Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Daniel asks…

How can i lose weight fast without diet pills or shakes?

I have been going out with this guy for a month and school starts back up again soon and i wanna look good for him cause he has a great body and i dont. I wanna lose weight fast without diet pills or shakes. HELP PLEASE!!!!
hes a good guy i love him

weight loss cardiff answers:

There is no magic formula or quick fix. I’m sorry but, what you’re asking for simply does not exist.

The best, the most effective, the safest and the only real way to lose weight is by dieting, exercising and being patient.

Joseph asks…

Exercises that I could to to lose weight fast? Diet tips?

Besides running ’cause I’m running a mile at least a day. I need to lose some pounds fast before July approaches. Any suggestions?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Green tea is one of the popular home remedies for weight loss. Drink three cups of green tea to deal with the extra weight. It is an ultimate fat burner. Green tea will help to boost your metabolism making it easier for the body to burn fat. It also helps to prevent your body from absorbing fat from the foods you are eating. Along with these you should have lots and lots of water because it has no calories at all. Drink a glass of water before you start the meal. Water naturally needs some space so that you feel fuller without actually having to stuff yourself. Increase your fiber intake & Stay away from fried things.
Minimize your carbohydrate intake. Avoid rice and potatoes. Also do not consume oily and fatty substances like clarified butter, butter and sweet potato.
Exercise is extremely important in weight loss. It is necessary to indulge in mild physical activity after each meal even if you cannot make time to go to a gym. Vegetables and fruits (avoid banana and cheeku) are low calorie foods, therefore, eating more of them will help in weight loss. Do not add salt to fruits and vegetables for taste. Reduce the salt and sugar intake to the minimum.

Here’s a list of Foods NOT to eat when trying to lose weight…..
Fried foods
Fast foods
Pasta made with white flour
Potato chips
All deserts

Exercises to lose weight fast
1. Leg Raises. Try leg raises. Lie on your back and raise both
legs at the same time. Lower them until they are about a foot
off the ground and hold it there to the count of 10. Repeat 8
times. When that gets comfortable, repeat 10, then go to 15.
These work your abdominals, especially your lower two abs.

2. Push-ups. For your arms and shoulders, do push-ups. Aim
for 25. Your goal is to do full, military style push-ups. It’s okay
if at first you start out with half style push-ups– the kind
where your knees are on the ground and you only push-up half
your body weight.

See this :

Sandy asks…

How to lose weight fast? (diet,exercise etc)?

what kind of diet and exercise are helpful in losing weight? (I don’t have time to join a gym for at least 2-3 months as my exams are due)

weight loss cardiff answers:

10 lbs should be your average weight loss each month if you stay within these 3 guidelines. only steamed lean meats, eggs, healthy fruits ,vegetables, nuts, grains, & yogurt..2. Drink only water, juice, & milk..3. Walk or do some physical exercise 1-3 hour every day.

(btw, recommend you also to buy an electronic food steamer ((Very cheap)) and a rice cooker as makes it very easy to prepare healthy meals)

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7 Tips For Weight Loss In Cardiff Success

7 tips for weight loss success


Weight loss in Cardiff requires dedication and commitment because there are no magic tricks that can make the pounds disappear.  In order to lose weight you need a healthy diet plan, regular exercise, and a positive attitude. For your weight loss efforts in Cardiff to be successful, you must also surround yourself with people who can help and encourage you along the way. If you have a neighbour or friend who is also overweight, then team up and take this journey together. If you have coworkers who are overweight, then create teams and start a competition to see who can lose the most weight. A little competition never hurt anyone, but first here are some instructions to help you on your journey to weight loss in Cardiff.

Instructions on how to choose a plan:

