Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Paul asks…

Best and Most Effective Weight Loss Program That Really work?

Hi friends,

Please refer me a best and most effetive weight loss programs that really works.


weight loss cardiff answers:


Follow the program including the diet and you cant go wrong! You could probably get one off of craigslist

Charles asks…

Recommend a medical weight loss program in philadelphia?

I am looking for a good medical weight loss program in philadelphia. I now live in northeast philadelphia and i would like to go to a center nearby.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I went to see the Doctors at the medical weight loss Philadelphia center on Frankford Avenue. They have a comprehensive program from weight loss that includes medications, vitamin injection treatments and personalized nutrition and exercise coaching. At the age of 46 I am now weighing what I did back in high school. Here is their web site

Linda asks…

How can i target more people for a weight loss program?

I work for a Chiropractic Clinic and we have a new weight loss program we are starting up. We have done fairly well getting clients through email and past patients, but I want to get out of the office and start finding people who honestly do need help losing weight. Does anyone have any ideas of I could get more clients? Any idea is a good idea : )

weight loss cardiff answers:

Some good tips

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Charles asks…

Does someone knows about a good weight loss program at a clinic or hospital in the Boston Area?

Does someone knows about a good weight loss program at a clinic or hospital in the Boston Area?

weight loss cardiff answers:

You have one of the finest hospitals in the country in Boston: Brigham and Women’s. If you call there, they may have such a program, or be able to refer you.

Having said that, weight loss is under your control. It is ALL about calories taken in vs. Calories burned. If you eat more than your body needs, you’ll gain weight. If you eat less, you’ll lose weight. And you are probably taking in far more calories than you realize simply by snacking. By adjusting your meals to wholesome, filling foods without empty calories such as gravies and sauces, and then eliminating ALL snacking and “treats” such as dessert, candy, sweets, etc., you will lose weight at a sensible rate over time. Meanwhile, get out and move. Walk around the block a few times every single day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. For short trips, walk, don’t ride. If you do these simple things to modify your daily behavior, you’ll lose weight. No question about it.

Laura asks…

Anyone have the first 3-day jump start sheet for quick weight loss program?

I purchased the quick weight loss program back in 1999 and part of the package included the first 3-day jump start portion. I have got the entire plan, except for that part. Would someone please email me a copy of it?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Try the Lil Jack workout its fun and it works

John asks…

Does anyone have a weight loss program they would like to share?

I just need a simple, effective weight loss program, but I don’t want to pay for it. Anyone want to share their secrets?

weight loss cardiff answers:

To lose weight, you need to get your body to use up these stores of fat. The most effective way to do this is to:

1:) reduce the amount of calories you eat

2:) increase your levels of activity.

3:) jog in the morning BEFORE breakfast, since you would have been starving for a long time, the body will use fat supplies as energy!

Below are ways to reduce calorie intake without having to alter your diet significantly.

Replace fizzy drinks and fruit cordials with water.
Swap whole milk for semi-skimmed, or semi-skimmed for skimmed.
Eat less lunch than usual. For example, make your own sandwich and limit the use of margarine or butter and full-fat mayonnaise (store-bought sandwiches often contain both).
Stop taking sugar in tea and coffee.
Have smaller portions of the food you enjoy and avoid having a second helping at dinner.
Cut out unhealthy treats – such as confectionary, sugary biscuits and crisps between meals.
Cut down on alcohole intake.

Don’t be tempted to skip breakfast. While skipping a meal will reduce your calorie intake for that hour, it will leave you much hungrier later on.

Drinking fresh water also helps in removing waste and redundant calories which is great for losing weight and detoxifying the body. Drinking water frequently is a very important to maintaining a healthy diet and losing weight naturally.

Supplementing with Hoodia Gordonii Plus Appetite Suppressant contains 100% pure South African Hoodia plus other weight loss ingredients. On November 21, 2004 CBS correspondent, Lesley Stahl reported on 60 Minutes that a strange little plant, Hoodia Gordonii, “… Is a natural substance that literally takes your appetite away.” According to CBS, “Scientists say that it fools the brain by making you think you’re full, even if you’ve eaten just a morsel.

Hoodia extract is one of the most potent appetite suppressants available. It was originally discovered after the hunting tribes of the Kalahari Desert were found to use the root of the plant to starve off hunger. The extract was chewed while on long hunting trips, and when food was scarce.

Hoodia which is 100% natural, works as well as, if not better than any drug based appetite suppressant. It works so well, that Pfizer has been reported to pay over £20 million pounds in funding to isolate the active molecule found in Hoodia – known as P57. The reason why? Hoodia is completely side effect free.

