Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Linda asks…

How to stick to a normal diet and loosing weight?

So the title explains everything, I need to know how to stick to a normal diet and weight loss plan

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve always been really bad at sticking to diets – I always find it hard to make sure I’m eating the right things etc. What I did was, about 5 years ago, I stopped eating chocolate, sweets, cakes and crisps… This may seem pretty drastic but it is much easier than it sounds. You simply replace a chocolate bar with an apple, or other fruit. Low fat cereal bars are also good substitutes… Within 6 months of starting I had lost around 42lbs and have since kept the weight off (and lost some more). It sounds like a drastic plan but it really isn’t and its really easy to stick to!

Donna asks…

Can yoga practice lead to dramatic weight loss?

I am experianced in Yoga and plan to become a teacher soon. I have a friend who is very over weight say about 65lbs over weight. She has asked me to help her lose weight by teaching her yoga.

She wants yoga and a change of diet to be the main feature of her weight loss plan and she hope to lose all 65 lbs in 6 months. Is this possible?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yoga is an extremely different exercise than running or doing crunches, i see it as a relaxing exercise. Anything is possible if you get all the right foods and correct workout. To begin this will help but it certainly isn’t just gonna make a person drop weight…more for toning up and what not, tell her to do some of the machines at a local gym or ymca. I always find it easier to go with someone to workout/do yoga, makes it fun and there is always someone there to push you hard!!!

George asks…

What nutrient is missing from an all bean diet?

I’m trying out a whole new diet, consisting only beans, for my weight loss plan, because bean has 0 fat, 0 cholesterol, extremely low sodium and sugar, high fiber and protein, some calcium and iron, high carb but that is needed for energy, so I plan on eating only beans all day long, drink only water and work out at the gym many hours and take a multivitamin a day.
Now is there anything that I lack that I can take as a supplement?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Okay… Well, good luck with your diet. I would really suggest buying uncooked (non-canned) beans, and soaking them in salt water before cooking them. This will make them easier to digest and more nutritious. I would also suggest eating quinoa with your beans, and drinking lemon water and green tea (zero calories). Good luck!

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