Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Michael asks…

does anyone know any weight loss pills that actually work?

has anyone ever used that weight loss pill called AKAVAR?
i want to know if it really works before i use it myself
give me some feed back! i would really appreciate it!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I understand that you want to turn to weight loss pills to lose weight. Now that Ephedra is gone, this is never the best solution. I do a LOT of reading about supplements and diet pills, and have never heard positive feedback about Akavar. Adding a healthy all natural supplement to your diet might do the trick.

Instead, what I recommend is to get a free trial of Extreme Acai, which you can get at the source link below. Then you should follow some of the other links on that site to find a sensible diet and a moderate exercise plan. Try to eat fewer carbs at night, and fewer calories over all if you think you can’t lose weight. Give it 1 month and you should be able to lose 15-20 lbs easy.

Acai berries have far more antioxidants than any other fruit. Even more than blueberries! Besides that, the nutrients in acai berry supplements help many other diseases and maladies, from diabetes to arthritis to blood clotting. It really is a worthwhile supplement to add to your daily nutrition.

As far as the acai berry assisting with fat loss, acai can be a great weight loss aid. The berry’s natural concoction of essential fatty acids, fiber, phytosterols and amino acids work together to help your body burn fat more efficiently, process food more quickly and shed the unwanted pounds that you’d like to lose.

The fatty acids and amino acids aid in both muscle development and proper digestion, both of which are essential to fat loss. The fiber helps your body to move food out of your system quicker and also to help you feel full, as do fatty acids. Phytosterols help fortify your digestive tract, moving waste materials out and absorbing nutrients more efficiently.

I wouldn’t say that acai berries are the magic weight loss pill, but I would say that acai could be an important ingredient in your vitamin / supplement / weight loss arsenal.

Go ahead and order a free trial of Extreme Acai from the source link below. This is the product I use, and honestly I feel better every day. If you don’t like it, just don’t reorder it… But you’ll like it. =)

Lisa asks…

Which is the best way to lose weight healthily?

I have tried numerous weight loss methods and I lose a little here and there, but I am still not in the best of health.Please help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hey 🙂 I just found this awesome article on “the science behind weight loss”. I got it from but I’ll paste it here to save you the trouble:

“Your body needs a certain amount of calories each day to maintain performance of normal activities, such as walking, breathing, sleeping, and thinking. Depending on your size, your body will require a different amount of calories each day.

On the flip side, if you eat too few calories your body will think its starving. This phenomenon goes back to the days of the caveman, when cave people weren’t really sure when or where they would find their next meal. The body learned to store excess calories as fat for future use. Well, we no longer live like that as we, fortunately and unfortunately, have unlimited access to food thanks to modern conveniences. What this means is, if you’re not eating enough calories your body will store the calories it does get as fat rather than trying to burn those calories. That sounds counterproductive, and it is. That’s why it’s important to feed your body regularly with the right amount of calories from the right sources.

One pound of fat equals about 3500 calories of stored energy. To lose weight you need to eat fewer calories each day or get your butt to the gym and burn off those calories. It’s that easy – you don’t need to be a mathematician to lose weight, you just need to start taking a look at some of your daily habits. Losing weight could mean shaving an extra 250-500 calories off your daily intake. Start your morning with a tall latte? Just one Vanilla Latte could pack an extra 250+ calories onto your daily caloric intake. By simply substituting your latte with regular coffee or green tea you could reduce your caloric intake substantially. If you want to try more exercise, calorie-burning activities such as walking to work, going for a jog with a friend, or taking the kids on a bike ride are all fun and easy ways to increase your daily activity level.

It is also important to remember that you need to eat the right calories from the right sources to lose weight and to maintain your weight loss. A meal of jelly beans and ding dongs that equals your daily caloric needs will not help you lose weight because these types of food are not nutrient sources that your body can use efficiently.

Eating right is a vital component of any weight loss plan, but it’s also very important to ensure that you get enough exercise. Combine aerobic exercise activities (also know as cardio) like walking, jogging or cycling with weight training (it doesn’t have to be anything too intense, but it helps a lot to lift some weights) to maximize your weight loss.”

