Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

James asks…

Whats the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off?

i dont eat breakfast as i feel sick in the mornings and as a teenager dont have a lot of money. i gain and lose weight very easily and i need to know if there is a way thats affordable to lose weight and keep it off. im 16 and weigh 10.5 stone. also im fed alot of carbs at home for dinner

weight loss cardiff answers:

Its very easy. You have to burn more calories than you take in. If you dont excercise, then you cant eat a lot. If you get a lot of excercise then you can eat more. Scratch Mcdonalds off your eat list.

Mandy asks…

How to continue losing weight during the school year (for the RIGHT reasons)… :/?

Over the summer I gained a lot of momentum with my weight loss.
I felt like I wanted to lose weight for me…so I exercised everyday. Ate healthy.
Now school has started…and I feel like I’m exercising and eating moderately (losing weight) just because I want to impress people at school. This happens EVERY year. Over the summer I feel like I do everything for myself…but then as soon as school starts and I see all these attractive guys and girls, I feel like I’m doing it for others.
And when I try to lose weight for the wrong reasons- I EASILY give up.
I have self respect…so when I’m on the treadmill, sweating my butt off, dying…and feel like I’m doing it for stupid thickheaded teenagers at school…I can’t help but get off.

How do I continue losing weight for me and how do I block out thoughts about school when I’m exercising?

Plus what are some good reasons to exercise– besides the fact that it helps you lose weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Being healthy is such a giant accomplishment, it’s very easy to eat rubbish and sit on your butt all day. It takes commitment to really try to stay fit and it changes your life. Being healthy is associated with being pleased with the way you look which leads to being happy for as long as your healthy. Not everyone is suited to commit to being healthy and the fact that you are capable of such should be something to be proud of!

I’m a senior in highschool and I know how frustrating it is to constantly compare yourself to others. You just have to remind yourself that you’re not being healthy just for a short while, it’s a lifestyle! And 90% of the people in your school won’t be a part of your life after highschool so there’s no need to pay attention to them.

George asks…

How to continue losing weight for the RIGHT reasons… :/?

Over the summer I gained a lot of momentum with my weight loss.
I felt like I wanted to lose weight for me…so I exercised everyday. Ate healthy.
Now school has started…and I feel like I’m exercising and eating moderately (losing weight) just because I want to impress people at school. This happens EVERY year. Over the summer I feel like I do everything for myself…but then as soon as school starts and I see all these attractive guys and girls, I feel like I’m doing it for others.
And when I try to lose weight for the wrong reasons- I EASILY give up.
I have self respect…so when I’m on the treadmill, sweating my butt off, dying…and feel like I’m doing it for stupid thickheaded teenagers at school…I can’t help but get off.

How do I continue losing weight for me and how do I block out thoughts about school when I’m exercising?

Plus what are some good reasons to exercise– besides the fact that it helps you lose weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Easy. Find a new source of motivation and resolve.

Do it for yourself !!! This is the most important reason.

Do it to feel better about your figure
do it for your health
do it for the increased energy
and yes, do it so people will have a better opinion of you (this doesn’t have to be the only reason ! Just a bonus 😉 )

but most important be careful not to overwork yourself. If you do the stress will pile up and you will just give up and quit if you burn yourself out. Trust me it happened to me once and i gained like 80 lbs. It was terrible haha i really let myself go. Remember: slow and steady wins the race.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lizzie asks…

Weight Loss Diet Plan?

I am 6ft tall woman who weighs 168lbs – i would like to loose 15 – 20lbs by Halloween. I run my own business and am extremely busy so long workouts really dont work for me – does anyone have a diet plan thats easy to follow and would allow to loose that weight? also, i am vegan so hope that is not too much of a problem – thank you!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Cut out all simple carbs including white flours, white pasta, and of course desserts. Get rid of all sugar in diet. One really good natural sweetener that’s good to use if you ever get a really bad craving for something sweet that will not make you gain weight that even diabetics can use is xylitol (My personal favorite because it has no aftertaste and tastes almost the same thing as sugar except better). You can buy this from the health food store but make sure the xylitol you buy is not taken from corn. Another good one is honey and Agave syrup. Agave syrup is from a cactus plant. There’s also Stevia to use as a sweetener except this has a bad aftertaste :(. All these sweeteners are natural which is good for your health unlike Splenda or Sweet n Low which can over a long period of time, turn to formaldehyde in the brain (which can kill you). Always remember to only eat fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, and natural healthy sweeteners. Do not eat too many dairy products either. And always remember to keep it at three meals a day.

Sandy asks…

Is there an easy alternative to teen weight loss?

I’m 17 years old, I weigh about 117 lbs and I’m about 5’2″ ft. I really want to lose weight and its really hard for me to, I don’t know why, is there any easy alternative to losing weight? And I also want to try this diet pill called Hydroxycut, does it work? I don’t get out much but I do walk around this park by our house atleast 3 times a day and I play this game called DDR, is that good enough for weight loss? Please give me tips and btw, my parents buy really unhealthy food so I think I have to just starve myself a little because they won’t change their lifestyles cuz they’re lazy asses. Thanks.
I’m 17 years old, I weigh about 117 lbs and I’m about 5’2″ ft. I really want to lose weight and its really hard for me to, I don’t know why, is there any easy alternative to losing weight? And I also want to try this diet pill called Hydroxycut, does it work? I don’t get out much but I do walk around this park by our house atleast 3 times a day and I play this game called DDR, is that good enough for weight loss? Please give me tips and btw, my parents buy really unhealthy food so I think I have to just starve myself a little because they won’t change their lifestyles cuz they’re lazy asses. Thanks. Oh and btw, I just asked my family if I was fat and they said yeah 🙁 I think I am too, not many of you may think that I am, but really, I look thick. I want to lose the weight around my lower body and work on my abs and arms. Maybe I should go play some more DDR ;)…
Oh and btw, I just asked my family if I was fat and they said yeah 🙁 I think I am too, not many of you may think that I am, but really, I look thick. I want to lose the weight around my lower body and work on my abs and arms. Maybe I should go play some more DDR ;)…

weight loss cardiff answers:

You want to lose WEIGHT? OMG i would kill to weigh what you do! Im 14 5’3 and 139… Yeah.. Losing weight isn’t easy.. But its so EASY to put it on!
I’ve been trying to eat better no junk after 7pm.. Also i started Running/jogging and bike riding..
So hope this helps…..

