Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

What is the atkins diet?

Why would a low carb diet cause headaches fatigue and carbohydrates cravings?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Atkins diet is a low carbohydrate diet program which restricts the consumption of carbohydrates for weight loss purposes. The Atkins diet is a weight loss diet designed by Dr. Robert Atkins in the year 1972. In 1972, Dr. Atkins recommended a low carb diet to treat obesity. The foods high in carbohydrates are replaced by foods high in proteins and fats. The calories from the carbohydrates are compensated by the calories from the fats and proteins. The Atkins diet is not only used to treat obesity, but also to treat epilepsy or diabetes.

Side effects of the Atkins diet include bad breath, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, weakness and others.

The Atkins diet and its side effects are discussed in detail in

Mark asks…

Which diet is better for quick weightlloss?

low carb diet, vegeterian diet, or a low calorie, low carb, and a low fat diet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Low carb diets work (while you’re on them), but they’re hard on your kidneys and liver.

Low fat and low calorie diets are EXTREMELY hard to follow, because you’re constantly feeling hungry. Besides, many of the the “low-fat” foods have higher sugar levels and/or chemicals, which cause you to eat more… And thus prevent you from losing much weight.

Besides, you NEED healthy fats for your brain and organs to work properly. Most fat in our “modern” diets is the unhealthy type.

And, with virtually all diets, most people gain back all their pounds and more, once they stop dieting. Few people are disciplined enough to follow their “diet” for the rest of their lives.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Breakthrough research reveals the REAL reason
why 85% of fat people cannot lose weight…
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Daniel asks…

the sacred heart diet.?

has anyone been on the sacred heart diet? if you have please give me your thoughts and results of the diet.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve tried the Cabbage Soup Diet, which is supposedly similar. Lost weight, but it made me so hungry I could’ve bitten someone’s hand off if they’d gotten between me and my tomato (the tomato and beef day). You’ll only lose water, if you lose anything at all. Most who’ve followed CSD can’t stay on it for more than a couple days due to the intense hunger. Here’s what I found out about Sacred Heart (it’s not from Sacred Heart or any valid healthcare source):

“The Sacred Heart Diet is a fad diet that has been circulating for many years. The diet was supposedly thought to come from the cardiology department at Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital where it was used for overweight heart patients. However, like most of these diets – this is an urban myth.

The Sacred Heart Diet has been called a number of different names (such as the Spokane Heart Diet, the Cleveland Clinic Diet, Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet and the Miami Heart Institute Diet). The diet also bears a striking resemblance to the cabbage soup diet.

Background of the Diet
The Sacred Heart diet is a soup-based diet, and claims that you will lose 10-17 pounds in the first week. This may be true, but most of the weight will tend to be water – and will be gained right back very soon after the diet.

This diet is very clearly an unsustainable fad diet, but is not as nutritionally unsound as similar diets. Most of these diets claim some magical fat-burning science is involved, or that there is something special about the combination of foods. This is simply untrue – it is nothing more complex than a reduction in calories!

This diet is not recommended!!”

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Jenny asks…

Can i lose weight running a mile a day and only eating fruit and vegetables?

Don’t say to eat lean meats because I can’t cook that… im desperate to lose weight I’ve been eating 1000 calories a day and running and I haven’t lost weight. So will only eating fruit and veggies work?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The problem with your course of nutrition at present is you are eating fruit which is sugar. Yes, it’s natural and healthy sugar (like an avocado is natural and healthy fat) but it is still sugar. Your body needs not only fruits (in moderation) and vegetables (which you can have as many as you like) but it needs protein. If you cannot cook lean meats (is that for religious or cultural issues, or is this a lack of experience in cooking?), then you should take a look at working with tofu. Tofu and tofu dishes/recipes have come a long way and you have plenty of options.

When you deplete your body of certain proteins and carbs, your body goes into a “survival mode” and as you can read about in the second URL that I’ve included, it can be dangerous to your health. Improper dieting will not only burn through fat but muscle as well. Crash diets like the one you are on now will only hurt you.

Be careful.

Sandy asks…

How to lose weight for 14 year old girl?

How can I lose weight? I’m not over-weight or anything I just wanna lose like 10 pounds
So, how can I lose weight? is running an hour each day good? or do I need to do more?


weight loss cardiff answers:

Cut out junkfood.
Sodas, chips, cookies, etc.
Eat more healthy.
Exercise 30-1hr a day. Running is good by the way.

Linda asks…

How many calories should I have a day to lose weight?

Hi I’m 5’5″-5’6″ and I weigh 155 lbs. I was just wondering what my calorie intake should be to lose weight?
I run 20 minutes a day and do a little p90x.

My goal weight is 130-140 lbs.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You should track how many calories you burn and take in slightly less than that google calorie burned calculator to figure things out

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

George asks…

Question about Adios (weight loss pill)?

Hi, I want to know if this product actually works. Anyone who has used it, can you tell me around how much weight you lost per week and overall on it?
EDIT – I already eat healthily and do cardio for 30 mins every day. I find it difficult because I carry too much weight though. The idea was to take the pill to make cardio easier.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight/fat loss pills are generally a money pit.