I really like how this explains weight loss! Also while I was searching around I found this fantastic video which you should definitely check out, has a pile of great tips for how to shed the pounds:

I really hope this helps, the fact that you’re looking for help is a great start!

Good luck 🙂

Mark asks…

How do i lose weight and tone my stomach fast?

Any ideas or websites on how to lose 20 pounds byt the end of August? I am not really overweight just have a little fat. Looking for a fast and simple diet exercise plan. Open to over the counter weight loss pills also. Anybody tried NV?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I would like to recommend you my weight loss method that works just amazing. I get correct weight loss method and applied the method, then I lost weight easy. You should have the method that works. You can get the best method weight loss that worked for me and lost 14 pounds after 2 weeks. You can get more info from link below.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Linda asks…

How to make losing weight a little easier?

How to make the whole process of losing weight a tad easier? How can goal setting, motivation and lifestyle help a weight loss hopeful?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Is it possible to make weight loss a little easy? How can goal setting, motivation, and attitude help a weight loss hopeful endure the tasks of losing weight? (I am not talking about invasive weight loss surgery or weight loss pills.)

The key to making weight loss a bit easier is to find activities you enjoy, and use them to satisfy your exercise requirements. This is particularly important in the beginning, as many can feel too intimidated to go into a commercial gym initially – and that’s fine, there are plenty of other ways to get in exercise. If you have a treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike, or other piece of cardio equipment at home, certainly take advantage of that, and perhaps watch television while exercising (I know some read magazines or books as well, but I personally think if you’re able to read a magazine or book, you’re not likely working hard enough). And it’s also the small things that count – park your car near the back of the parking lot to force yourself to do some extra walking, take the stairs instead of the elevator… There are a million ways to incorporate a little more exercise into each and every day, without making your life notably more difficult.

In terms of diet, the one thing you want to avoid is a binge, and the best way to do this is to drink lots of fluids (mostly water and unsweetened tea), and avoid starving yourself. Eat smaller meals frequently, and try to incorporate components of your favorite foods – if perhaps you really like spaghetti and meatballs, make spaghetti squash with a tomato sauce with extra lean beef. If you like pizza, make yourself little pizza’s on portobello mushrooms (not for everyone, but it’s surprisingly good). Or if you like taco’s, grill up some veggies and lean meats, and use cabbage leaves instead of taco shells. Of course, you are still certainly making a sacrifice here, but by allowing yourself to at least have something that resembles your old favorites, you can potentially beat those cravings.

Is losing weight easy? Of course not – if it were, we wouldn’t have the obesity epidemic we do today. It is, however, very doable, and the only person stopping you from reaching your goals is yourself. Some things that I’ve found helped clients included creating a schedule for exercise and eating, and along with completing a detailed journal (particularly in the early stages, as you work on developing better habits). When you cheat, which will inevitably happen, don’t be too hard on yourself, and just get right back on the wagon. And if there’s a special occasion where you really have the desire to indulge, allow yourself the indulgence. In all likelihood, you will eventually reach a point where you’ll no longer be interested in ‘cheat meals,’ but the occasional cheat isn’t going to hurt anything (in fact, some studies even show an occasional cheat meal to be beneficial in stoking your metabolism).

Best of luck!

Mandy asks…

Weight loss?

What are good excersizes or weight loss methods of burning off fat? I have somthing big to go to in about a month and i want to show everyone how good I can look. I only want to lose about 35 pounds. Everyone has there different methods. but i need something that doesn’t invole taking pills. or a clever excersise.. SOMETHING. please help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Do it for yourself : easiest way to lose weight is to decide for yourself that you really want to lose weight if you are not motivated enough than nothing is going to happen
Exercise : do cardio exercise, yoga, pilates its great to burn fat and it will tone ur body as well, Dancing can be one of the ways of a work out and you may not even get bored of it.
Diet wise : drink 8-10 glasses of water. U should have a healthy balanced diet have more fibre and protein in your diet they keep you full and energized and you should have small meal every 3 hours and don’t eat before 3 hrs of going to bed and soup it make u full and has less calories just avoid the cream and make the soup in this way mix veggies and water sort of a thick soup its very filling and sometimes tasty. You should look at how you are eating these days. Eating healthy food lets you have a healthy body. You should stop using food that has fat and contains sweets in it. You should prefer having fruits and vegetables over them along with some work out. Check the below articles for weight loss tips. Http://

David asks…

Weight loss!?

