Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sharon asks…

Can i lose weight fast without getting stretchmarks?

I gained weight so quick like you wouldnt believe, my clevage is covered in strecthmarks,,, If i lose the weight fast through exercise/diet is there any way to prevent stretchmarks?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yah of course, just make sure you even out the looseing weight, for me i just do weight lifting, its easy to do and you can do it in a airconditioned room, but wat ever you do the 1 rule u gotta follow is dont eat any sodas or sweets after a work out cus then its pointless

Sandy asks…

How to lose weight fast-that actually works?

I am a 15 year old male and i way far more than i should i have tried dieting and exercising i even do karate but nothing seems to help me lose weight. Is there anything i can do that will make me lose weight fast?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Dude i just turned 17, ive been overweight for a while, it sucks, belive me i know, recently i have just stopped eating alot, like sounds crazy but it you eat one peanutbutter and bannana sandwich with a tall glass of milk a day, you will drop weight like crazy, but if you get hungry after your sandwich the rest of the day, much down on a bannana, ive lost 56 pounds in 5 weeks! 😀

George asks…

How fast does throwing up make you lose weight?

How fast does throwing up make you lose weight? I need to lose weight fast and nothing is working so I dont wanna here change ur diet or exercise. If your not going to answer my question then please dont respond I know it can b dangerous n addictive but im willing to take that risk. So if theres anyone that has tried it please let me know how it went or is going. Thanks. And no rude or judgemental comments please.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Think about the logic of this for a moment please: You said, “I know it can be dangerous and addictive but I’m willing to take that risk.” Does that not sound irrational to you that you are willing to settle for possibly harming yourself when there are countless ways to lose weight in a healthy way that will happen at the pace the body is supposed to lose weight? You don’t lose weight by throwing up, you just don’t gain any from what you eat. You might as well ask “How long will it take before my stomach acid starts to erode my teeth?” or “How long before I become malnourished?” or “How long will it take before all the stomach acid starts to injure my esophagus?” or “How long before I can’t control my gag reflex and throw up when I don’t mean to?” Find yourself a healthy weight loss program (there are dozens), take care of yourself, lose the weight the right way so you’ll keep it off, and start to look into why you are willing to commit self-harm for your appearance.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

How to hide weight loss from my parents?

I’m a little bit “overweight”, I have large thighs and a chubby stomach. If I asked somebody their honest opinion they would say that I’m thick, but not overweight. I want to be thinner and healthier. But I will need to hide my weight loss from my parents because they say that I’m “too skinny” and I need to eat more. I know for a fact that I’m not skinny, my friends have told me I’m thick, and should maybe lose some weight. Even my gym teacher told me I should be healthier. Also, my parents and a lot of my other family are rather fat, and I don’t want to turn out like any of them. Any tips for hiding weight loss? Thanks in advance for answers.

weight loss cardiff answers:

This isn’t a healthy way to go about weight loss. You need to face up to them at some point it may as well be now. In the end its your choice and there isn’t anything they can do about it.

Chris asks…

What is the best weight loss supplement?

I am aware that the best one would be exercise. I want to supplement my diet which is controlled. I want to take whatever vitamins and herbs will help me achieve the last weight loss of 10 lbs. I gained it after a hysterectomy a year ago- and it’s hanging on.

weight loss cardiff answers:

In my opinion, it is Resveratrol Select.

*Stuffed with tons of resveratrol (one capsule = 200 glasses of red wine)
*Also contains green tea extract, which has two more weight loss compounds in it
*Also contains chromium, which enhances metabolism

Best part is, they’ll give you a free trial offer.

Paul asks…

How much should I sleep for weight loss?

Hi! I’m 14 years old and I’m starting my weight loss journey this summer. And during summer break there’s a possibility to sleep a lot – and I like sleeping a lot. But I wonder how that will affect my weight loss? What’s the ultimate amount of hours I should sleep to get the best results?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi Ellie,

First of all there isn’t a set amount of hours of sleep you need to lose weight, it all depends on your age, activity level, genetics etc. Obviously you can’t survive on 3 hours sleep or anything like that, and that the same time, oversleeping can be worse because you just wake up feeling like you’ve had no sleep.

For this, you can find a complete blueprint at

The most important thing is getting into a sleep routine for optimum weight loss results, it’s no good going to sleep at 1am and waking up at 6am one day, and then then falling asleep at 9pm the next day and walking up at 11am, that will just mess your body clock up and cause you to develop a little pocket of fat around your midsection that you will struggle to get rid of, so when people say that sleep doesn’t help to lose weight, it actually does, quite a lot.