Linda asks…

I want to loss weight buy high protein diet and weights work out.?

I want an easy to follow diet, can any of you body builders help me out.I want to loss 3 stone.I have had a good work out made for me.but am unsure about the food

weight loss cardiff answers:

THIS SITE WILL GIVE YOU ALL THE INFO YOU NEED any problems email me be glad to advise

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Paul asks…

What diet pills do work from your own experience?

I need to know what kind of diet pills that would actually work, I’ve been gaining a lot of weight lately. I’m 5’3 and 142 pounds. And I need a “kick start” pill to help me lose weight in my stomach, thighs, and chest. And I was wondering what one’s really work? And please do not tell me that I need to exercise and be healthy cause none of them work for me. But please help and thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m sorry but if there was a diet pill that really worked, I think the whole world would be skinny.

Try this….
-meat (grilled)
-whole grain/wheat

-anything with flour
-any kind of drink except for water
-anything with unnatural sugar (candy, chocolate, cake, etc.)

-mix cardio with weight lifting (runnying, swimming, walking, etc..)

eat 6 small meals a day or if you can’t, just make sure do not eat anything after 6:30PM

exercise early in the morning if possible

Good luck

Sharon asks…

What fat burning/diet pills are safe to use along with exercise?

I understand a lot of people say that it’s pathetic to take diet pills or fat burning pills without exercise because most of it is made of caffeine. I am 17 years old and I play football, I want to really reduce my body fat percentage. I have been gaining weight because I have an ankle injury and I cannot exercise on it a lot. I want to use a safe supplement in small portions to help me achieve my goals.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hiya, In my line of work, it is easy to comfort eat, especially when there’s a deadline to meet and you’re under lots of stress. Finding time for the gym or cooking healthy food was not something I ever really found time to think about. I had never even realised that I’d become so large until someone I knew well, who I hadn’t seen me for a while no longer knew who I was.

Premium Acai Slim has just given me that added help and support to know that I can now lose and maintain my weight. Losing weight has made me feel so much more confident and I really go out of my way, to ensure I stay healthier, through my diet, healthy exercise and by taking Premium Acai Slim. I cannot recommend this product enough to you all! I feel and look ten years younger.

After doing a quick google search i found this which might interest you.


which has some discount to try premium acai slim… Go for it give it a shot!!

Nancy asks…

Is there any diet pills that realistically work with excsersize?

Is there any diet pills that realistically work with excsersize?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hiya, In my line of work, it is easy to comfort eat, especially when there’s a deadline to meet and you’re under lots of stress. Finding time for the gym or cooking healthy food was not something I ever really found time to think about. I had never even realised that I’d become so large until someone I knew well, who I hadn’t seen me for a while no longer knew who I was.

Premium Acai Slim has just given me that added help and support to know that I can now lose and maintain my weight. Losing weight has made me feel so much more confident and I really go out of my way, to ensure I stay healthier, through my diet, healthy exercise and by taking Premium Acai Slim. I cannot recommend this product enough to you all! I feel and look ten years younger.

After doing a quick google search i found this which might interest you.


which has some discount to try premium acai slim… Go for it give it a shot!!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

How do I lose weight rather then gain weight when exercising?

Every time I exercise I gain muscle weight but I want to lose 10 lbs. I’m running a 5k in a month and I need to start running to prepare. I exercise now almost every day and do sit ups to and abs slide to flatten my stomach. Normally I use the gazelle or I ride my bike for exercise. How do I lose weight rather than gain? Thanks for your help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

More importantly is are you losing inches? Muscle weighs more then fat so you could be more slender and look fitter even if your weight has not changed or gone up slightly. Also losing weight is decreasing calories and increasing exercise, If you have not changed your eating habits an increase in exercise will not lower your weight in the way that you want.

Susan asks…

What is the fastest way to lose weight and is weight loss surgery the only way?

I’m a 14 going on 15 year old girl trying to lose weight but instead of losing weight I’m gaining a whole lot of weight (About 120 lbs)! So I’m searching high and low to find the quickest way to lose weight so please help me!
I don’t wanna use stuff that’s been recalled!
Considering some diet pills should I use them?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The reason you are gaining weight is because you are trying to lose weight to quickly. You are young so 120 is very healthy. To lose some weight (not that you need to at all) you should be sleeping 9 hours a night, not eating unhealthy foods, get some exercise.

Ruth asks…

How much weight can I lose doing water aerobics for 16 weeks?

I’m doing water aerobics for 16 weeks 2 times a week. I’m 5’4 or 5’5 133 from the last time I weighed myself (2 days ago) I have fat in the belly area. I know you can not lose weight in a targeted area, so if I can not lose weight how much will I tone or how many inches will I lose.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Its good that you have a descent height. Doing water aerobics is the cool way to stay fit, but weight loss is not guaranteed. Try some good diet changes and have some daily exercise in extra. You can opt for a good training program which can strictly plan your proceedings to get the target. Try the following famous program:

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