Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

What ages easily lose weight?

Teenagers? Mid-aged people?
Im assuming its teenagers, but i dont know if the fact that theyre developing makes it harder for them to lose weight and keep it off?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The rate of your metabolism decreases as you get older, so generally teenagers will lose weight with more ease, but some teenage girls (particularly those on the pill) gain weight due to excess hormones in their body

Steven asks…

I need to lose weight ( teenager)?

I’m really sick and tierd of honestly feeling fat ..this year is my gr8 grad and I want to feel confident, well I was hoping to see I dont follow threw all that good tell me somthing that will help me, and I’m also tall which makes matters worst I’m around 5″8 5″9 I feel like a fat Godzilla and who wants to feel like that ?? I mean I’m 13 and is 215pounds crazy ,!!’I need some easy steps to lose alot of weight by the way non of my family is healthy eaters or big into exercise and I want to accomplish while school, plus its freezing outside plz support and help me ;)thx

weight loss cardiff answers:

. Target the foods you already eat and love

One of the best ways to cut calories, is to switch to lower calorie versions of the foods you already love. Think of low-fat ice cream, low-fat cheese, low-fat dressings, etc.

2. Share your food

It seems like portions in American restaurants are getting bigger and bigger every time I go out to dinner. Why not share a meal next time you go out to a restaurant. Do not forget to share the appetizers and dessert also. Right there, you cut your calories intake in half, and will still feel satiated.

3. Do not subtract, add

It is a lot more difficult to cut certain foods from your diet, than to add new and healthier ones.

Think of adding more vegetables and fruits to your daily meals, this way you will feel full faster, and will not eat a lot of calorie-rich foods.

4. Do not Work Out

Make sure you burn calories doing activities you like, just Do not call it exercise or workout, otherwise you will avoid it like the plague.

It is a lot easier to go walking with your family, take the dog for a walk, go swimming, ride a bicycle, go snow skiing, play with your kids, etc. You get the idea.

5. Try Appetite Suppressants

Of course if you eat less, you will most likely lose weight. It is simple, if you burn more calories than you ingest, you will lose weight – there is no secret.

Wouldn”t it be nice if you did not have the urge to eat as much?

The good news is, that it is very easy to feel full all the time with a diet supplement like Hoodia. This natural product is totally safe of side effects, and contains no caffeine and stimulants. This product has been featured on TV on programs like 60 Minutes, The Today Show, The BBC news, plus many more. Hoodia is a safe an natural way to lose weight.

6. Go Walk-About

Try to walk everywhere you can. Walking is the best exercise you can get.

Park your car far from the store, so you can walk for a few minutes.

If you are moving, move into an area near a park, or a place that you can walk easily.

If the store is near your home, walk there, Do not jump in the car.

Take a walk around your downtown area, visit the local shops, talk to people.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Walk after dinner.

7. Skip a meal, or go very light.

Are you tempted to stop for lunch at your favorite restaurant? Do not. Instead grab a yogurt or a piece of fruit at your grocery store, and you should be ok until dinner.

Right there, you saved yourself from ingesting 500 to 700 calories.

Reduce your caloric intake – Try Hoodia!

8. Size Does Matter

Serve food in smaller plates so you get the impression you are eating a more.

Do not forget smaller bowls and cups also.

9. Do not be bored, get involved.

People tend to eat more when they are bored and alone. Get involved in activities that bring you and other people together.

Join clubs, a dance club, etc. Just Do not be alone in front of the television eating away.

10. Lose it and keep it off

After you lose the weight, you have to make a conscious effort to keep it off. Do not think of a diet, think of changing you habits. If you follow the points above, keeping the weight off will be easier

Laura asks…

is it harder to lose weight when your a teenager?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Personally not for me…when i was a teenager (i mean im 18, but still…) when i was in highschhol, i could gain and lose weight at will very easily, but recently its been becoming a little harder to do it…
I think when youre still younger your metabolism is higher and youre sill growing…

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donald asks…

Is it harder to lose weight once the gallbladder is removed?