I am 21, male, 175 lbs, endomorph body type, and having been living in the gym for the last 2 weeks! I know weight loss can be a long process (especially for an endomorph), but I want to lose weight before my next drill because of a weigh in, which will be in another 2 weeks.

I have been in the gym every day this year, and I run 30-40 minutes with around 160 heart rate, followed by a day where I slowly jog 25-30 minutes, 10 minutes stair steppers, and 15 minutes on a bike. I have alternated that way for the last 14 days. I also lift 3 days a week, 2 rounds of 10-20 reps of upper body exercises. I do these after I jog. I also drink a whey protein shake.

I’ve cut fast food and soda. This diet began Jan 1. I eat about 1700 calories a day, and I have recently started munching on carrots and grapes throughout the day and eating 6 small meals rather than 2 (I used to skip breakfast)

I have not seen any weight loss, any suggestions? When can I expect to see a drop off in weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Successful weight loss does take some discipline and it does take getting used to living in a new way and with a new relationship to your food and to your body. But the results are worth it.

In the past seven months, I have lost over 72 pounds by doing just a few things:

1. Keep a daily journal of every single thing you eat. Get a calorie book so you will know how many calories each thing has. Studies show that just doing this causes many people to automatically reduce their food intake.

2. Reduce calories to 1600 calories a day. It might seem a bit low as if hunger is inevitable, but see the next tip to resolve the hunger problem. By the way, the average person in the Western world eats two to three times as many calories each day…and that’s why the most common causes of death in these countries are related to high calorie, high fat lifestyles.

3. Hunger isn’t a problem for me on 1600 calories a day because I eat fresh, organic fruits and vegetables whenever I feel a bit peckish. If you get your daily recommended minimum servings of veges and fruit i.e. 5 servings, you’ll find that you just aren’t particularly hungry for most of your day. If you go beyond the minimum, you will find it nearly impossible to find room for junk food.

4. Limit fat intake to 40 grams of fat a day. This is quite easy to do just by eliminating processed foods and relying primarily upon fresh, natural foods. In other words, try really hard to eliminate anything that comes in a box and has a long list of complex ingredients that you don’t even begin to know what they are.

5. Eat only fresh, organic, lean forms of protein. Keeping the meat lean lowers the fat content and thus makes it easier to stay at or under your daily 40 gram fat limit. While organic products are quite controversial in the U.S., the simple fact is that organic meat is a. Pesticide free whereas regular meat is loaded with it, b. Is free from even the risk of “mad-cow” disease as it has not been fed contaminated feed, and it has been demonstrated to have much higher nutritional value.

6. Exercise one hour a day. Every single day. After all, one hour a day isn’t a lot of time compared to all the benefits of saving your health and your life.

7. Finally, don’t forget to consult a doctor before you begin a diet and exercise program.

Good luck! You can do this. I know you can because I’m already 70% of the way to my goal.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Robert asks…

Losing weight?

Whats the most effective way to lose weight in 3 weeks?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing weight can be tough for a lot of people. While there are a lot of ways to boost your metabolism and burn through calories, did you know that there are foods out there that aid your body in the process? While none of these can be considered a cure-all for fat loss, each has special properties that rev up your metabolism. They can all be easily found at your local supermarket and incorporated into your diet.

Foods that Boost your Metabolism, Boost your Metabolism and loose weight faster!

While none of these foods are sufficient to base your entire diet on, every little bit helps. It’s easy to put ice in your water, add some chiles to your pasta sauce, and make a big salad or stir fry. Just remember, the only way to really lose fat and look good is to exercise and eat right. These are just some ways to give your metabolism the little boost it needs to burn a few more calories!

Rolled Oats
Rolled oats can be made with whey protein and flaxmeal in the morning to spike your metabolism with high quality carbohydrates, protein and good fats. The best time to eat rolled oats is in the morning when your body needs carbohydrates for your brain and body to effeciently function throughout the rest of the day.