I have personally used this product and it did help me to lose weight because i didnt feel hungry for most of the day, you must try it you will thank me, guaranteed;)

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Nancy asks…

What makes up a good weight loss program?

I’m interested in setting up a weight loss program for myself to get in shape for the summer, but I don’t know where to begin.

weight loss cardiff answers:

It’s good to have the following three things when you are preparing to begin a new summer weight loss program:

* To ensure that you can start an exercise program and a nutrition program, it’s recommended to get a check-up from your doctor.

* For your workout schedule it’s a good idea to set aside at least 30 minutes every other day.

* It’s good to have access to workout equipment such as exercise machines and/or free weights.

Cardio work is a great place to begin your new summer weight loss exercise program. Cardio work has a number of benefits. First, it’s great for getting your body warmed up for more strenuous physical activity. Also, it exercises your lungs and heart, and is a great foundation for burning off calories.

After some time you’ll be able to workout more often, and gain more benefit from your exercise sessions. A good goal to work towards is a workout schedule of at least 30 minutes almost every day of the week. It’s not a bad thing to take a break one day during the week.

It’s not a bad idea to start with smaller 15-20 minute exercise sessions if you’re just beginning or in case you haven’t exercised in a long time. You can even space the workout sessions out to every other day and slowly add days of exercise or increase the time of your workout sessions to further develop your summer weight loss exercise program.

Mix your exercises and activities up some, and pick something you really enjoy doing. Try exercising a little shorter one day, but then a longer the next day – keep the workout program a little varied.

You’ll be able to raise your body’s natural metabolism and build more lean muscle mass by integrating a strength training program into your summer weight loss workout routine. Lifting weights at least twice a week in addition to your regular cardio workouts will increase your body’s rate of burning calories.

I’m sure it’s easy to see that good exercise and a proper fitness plan is a vital component to achieving your summer weight loss goals. Another integral part of your plan should be your diet. It’s recommended to adjust your diet as well as your exercise routine to help burn off more calories.

You might find that it’s difficult to stick to a long-term diet and nutrition plan. If that the case, you might have an easier time trying to incorporate small changes to your diet at first, which could be more effective in the long run. It isn’t really necessary to follow a specific nutrition plan, but there are some good guidelines to keep in mind for eating healthy:

* Try to begin keeping track of what you eat. If you start keeping a food journal you might be surprised at how much food you actually consume, and by looking back on your eating habits it might be easier to find places where you can cut calories.

* It’s important that you don’t skip any of your meals. Many people think that they can get ahead start on losing weight by cutting out meals, but this is not the case. There’s a very good chance that it could backfire. In fact, you could actually end up eating more in the long run, not to mention that you could hinder your metabolism and as a result, your body will have a harder time burning calories.

* You can effectively fight off hunger by drinking more water and/or tea. Staying hydrated is a great point to remember – it will also help to prevent fatigue.

* One of the most difficult guidelines to follow is keeping your portion sizes in mind when preparing your meals. If you use smaller dishes, that might make it a little easier.

* You can stay full without a lot of excess calories by eating foods high in fiber as well as fruits and vegetables.

You see that by integrating small changes into your diet and nutrition can be very beneficial to your summer weight loss. As a result, the change to your diet will be easier to follow if it’s less drastic. Don’t substitute foods that you already enjoy – instead, try adding more healthy foods to compliment your diet. Some good suggestions include fruits, salads, and whole grain breads. It’s also a good idea to try eating out less often. You’ll have greater control over your portion sizes by preparing your meals at home. You’ll also be sure of exactly what you’re getting since you choose all the ingredients. It’s usually less expensive to stay at home as well, so you’ll be able to save money on your food budget.

The main thing to remember is that you’re looking for changes to your diet that your can effectively apply and stick to. It might not work very well to select a more complex diet and nutrition program if you don’t have a lot of extra time on your hands. On the other hand, you might find it more enjoyable to prepare more healthy foods for yourself when you have more time available to you.

To sum up, proper nutrition and diet, strength training, and cardiovascular exercise, are all good effective components of a summer weight loss program. Keep in mind that you might actually be better suited to starting small and adding more healthy changes to your lifestyle over time. Following these suggestions and guidelines can help you accomplish your summer weight loss goals!

George asks…

I am looking at trying a weight loss program – I have recently started gym again?

I’ve finally found the motivation to start gym again, but I want some help along with the excercise.

Can you suggest a weight loss program?
I am looking at Celebrity Slim – how do I do it and what do I need?

weight loss cardiff answers:

i found website about weight loss program. I hope its usefull for you.
Visit this site, may you can find something or important information that you need.



Steven asks…

How to get the best weight loss Program?

