Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Susan asks…

help with diet pills and weight loss?

Are diet pills those who avoid you from getting hungry ?
and what ages can a teen start having them? (while taking vitamin and calcium teen supplement pills as well).
and where can i get these diet pills? pharmacy? subscribed from a doctor?

and any easy alternates for weight loss diets?
lol please excuse my silly grammar mistakes, i was in a rush 🙂

weight loss cardiff answers:

Hello PERSiiAN, if you are lucky enough to use a weight loss supplement and not end up with worse problems than when you started, then you would also be doubly lucky to keep that weight off.. Because it is only a temporary solution after all. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but it needs to be said anyways. Let me explain further…

There is something you need to understand about why people stay at certain weight categories. The heavier you are, the more calories your body naturally burns per day. So if you average out their eating habits, they will eventually hit a weight number where their loss from being that big evens out with their calorie intake.

In other words, if you use a pill to drop 20 pounds and don’t change a single habit, you will just go right back up. They are called, “weight loss supplements” for a reason! I do not condone their use, but you can clearly see in the term that they are meant to only supplement your current plan.

I know this doesn’t directly answer any of your questions except the last, but I still strongly feel it is the right answer. If you want a new and different diet, I’ll link one below I’ve heard good things about. But the important part is that you focus and stick to something!

Sharon asks…

Quick and easy weight loss?

i’m trying to see if anyone has tried an easy, free weightloss diet, trick to loss weight quickly other than exercise, does anyone have one? Much thanks
look in already know the right way to lose weight, diet & exercise, but i was on a diet once and lost like 15lbs in 2 weeks, so don’t go saying that 5lbs in 5 weeks is something, no offencse

weight loss cardiff answers:

There is no “quick fix” for weight loss that is healthy. You didn’t put the weight on overnight, so don’t try to get rid of it overnight.

Diet and exercise is the right way to lose weight.

Richard asks…

Weight loss diets for vegans?

like a diet plan for fast and easy weight loss and by easy i mean easy to follow like eco-atkins

weight loss cardiff answers:

As you plan a vegan diet for weight loss, keep in mind that you do need to eat minimum amounts of certain foods for good health. Plan your diet to include at least 6 servings of whole grains, 8 servings of fruits and vegetables, and 4 servings of some combination of legumes, nuts, or soy products. (Remember that a serving of nuts is just 2 tablespoons and a serving of legumes or soy is just _ cup–or 1 cup of soymilk). Then make sure you are getting 1000 milligrams of calcium every day (see the November 20, 2000 article for information on how to do this). If you don’t eat foods that provide this much calcium, use supplements. Make sure you are including a source of vitamin B12 in your diet as well. And make sure you get adequate sun exposure or use foods fortified with vitamin D. This is sort of the bare minimum of what you need. But, based on your body size and your own needs, it may not be enough food even for someone who wants to lose weight. So, add in other foods–like more grains, small amounts of oil for sautéing veggies, some treats, etc–until you get to an intake that is satisfying to you but still allows some slow weight loss. There is a little bit of trial and error involved here. It’s really all about what works for you. Don’t be so stingy with food that you are feeling hungry and losing weight rapidly. This can lead to unhealthy attitudes about food or can be very difficult to maintain over the long term if you are always feeling hungry or unsatisfied. If you can’t create an eating plan for yourself that allows you to lose weight, then it’s a good idea to meet with a dietitian to work out a good approach.

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