Whey Protein
Whey protein is perhaps the best thing for your metabolism since sliced rye bread (yes, we know what the saying is). It is in powder format and comes from cows milk. Whey protein is a complete high quality protein which is great for increasing your metabolism because everytime you ingest protein your body feels full longer and revs your metabolism.

Almonds are loaded with good fats, fiber and incomplete protein. You can see the complete nutrient profile here. Since almonds have such great essential fatty acids they help your body raise it’s metabolism just by ingesting them. Obviously ANY FAT has a high calorie content so be sure to have a few nuts every day. You can mix these up with pine, cashews and walnuts as they also contain a very healthy amount of good fats and antioxidants.

Natural Yogurt
Natural yogurt contains many pro-biotic cultures that are necessary for a healthy digestive tract. Yogurt also contains a lot of good fats and some protein. Yogurt can be eaten as a mid-morning snack with a whole apple.

Green Tea
Green Tea is perhaps one of the best morning metabolism boosters you can drink. Not only does it help with cancer risk, weight loss, metabolism it also contains caffeine which helps you focus during the morning. Green tea is found in many fat burning products

Beans are loaded with fiber and incomplete protein. Fiber helps keep you feeling full longer which helps prevent any binges and lapses in your meal plan.


Spinach is loaded with antioxidants which help repair damaged muscles and prevent free radicals from doing their damaging effects to your health. Spinach is known for it’s iron, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium. wouldn’t suggest ingesting this everyday but every few days would be acceptable.

Eggs are one of the highest quality protein sources available. Eggs should be part of everyones diet and is perhaps the best food at speeding up the metabolism.

Turkey is one of those lean meats that you should have once or twice a week to switch up your sources of protein. It is a great source of complete protein which helps rev your BMR (basal metabolic rate)

Chicken Breast
Chicken breast should be a staple in anyones diet. It’s lean, easy to make and you can find it cheap at the local supermarket. I prefer the bonless, skinless kind because it takes extra time to skin/debone it.

Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter is one of those hidden health foods. People give it a bad rap due to it’s high caloric content but it contains great essential fatty acids, lots of fibre and some incomplete protein. Instead of putting it on toast, try it on celery as a snack.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Canola Oil
Extra virgin olive oil and canola oil should be used at ALL TIMES when cooking. Since extra virgin olive oil has a lower flash point (it burns at a lower temperature than most oils) it is sometimes pretty messy to use. These oils contain lots of omega 3’s which keep your heart and brain healthy.

Whole grains
Whole grains provide energy that you need throughout the day. Most of the advertised whole grains aren’t actually made with Whole Wheat (and with the germ). Make sure that the product that you buy is not enriched either. The more that you increase your insulin levels the better chance you’re slowing down that metabolism.

Most people love berries and they’re not such a hidden secret anymore. They are jam packed FULL of antioxidants and is probably one of the most important health foods to eat to maintain a healthy lifestyle and keep your metabolism going strong. Frozen Raw Raspberries are usually the easiest to purchase from the frozen section of your local supermarket.

Cayenne Pepper
In the past five years cayenne pepper has been used in fat burners. Why you ask? Well, cayenne has thermagenic (heats up your body) properties. When your body has to cool itself down it requires calories to do so. Thus, creating a fire for your metabolism.

Coffee is one of those foods that have been loved and hated by many nutrionists and dieticieans. The most recent research about caffeine and coffee suggest many positive benefits which include: Speeding up your metabolism, heart health, increased concentration and many more.

A recent study by germany researchers suggest that 90 minutes after drinking cold water (H20) will boost your metabolism by 24% over their average metabolism rate. Make sure to drink your water cold. Not only does water keep your body lean it also helps with keeping the flow of nutrients and helps get rid of free radicals. Make sure you’re keeping the water cooler near by.

Lean red meat has also been through a love and hate relationship with many health professionals; but recent research suggests that lean red meat should be ingested once per week. Red meat contains creatine monohydrate which helps your body use more creatine phosphate (ATP) to help you build muscle. Obviously with the more muscle mass the greater your metabolism.

