Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Charles asks…

Can anyone give me some weight loss tips?

Im 175 pounds and 5’8. Im not fat but, i could do with losing a couple of pounds. Ive been going to the YMCA for the last couple of months but i havent really lost weight. Could someone give me maybe some exercise routines or tips for building abs and weight loss?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have been using this weight loss program for a while And so far i can say that the results are amazing. I already lost ~20 pounds! I highly recommend this.

Good luck!

Chris asks…

What are your best weight-loss tips and motivations?

How to get up each morning and go for a jog?
How to avoid the cravings?

Tell us your best weightloss tips/motivators/play lists…anything!

weight loss cardiff answers:

When it comes to losing weight, staying motivated is one of the hardest thing to do. You tend to want to give up after not seeing results early in your program. However, you should keep you eye on your goal. Whether it is to lose 10 pounds, 25 pounds or even 100 pounds. You see the only person that knows what you really want is you. Tell yourself you can do it and follow through with your program. Below are some tips to help you stay focus and lose weight.

Tip #1- Avoid going on the scale on a regular basis. For most people the is a bad habit. You see the scale can be very discouraging. If you constantly go on the scale and do not see a decrease in your weight you will feel like giving up because you may think that your program is not working. But note that the scale can be misleading. You see while you are losing weight, you are also building muscles. Therefore it will not show on the scale since the mass of your muscles will replace the weight loss. So to avoid feeling discouraged, you should avoid the scale.

Tip #2- Do not compare your body with others. Everyone has a different genetic make up. Some people can lose weight fast while some people will take months. Now if you are comparing yourself with others, you will only discourage yourself more and not focus on your real goal that you want to achieve.

Tip #3- Treat yourself after you cross small milestones. This will motivate you to continue. So break down your long term goals into smaller goals and once you achieve one of your goals, treat yourself to something nice.

Laura asks…

What are some good weight loss tips?

I am 18 and seriously want to lose weight, but keep failing. I feel like I am doing soemthing wrong, but don’t know what. I have a gym membership and feel like its going to waste. I want to lose 50lbs. So what are some good weight loss tips in terms of calories consumption and how often to exercise, foods to eat,
I am 5ft 6in and about 190lbs by the way.
Plus any overeating tips, how many times a day to eat? and at what times?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Love your body it is… kiddin, its annoying when people say that to you, isnt it??
So heres how
dont eat:)

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Helen asks…

Any idea on how much the programs cost at Medical Weight Loss?

I have a consult on Friday but could not get them to give me an approx cost of their weight loss programs

weight loss cardiff answers:

Costs vary depending on the weight loss program, the amount of weight loss involved, your medical diagnosis, and your insurance coverage. Call toll-free at 1-800-MD-BE-THIN to find out how affordable it is to get started

Laura asks…

Are there any Army weight loss programs?

I am going to join the Army, but I am about 40 pounds over the weight limit. I’m 6’6” and 280 or so. Are there any Army weight loss programs to help people interested in joining lose the weight they need to? I can’t seem to motivate myself to work out by myself, and I think an army program would help me greatly. Thanks in advanced!

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you sign your contract the MEPS station should have given you a little booklet that has all the army exercises in it. There is a schedule in the back that you can choose how long you want your training to be (I think the longest training schedule is 13 weeks?). Go by that and you should be golden! Nothing better than already knowing the exercises when you get to basic, too!!

Paul asks…

Are there any weight loss programs like weight watchers for a 13 year old?

hi. are there any weight loss programs like weight watchers for a 13 year old? thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I really don’t think there are any for 13 year olds. I could be wrong though. You can ask your mother to buy more reduced fat foods and try being more active. Even riding a bike more often may help. Theres an article on Lucille Roberts blog called “Ten Changes You Can Make to Your Diet to Start Losing Weight” that may help you. It discusses how simple things like drinking more water and not putting dressing on your salad can also help you loose weight.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

William asks…

what are some interesting things about Dietrich Bonhoeffer relating to his Nazi resistance?

English paper

weight loss cardiff answers:

Try these sources:

Donald asks…

Influence of Dietrich Bonhoeffer?

What were the short term and long term effects of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his work?

weight loss cardiff answers:

All I can tell you is that he was a better man than I am.


Lisa asks…

Why was Dietrich Bonhoeffer persecuted?

for my school bible class i need to answer some questions on dietrich bonhoeffer, and this is one of them. i really need some truthful answers. Thanx Guys.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Just Google him and you will find lots of info. Basically he was a Lutheran pastor who refused to stop preaching and was also involved in the resistance. Even when he was imprisoned and tortured, he never stopped preaching God’s word.
He wrote some wonderful books and there are many books written about his life. Some do consider him one of the modern martyrs.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Jenny asks…

Are weight loss programs good for you?

My friend is trying Jenny Craig , I told her that health eating is much affordable then going to a weight loss program . Is healthy eating better then weight loss programs? And why ?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You just need to give her a swift kick in the **

Mary asks…

How do I know which are the best weight loss programs?

I’m trying to choose a weight loss program but there are so many I don’t know which works and which don’t.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Choosing the right weight loss program can mean the difference between just wasting your money and actually losing weight.

There are so many programs out there from Jenny Craig to the Atkins diet and even the Chuck Norris total gym.

There are a few things you want to look for.

1.Do they have a diet plan that helps you create meals.
2.Do they have an effective exercise program.
3.Do they teach you how to keep the weight off.

Finding one that is legitimate is also tough. Here’s a link to an ehow article that talks about choosing the best weight loss programs and a couple of others that talk about weight loss.

Laura asks…

Does anyone know of any good weight loss programs,diets or pills?

Im a mom of 2 and i know i am about 100lbs overweight. I have no reason to be this big. I have excersice videos but I loose like 2 to 3lbs and then i gain it right back. So i was wondering if anyone knew of any good weight loss programs, diets or pills? I saw the ad for the HCG drop and I was also wondering if anyone knew if the drops were good. I also want the weight gone by the fall I plan to have a wedding then.Thanks and serious answers only.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Are you using the drops?
A 500 calorie per day diet is considered anorexic. Mix it with a hormone from pregnant women’s urine and you get a miracle diet!
All over the counter hcg products were announced as illegal and fraudulent by the FDA on January 24, 2011. Testing concluded that all over the counter oral and injection products on the market have little to no real hcg in them but most a similar synthetic hormone. I was in GNC last week. They carry three brands of hcg drops and not one of them has any hcg in them. The well trained salesman even admitted it when I mentioned it. They contained “similar hormones” or amino acids.
Anyone that lost weight especially with the drops did it because they ate fewer calories than they burned. The hcg acted as the placebo to help them lose the weight.
The only approved use for hcg is to increase fertility in both men and women.
Next year will mark 60 years since this fraudulent science was started.
The doctors exploiting this benign hormone with the ability to prescribe injections can’t even agree on how it works. Some say it releases stored fat calories into the system. Others say it acts as an appetite suppressant.
Neither explanation justifies the weight loss in the individuals taking the oral drops with NO hcg in them that still lost weight. I am confident the hcg diet has a 95% failure rate just like every other controversial diet plan out there.
By the way, the expensive “clinical injections” are not covered by insurance since it is not FDA approved. What doctor wouldn’t want to get an “all cash” practice going?
Check out these clips before going further. Just aired a few months ago.

So the question is are you willing to risk your health with an extreme diet treatment based on testimonial evidence as opposed to clinical research evidence, and the statements from doctors in this all cash business?

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