Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

Safe way to Lose weight fast and Easily?

i don’t want surgery,or pills, or to starve my self (i tried it and it didn’t work (jk)). Just 50 pounds off this body by the end to this school year. and im a 9th grader so no alcohol or drugs.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The healthiest goal you can make is to lose around 2-4 pounds a week. So 50 pounds isn’t far off.

The best way to lose weight and the healthiest way is by portioning your meals (if you’re the type to eat fastfood or other unhealthy food than you’ll have to ween yourself off) and doing some sort of cardio excercise. Taking a multi-vitamin is good too.

I have heard several people that when they eat (at home or at restaurants) they lay a napkin over a part of the food, say about 1/3 of the plate, and only eat the visible food. Also eating slowly helps the food sink in and you’ll get full before you finish your meal.

Your body burns carbs (simple, as well as complex sugars) as it’s main source of energy. What you want to be burning is fat, which the only way to do so is to elevate your heart rate. The best way to do this is by running or riding a bike. I suggest riding a bike since it is lower impact and your body will last longer.

ALL diets you see out there will work but only for a short time, and as soon as you return to your old ways the weight will come back and usually a lot faster, and possibly more than you had before the diet. Maintaining a healthy diet will obviously allow the weight to stay off, but usually if you return to your old eating habits the wieght won’t come back as fast.

If you stick with a healthy eating schedule with proper portions and excercise, you’ll feel a lot better not only about your self but mentally and emotionally.

Michael asks…

Lose weight easily and fast?

I’m a 13 year old girl, and I weigh about 110 pounds. I’ve been feeling really self conscious about my weight lately, and I want to lost about 10 pounds. Are there any fast and simple ways I could lose the weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Not the best idea because you are probably still are at a perfect weight.I am also 13 and weigh about 113 pounds.I don’t think it is a good idea to loose so much weight or diet,but eat a little healthier and maybe try a new sport with friends or something?try to have fun with exersise.I wish you the best of luck!

George asks…

how can i lose weight fast and easily?

im 18 years old..ive weighed roughly 185 to 190 pounds for the longest time..for the past couple of months ive been exercising and eating healthier..and i currently weigh 163ish..which is the least ive weighed in years.does anyone have any helpful hints on losing weight and tightening my skin and muscle so im not all flabby like most people!..
i have a limited amount of things i can idk.helpful hints would be nice

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you go to you can sign up for a free weight loss program. You don’t even have to exercise! All you do is take like a 20 minute survey on the foods you like to eat and then you can choose the “intensity” of a program you want to go on. It then automatically tells you how much you should eat of what for each meal of the day, and gives you a “menu” for each day of the week. My aunt did the highest intensity level the week before her son’s wedding and lost 7 pounds in 7 days! Another good weight loss tip is when eating food, (I know this sounds weird) but put it on a smaller plate. If you tend to put your food on big plates, and there is a lot of empty room, it will look like a smaller portion than it really is, and subconsciously you won’t be as full. However, if you put the same portion on a smaller plate you’ll feel more full and won’t have the need to eat more. A final tip is try and cut out “mindless munching”. I notice this happens to me and my family when watching TV or on the computer or reading or something, but try to eliminate this by munching on healthy snacks. Actually, my mom has this new thing where she freezes grapes, (just wash them like you’d normally eat them and stick them in the freezer) and then she sucks on them and eats them. It actually tastes like candy and now she munches on these instead of sugary snacks. Hope this all helps, and wish you the best! 🙂

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

What diet pills work from your own experience ?

I’m looking to boost my weight loss effort with some diet pills so I would like to know what diet pills you have tried and work.

Please don’t post to say that diet pills are bad etc. becasue I’m using the the pills along with exercise and healthy eating.
Also, please don’t post about diet pills that don’t work, I only want to know the ones that work.


weight loss cardiff answers:

I have lost 12.9 lbs in 2 weeks. If you are really looking the best way to diet, I suggest doing what this mom did and combining the Acai diet with a cleansing program for the best result

Daniel asks…

What diet pills work best, give great results and are affordable?

I’m trying to get myself back in shape for summer but I decided i’m gonna take a shortcut and use diet pills. Any suggestions on which ones are affordable and give great results?

weight loss cardiff answers:

None that I know of. Diet pills do not melt the fat away… They only either block absorption of nutrients, or suppress your appetite.

Robert asks…

What are the best diet pills that actually work for weight loss?

I would also like to know about diet pills that are healthy, I mean kind to the body but actually work. Has anyone got any tried and tested diet pills that they can recommend? Thks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you are really looking to lose weight with diet pills, i suggest doing what this mom did and combining the acai diet with a cleansing program.


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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sharon asks…

Is 30 minutes of running every night after dinner enough for someone to lose weight?

Can someone lose weight running 30 minutes every day followed by a healthy diet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Its about burning off more calories than you take in.

Susan asks…

How to lose weight without walking too much or running?

I am gaining weight by not doing much.I have had 3 surgeries on my knees.I have a degenerative bone disease and I cannot walk alot or run because its painful and will make it worse.I dont want to sit around and gain weight. I used to be very active.Just diesting is not doing much.Does anyone have any ideas on how to work out and lose weight without running or walking? Maybe a diet? HELP!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Get an indoor bike, if you ride casual, you will not put to much pressure on your knees – if you can! Diet should be protein based with vegetables. Get some dumbbells so you can do upper body training, shoulder press, arm curls, chest, back, triceps. You could do leg raises, squats using dumbbells in each hand (if you can), sit-ups for stomach.

Daniel asks…

Is the best way to lose weight running or walking?

I need to lose about 35-40 pounds and i would like to know the best and fadtes way to do it.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You have to crawl before you can walk. Which means — you need to build up your endurance. And keep in mind, a calorie burned is a calorie burned…

Regardless if you run or walk to get there..

So if you aren’t able to run for extended periods of time — then start by walking. And after a while, throw on some ankle weights. The weight will add resistance & help in the development of lean muscle.

((the more lean muscle you have = the more fat you burn when you aren’t exercising))

your main objective is to just GET MOVING!!!

Good luck, its hard out there… 🙂

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandy asks…

what is an easy way to lose weight?

my brother wants to know, the outside weather reaches 120, is there any effective indoor weight loss exercises that don’t require buying pills or videos?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Your brother should try yoga.

Sharon asks…

What some exercise to loss weight faster?


I need to lose weight what are some easy exercise to lose weight



I weight 80 KG
18 yo

weight loss cardiff answers:

As already noted, exercise will not help you lose weight. Exercise is good though as it will help you become / stay / keep healthy.

A ‘timely’ article from TIME magazine explains why you won’t lose weight exercising:,8599,1914857,00.html

In short, EXERCISE + DIET = fit (exercise) and trim (diet)

Daniel asks…

How to loss weight fast and easy?

ok since i was a little girl i have been troubled with being over weight and i have lost a lot of weight since then but i cant loss any more i want to have a flat stomach but i cant get a flat stomach and im determined to have one but i want a easy way to loss weight because my schedule is packed with stuff. see i eat healthy i don’t eat a lot i exercise

weight loss cardiff answers:

You need to find an exercise and eating (notice I didn’t say DIET) plan that works for you;

You also need to find a strenuous physical activity that you actually enjoy, it might just be walking.

Pretty soon your friends will be asking you for advice!

– Healthy life every day!
Good luck, you can do this!!

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