I had my gallbladder removed 4yrs ago, and my weight has ballooned. I gain weight so fast but difficult to lose.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The following diet plan is good for even heart patients so u can use it without any fear.(but its quite better that u consult ur doctor first)
The below Diet plan is for 7 days
DAY ONE:All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consists of all fruits you want. It is suggested
you consume lost of watermelon and cantaloupe.
DAY TWO: All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the new and
cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the account or type. Avoid oil
and coconut while cooking vegetables. Have large boiled potato for breakfast.
DAY THREE: Any mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No
bananas yet and no potatoes today.
DAY FOUR: Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses
of milk. You can also have I bowl of vegetables soup.
DAY FIVE: Today is a feast day. You will eat 1 cup of rice. You also have to eat six whole tomatoes
and drink 12 glasses of water today to cleanse your system of the excess uric acid you
will be producing.
DAY SIX: Today is another all vegetables day. You must eat 1 cup of rice today and eat all the
vegetables you want cooked and uncooked to your hears content.
DAY SEVEN: Today your food intake will consist of 1 cup rice, fruit juice and the vegetables you care to consume.
The most important element of the program is the 10 tall glasses of water a day. You can also flavour the water will some lemon to make the drink easier. While on the program, take only black coffee and never more than one teaspoon of oil. Preferably do not use oil because the high calorific content. No fruit juices before day seven.
The following soup is intended as a supplement to your diet. It can be eaten any time of the day in virtually unlimited quantities. You are encouraged to drink large quantities of this soup.
23 oz water
06 large onions
02 green peppers
03 whole tomatoes
1 cabbage
1 bunch celery add herbs and seasoning as desired.
After 7 days you will be five to eight kgs. Lighter than 1 week ago. If you desire further weight loss, repeat the program again. Repeat the program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you rest for three days before every repetition

Ken asks…

How does water help influence weight loss?

I understand water is good for you, but I want to know how water helps those who are trying to lose weight.


weight loss cardiff answers:

In my opinion the no.1 thing to do when you’re trying to lose weight is to drink 3 litres of water a day. Here’s why:

1.) It cleanses your body, flushing out toxins and excess fat cells
2.) It speeds up your metabolism which speeds up weight loss
3.) It gets rid of water retention, which causes weight gain.
4.) Water is the best hydration bar none and so you’ll always be fitter and find working out a lot easier
5.) It maintains a good level of alkaline in the body, which neutralizes acid in our bodies

I have eaten healthy and exercised for a long time and when I feel like I’m carrying extra weight, I just increase the amount of water I drink and I notice a huge difference.

Betty asks…

How to lose weight and get weights, impossible?

I need help. I’m a bit overweight. I have no equipment and I am not allowed to get any. The weather outside is too cold to go. Anyone know what I can do to lose weight and build muscles. I’ve tried push-ups, but I can’t lift up my own body. I’ve also tried eating less, I’ve stopped eating a lot of food, and switched from all drinks to plain water. I don’t eat any junk food either, but nothings happening…

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’m sure you’ve heard about this amazing fruit called the acai berry with “mystical” weight loss qualities that help you lose weight fast, the natural way.

However, combined with proper diet and exercise, the acai berry can be an excellent weight loss aid. Its natural combination of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, amino acids, phytosterols, and amino acids work together to help your body function better, process food easier, and burn fat more efficiently. Let’s break down how the acai berry helps people reach their perfect weight…

The acai berry contains Omega fatty acids – the same medically recommended fats found in fish oil, olive oil and flaxseed. These fatty acids can’t be produced by the body, and must be obtained from the food we eat. Instead of being stored as fat, they are used by the liver to “kick-start” the metabolism. If you’re a slow starter when it comes to losing weight, or if you’ve reached the frustrating “plateau” phase of weight loss, adding some form of acai to your diet might be just the ticket to get over the hump.

The acai berry contains a generous amount of fiber which promotes a healthy digestive system and helps cleanse your system of fatty foods.

As mentioned above, the acai berry has a generous amount of fiber. High fiber foods like acai help you to feel fuller faster and cut down on nagging cravings, needless snacking, and late night trips to the refrigerator.

