Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

Can you lose weight by just eating cereal for 2 weeks?

I want to lose some weight before I go on holiday in 2 weeks. And I want to know how much I will lose? Is there a chance I will put the weight back on even if I am going on holiday to a country where the weather is 35- 45 degrees for two months?

weight loss cardiff answers:

To lose fat it’s simply a calorie deficit
Calories is known as *Energy* excess energy not being burned off turns in to fat
3,500 calories of measurement = 1 lb

14 lbs = 1 stone of fat

You can eat junk and still lose fat if your watching your calorie intake however I do not recommend this as you will be malnourished from a lack of nutrients and you may not be full which can cause over eating (excess calories)

It’s like this if you had a choice of

50kcal oreo biscuit or 50kcal green apple, which one would you choose 😛 You can take the apple as it will be more fuller

But a calorie is a calorie in terms of losing fat, so to answer your question “Can you lose weight by just eating cereal for 2 weeks” You can if you watch your calorie budget.

In terms of bodybuilding (building lean mass etc) it isn’t 100% calories in and out, I’ll explain

1 gram of protein =3kcal
1 gram of carbohydrates =3kcal
1 gram of fats = 9kcal

You can see fats provide more energy than carbohydrates, however fats are used differently (for function) while Protein is used for muscle repair/growth, so carbohydrates are usually the main energy source. This is why people get so confused honestly, I get people saying BREAD will make you fat, CHEESE will make you fat. LOL they don’t do enough re search

EXCESS OF anything can make you FAT. Simple as that, remember everything has a calorie unless its diet soda or something or water.

So watch your calorie budget. If you were eating usually 2,000 calories per day. Still not losing fat? Then decrease your calories to around 1500 – 1600 but don’t go lower than 1,200 calories or you may go in starvation mode.

Super low calorie diets (below 1,200 calories) Never work. Because what happens is, your body will use ur muscles for energy (remember protein contains CALORIES *Energy*) So if it’s not getting enough calories it will eat your muscles and muscles are made from protein. What do muscles do? They burn extra calories…

It is all determine on your metabolism/activity rate… Some people has faster metabolism than others. For example you see Bodybuilders and athletes eating around 3,000+ calories a day and they are super lean
But they use up those energy for there muscle mass and for there exercise *activity*

So what ways can you fix up your metabolism to help you burn more of those calories well here are few from what I have re searched:

1.) Green tea or black coffee (this speeds the heart up for a short amount of time (its calorie free)
2.) Spicy foods (Hot peppers etc)
3.) Drinking Water (replace all your fluids for water instead and you save tons of calories plus u feel good and removes toxins out of your body)
4.) 5 – 6 small meals eating frequently (This is because it controls blood sugar, preventing you to over eat, which you wont feel hungry all the time and you wont feel bloated
5.) Cardio exercises (anything that gets your heart rate up, burns lots of calories such as running, swimming, skipping rope and dancing etc!)
6.) Lifting weights and getting enough protein (builds muscles, 1 lb per muscles burn 50kcal per lb of muscle tissue, so more muscles you have more faster your metabolism is)
7.) Enough sleep 6 – 8 hours is enough really for repair etc
8.) Chewing gum burns 11 calorie per hour (not much but still helps, but don’t replace chew gum for meals this is stupid)

I don’t recommend weighing scales to measure how much you lost fat. Weighing scales wont give you exactly how much you lost in fat. Weighing scales measures fat, muscles, water and bones. I suggest check your bf% (body fat %) every 2 weeks to see if you lost fat (which is more accurate to find out if you lost fat, than counting on a weighing scales. Because weight changes (as soon as you eat, you gain weight but it’s water not fat 😛 So if you do weigh your self please weigh your self once a week, empty stomach and after you urinate.

I hope I helped any problems feel free to email me at

Donald asks…

can I lose weight in 2 weeks without too much excersize?

I am anemic so get extremely cold and find it hard being out in this weather(london).. can I lose weight in 2 weeks by just changing my diet?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yeah..u can loose weight by eating things like papaya, apple and other fruits and won’t work immediately bt will help u in the long run..:)

Donna asks…

What are the minimum pounds of weight I need to lose in order to visibly see results in weight loss?

I want to lose weight in 2 weeks. I don’t really care how much just as long as its visible to see. Like someone can easily tell that I lost weight. How many pounds do I need to lose in order for that to happen? And how long will it take 2 lose those pounds? Thank you.
Btw im large not small

weight loss cardiff answers:

It really depends on the person…I guess I’ll just answer based on my own experience. I used to have a lot of visible belly fat (it was really gross…). This summer, I dieted and exercised and within the first 2-3 weeks, I lost around 6-8 lbs. I saw a huge difference in my body. Most of the fat around my stomach was gone, and now, I pretty much have a flat stomach except for bit of fat that I’m still working on to get off.

The average person, if on a *healthy* diet (1000-1200 calories, 15 minutes of cardio), will lose about 2 lbs per week. Losing any more than 2 lbs per week is dangerous. I lost around 3-4 lbs in the first week, and this is because I went on a 700 calorie diet. I do not recommend this because now, I feel moody all the time and feel dizzy/light-headed. Plus, the weight stops coming off after a few weeks. So moral of the story? Don’t go below 1000 calories on a diet. (I’m currently working towards a higher calorie consumption.)

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Maria asks…

what cleanse should i do to just start my weight loss?

