Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

If I’m careful of what I eat, can I still lose weight and allow myself like no more than one coke a day?

I’ve dieted so many times in the past and know you lose weight quicker with just water. I like water especially when I exercise but love to have a coke when the craving hits (which unfortunately is like every day typically). If I watched my calories, could I still lose weight if I allowed myself that? Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes, you can still lose weight when you drink one Coke a day. Keep it to ONE. It’s all about portion control 😉

Keep your calories between 1200-1500 and you should be fine. After all, it’s just 140 calories per can. Be careful in everything else and you can have ONE indulgence.

Carol asks…

Virgin Coconut Oil to lose weight-has anyone hear of this and what do you do and how long does it take?

I’m already doing oil pulling with Virgin Coconut Oil which has help with pain in my mouth which was diagnosed as “Burning Mouth Syndrome” This has helped me not to have the pain. Someone also told me that VCO will help you lose weight quick too. Is this true? Has anyone done this?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hello , My friend was very very over weight and i had not seen for some time like one & half years. Well to make a long story short he lost around 100 pounds in that time and i asked him if he did not mind telling me his secret. He told me that he used the The Diet Solution Program
and he said it was unbelieveable the results he got and is still getting.

PS, Hope this will work for you to.

Best of luck

Laura asks…

What is the best way to lose weight fast?

Prom is coming up an I want to look good and lose weight quick… I play softball and try to eat right but are their any good free diets that you know that work fast and are good?? If so please tell me about the diet and exactly what to eat how many times a day all the details but I want it to be healthy still … I thank you very much!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

You need to find an exercise and eating (notice I didn’t say DIET) plan that works for you;

You also need to find a strenuous physical activity that you actually enjoy, it might just be walking.

Pretty soon your friends will be asking you for advice!

– Healthy life every day!
Good luck, you can do this!!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

What are effective, easy diets/ weight loss tips?

I have tried the oatmeal diet, and it didn’t work. I’ve tried just eating very healthy and working out. I have tried many things… none of which seem to work. What are some good diets/ exercises that would help me lose weight? I would pursue longer more complicated diets but it’s hard to transfer and prepare food with switching houses every day because my parents are divorced, preparing food at work/ school/ on low time. help?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I lost 50 Lbs in about a year. I finally found something that works for me and makes me feel like I am not on a diet. I have never had more energy or felt better in my life. My doctor was also impressed when he saw my cholesterol numbers. He told me that he doesn’t usually see that kind of improvement or numbers, even with medication.

I ate whatever foods I enjoy and didn’t exercise any more than normal and the first week I lost 8 LBS!

This is how I did it, over two years ago I started what is called intermittent fasting using the Fast 5 Lifestyle created by Dr. Bert Herring. He wrote a book that you can download off his site for free.

Basically, how you do it is, you have a 5 hour window of time within the day that you can eat whatever you want. That doesn’t mean binging on donuts all day though of course, but just eat a normal meal even if for you normal is lasagna and garlic bread with chocolate cake for dessert. Then a little while later have a snack of whatever you usually snack on, nuts, veggies, fruit etc…whatever you usually eat. After that 5 hours, when the eating time is done, you stop completely. Just water or tea, no calories at all, no cream and sugar in your coffee, just non calorie liquids…you fast.

And again the next day, do the same thing…We all fast every day and we don’t really think about it. If you were to eat dinner at 7pm and then not eat again until the next day at breakfast at 7am, well that is a 12 hour fast. All this diet does is extend that fasting period. You can move your eating window of time to any 5 hours of the day, whatever fits your style of eating.

I do lunch so in the morning I extend my 12 hour sleep fast by skipping breakfast, and then at lunch I eat whatever I feel like. At around 4 pm I have a snack of whatever I am craving, then stop at 5pm and drink water until bed. If I have a dinner party or event that requires me to eat a dinner, I just extend my morning fast until dinner time and enjoy the party or event and eat whatever everyone else is eating.

It may sound difficult to not eat for those hours when you usually would but your body adjusts to the schedule and hunger becomes a non-issue. It also goes against everything we have ever been taught about nutrition and health but as doctor Phil says, “how’s that working for you?” We are a society of extremely obese people who only lose weight to gain back even more.

Others will say that it isn’t healthy that we must eat every two hours or go into starvation mode, they may be nutritionists or doctors but the reality is that I have never felt better in my life, I have never had more energy, my doctor is thrilled with the progress in my health and supports me 100% and it works for me, I have lost 50 pounds! So other people’s views and opinions on it really don’t matter to me.

If you want more information on how I did it or research and information on intermittent fasting take a look at my blog that I have kept since almost day one of this journey Good Luck!

Susan asks…

How can I loose weight fast before my senior prom? and after too!?

