Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lizzie asks…

What is the most effective OTC diet pill?

I am looking for an effective and fast-working diet pill that will aid me in my substantial weight loss plan. I was wondering if anyone in the vast cyberworld could aid me in finding an effective candidate. I would prefer if I did not get any responses that are not pertaining directly to what I am asking. (ie. “Just eat healthy and exercise” types).

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve tried almost all of them without any success, until I recently found Mega T green tea with hoodia pills. They really do work to help control appetite, without drugs or any jitters. I find I can still eat if I want to, but the intense cravings are just gone, and I do fine with my planned healthy low calorie eating plan. And the best part is that I only spend $4 for a 15 day supply of them from Walmart. Way better than the $20 and up for Trimspa, hydroxycut, Alli, etc.
I wouldn’t call them magic pills, I know that i have to do my part, but taking them makes it all a lot easier because I am satisfied with small portions, and those awful cravings are gone.

Betty asks…

What are some easy everyday things to burn belly fat without spending $?

Does anyone have helpful tips on posture, food, beverages, and everyday routines that could help with my weight loss? I do NOT want to spend any money unless its on reasonable items. (1. I wasn’t yelling with the all caps before, 2. please dont waste my time with diet plans!)

Thanks so much everyone!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hello Bonkers.

For any weight loss techniques eating enough healthy fats is very important for maintaining proper fat burning and muscle building hormone levels in your body. Adequate healthy fats in your diet also helps in keeping your appetite under control. Also avoid drinking beer and soda because it contains a large amount of sugar that can add to your problem in losing weight, it’s much better if you drink plenty of water.

Losing weight also involves different kinds of exercise. Like doing workouts, you can even do bicycle crunches on a weight bench this will help enhanced work in your stomach muscles. You can also do arms and legs exercises , using the arms and legs at the same time you get enhanced work in the muscles of your stomach, and by twisting you get increased work in your oblique muscles. All parts of your stomach are worked with this one exercise.

By doing this you will not spend any money in losing weight.

Hope this helps! If you need any more tips just contact me.

Maria asks…

Is liposuction the way to go for weight loss?

I’ve tried every weight loss program and I’m ready to try liposuction, what should I expect?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Good luck, if you plan on liposuction! I would never even think of it (but I’m completely terrified of needles). Here’s a page on the different procedures (ahhhhh). I’m a believer of hard work, and not taking the easy path to anything. Being committed to exercise just 3 times a week and sticking to low fat foods, I can’t see how anyone can’t lose weight. I lost 15 pounds in 6 months doing this. No pills, no depriving myself, no liposuction. Just treadmill or bike 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, and adjusted my eating habits a little. I would reward myself once every weekend with some kind of junk food (a chocolate bar, cheeseburger, milkshake…). Here’s another site that discusses natural weight loss

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

Question about fad diets?

There have been many fadi diets over the decades: high protein diets, liquid protein diets, low carb diets…etc. But why not a low protein or protein free diet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The low protein diet esxists, but it is used for therapeutic purpouses. Protein contains 16% nitrogen which the body eliminates in the urine as urea. In cases where liver or kidney function is impaired, ammonia or toxic nitrogen metabolites may build up in the blood. These toxins contribute to kidney disease and may produce behavioral changes such as delusions, psychosis and hallucinations. The Low Protein Diet is designed to reduce these nitrogen metabolites and ammonia in individuals with toxic bowel, liver disease or kidney failure. In order to achieve these objectives, dietary protein must be limited to 0.6 gram/kg (2.2 lbs) of body weight or about 40 to 50 grams per day.

The Protein Restricted Diet is useful for the management of liver and chronic kidney diseases. For optimal results protein-rich foods should be consumed throughout the day rather than at one meal.

It wouldn’t so much work as a “loosing weight diet because of its negative sides. The Low Protein Diet is deficient in protein and can result in muscle wasting. This is a consequence of muscle protein being broken down to provide amino acids to the body for daily use. The result of this would be a general lowering of body metabolism, and piling up of weight when the diet is over. Moreover, substituting proteins with carb or fat-rich food, means an increased in the GI levels in the blood, increased production of insulin and, ultimately, more storage of fat. This diet may also be low in iron, calcium, thiamine (Vitamin B-1), riboflavin (Vitamin B-2), and niacin (Vitamin B-3) and so a nutritional supplement may be necessary to prevent deficiency.

David asks…

What is a hypoenergetic diet?

Can you define the term ‘hypoenergetic diet’ for me?

weight loss cardiff answers:

A hypoenergetic diet is a low energy diet. Not all diets are for fat loss. However, those which are designed to promote fat loss will ensure the dieter gets fewer calories per day then those burned. And, because calories are (a unit of) energy, a low cal diet is a low energy diet or a hypoenergetic diet. In other words, “hypoenergetic” is a low calorie diet and the word is used to distinguish between fat loss type diets and other types of diets. For example, a person who is underweight may opt for a hyPERenergetic diet while a person who is overweight will prefer a hyPO energetic diet.

Good luck and good health!!

Helen asks…

sonoma diet safe?