Final Word on Acai Berry & Weight Loss

Although it’s not the miracle weight loss solution that some claim, the acai berry has been medically and scientifically proven to contain ingredients that aid in weight loss. Not only does it provide a valuable boost to the metabolism, it also suppresses appetite, helps build muscle, and gives a much-needed shot of energy and stamina for those fat blasting workouts.

Visit the url in the box below to get a free trial and get additional information. FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today!!!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

does anyone have a good diet plan???

i am wanting to shed a few pounds quickly, anyone know of what a good diet and exercise plan???
what about more exercise plans

weight loss cardiff answers:

For a free customized diet and exercise plan go to
(click on free meal plans)

You answer a few questions and they give you a customized plan with recipes and everything. It’s free because the meal plans and recipes call for their products but of course you can substitute for store brands.
As far as the exercise goes they give you a schedule and you log on everyday and tell them if you did it or not.
A better place for a free personalized exercise plan is
You enter some information and goals and they give you a free two week workout plan. If you want more than two weeks you have to pay; but you can just use the free two week plan over and over and make that your routine.

Chris asks…

diet plan anyone…..??

hey can anyone give me a diet plan that really works?? I need to lose some lbs before xmas!!!!

weight loss cardiff answers:

The only diet plan that works is eating well and exercising. Stay away from all the “trendy diets.” These trendy diets are all cleverly schemed ways to reduce your calorie intake and what usually happens is that you get so sick of their food that you quit eating all together. This is NOT good.

When you starve yourself, your body breaks down the amino acids in your muscle and converts them into the compounds its needs to use glucose as energy. So, you begin to loose weight and you think the diet is working. But the diet is actually killing you. Have you ever found that when you lose that weight your are urinating a lot? That is because your body is getting rid of the Nitrogen that is found in the muscle’s amino acids it is breaking down. So your weight is going down, but you aren’t losing any fat or getting much smaller. Also, muscle tissue is what drives your metabolism, so if you lose your muscle tissue you are also losing your metabolism. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat.

The only way to lose weight and not kill yourself is to cut your calories and increase your exercise. Do something you like to do. Run, walk, ride a bike, etc. Eat healthy.

How to figure out how many calories you need to eat a day:

1- Take your weight and divide it by (2.2). This will give you your weight in kg. Then if you are a girl times it by 22 (guys multiply by 24). This is how many calories your body needs to stay alive (breathing, your heart rate, etc). Now I am guessing that you are a pretty sedentary person. So multiply that number by 1.3. This will give you how many calories you need to stay alive and move around every day. Now take that number and multiply it by 7. This will tell you how many calories you need in a week. Now you can figure out how many calories you need to cut back to lose weight.

2- You should not lose more than 2 lbs per week. If you are losing more than 2 lbs per week, you are probably losing muscle tissue and therefore actually slowing down your metabolism, not helping it.

You need to eat 3500 calories less than you need to lose 1 lb of fat. So take your total calories needed every week and subtract 3500 from it (7000 if you want to lose 2 lbs). Now divide that number by 7. This will give you how many calories you should eat per day. Now, you should NEVER EAT LESS THAN 1200 CALORIES PER DAY! This is just not healthy.

3- Exercise for 20-40 minutes a day. You want to build lean muscle mass, so do a lot of things that will build your muscle like lifting weights.

4- As you lose weight, you will need to redo steps 1-2 because your weight has gone down, so your amount of needed calories will decrease as well.

Tips to stay on your diet:

Eat a variety of foods, just watch your calories. This way you do not get sick of the diet. Plan your meals with a variety of LOW-CALORIE foods.

Make a shopping list, don’t shop on an empty diet.

Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is high in calories and low in nutrition.

Only weigh yourself once a week, in the morning. This way you are not freaking out the next morning when you haven’t lost 5 lbs.

Keep a daily record of what, where and how much you eat.

Avoid midnight snacking like the plague. You will still be alive in the morning.

Eat slowly. It takes your body 20 minutes to realize it is full. One way to do this is to put down your fork in between bites.

Only eat in one room of the house. That way your body is not conditioned to eat in the living room, bedroom, etc. You will only get hungry when you go into the kitchen.

Put your dinner on smaller plates so it will look like more food, and when you finish put your plate away so you are not tempted for seconds.

