Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Robert asks…

Can anyone recommend any weight loss supplements?

I am trying to lose a few pounds and wondered weight loss supplements actually work. Any help would be appreciated.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve been trying out these Cell Press Plus capsules, to help me loose a few pounds. They aid in helping you feel more full before your meals and I take them about an hour to an hour an a half before I plan to eat. I found that I was an over-eater, so I figured I should try this out and so far so good. If you are looking for something on the lines to help you achieve fullness before a meal, I suggest you try these capsules. Hope this helps you out!

Sandra asks…

What are the best weight loss supplements/pills?

I am looking to get more cut/lean. I was thinking about taking a weight loss supplement. What are the best ones out there? I lift 5 times a week. Will these supplements affect my weight lifting?

weight loss cardiff answers:

No weight loss pill works over the long term. Plus it is not very cost effective. One bottle is usually around 100 bucks and will only last for three weeks. And they all suggest you stay on them for 12 weeks at least. You do the math. Changing your eating habits will have the best results.

Donna asks…

Do you get carded for weight loss supplements?

I’m writing a paper for school and I would like to include this information in it. Also, what are the best weight loss supplements? Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Call your local GNC they should know a lot about that kind of stuff

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