health?

Is detox diet good for health???

weight loss cardiff answers:

No. Detox diets and cleanses don’t work. There is no diet which will cause your body to get rid of toxins, heavy metals, poisonous by-products from smoking, drugs, etc. And cleanses for the purpose of weight loss don’t work because they can only eliminate water and small amounts of waste which the body will replace very quickly.

The problem with the internet is it is difficult to know what websites to trust. Especially in diet and fitness where there is no good proof and the US federal law tolerates all sorts of scams (eg: DHSEA1998), it is easy to be misled, scammed, and bilked. The way search engines work is to show you the most popular websites at the top and the least popular at the bottom…often buried in an mess of thousands of hits. And, popular does not mean good or true. It often means fad or trendy or mediocre or memetic or myth. And, is asking a bunch of strangers in YA really a good way to get information? Well, there are some excellent websites you CAN trust. They usually end in dot gov and contain some very heady scientific articles which are buried among other articles. The reason is the US government doesn’t have the time or money to debunk all the junk, bogus, and just plain bad information on the web. So, if you want the truth, you’re going to have to do your homework and dig for it. Here are some links to help you with your question.

Check out these reliable references.

“‘Cleansing’ diets may be worthless”

“A day on a detox diet program probably won’t hurt you, but there’s little point in following these restrictive diets – and they can do far more harm than good, says Michelle May, MD,”

“Detox diets are a waste of time and money, say scientists”

“The human body can defend itself very
well against most environmental insults and the effects of occasional indulgence. If you’re generally healthy, stick to giving your body what it needs to maintain its own detox system— a healthful diet, adequate fluid intake, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and all recommended medical check-ups. Don’t waste your money…follow a healthy, balanced lifestyle instead.”

The way to detox is to stop ingesting toxins and let your body cleanse itself naturally. And cleanses, purges, emetics, enemas, etc. Cannot remove fat from your body or make your body lose fat. If fat is your problem, you’re eventually going to realize that nothing works except a proper diet for life or surgery. The best diet for all normal adults hasn’t changed. It is still a varied, balanced, nutritious, and properly apportioned diet of high quality foods.

With the help of the web and it’s instant global communication, it only took about a week for the Oprah/Oz acai myth to span the globe. So, one thing is certain. If there was an easy way to detox or lose fat through cleansing, the whole world would know about it very quickly. Why hasn’t that happened? Think about it.

Good luck and good health!!

Paul asks…

Does the HCG Diet work?

does this diet work

weight loss cardiff answers:

The HCG diet works for women. I’ve done extensive research and studies on this diet.

You must use legitimate HCG (injectable or sublingual). Do not fall for the many HCG scams out there today, especially the supplement variety. HCG is a prescription drug.

The many tests you will see referenced pointing to the HCG diet not working are flawed tests. These tests used many male subjects and men respond totally different to HCG than women do. Additionally, these tests failed to administer the diet correctly and used improper doses of the HCG compound.

The reason the HCG diet works for women is that it changes the her body chemistry. It tricks her body into thinking it is pregnant allowing her to eat as little as 500 calories a day and it not affect her health adversely.

Normally when eating a 500 calorie diet, an individual would lose muscle tissue as a result of inadequate calorie intake. The body would preserve and protect body fat and break down muscle tissue for survival reasons.

When HCG is present it causes her body to think she is pregnant and it will start accessing body fat stores for energy rather than muscle tissue. It will also decrease her appetite causing her to not have a hungry feeling all the time.

But you have to follow the HCG diet exactly without wavering. Any slip up will knock her out of the chemical state that HCG put her in.

Of course, after the diet, you cannot just start eating anything you want and expect to keep the weight off. The HCG diet does not correct your bad habits.

I currently have a 42 yr old client that is on the HCG diet and she has lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks with zero strength loss. She has been working out 4-6 days a week on cardio and weight training all of her life and had hit a wall. It seems like no matter what she did, she couldn’t lose weight past a certain point. The HCG diet put her over the threshold and she feels better than ever. But it does require discipline and work. You have to stick to the strict diet exactly, no exceptions.

Sandy asks…

Crash diet?

Whats a crash diet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Crash diets are quick temporary weight loss strategies; however your body simply cannot remain healthy if you stay on severely restrictive diets for very long. Most common are diuretics or laxities which results in water weight lose. This weight will come right back when regular eating habits are resumed.
Some of the more recently developed crash diets involve limiting or essentially eliminating carbohydrates and increasing protein and or fat consumption. Protein Power, Carbohydrate Addict’s Program, Sugar Busters, and Dr. Atkin’s diets have all received considerable media attention. Although some people see these as effective measures for short-term weight loss for otherwise healthy people, most nutritionists and doctors would recommend forgoing the short term benefits of fad diets such as these with a healthier, long-term diet and exercise program.
Tips to Avoid a Diet Hoax:
*Forget products featured in advertisements that promising miracles.
*Avoid diets that have very stringent guide lines and/or tell you to stop eating certain foods; it is difficult and no fun to follow strict eating regimens.
*Watch for simplistic conclusions drawn from a complex study. Remain cautious of diets that promise a quick fix.
*Always reassess dramatic statements that are refuted by reputable scientific organizations.
*Diets listing “good” and “bad” foods often lead to failure.
*Be wary of recommendations based on a single study.
*If it sounds too good to be true…Well, you know the rest. It is!
Be Well!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

If I’m careful of what I eat, can I still lose weight and allow myself like no more than one coke a day?

I’ve dieted so many times in the past and know you lose weight quicker with just water. I like water especially when I exercise but love to have a coke when the craving hits (which unfortunately is like every day typically). If I watched my calories, could I still lose weight if I allowed myself that? Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes, you can still lose weight when you drink one Coke a day. Keep it to ONE. It’s all about portion control 😉

Keep your calories between 1200-1500 and you should be fine. After all, it’s just 140 calories per can. Be careful in everything else and you can have ONE indulgence.

Carol asks…

Virgin Coconut Oil to lose weight-has anyone hear of this and what do you do and how long does it take?

I’m already doing oil pulling with Virgin Coconut Oil which has help with pain in my mouth which was diagnosed as “Burning Mouth Syndrome” This has helped me not to have the pain. Someone also told me that VCO will help you lose weight quick too. Is this true? Has anyone done this?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hello , My friend was very very over weight and i had not seen for some time like one & half years. Well to make a long story short he lost around 100 pounds in that time and i asked him if he did not mind telling me his secret. He told me that he used the The Diet Solution Program
and he said it was unbelieveable the results he got and is still getting.

PS, Hope this will work for you to.

Best of luck

Laura asks…

What is the best way to lose weight fast?

Prom is coming up an I want to look good and lose weight quick… I play softball and try to eat right but are their any good free diets that you know that work fast and are good?? If so please tell me about the diet and exactly what to eat how many times a day all the details but I want it to be healthy still … I thank you very much!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

You need to find an exercise and eating (notice I didn’t say DIET) plan that works for you;

You also need to find a strenuous physical activity that you actually enjoy, it might just be walking.

Pretty soon your friends will be asking you for advice!

– Healthy life every day!
Good luck, you can do this!!

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