So what I would recommend is to fall asleep at a reasonable hour (the more hours before midnight the better it is for your body) so let’s say around 10pm. And then when you wake from your first sleep cycle, then get up. DO NOT fall asleep again as this will tire you out more than you think, even if you are getting more sleep. Then just fall into this routine and you will notice a significant difference in how efficiently you drop down to your desired weight.

Also if you find it hard to fall asleep, stay away from electronic equipment a good 1-2 hours before bed.

I hope this helps! 🙂



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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Chris asks…

How does having a good nights sleep help you lose weight?

i’ve noticed that when i have a really good nights sleep i have an easier time losing weight. but if i, say, wake up early to go exercise and i’m really tired, i dont lose weight as easily.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Sleeping not only burns calories, but it rejuvenates the body and its different systems, such as the digestive system, making them more efficient at what they do. Not only do you digest food more properly, you retain more energy from what you have digested, and the more energy you have, the more motivated and able you are to burn fat.

Steven asks…

How many calories consumed to lose weight?

I am a 5’5″ female and I weigh about 175-180. How many calories a day should I consume to lose weight? I don’t exercise on a regular basis, but I do want to train myself to eat a healthy amount of calories a day to lose weight. I can easily eat between 1,000-1,300 calories a day. Is this too much, too little, just right? Thanks for the feedback.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Don’t go below 1200 calories. Too few calories and your body starts losing muscle to intentionally lower your metabolism making it harder to lose weight and all the easier to put it back on later.

1200 is fine though if you can stick to it. Remember though to measure your portion sizes careful – half of those who estimate their portion sizes are off by over 30%, which can slow down your weight loss or even ruin it from unintentional and uncounted calories.

George asks…

How long until I see weight loss, walking and dieting?

I have a mesomorph body type and tend to lose weight easily. I have been consuming about 1300-1500 calories and doing 40 minutes of brisk walking everyday. How long after incorporating exercise will I begin to see weight loss results?

weight loss cardiff answers:

How much are u walking thoygh? I walk 5miles 5x a week and eat 1500 and lost 58 lbs in 4 months. No sugar no caffine. Caffine prevents ur body from burning fat. U burn the caffine instead. Good luck

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Linda asks…

How to stick to a normal diet and loosing weight?

So the title explains everything, I need to know how to stick to a normal diet and weight loss plan

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve always been really bad at sticking to diets – I always find it hard to make sure I’m eating the right things etc. What I did was, about 5 years ago, I stopped eating chocolate, sweets, cakes and crisps… This may seem pretty drastic but it is much easier than it sounds. You simply replace a chocolate bar with an apple, or other fruit. Low fat cereal bars are also good substitutes… Within 6 months of starting I had lost around 42lbs and have since kept the weight off (and lost some more). It sounds like a drastic plan but it really isn’t and its really easy to stick to!

Donna asks…

Can yoga practice lead to dramatic weight loss?

I am experianced in Yoga and plan to become a teacher soon. I have a friend who is very over weight say about 65lbs over weight. She has asked me to help her lose weight by teaching her yoga.

She wants yoga and a change of diet to be the main feature of her weight loss plan and she hope to lose all 65 lbs in 6 months. Is this possible?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yoga is an extremely different exercise than running or doing crunches, i see it as a relaxing exercise. Anything is possible if you get all the right foods and correct workout. To begin this will help but it certainly isn’t just gonna make a person drop weight…more for toning up and what not, tell her to do some of the machines at a local gym or ymca. I always find it easier to go with someone to workout/do yoga, makes it fun and there is always someone there to push you hard!!!

George asks…

What nutrient is missing from an all bean diet?

I’m trying out a whole new diet, consisting only beans, for my weight loss plan, because bean has 0 fat, 0 cholesterol, extremely low sodium and sugar, high fiber and protein, some calcium and iron, high carb but that is needed for energy, so I plan on eating only beans all day long, drink only water and work out at the gym many hours and take a multivitamin a day.
Now is there anything that I lack that I can take as a supplement?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Okay… Well, good luck with your diet. I would really suggest buying uncooked (non-canned) beans, and soaking them in salt water before cooking them. This will make them easier to digest and more nutritious. I would also suggest eating quinoa with your beans, and drinking lemon water and green tea (zero calories). Good luck!

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