Is the Sonoma diet safe?

Any good reviews of the Sonoma diet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes it is safe. The sonoma diet consists of eating healthy nutritious food.

The Sonoma Diet was invented by Connie Guttersen. The Snoma ddiet is a low-carbohydrate diet / low sugar diet.The core of the diet plan is eating approved “power foods” that are healthy and intensely flavorful. Another key concept behind the diet program is managing portion sizes and eating approved foods.

The 10 power foods are: Almond, Bell peppers,Broccoli, Blueberries, Grapes, Olive oil, Spinach, Strawberries, Tomatoes and Whole grains.

The Sonoma Diet has three phases also called waves. The first phase lasts 10 days and is the most restrictive phase, allowing the smallest number of foods and the smallest portion sizes. During this phase carbohydrate and sugar consumption is greatly reduced.
In the second phase a wider variety of foods are allowed. You remain in Phase two until you achieve your target weight.

Phase three is the maintenance stage and you are allowed to eat a wider variety of foods.

More info on the Sonoma Diet can be found here:

I had great succuss with this diet. I highly recommend it.

Let me know how you make out with it

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

How to lose muscle / weight in 3 days?

In February, I am going away for 3 full days and I have a ballet school audition at the end of February. I need to take this chance to lose some muscle weight HEALTHILY.

About me on a daily basis:
– Consume about 1500-1600 calories. I try not to snack and keep it at 1200-1300 most days.
– 5’4
– 124lbs

1. Is it possible to lose 6-12 lbs in 3 days with healthy eating (not starving myself) and 2 hours of running per day?

2. How do we lose muscles in our calves? My calves are VERY big (muscular, not fat due to dance). My thighs are becoming muscular too. Are there any exercises good for losing calories and also leaning out your calf muscles?

3. What should I eat to reduce the production of muscles? I usually eat a lot of meat (haha meatarian). What works?

4. Have any of you tried HEALTHY diets before? Ones that won’t make you gain all your weight back right away (from your body being on starvation mode).

5. I am about 124lb and 5’4. What is the “average weight” for girls who are 5’4?

NOTE: I am a professional dancer so I can’t afford to be “average” in weight. I need to be slim in order to be a ballet dancer. That is why I really need to go on this diet before my audition.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s possible to MAYBE lose 1 lb in 3 days…maybe (not counting water weight, but an actual pound of fat) if you consider most people on a healthy eating and exercise plan can lose up to 3 lbs/wk safely..

Six pounds should take you at least 2 wks (or more) and 12 lbs at least a month (or more)…anything faster than 3 lbs/wk indicates an unhealthy method and also means the weight is unlikely to stay off long term….

Sandra asks…

How can i lose weight in 3-5 days?

kaay, so im 15 and im going on holiday in 3 days for one week.. at the end of the holiday im supposed to be getting my belly button pierced, but i want to lose weight before it desperately.
i know its short notice but answers would be VERY helpful, thaaanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Eat 1400 calories a day and exercise. Do not eat junk food. Hydrate.

How much weight did you want to lose? You can only lose maybe 7 pounds safely in this time.

Susan asks…

have you tried the 3 day diet and lost weight?

i know it’s all water weight yadayadayada, but i’m wondering if anyone has tried and actually lost weight.

weight loss cardiff answers:

A few years back i lost around 2 kg of weight in 9 days due to fasting , but recovered that in just 3 days .

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

Do you need insurance to get weight loss surgery such as the lap band or gastric bypass?

I have been overweight since I had my children 14 months apart. I never had problems with my weight before this and my metabolism has slowed down. I have tried many weight loss programs and nothing seems to work. I never lose more that 20 pounds or so. So I have been considering weight loss surgery, probably the lap band. I was wondering if having insurance was a requirement or if you can pay completely out of pocket for something like this?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can always pay out of pocket for any medical procedure.

If you have good credit, many doctors will let you make payment plans as well. Otherwise, you have to pay in full at the time of service.

William asks…

Where Can a 14yo find a free online weight loss program/tracker?

Okay, I’m 14 years old and I wanna lose weight. I can’t find any weight loss programs or weight loss trackers for a teenaged girl =P… does anyone know where I can find one?

weight loss cardiff answers: (:
itsa great workout with daily workouts and food recipes for teens

Laura asks…

I am looking for a weight loss program?

I am looking for a weight loss program because I have recently put on some weight in the last year, and I see A LOT of different programs, but I was hoping someone might have some good places to start. Thanks in advance

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi. There.

I actually recently ran into this issue; mainly because I will be 43 soon, and I’ve been drinking a lot of beer cuz my life sucks.

Anyway, I have had two major neck fusions with a titanium plate from c3-c7 that didn’t take, plus a major back fix and fuse with 2 bars that also got botched.

I can’t do a lot of the normal stuff, and haven’t ran since 1990, about 1 year before I got out of the Army.

There are many resources for a good weight loss program, but what really helped me lose about 20 lbs fast was this site:

I lost like 20 pounds with exercises that even I can do with my physical limitations! It’s an awesome feeling!

Hope it’s as helpful to you as it was me.

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