Eat regularly, in the same place (nowhere else), and smaller meals. This is so your body uses all the energy you put into and doesn’t store any as fat.

Good Luck!

Ruth asks…

sample weekly weight loss diet plan?

i am looking for a diet plan for weight loss for at least a week..

weight loss cardiff answers:

A weekly diet plan is supposed to make your weight loss goal an easier task. Determination is a key when you really want things to happen. But if being on a diet is too much of a chore, then it will most likely be unsuccessful. To help you with that, you must be prepared with a “master plan” to lead you to a quick, workable, and healthier eating in so much as achieving your desired body weight.

When choosing a weekly diet plan, keep a few things in mind.

1. It helps best if you follow a seven-day diet plan that details every food that you should eat. Stick on it. This way you can also avoid eating the same food in two or three consecutive meals. Also, this will keep your body from plateauing by guessing on which type of meals you plan to eat.

2. Let’s say you’re already committed on losing weight fast. It will help you more if your diet is not only healthy but is also delicious, easy, and quick to prepare. Try different kinds of fruits and vegetables. Be creative and put a little twist in every meal. The cheaper it is the better.

3. It is important to keep it balanced with protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and good fat. You should consider a no calorie counting diet plan. Choose calorie rotation diet instead so that you won’t feel deprived or conscious every time you eat.

4. Allot an hour on your weekly diet plan everyday to exercise for fast weight improvements in your body. Do not forget to refill the lost water in your body by drinking at least eight (8) glasses of water a day.

5. Have a diet break once in every week. Your weekly diet plan should include a day for you to indulge on the foods that you want to eat. This will keep your body from plateauing and deprivation. After all, having it only once is not really bad at all.

6. You must always remember that you’re doing this in order to make you feel better and healthier. You should know that sudden change in your dietary intakes might confuse your body or lead to any vitamin or mineral deficiency. That is why it is also best that you have your dietician to help you with your weekly diet plan.

Hope it helps you in planning the good weight loss plan that suits you!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Ken asks…

Tips on losing weight fast?

I’m over 15 years old and weigh 70kgs (I’m 5″9)
But the swim season is fast approaching, and I’m desperately needing to lose weight. 15kgs is my goal
Is there an easy way to do this? I know it’s not easy, but I chose that word as there are harder ways to lose weight

Are there any excercises to lose bum, thigh, stomach and calf fat?
I’ve put heaps on since I’ve had anxiety, some days I haven’t left the house
Now I’m wanting to lose it
Also, tips on what to eat? Please remember I am at school five days a week

Thanks all!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing weight should not be a stressful situation; instead it should be seen as an accomplishment. Remember, every body has to go through some sort of weight loss stress in their life, even though if that person seems to have the perfect body. It’s in our nature to think about our looks, weight, and striving to be the very best there is. The overall statement is to never give up, even if the number on the scale doesn’t go down, or if it stays the same, or if you can’t lose a good average of lbs that week. Try out different kinds of quick weight lose plans out there, surely you’ll find one that will fulfill your schedule. The only way to losing weight is doing something about it, so get up from the seat your in right now and start shedding those pounds.

James asks…

quickest way to lose weight???

safe way of losing weight

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the daily calorie needs calculator This will give you an idea of how many calories to eat. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. To lose 1 pound per week you need to create a calorie deficit (burn more than you eat) of 500 calories per day. To lose 2 pounds a week, you have to double the deficit to 1000 calories per day. You can achieve this by eating less, exercising more or a combination of both.

Beginner’s Guide to Dieting –

Nancy asks…

How CAN I LOSE Weight?

i weigh 135 pounds n im 5’4….I wnt to lose weight…How can I lose weight the FASTEST way for SUMMER????

weight loss cardiff answers:

Losing weight is a simple equation: if you burn more calories than you eat, the weight will come off. Start off by estimating how many calories you burn each day using the calorie calculator This will give you an idea of how many calories to eat. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week. To lose 1 pound per week you need to create a calorie deficit (burn more than you eat) of 500 calories per day. To lose 2 pounds a week, you have to double the deficit to 1000 calories per day. You can achieve this by eating less, exercising more or a combination of both.

Guide to Dieting –
Health, Exercise and Diets –

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