Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

i feel so unattractive because of weight gain?

i am 5¨2 in height and from 109 lbs last year, i ballooned to 129 lbs today. i have been married for a year now and has no baby yet, what more if i have one? i wanna go back to my old figure..i have a very low self esteem right now whenever i look to my old pictures and my new pictures today… pls tell me the fastest way on how can i lose this weight easily and effectively.. i feel so unpretty, not that im saying fat people are ugly but its frustrating not to fit on my old jeans anymore… pls help! thanks a lot in advance…

weight loss cardiff answers:

I know how you feel.

Since it is recent weight gain, you should be able to lose it fairly quickly (maybe in 5-6 months).

The only way is diet and exercise. Just limit what kinds of foods you eat and how much, and get to exercising.

It will raise your self esteem as well.

Susan asks…

How much calories should I consume to lose weight?

I’m 5’2 and 14 years old. I want to shed a couple of pounds before school starts in September.
Current weight: 97 pounds
Goal weight: 88 pounds
So I was just wondering how much calories should I eat and how many calories should I burn on a treadmill to lose weight? And I want to lose it the healthy way 😀

weight loss cardiff answers:

To effectively shed the weight, drastic changes in a whole lifestyle should be made. Changes which suits you, helps you to turn into a healthy person. Moreover changes you may maintain throughout your life. Way of life changes basically start from what you consume to the level of exertion your entire body undergoes everyday. Right here are the few simple steps which would bring a huge difference within your efforts to tone up your body:

Smart Changes in Old Eating Habits

1. It is not an simple employment to improve your old eating habits appropriate away. However depriving yourself all of a sudden from the normal diet isn’t a beneficial idea since it could lead you to depression and resentment. Being a matter of fact, “slow and steady” may be the method to go for it.

2. Reduce the size and increase the variety of meals instead of taking 3 heavy meals every day. The idea isn’t to allow your entire body starve. Consequently, it will increase the metabolic rate of the entire body to break down fat and calories more quickly.

3. Furthermore, balanced diet also plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy life style. Leafy greens, whole grains, and lean protein should be an significant part of your normal meal. To make the meal more fascinating and tempting to eat, add flavors according to your taste buds. Replace soda and all of the fattening drinks with plain water.

4. Take in everything in moderation is one more valuable improve you can bring within your lifestyle of eating. Select healthy alternatives every time you go out to eat. It would give you a fresh start in losing weight.

5. Regular exercise should be an significant part of your daily routine. Doing a lifestyle improve doesn’t mean you should go to the gym, spend funds on costly pounds loss machines. There are lots of exercises that can be done at household which require tiny space. Low cardiovascular exercises are more strong as compared to intense workout.

6. Start your day having a brisk walk for 35 to 40 minutes to allow your entire body sweat. You possibly can also try push-ups and sit-ups as this catalyzes the fat burning technique thereby trims the body. Mostly individuals avoid exercise mainly because they do not try to appreciate it. Because of which they fail to lose weight.

If you follow the above-mentioned tips, you will not only be in a position to lose pounds easily but it will also assist you to to adopt a healthy life style.

Sandy asks…

how can a male to female transgender lose weight especially get a flat tummy?

i have been trying very hard to lose weight my body has always been naturally feminine but just lot of fat everywhere its not like i am obese but i am the plumpy type i need to become skinny and men are supposed to have high metabolisms but its the opposite for me i have a verry low metabolism and gain weight easily which may or may not be good for a transgender anyway i really need to get a flat tummy please suggest how?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Take a walk before dinner. You’ll do more than burn calories — you’ll cut your appetite. In a study of 10 obese women conducted at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, 20 minutes of walking reduced appetite and increased sensations of fullness as effectively as a light meal.
Substitute a handful of almonds in place of a sugary snack. A study from the City of Hope National Medical Center found that overweight people who ate a moderate-fat diet containing almonds lost more weight than a control group that didn’t eat nuts. Really, any nut will do.

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