Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Jenny asks…

What weight loss pill can I get at a regular drug store, that will actually work?

PLEASE don’t answer this telling me not to use weight loss pills.
I want a weight loss pill that I can conveniently get at any drug store that is safe, and actually works…
Has anyone had any experience with them, and know some that work?
Thanks in advance!

weight loss cardiff answers:

There is no ‘magic’ pill. Eat less,move more is the only real way to lose weight.

Mandy asks…

What weight loss pill would you recommend?

I am a fairly active mother of two, and I am having issues losing weight. I work out every day for about an hour, and I work as a waitress, so I’m on my feet for 6-8 hours a day. I have really hit a wall on weight loss and I would like to try something to get the weight off fast. I eat healthy and in small portions, and I drink lots of water. I am healthy, except for the weight. What weight loss pill would you recommend?

weight loss cardiff answers:

None. Weight Loss pills are not FDA approved, and in many cases found to be ineffective.

Eat Healthy, Eat right (missing meals starts fat build up), and drink a lot of water – like you are doing.

Working out wise. Do more. If you do the same routine everyday your body will get used to it and you will not lose weight. Try doing cardio one day, aerobics another. Don’t slow down, do meaningful physical training.

@Emily. That’s a daily muti-vitamin, not a weight loss pill. I take a multi-vitamin everyday, there’s no harm to it.

Joseph asks…

How to keep the weight off after weight watchers weight loss?

I have been using the Weight Watchers Points Plus Program.
I have lost nearly 50lbs.
I have the weight LOSS system down.
I need suggestions on how to maintain the weight and keep myself from gaining weight back.

I have just started going to the gym.
I will be starting up my Bikram Yoga again soon as well.

Anything further would be appreciated.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You need to go on a maintenance diet for the rest of your life.

You need to stick to your Weight Watchers points quota per day and allow yourself only a few extra points a day and keep checking your weight once or twice a day. If you start gaining weight you need to reduce your points quota and if you start losing weight you could allow yourself a few extra points.

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