I tried a lot of diets but very little of them used to help. Please give an advice of some good solution/method on the internet to get the best weight loss program.
Thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Exercise. Exercise can boost your results ten-fold, especially if it includes weight training. Not only will weight training help you build lean muscle, which helps burn fat, but it can also help strengthen bones. Be sure to consult a health-care professional before starting any exercise program.

Extra protein. A shake may be sufficient to provide an extra boost for supporting weight loss.

Snack right. We all snack. Just avoid snacking on high-calorie, nutrient-deficient foods. In other words, keep the cake, potato chips and ice cream out of the house. Make “better bad” eating choices. If you’re out at a fast food restaurant and a greasy burger is calling your name, just choose a single-patty with lettuce and tomato and hold the cheese and mayo.

Dietary fiber. Be sure you are receiving sufficient amounts of dietary fiber daily. Fiber helps keep you feeling satisfied longer while also keeping bowel movements regular. I recommend gradually increasing fiber to 25-30 grams daily, in line with current National Fiber Council recommendations.

Weight loss success is often about making better choices.

Avoid sugary drinks. These can add “no nutrition” calories quickly. It’s best to drink plenty of purified water and/or nutrient-dense sugar drink alternatives.

Say no to “bad” fats. The “bad” includes saturated and trans fats. “Good” fats include olive oil rich in oleic acid and fish oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids. To take ultimate advantage of omega-3 fatty acids, it’s best to take a high-potency, high-quality fish oil supplement daily. New research also shows that dietary omega-3 fatty acids may be linked to lower bodyweight.

Mix it up. We all have individual differences. Something that may work for one person may not work for the next. Be sure to try a few different things and see what works best for you.

Whatever you do, it’s important that you don’t become discouraged. Shoot all scales. Pay attention to your body. As you continue to enjoy a reduced-calorie diet, providing your body with quality nutrition, and building muscle through exercise, then the weight will begin to come off safely.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Carol asks…

How can I lose weight by summer vacation?

I seriously need to lose about 10-20 pounds before the end of May. I am around the age of 13 and I’m not just losing weight to look skinnier, I am trying to lose weight and get more exercise so that I can do more activities in the summer without getting exhausted very easily. What are some exercises I can do to lose weight around my arms, waist, and legs. And also some healthy food suggestions.
Please help.
Thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Buy a weighted hula hoop. It works and it’s really easy and doesn’t take up much space, you can even do it inside if you make a little room. Just make sure you get the right size and weight: between 1 1/2 – 2lb (the heavier, the easier to keep it going, too heavy and it’ll be TOO easy, you won’t see results). I’ll put a chart below where you can figure out what size you are.

The idea is to do it for roughly 30 minutes a day in SHORT bouts. So, hula hoop for two minutes hard, then stop, let your heart slow down, and then do it again. I recommend you do it while watching TV. Watch your show, and hoop during the commercials. There are about 22 minutes of commercials during an hour long show.

Make sure you keep it up. It’s really not hard once you get going and it’s more fun than skipping rope, or running, with generally the same results. I’m not saying it won’t take effort, because it will. Rule of thumb is if you don’t feel it, it’s probably not doing anything.

Plus, it’s a cardio/toning excersize. You lose weight and tone up at the same time.

For healthy food, first find out how many calories you can eat a day (Chart below), then make sure you don’t eat over you’re daily limit.

Strawberries and carrots are really good snack foods, because they’re healthy and have very little calories, so it’s hard to eat too many. Other water fruits (Melons, berries) are good, as well as any fruits and vegetables really. Eggs are healthy, easy to make, and they’re good for you. Drink lots of water. If you really want to get healthy, change out what you’d normally drink for water. Water has zero calories, so you won’t be wasting calories on juice or pop. Milk, although it has calories, is still good for you. Drink a glass a day, for the calcium if nothing else.

Hope that helped a little 🙂

David asks…

Is it possible to lose weight without exercise?

Is it possible to lose weight without exercise? I have recently injured my legs and arms and im gaining weight and im wondering if I can go on a diet that would lower my weight. If so what should i eat/drink alot? Can someone plan out a diet for me?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Yes you always can. I’m not sure how many of us realize that intensive cardio exercise such as jogging and gym will NOT BURN FAT.

The Reason is Intense Aerobics and Exercise only burn mainly carbohydrates for energy,
not fat tissue.

If you over-exert yourself and your breathing and heart rate become too elevated
then your body will burn mainly carbohydrates.

However, your goal is NOT To burn Carbohydrate Calories, your goal is to burn stored
BodyFat and Lose 10lbs in A Week.

All you need now is to be on diet and to Lose 10 lbs is always possible.

You need to consume a balance diet plan foods which are made up of:

i. Lean proteins,
ii. Fruit and vegetables, and
iii. Sources of fat come from whole foods (such as cottage cheese or eggs).
Iv. Starchy carbohydrates (such as oats and pasta).

