Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

What ages easily lose weight?

Teenagers? Mid-aged people?
Im assuming its teenagers, but i dont know if the fact that theyre developing makes it harder for them to lose weight and keep it off?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The rate of your metabolism decreases as you get older, so generally teenagers will lose weight with more ease, but some teenage girls (particularly those on the pill) gain weight due to excess hormones in their body

Steven asks…

I need to lose weight ( teenager)?

I’m really sick and tierd of honestly feeling fat ..this year is my gr8 grad and I want to feel confident, well I was hoping to see I dont follow threw all that good tell me somthing that will help me, and I’m also tall which makes matters worst I’m around 5″8 5″9 I feel like a fat Godzilla and who wants to feel like that ?? I mean I’m 13 and is 215pounds crazy ,!!’I need some easy steps to lose alot of weight by the way non of my family is healthy eaters or big into exercise and I want to accomplish while school, plus its freezing outside plz support and help me ;)thx

weight loss cardiff answers:

. Target the foods you already eat and love

One of the best ways to cut calories, is to switch to lower calorie versions of the foods you already love. Think of low-fat ice cream, low-fat cheese, low-fat dressings, etc.

2. Share your food

It seems like portions in American restaurants are getting bigger and bigger every time I go out to dinner. Why not share a meal next time you go out to a restaurant. Do not forget to share the appetizers and dessert also. Right there, you cut your calories intake in half, and will still feel satiated.

3. Do not subtract, add

It is a lot more difficult to cut certain foods from your diet, than to add new and healthier ones.

Think of adding more vegetables and fruits to your daily meals, this way you will feel full faster, and will not eat a lot of calorie-rich foods.

4. Do not Work Out

Make sure you burn calories doing activities you like, just Do not call it exercise or workout, otherwise you will avoid it like the plague.

It is a lot easier to go walking with your family, take the dog for a walk, go swimming, ride a bicycle, go snow skiing, play with your kids, etc. You get the idea.

5. Try Appetite Suppressants

Of course if you eat less, you will most likely lose weight. It is simple, if you burn more calories than you ingest, you will lose weight – there is no secret.

Wouldn”t it be nice if you did not have the urge to eat as much?

The good news is, that it is very easy to feel full all the time with a diet supplement like Hoodia. This natural product is totally safe of side effects, and contains no caffeine and stimulants. This product has been featured on TV on programs like 60 Minutes, The Today Show, The BBC news, plus many more. Hoodia is a safe an natural way to lose weight.

6. Go Walk-About

Try to walk everywhere you can. Walking is the best exercise you can get.

Park your car far from the store, so you can walk for a few minutes.

If you are moving, move into an area near a park, or a place that you can walk easily.

If the store is near your home, walk there, Do not jump in the car.

Take a walk around your downtown area, visit the local shops, talk to people.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Walk after dinner.

7. Skip a meal, or go very light.

Are you tempted to stop for lunch at your favorite restaurant? Do not. Instead grab a yogurt or a piece of fruit at your grocery store, and you should be ok until dinner.

Right there, you saved yourself from ingesting 500 to 700 calories.

Reduce your caloric intake – Try Hoodia!

8. Size Does Matter

Serve food in smaller plates so you get the impression you are eating a more.

Do not forget smaller bowls and cups also.

9. Do not be bored, get involved.

People tend to eat more when they are bored and alone. Get involved in activities that bring you and other people together.

Join clubs, a dance club, etc. Just Do not be alone in front of the television eating away.

10. Lose it and keep it off

After you lose the weight, you have to make a conscious effort to keep it off. Do not think of a diet, think of changing you habits. If you follow the points above, keeping the weight off will be easier

Laura asks…

is it harder to lose weight when your a teenager?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Personally not for me…when i was a teenager (i mean im 18, but still…) when i was in highschhol, i could gain and lose weight at will very easily, but recently its been becoming a little harder to do it…
I think when youre still younger your metabolism is higher and youre sill growing…

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