I am trying to lose a lot of weight before my senior prom this year it is in may or june. I need a fast way to lose weight that doesn’t involve me starving myself. I am also hoping to continue my weight loss after. any useful diets? weight loss tips?exercisee plans? thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

1 Dietary control and exercise. It’s true what they say – all you need to do is watch what you eat, and expend more energy than you consume. It’s really that simple. You can quit reading this list now, you now know everything you need to know and didn’t need to fork over $500 for the privilege of me telling you the secret of losing weight. You don’t need to read a 4,000 page book, you don’t have to buy a tape series, you don’t need to stay up late at night to watch infomercials to understand this basic premise. It’s 100% true.

2 Change your lifestyle. If you’re calling this a “diet,” then you’re going to gain all the weight back (and more) within a few months of losing it. Diets do not work. Diets are temporary. When you change your dietary lifestyle, however, you’re changing your habits – and you’re putting yourself on track for long-term / continued success and weight maintenance. Don’t ever tell anybody you’re on a diet – ever. I’m speaking from experience, here – a reformed low-carber. Worked out well for a while, but ultimately failed because my entire lifestyle didn’t change (permanently).

3 Join an online support group. In my case, I created my own – FatBlasters. It’s essential that you not feel alone, and reaching out to friends (new or old) is typically a smart move. I just heard about PeetTrainer, but didn’t know about it when I began down the road to weight loss. You have to know that others are out there for moral support – they know things that you couldn’t possibly know, and they’ve probably been “in your shoes” at some point in the past (or present). Share stories, laughter, tears, successes, and failures – share them. There are thousands of communities out there, so keep looking until you find the one that fits you.

4 Take before and after photos. I know it sucks to see yourself as a chunky monkey (sorry, that’s what I called myself – if only to get myself motivated to meet my weight loss goal). However, there’s no easier way to illustrate your progress. The “after” photos are far more fun to capture and share, admittedly. Find yourself on Flickr! It’s good to see yourself how others see you. Do you like how you look? In many ways, Flickr helped me lose weight.

5 Hire a substitute teacher. Don’t reach for the brands you know and love immediately – or without thinking first. Eggs are “good” for you, but consider using egg substitutes instead (in fact, many restaurants will let you order lower calorie foods). There are countless “lower” alternatives for you to try. If something different doesn’t taste good, by all means – find a better substitute, or eat less of the original. In some cases, the substitute may be worse for you than the regular version of the product. The good news is, healthier choices are silently replacing their “normal” counterparts – and they taste just as nice.

6 Start reading labels. I know it sucks, but you have to do it – and there’s no way to avoid this tip. If you don’t know what you’re putting in your mouth, you’re flying blind. Don’t assume, either – triple-check the ingredients list and serving sizes. You must rely on yourself for this; nobody else is going to be able to lose the weight or do the math for you. It’s not that complicated a task, but it will require effort. If nothing else, just pay attention to the calorie count.

7 What’s so funny about bovines? If you like cheese, you must buy the Laughing Cow brand, and keep several of the suckers in stock at all times. The individually-wrapped wedges make for excellent snacks, and are wonderful when melted over just about anything edible. I’d be careful about straight-up American cheese, though – it’s oil, but not necessarily as good for you as (say) a slice of cheddar would be. I have yet to find something as calorie-light and filling as Laughing Cow (I don’t know how they do it).

8 Tell your family. You’re not going to lose the weight alone, even if you ARE alone in losing the weight. If you’ve got a family at home, talk to them about it – initially, not incessantly. Let them know what you’re going to do, and that you want (and need) their support. If you don’t let them know, you’re running the risk of them inadvertently sabotaging your efforts. You want them to help you get to your goal(s). You want them to share in your happiness when you’ve made it past a certain mark. Who knows? Maybe some of your new habits will rub off on them and they’ll become healthier people, too?

Jenny asks…

How much weight can I lose in 5 month?

I want to lose some weight for the summer holidays…any easy and fast weight loss tips/diets???

weight loss cardiff answers:

Please read the bellow article it might help you :
How I Use Exercise to Help Me Lose Weight

When I finally got fed up with being rotund, the first thing I did was clean up my diet. However, this wasn’t enough to help me lose weight consistently. With the amount of fat I needed to lose, nutrition alone just wasn’t going to cut it; so I started an exercise program to keep those fat burning results coming. Here’s how to use exercise to send unwanted body fat packing.
Do Plenty of Cardio

help me lose weightIn order to lose one pound of fat you have to burn 3500 calories. It’s almost impossible to achieve this without doing cardiovascular exercises. Aim to get cardio (with an emphasis on high intensity interval training) five days a week. If you’re super busy (like most of us) and find it hard to squeeze cardio into your day, break your workouts up into chunks.