  1. The first thing you need to do is establish how much weight you want to lose and a timeline for losing it. Make realistic goals such as 1-2 pounds a week for six months.  An unrealistic goal such as 30 pounds in 30 days will only leave you disappointed.
  2. Visit a doctor or a dietician and tell them about your long-term weight loss goal. They will be able to calculate how much weight you need to lose each week in order to achieve it.  They can also offer tips and advice on the healthiest ways possible to achieve your objective in the desired time.
  3. It is important that you learn to observe your body mass index, more commonly referred to as BMI. This is better than just knowing your body weight because BMI will let you know the appropriate weight for your particular height.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s website has a chart that you can visit and calculate your BMI.
  4. Chose an exercise program that you can stick to for the long term. There are a number of options available to suit any preference. If you like being outdoors, then you can jog in the morning or take a hike on weekends. If you like to dance, then sign up for a dance class or a belly dancing class. If you prefer something else, then do yoga or Pilates. It is important to just do something fun that will keep you motivated.
  5. If you are not going to use a specialized diet program, you can still take tips from them to help you in your efforts. Some plans restrict protein while others restrict carbohydrates and sugars and some focus on limited amounts of starches. Read as much as you can about each diet and make sure you understand the pros and cons of the choices you make.
  6. Simple changes to your daily routine can play a major role in weight loss Cardiff. Instead of taking the lift at work, take the stairs. A five-minute walk to the supermarket is healthier than driving there.  If you have to drive somewhere, park your car a few miles away from your destination and walk the rest of the journey.
  7. Budget for your weight loss in Cardiff plan, if you opt for a popular program, there might be a cost to join. However, if you plan to lose weight on your own, you will need to shop for fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthy options that might cost a little more than you usually spend on junk food. If you plan to join a gym or take a dance class, you will also need to spend money so take these things into consideration.  In the end, the extra money you spend will be worth it when you are successful in losing the extra pounds. You can also visit WWW.THERE-IS-ANOTHER-WEIGH.CO.UK for DVDs on Belly Dancing, Yoga, Pilates and much more in the way of different exercise programs.

Take care


Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Robert asks…

Can anyone recommend any weight loss supplements?

I am trying to lose a few pounds and wondered weight loss supplements actually work. Any help would be appreciated.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve been trying out these Cell Press Plus capsules, to help me loose a few pounds. They aid in helping you feel more full before your meals and I take them about an hour to an hour an a half before I plan to eat. I found that I was an over-eater, so I figured I should try this out and so far so good. If you are looking for something on the lines to help you achieve fullness before a meal, I suggest you try these capsules. Hope this helps you out!

Sandra asks…

What are the best weight loss supplements/pills?

I am looking to get more cut/lean. I was thinking about taking a weight loss supplement. What are the best ones out there? I lift 5 times a week. Will these supplements affect my weight lifting?

weight loss cardiff answers:

No weight loss pill works over the long term. Plus it is not very cost effective. One bottle is usually around 100 bucks and will only last for three weeks. And they all suggest you stay on them for 12 weeks at least. You do the math. Changing your eating habits will have the best results.

Donna asks…

Do you get carded for weight loss supplements?

I’m writing a paper for school and I would like to include this information in it. Also, what are the best weight loss supplements? Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Call your local GNC they should know a lot about that kind of stuff

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Lisa asks…

I’m looking for recipes and ideas easy to adapt to a family to gain weight AND lose weight?

In our family 2 people (the kids) need to gain weight, and 2 people (the adults) need to lose weight. I can’t cook 2 different meals each night so I’m looking for recipes/ideas that can be adapted easily – for example, add butter/margarine to the kids‘ food but not to the adults’ food. And I would love advice on how to get my kids to eat better and gain weight. They’re both kind of picky.

weight loss cardiff answers:

The Mediterranean Diet would be good for both losing or gaining weight. Its about healthy eating, the weight will take care of itself.

John asks…

question about summer weight gain and how to lose it?

I tend to stay away from the scale so I dont know if Ive lost or gained but ive probably gained a little. My clothes fit fine and everything but then again my bodys weird lol. My question is, when most kids gain a couple of pounds over the summer from being lazy or messing up their eating schedules do they usually lose it when they go back to school? I mean id wake up at 1 pm so i would have like two meals a day and plenty of snacks. when i go back to healthy packed lunches will i lose the weight easily?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You will probably loose it again but you should make sure to exercise for a half hour every day and watch your carb intake.

Good Luck

Mandy asks…

How can i easily loose weight FAST!?

Im 12 yrs old and i am going to Jamaica in 3 weeks. i weigh like 127 pounds and not proud.. I really want to lose as much weight as possible b4 we go. I really need to know a good way for a young kid like me to loose alot of weight easily b4 we go. i know losing weight is not easy, but i need to lose some weight FAST! please help me out, and if you do i will b veary greatful. please help me FAST! give me exersizes or diets, just giv me whatcha got. i am most worried about my stomach and thighs if that helps.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Well start eating more fruit. Fruit helps boost your metabolism helping you burn more calories. You should also start exercising more. Pick a sport, a dance, or a game that you enjoy doing and don’t stop working on it. (it doesn’t matter what just make sure you are getting enough of it). Set goals for yourself.(keep in mind that this is only three weeks so it isn’t going to show over night). Most of all is DON’T STOP EATING. Some people think that this will help but it won’t the only thing you will loose is your muscle and you will be left with fat. You can get a buddy to exercise with you or to do a diet or maybe even both. This will start the competition inside of you and will make you work harder.
(hope this works)

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