Divide your meals into 4 and that should be eaten at a minimum of 2 1/2 hours apart.

There is no calorie or carb counting, no limit on portion size, so eat until you feel your stomach is OK.

You can lose 10 lbs within a week with this diet plans, which consists of 2 type:-

1. Online Diet Generator – If you want to lose weight MORE QUICKLY. It generates your menu in just seconds.

2. 10 Weight Loss Rules- If you would rather lose weight more “casually” (without having to follow a specific diet) then the second weight loss program which is a collection of which you can use to lose weight in a much more “casual” way.

To lose weight you need to manipulate which types of calories enter your body at each meal.

The first thing you must do is learn the 3 types of calories, and which calories are in each type of food that you eat.

Some of sample foods made of Protein and Carbs (Carbohydrates) are :-


* Lean Roast Beef

* Cottage Cheese (low fat)

CARBS(Carbohydrates) FOODS

* Mixed Salad (only lettuce, tomatoes, and
veggies allowed)

* Dressing should be Low Cal dressing. Use sparingly,
you should not smother the salad with too much
* Bread (should be “oat” or “bran” type bread

All you need is just rotate this Protein and Carbohydrate meals for One week and you will lose 10 lbs within that.

You need to maintain your diet and eat for rest of your life the food you like. To maintain your new slim body you will have the list of some general “rules”. These rules are meant to be “general” and “simple” because you can easily maintain your new body by just using a the simple and general rules.

For example, the rule about breaking up your daily food intake into 4 meals may “seem” simple, but it can control how slim you stay in the future.

You will be also presented with rules about what to avoid when grocery shopping, how to order food at restaurants, and how to order at fast food establishments.

The late night eating habit and other non-healthy eating habits also been tackled.

These rules are “”simple sounding”” but they are enough to maintain your new body for the rest of your life.

See the sample rotation of the meals and get more info on the diet plans at

I hope this will help you to lose weight and the most important without any harmful diet pills.

John asks…

Is it possible to lose weight without exercise?

I know exercise is good for you but I don’t have enough time because of school work. School’s ending soon but until then I don’t have time to exercise. Is it possible to lose weight and actually see a physical difference if i just eat healthy and consume less calories? Eventually I will start exercising.

weight loss cardiff answers:


Have you ever heard of Fat Loss for Idiots or Weight Loss 4 Idiots? It’s one of the most sellable e-books ever written that talks about losing fat easily and quickly. For a certain price, the company that sells this e-book allows you to access it and read its contents for a good 90 days.

If you wish, there’s a short YouTube video about it:…

To help you know more about it, here are some of the things it covers.

What is in it?

Generally, the Fat Loss for Idiots is a guide to losing weight and fat as the name implies. In the book, you will be able to read the rules involved in weight loss. These rules, also known as “10 Idiot Proof Rules of Weight Loss” are easy to understand and follow as they are stated in the simplest terms. Aside from the simplified terms, the directions are also simple and short making it easy to understand and do.

Another thing that the e-book contains is the diet generator. The book will give you meal plans that will last you for 11 days. So for each day, the book has a menu for you to follow.

What does it promise?

Fat Loss for Idiots promises a lot of things. For the most part, it promises to make you really lose weight. To be specific, the ebook is able to make you lose 9 pounds every eleven days. With the ebook, you can be sure to lose a lot of weight in a short time.

Another big promise the ebook gives is that it can make you lose weight using a healthy meal plan. Many weight lose plans make you lose weight by skipping and scrimping on some things that your body needs such as fat. With the ebook, you can be sure that you won’t be having any of this. As a matter of fact, it will give you a menu of foods that are complete of the nutrients that your body needs. With this, you can be sure that even if you are losing weight, you are also well nourished.

Another thing that the ebook promises is that it makes room for those who are on a vegetarian diet. Unlike other weight loss guides that specifically tell you certain things such as forcing you to eat meat, the Fat Loss for Idiots respects your diet preferences. With this, anybody can take part of the program.

What are the recipes in the diet generator?

Most of the time, people get turned off by diet plans because they either contain complicated recipes or make them eat prepackaged foods. As you can see, these diet plans make you shell out more money than you want to. With them, you can be sure that sooner or later, your body will lose weight or your wallet will.

The recipes in the ebook’s diet generator are simple. They are easy to prepare. Another thing is that the recipes are also cheap. Because of these descriptions, many have said that the diets are “Spartan”.

With all these positive things and more being offered by Fat Loss for Idiots guidebook, it is small wonder why it has become very popular. Read more about it to learn more or better yet, take part in it and see the difference.

Check out my source to learn more. Hope you enjoy it! Good luck!

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