Here’s an example of how you can break your cardio workouts into manageable pieces:

Run on a treadmill for 15 minutes when you wake up.
Take a brisk 15 minute walk around the parking lot during your lunch break.
Pop in a workout video and exercise for 15 to 30 minutes before dinner.

Don’t feel like your only options for good cardio workouts are treadmills and exercise bikes. There’s nothing wrong with these machines, they work great. But if you do them all the time, they can get sort of humdrum. There are plenty of other ways to get your heart jumping. Some examples include kick boxing, mowing the lawn, gardening, jumping rope and swimming.
Pump a Little Iron

Many women avoid weights like the plague. They fear pumping iron will make them look bulky and masculine. This is absolutely not true. Unless you use some sort of performance-enhancing drug when you lift weights, the possibility of looking like the Hulk is slim.

When you build lean muscle tissue by lifting weights, it kicks your metabolism into high gear and helps you slim down. Keep in mind, the more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories your body will burn—even when you’re stretched out on the couch doing nothing (nice!).

Also, lean muscle mass is compact so it takes up less space than fat. Any lean muscle tissue you build lifting weights will tone your body and give you a streamlined physique. Ladies, if you really want to get in shape, put your fears of huskiness to rest and pump weights three times a week.
Sample Workout Plan to Get You Started

In one of my past newsletters, I talked about building a foundation by focusing on mastering the basics—lunges, squats, pushing, twisting and pulling. Do the below exercise back to back. After you do the entire circuit, repeat all five exercises two more times.

Bodyweight squats – 10 to 20 repetitions
Bodyweight lunges – 8 on each leg
Modified pushups on your knees 10 to 15 repetitions
Assisted pull ups – 10 repetitions
Medicine ball or dumbbell woodchop – 10 repetitions per side

As your fitness level increases, you can build on these exercises to make them more challenging by increasing resistance and making them more complex.

There’s nothing like waking up every morning looking and feeling your best. Anything less is unacceptable. Let The Diet Solution Program show you these tried and true methods that I’ve used to help me lose weight.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

What’s the reason why there is progressive weight loss, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia in patients with CML?

What’s the reason why there is progressive weight loss, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, easy fatigability, bruises, bones and joint pains in patients with CML? Chronic Myelongenous Leukemia.

weight loss cardiff answers:

1. Take it one step at a time

Start by paying attention to what you eat. Cut back on fat and sweets and add more fruit and vegetables. After you have that under control, add exercise. If you hate to exercise try it for only 15 minutes a day at first, then a 1/2-hour. Keep in mind that while you are exercising you are burning calories and not eating. Also, it will be easier if you chose an activity that you enjoy.

2. Find a friend

It is always good to have support when you are trying to lose weight. Find a friend who wants to lose weight and compare notes, weigh-in together and maybe even have a contest.

3. Use weights

Working out weights will build muscle and raise your metabolism so you will burn more calories. Also, muscle takes up less space than fat so you will be smaller ( but probably weigh more).

4. Eat fewer carbs

Don’t eat as much bread and pasta and you will see a difference.

5. Set a goal

Set a deadline to lose the weight and write it down. For example, ‘ By Dec 14/04 I will weigh 150 lbs or less’. Put it somewhere you will see it daily.

6. Give up soda

If you drink a soda or 2 a day you are adding empty calories. If you find it hard to stop
completely, cut back at first and drink water instead.

7. Grill or boil

Avoid fried meat, grill and use lots of spices. You will get used to it and probably enjoy it more.

8. Don’t buy junk food

When you go shopping, don’t go on an empty stomach and you will be less likely to buy junk food. Keep your home ‘junk food free’ so you won’t be tempted to indulge.

9. Eat breakfast

Consume most of your calories early in the day and always eat breakfast. Don’t eat after 8pm and
not only will you avoid those added calories but you will sleep better.

10. Give yourself a treat

When you tell yourself that you can’t have something you want it more. Give yourself a treat once a day ( ie. Half a cookie) and you won’t feel you are missing out.

11. Use smaller plates

Trick yourself into believing that you are eating more by using a smaller plate.

12. Drink lots of water

Drink water when you are feeling hungry and you will get that ‘full’ feeling.

13. Don’t eat everything on your plate

Many times we eat just because it’s there. Pay attention to when you have had enough.

14. Eat five or six meals a day

Eating more frequently will keep you from getting too hungry.

15. Plan your workout sessions

Write your workout sessions in your journal or planner.

16. Stay away from fad diets

Fad diets don’t work. If you lose weight fast chances are that you will gain it back ( and more)
just as fast. It takes time to put it on and time to take it off.

17. Do several workouts a day

While you are watching TV do crunches and leg lifts.

18. Measure your food

If you decide to have junk food for a snack – be sure to measure and control what you eat.

19. Keep pre-cut vegetables

…and ward off those cravings.

20. Create Good Habits

It is a known fact that when we do something twenty-one times it becomes a habit. Create good eating habits.