There is no pill that makes you lose weight simply by taking it every day.

Diet/cardio is cheaper and more effective, I suggest doing that.

Carol asks…

has anyone ever tried weight loss pills?

do they work? i mean i have a little belly fat that i’d do anything to lose. and if it means diets and stuff like that i’d do it but i can’t order from online cause they ask for a credit card and all that stuff.

if weight loss pills don’t work, then what does? something quick

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss isn’t quick, sorry to tell you, it takes time. I’m on a diet pill now, though it’s prescription and for those who need to lose at least 40 pounds to get back to their general BMI reading. I can say that’s it’s working. Do not – do not – get over-the-counter stuff because it’s waaaaaaay to iffy. Run or walk 20 minutes a day for a couple days out the week and do a couple crunch exercises for 10 minutes.

There ya have it – safe weight loss for a steady workout regime (without the killing-yourself-factor)

Mary asks…

Do Alli weight loss pills work?

Ok so i have pcos and my weight is 220, i’ve been trying to diet an exercise when i get the chance but that hasn’t done anything much so i heard about Alli and was wondering if it really works? anyone experienced these pills?

weight loss cardiff answers:

No, weight loss pills are not a magic answer. Talk to your doctor and ask for suggestions that might work for you. Here is what I would suggest:

1. Vary your caloric intake each day. For example, have 1500 one day, 1200 the next, 1700 the next, and so on. That way your body doesn’t adjust to the calorie level.

2. Vary the foods you eat. Eat a great variety of healthy food.

3. Vary your exercise routines. Don’t work out at the same time everyday. Sometimes work out in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes twice a day, and sometimes skip a day.

4. Vary the types of exercise you do. Don’t do the same things everyday.

5. Include strength training/weight lifting as part of your exercise plan, but again don’t do the same things everyday,

6. Incorporate as many types of aerobic exercise as you can. Each day vary the time, the intensity, and the type of exercise as much as possible.

7. Consider sort of shocking your system by doing a one day or even a two day liquid diet. Keep it healthy. You can use some of those meal replacement shakes or drinks – Glucerna, Boost, Ensure, the Special K shakes, etc. Drink plenty of water and you can also include sugar free jello.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mark asks…

How can I lose weight easily?

Im 13, 5’5″, and weigh 125 pounds. It’s almost summer and i wanna be able to wear a bikini and not be embarresed. My stomachs pretty thin but my legs are really big. My arms are alittle chubby and i just wanna lose pure body fat all around my body easily and quickly. Any ideas? Thank you sooo much in advance(:

weight loss cardiff answers:

You have to get out of that chair and away from the front of that computer to get the exercise. See if you can find someone to work out with you so you are not so on your own with it. Stay way from Carbohydrates like bread and breaded foods French fries and heavy starchy foods. Your blood pressure will come down some when your weight comes down but you should probable be on some meds to control your blood pressure while you lose the weight.

Walking is damn good exercise and its free. Vegetables are your friend but once again not the starchy ones and not macaroni and cheese which I for one think is one of the best inventions in the culinary world. Drink a lot of water while you diet. It will help keep you hydrated and a little fuller. Carrot sticks and celery sticks and some fat free ranch dressing are tasty treats and make a good healthy snack for in between meals and an apple a day goes a long way. Don’t forget to eat breakfast. Cantaloupe and low fat yogurt are great and strawberries and yogurt are wonderful too. A hand full of blueberries and a small bowl of raisin bran with skim milk or yogurt and raisins or strawberries is another good choice but cereal has carbs and if you want to lose weight you can’t pig out on the cereal.

Remember, you have to decide to lose the weight and no one can do it for you. They can do it with you but not for you.

Robert asks…

16 years old.. Need to lose weight?

I’m a 16 year old girl. I weigh 148 pounds and I’m only 5’1. I would like to lose weight and tone up a bit. (I would love to have a six pack <3) My only problem is, I don't know how to really get into the whole fitness thing. I've heard many different things about what makes people over weight and some of it isn’t even true.. Apparently. I have school coming up in less than a month. Should I work out everyday? Should I only work, lets say 3-5 times a week? I need some sort of guide lines to really get into the whole fitness thing. I understand that your diet has a huge part in it. I know what to do for the diet part. The workout part I’m clueless. I’m bigger in my stomach area, legs, and a little bit on my arms. (I got the little flabby arms, a big stomach, some big thighs, love handles. And when I look down.. I got that double chin which I hate.) What are some good workouts that I can do? I don’t want anything too intense because I do have a few problems with my knee and ankle. I unfortunately can’t do anything about that. Another thing is, how can I get motivated to do this and Stay motivated? And the biggest thing for me is, when I lose the wait.. How Do I Keep It Off???

Any workouts on YouTube or somewhere online would be greatly appreciated.

One more thing: I’m not one of those people that want to lose maximum amount of weight in minimum time. If it takes a couple months then I’m okay with that. I need something to fit around my schedule with school starting soon. I also do horseback riding (+barn chores) at least 3 times a week. (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday).