I hoped this helped. Good Luck ♥

Helen asks…

Losing weight easily?

i want to lose weight. i am 9.4 st and want to be around 8st. its my prom next year and want to be thin. i don’t like fruit or veggies expect sweetcorn tatties and peas and i hate doing pe at school i will take the dogs for walks in the summer but then get fat again in the winter please help

weight loss cardiff answers:

When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don’t eat wheat then you don’t eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don’t eat junk food, and you don’t eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It’s not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym – a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest).

Maria asks…

How can i lose weight right now easily?

im a 14 year old girl, im wayyy over weight :p i wanna lose weight really fast over this summer. my weight is always in the way of everything! i cant wear cute clothes, im extremely uncomfertable with my body, i cant get a bf.. it sucks… i have tried all kinds of dieting but i cant help but eat! i can never stick to diets, and im sooooo lazy… i can never even stick to my inspiration or anything i try.. and i dont have any friends or family to help me 🙁 how can i KEEP myself motivated and lose a ton of weight really FAST! I need some serious help :/

weight loss cardiff answers:

When i was losing weight i used this app called myfitnesspal. It counts calories, adds workouts to daily calorie counts, gives you achievable goals for your weight loss.etc. Its AMAZING!
Im 16 now. I tried losing weight when i was your age to for all the same reasons. I have lose 20 pounds since then: it took my only 1 whole summer and ive kept it off. But seriously….
GET THE APP. It helped me so much. And just remember to not give up if you miss a day of working out or eating healthy. Its ok, just start back up again. Dont be to hard on yourself,
good luck!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Maria asks…

How to lose weight in 2 weeks?

I am 114 lbs as od today but in may I was 111 lbs. Any great ways to lose weight in 2 weeks. Im thinking about 3-5 lbs. I excercised everyday this summer but I didnt lose weight which is what is troubling me these days:( I hoola hoop and dance. I think I might lose weight when I go back to school.btw I am 5.3 so im not technically fat but I am a dancer and I havent grown taller at all sadly. I live a healthy life and before this summer I was 111lbs for a few years.

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you want to lose weight really quickly the best option is a juice fast diet, where you basically replace all your meals with juices. Quite extreme, and definitely not something you want to do long term, but for a quick fix solution it does work.

Steven asks…

How do I lose 2 pounds of weight each week without alot of excercise?

I need to lose weight for a special date in 2 weeks. I need serious help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Count calories. Its simple if you eat pre-packaged food. Stick to 1200 a day. Eat things like healthy choice frozen meals and prepacked snacks and it should be a sinch. I do it all the time and works really quick. I lost 30 pounds in 12 weeks after having my last child.

John asks…

How do I lose at least 5 pounds in 2 weeks?

Im 13 and i weight 200 pounds. I want and need to lose weight before school starts which is in 2 weeks and a day. I want to have a figure when I go back. Help!

weight loss cardiff answers:

I can definitely help. First and foremost, you have to have a clean diet. Without a proper diet, you will have a hard time losing weight. Diet makes up roughly 90% of the battle. Don’t be that person at the gym who busts their tail off yet allows the hard work to go down the drain b/c they eat like crap.

That being said, what foods to eat?

Stick to a more lean protein/green veggie diet. Lean protein sources include chicken breast, turkey breast, fish, egg whites, lean beef such as sirloin, cottage cheese etc. The majority of your carbs should come from leafy greens such as asparagus, broccoli, kale, salad etc. Green veggies are very low in carb, full of fiber and are slower digesting.

Stay away from refined carbs. Refined carbs are your white breads, white pasta etc. Eat whole grains but in moderation such as brown rice. Even though brown rice is superior to white rice, you still need to monitor your carbs so have these grains more on workout days for energy and adjust accordingly.

Workout wise, a combination of free weights and cardio 3-4 times a week is optimal. Weight lifting helps burn more calories at rest. If you need more tips on losing weight, come check out my youtube channel below. I have healthy recipes, workouts and diet tips, all free advice! You won’t be disappointed! Link below and best of luck!

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