I want to do a cleanse to jump start my weight loss and i wanted some suggestions. I really lack discipline and that is why i never stay on a weight loss program. I want a cleanse to help me to jump start a lifestyle change. I’ve heard about the master cleanse/lemonade diet. I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions. I am not starting a cleanse to just lose weight for a specific event, i want it to be a precursor to a lifestyle change.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The basics of weight loss are not as complicated as people make it out to be. You need to simply change your diet to healthy whole foods, fruits and veggies and get plenty of exercise.

It all depends on what you want to get out of it. Check out my fitness blog for more fitness info and ideas:

Charles asks…

Is there a site online like a blog, where you can write about weight loss with other people?

I want to write a diary about progess with weight loss, but I want help from other people if that’s possible. Are there any online blogging sites that could be used for this?
Or what blogging sites are there in general?

weight loss cardiff answers:

My favorite web site for diet and health related interest is the following:

It’s based on a pure vegetarian lifestyle which has proven success in improvements to health and well being. I lost 80+ pounds by following a whole plant based diet. It’s the same diet that Bill Clinton is trying because of his cardiovascular disease.

Steven asks…

What is the Best way to lose weight or Best diet for weight loss women 2012?

What do you think about the Best diet for weight loss women 2012 should be. I know few but need more ideas. Please do not include use pills or surgery. Just natural way by eating natural foods. Thanks
I come across a course, link is in my profile, which is very helpful.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You can find information about a simple and efficient program to lose weight at the blog on my profile, which has been very successful with people of all ages, and also you will find some tips for a heatlhy lifestyle. If you combine the blog’s tips with that program, you can get amazing results.
You can see some pictures of success stories at results section.

If you have any question, just email me through my profile

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

How do you gain easily-lost weight quick for a Before weigh-in?

My work is having a big weight-loss challenge with a cash prize. I want my Before weigh-in to be as high as possible, with the weight as easily shed as possible, to help in losing the largest percent of weight. My plans include wearing clothes that are as heavy as possible, eating/drinking as much as possible the week before and especially the day of, and…well, I guess that’s it.

Any more suggestions on how to get my weight up for one day?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I would not eat as much as possible the week before because that weight will be just as hard to lose as any. I recommend drinking a LOT of water, it is pretty heavy, and if you increase your sodium intake it will make you retain the water. It *will* make you bloated – just a warning. That way right after your weigh in you can take a water pill to rid yourself of the bloating.
Then, on the day of the weigh in drink, drink, drink that water! One gallon of water weighs over 8 lbs! One gallon is 128 ounces, so if you can manage to drink 64oz prior to the weigh in that is over 4 lbs!!
(64 oz is the same as drinking close to 4 16.9oz water bottles.)

I hope this helped!

Lisa asks…

How many pound of fat can a person safely lose in one week’s time?

If there a safe limit is how many pounds a person would lose max. in a week‘s time? Or no limit in losing weight.

But it seems to me that staying healthy and getting fit requires so much effort as one can gain back the weight so easily. And it takes lots of effort for many to maintain a good night’s sleep because one can stay awake in the middle of the night, and it’s hard to fall back asleep.

weight loss cardiff answers:

2 or 3 that’s 100 to 150 pounds a year

Daniel asks…

How can a 1 year old girl lose weight?

I am 14, I do gymnastics for ten hours a week, dance for two hours and swim for an hour and a half every week and have a relatively healthy diet, but am still fattter than all of my friends and peers, why is this and how can I lose some weight easily?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Eat lots of fresh fruit and veg

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

John asks…

What is the easiest way to lose belly fat?

Im on a weight loss diet and im trying to lose my belly. Which foods cause belly fat?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Nina unfortunately there is no “easy” way.
We lose fat over all of the body with a healthy diet and exercise.
We cannot target weight loss or fat burn in any specific area. We can only target muscle growth by choosing the weight lifting exercises for a specific muscle or muscle group.
Most fat loss occurs in the face and fingers first.
God played some kind of joke on us to make the dreaded belly fat the last to be lost.
All you can do is stay on a clean diet of healthy foods and get as much exercise as possible.
Anybody that tells you otherwise is just trying to sell you a magic potion, pill, diet book, dvd set, or piece of junk exercise equipment.

Ruth asks…

Best protein shake for a weight loss diet?

I’m going to start a healthy weight loss diet hopefully. Basically I want to tone up with muscle with workug about and wondering if I should take protein shake. If yeah which would be the best protein shake for it?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Protein shakes don’t make you lose weight, they are just a quick and easy source of protein for your muscles, but muscle burn fat and I hear for every pound of muscle you have you need to eat 50 more calories.

The best protein shake IMO is “Gold Standard 100% Whey”

Robert asks…

How can I achieve a good figure?

I’m 5’2 and i want to loose a little weight because it’s getting to summer and I want to feel more comfortable with my body. I don’t think I look in proportion. Just to clear it up, I’m not overweight, I just want to loose a little and tone up. Any good exercises to tone up your belly, legs and butt? Any can someone give me a few easy, simple meals to have for a weight loss diet? ALSO, how long does it take to start to see improvements?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hi Ariana,the first thing you need to do is get your immagination working right.

1.Get a picture of what you want to look like and stick it on a wall or board where you can see it.

2.If you want to loose increase protein intake and reduce carbohydrate intake.

3.Moderate toning exercises,specific or overall toning exercises.

Also to help you,i can give you an absolutely free e-book that will help you immensely.

All the best.

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