Take care…

Nancy asks…

What are the benefits of water in a weight-loss diet?

As I mentioned before, my dad has high cholesterol and is trying to lose some weight. I heard that drinking water can help weightloss in a number of ways, but I was wondering how it helps?
Like, does it cure bloating and flush out the system or something.
Also, my dad hates the taste of water, but he loves orange squash. Is squash just as good as water? Its sugar free and low in calories.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I know you want to lose weight fast and easy, who doesn’t right? We all need to do it in a healthy way though, because crash diets just don’t work. Believe me, I’ve tried them all. If I did lose some weight, I put it right back on when I started eating normally again.

1-2 pounds a week is a healthy goal to lose weight. The only diet that ever worked for me is the diet solution program. It isn’t magical, it takes time and effort, so if you just want to take a pill and wake up skinny, don’t bother to check it out. Just keep dreaming! But if you really want to lose weight and feel good in your own skin, then it’s worth checking out the diet program. It really is the solution to stop the yo-yos.

It’s up to you, nobody else….

John asks…

What is the best interval training program to really boost my weight loss/cardio fitness?

I am in fairly good shape and I usually run or walk at least 3 to 4 miles when I work out outside or at the gym. But, I have hit a bit of a plateau and I would love to recharge my weight loss. I have heard interval training is a great way to do this.

I have starting alternating between running/walking, but I am unsure about the times/sets.

Any suggestions?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Any interval training program would give you a break from your plateau, because it’s very different from steady-state cardio – i.e. The running you do. It really depends on what you enjoy doing. If you want to stick to the running, then try the suggested variations of sprinting and walking.

Typically I would suggest you start with 30 sec sprint and 60 rest intervals. When you sprint give it all you have 80-90% of your max effort. Your rest period should be at 30%. I would do 8 to 10 rounds to start with and would only do up to 3 sessions a week until you get used to it. If of course you find this too easy, try a 60 sec work 90 sec rest (or 120 sec) rest intervals.

If you don’t want to do running, you can try skipping with knees high up, alternating with burpees. If you’re like me and you get bored easily you can make up your own intervals with just about any full-body exercise, as long as you make sure to work really hard during the work periods and to rest well in the rest periods.

If you’re looking for a structured program – try Josh Hillis’ Fighter workouts at the link below.

Either way I am sure you’ll see results and you’ll love them. Interval training is hard but rewarding :o)


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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Susan asks…

I am trying to lose 100 pounds but have a hard time sticking to losing weight, have any good advice?

I have been on and off diet plans for years and at 5 feet I now weight 215 pounds. I desperately need to lose weight but have a hard time staying focused. I can lose weight easily at the beginning but then I am always back to pizza and fried foods. I could use any help and advise out there. Just please don’t be rude or mean to me.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hey! It seems like the problem is with your motivation and willpower. You said that you can easily lose weight at first, but then get tempted by foods like pizza.

I’m not going to give you more diet and exercise advice like everyone else here. It seems that you already know what you need to do. The problem is just in getting yourself to do it consistently.

It really helps to start asking yourself before you do anything: Is doing this going to take me close to or farther away from the person I want to be?

Ask yourself this question every time you feel the urge to eat something fried. Will this take me closer to the person I want to become? Ask yourself this question every time your are thinking about blowing off a workout. Will this take me closer to the person I want to become?

Is it really worth it to have that short-term gratification of the pizza? Or would you rather run into an old friend that you haven’t seen in a long time and see the look on their face when they see you 100 pounds skinnier?

I know you can do this! I’ve been there myself. All it takes is the willpower to get through those first few weeks. After that, you get in the habit of eating right and exercising and it just comes naturally.

You can do this!

Good luck.

Steven asks…

what are some super effective ways to lose weight?

Wrestling season is now over, so i’ve gained a bit of weight.
and i want to lose it NOW. in wrestling we were in a small room and run with the heat turned wayyy up, so we would lose weight easily.. i cant exactly do that at my house…
how should i go about losing weight the most effiective way?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Diet Solution Program – That’s all I can say. It helped me lose almost 30 lbs.
I’m not sure this is what you are looking for but check it out, it has helped a lot of people.
I used to try all the “house cures” like lemon water, potaoe water etc, the list is long.
I urge you to have a look this, it will help you to lose weight I’m sure.

Chris asks…

what are fast and easy ways to lose weight?

I wouldnt say i am fat, but i want to weigh less since most of the girls in my school are super skinny. Are there any ways for me to lose weight easily without completely starving myself and working out until i pass out. I already do work out and diet, but are there any specific things i should be doing?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Cut out your carbs. You don’t have to measure or count anything. Well count no more than 20 carbs per day. No more rice, bread, pasta, peanutbutter, potatos for a month or two.

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