Please please help me out. I’m going into my junior year. I’ve spent my entire time in school being uncomfortable with low self esteem. (With being overweight and I have bad acne scarring.) If I can spend my last two years in high school and actually get to enjoy it, I will be so so grateful.

Advice, tips, reminders, etc. will help.
Thank you so much

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing weight does not come easily for anyone. Whether you are fifty pounds overweight or twenty, losing the weight is not an easy thing to do.

While most people choose to go on a diet because they think that they need to look better, the real motivation for losing weight should be about being healthier overall.

The problem with many diets is that they take too much time and are too complicated. There is a large amount of planning involved when it comes to meals. In addition, even when following the diet strictly the weight does not come off very quickly at all.

In fact, most of the time a person will only lose one or two pounds a week when they first start a new diet. This can be disheartening and lead to the oh-so familiar yo-yo effect.

When someone steps on the scale and sees a two pound weight loss when they think it should be more, they are likely to spiral out of control and quit the diet and begin their poor eating habits again.

Healthy Weight Loss

What many people do not realize is that losing one to two pounds a week is the healthiest way to lose weight. Losing this much (or little depending on the way you look at it) sets reasonable expectations and leads to achievable goals.

If you are carrying quite a bit of extra weight, these numbers can be increased slightly but in all likelihood, striving to lose more than two to three pounds per week is a surefire way to:

Burn muscle rather than fat
Become discouraged and give up

Let’s get scientific for a second. One pound of body fat equals 3,500 calories. If you didn’t know this I bet this is quite a shocker – you can actually measure how much you should be eating based on your own weight loss goals.

Very broadly said, having a 500 calorie deficit per day will let you burn about one pound per week (500 x 7 = 3500). Neat huh?

To lose weight faster it is important to increase the amount that you exercise.

Diets for Fast Weight Loss

When trying to lose weight quickly it is important to make sure that you are eating healthy. Starches and added sugars should be eliminated from the diet. In addition, avoiding fat from dairy and meat will help increase weight loss as well.

Some of the foods that should be considered when trying to lose weight include:

Soy products
Egg whites
Lean meat
Skinless chicken breast
Non-fat dairy food

It is important to eat a lot of vegetables as they will help you feel full. Drinking water will also help you feel full. All tempting foods should be removed from the home when you are starting a healthy weight loss plan.

Michael asks…

How can I lose weight easily?

I’m 15 and since I was 12 I was a comfort eater, I was bullied and made to feel like shit. Now being at a stage where I’ve gained all this weight, I feel so unconfident. I have belly fat and big thighs. I hate the belly fat because it means I don’t feel comfortable going out unless I’m I’m baggy clothes and jumpers and I won’t go out in shorts or skirts, even during the summer when it’s very hot. I’ve been trying to lose the pounds as I want to lose around 2 stone for my trip to Spain in July so I can feel confident an comfortable in a bikini! I have 12 weeks and want to try a diet as well as exercise. What’s exercises will help me? I don’t like running because I get bored of it, an what diets could I do? I’m not good with veg but I love fruit and after watching what I’m eating usually I need to lose the carb foods! I’m not asking to have a completely flat belly but I want to lose the bulges so I can go in a bikini and be happy! Please help me!!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s not going to be easy especially if you’re already a comfort eater, it will probably be one of the most difficult things you’ll ever do.

First off fix your habit of comfort eating, it’s a bad one and it will only slow you down or completely ruin your weight-loss goals.

As for exercise anything will do. Play some sports, do some running, the best thing to do would be a weight-lifting routine, but since you’re a girl and only 15 you probably would not like the idea of that.

Anyways anything is better than doing nothing, so rather than sit on your butt and think about it all day just get out there and do something. It’s infinitely better that way.

As for your diet try and stay away from processed foods such as hydrogenated vegetable oils, junk food, canned food, table sugar, condiments, etc. Etc.
Eat wholesome nourishing nutrient-dense foods.
Try and balance your diet so you’re getting a good mix of vegetables, fats/protein and some fruits and grains.

Besides that to control your weight loss just eat slightly less.

The best weight-loss is achieved through slow dieting. If you try to lose weight so fast not only will it harm your metabolism and cause you to lose precious lean tissue mass it will also put you at susceptibility to rebounding and regaining much or all of the weight you worked so hard to lose in the first place.

So in other words, slow and steady wins the race. Instead of trying to lose 2 stone (~28 lbs) you should be going for roughly half of that (1 stone or 10-14 lbs) in 2 months. Losing 28 so quickly will do you more harm than good you have to look at things in the long term. Or is this “weight loss” thing just a passing though for you? If you’re truly dedicated you’ll be willing to put in the time and effort and you wouldn’t be looking so hard for a easy-way out.

Being healthy and lean is a lifestyle choice, not a one-time fix. This is a very important distinction to make. Only change your diet to something manageable that you would be willing to spend your entire life on. That way there is no risk of rebounding or doing excessive harm to your body. Slow and steady. Good luck.

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