Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Sandra asks…

i need some good weight loss tips!?

i want to lose some weight on my thighs. what are some good excersizes?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Lots of Lunges and Squats…….lots and lots….. Here are some other tips that might help you as well:)

Oh. My. Goodness! I have such mixed feelings today about returning to my daily schedule. On one hand, I am so sad to have an actual alarm clock wake me rather than my kids as they climb into bed to cuddle. I’m sad I will no longer NOT have a schedule, and be able to play all day, and stay up watching movies every. Single. Night!! I quietly whimper at the realization that the holidays are over…the tree is down, all of the snowmen are boxed back up…and reality sets in that…I can no longer “cheat”. But, is it realy “cheating” when you do it 2 weeks straight??

Yet, still…somewhere amist all of this depression, I find comfort, excitement even, knowing that…I will be back on a schedule. Isn’t that odd? I actually am excited…recharged and revamped…remotivated to get back on track and pick up where I left off. Ready, even if a few days late, to start my New Year’s Resolution…to lose weight.

Yes, it’s been my resolution (or one of them) for may precending years, but for some reason I cannot explain, this year feels different. A new decade, a new start, a new ME.

This new found inspiration has me wondering…is there a formula to follow to ensure success with your New Year’s Resolution, despite what they may be? Is there some sort of secret that forces us to maintain this momentum for months ahead?

Unfortunatly, as with all other things, there will be no reward if you don’t do the work, and weight loss is (in my humble opinion) both the most trying and rewarding goal. Though there are no “sure fire” secrets or formulas, there are many helpful tips to keep in mind. When you keep them posted where you can see them daily, your chance of success is increased!

** Tip #1 – Get an Attitude Adjustment
Attitude is everything when it comes to losing weight. Permanent weight loss is achieved through permanent diet and lifestyle changes. Reverting back to old eating habits after losing weight will only allow the pounds to return. Remember that there are no quick fixes. It took a while to put the weight on and it will take a while to take it off again. Accept that fact and develop a can-do attitude. Commit to the long term. You will be wearing this body for the rest of your life.

** Tip #2 – Set Realistic Goals
Weight loss goals must be realistic. Unattainable goals do nothing more than set the stage for failure. When creating goals, assess all factors such as current weight, fitness level, age, gender and interests. Take all these things into consideration and come up with a workable plan. Start as small as necessary, but do start!

** Tip #3 – Control the Environment
Make dieting as easy as possible. At home, do not bring temptation through the door. Enlist the aid of family members and ask them to keep junk food out of sight and out of mind. My family & I purged the cupboards and refrigerator of high calorie foods on New Year’s day, and filled them with healthy alternatives when we went grocery shopping. When away from home, pack a healthy lunch and snacks rather than eating out and avoid passing by the snack machine at work, if possible.

** Tip #4 – Make Simple Substitutions
There are a variety of simple substitutions that cut calories significantly. For instance, switch to fat free milk or use plain yogurt in the place of sour cream. Substitute unsweetened applesauce for oil in baked goods and reduce the sugar in recipes by up to half. Look for other creative ways to reduce the calorie and fat content whenever possible. While these changes may take some getting used to, they will soon become the norm.

** Tip #5 – Shop Smart
To reduce temptation while shopping, stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. Most foods needed for a healthy diet will be found around the edges. Especially avoid the snack and candy aisle. Do not pass the ice cream case. Carefully read the label on any packaged or canned food under consideration. Also, never shop when hungry!

** Tip #6 – Control Portions
Invest in a food scale and a comprehensive food guide. Learn what a portion actually looks like. Keep in mind that measuring and weighing food will not be necessary long-term. After a short time, an accurate estimate of portion size will be automatic. It is wise to re-check portion sizes periodically, however, to ensure estimates remain accurate. Use smaller plates, cups and even utensils to make portion control easier. Also, repackage bulk snack foods into the correct portions as soon as they enter the home.

** Tip #7 – Take a Walk
Exercise is essential to long term weight loss success. Walking is ideal as it can be done almost anywhere and the intensity level is easily adjusted. Invest in a good pair of walking shoes and consider buying a pedometer. Commit to walking a little each day. Build some extra steps into the daily routine by parking farther away or electing to take the st

William asks…

weight loss?

What is the key to weight loss?
any tips or ideas ?

what are some good things to eat ?
what can i do to really tone my abs, arms, and legs ?

=] thanks for your support .

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss needs to be a lifestyle and not a diet.

But first… You should eat foods rich in fiber (such as broccoli) and avoid simple carbs (processed chips, french fries, white breads) and instead eat complex carbs (fruits, veggies, whole wheat grains)… Sodium can be a factor towards water retention/weight which is often times held in the stomach area so try to limit your sodium intake and drink plenty of water, which will flush the sodium out and keep you less bloated or keep less water retained.

Also dairy products can contribute to bloating/water rentention in the lower ab. Dont worry, you can still get calcium from many veggies/nuts such as: fortified grains, citris fruits, cabbage, soybeans, etc.

Personally I feel a vegetarian lifestyle is best… Our bodies have a hard time quickly digesting meat. I suggest you read the book Skinny B*tch as they go into specifics of healthy eating.

20 mins of cardio a day are suggested … This can include a brisk walk or a gym agenda… Doesnt matter excersize is excersize… Also cardio is important for toning because unless you are burning off any fat you wont see the toning results. I really love yoga and feel is does a superb job toning my body, I can use my own weight against myself, and it doesnt make me bulky like some weight lifting can do.

Things can be hard at first but once you and your body adjust you will feel so much better.

Richard asks…

What are your best weight loss tips?

Hello Everyone!

I’m starting an exercise routine based on & Tony Little’s AB Isolator Workout Video. I plan to keep this going for a 12 week session and then start again.

Right now I weigh 179, and I’m 5’7″. I target weight is 130lbs.

I will try to post my accomplishments regularly.

If you like you can consult my workout calendar for further details.

Please submit your exercise tips and your support.

weight loss cardiff answers:

These tips work very well for most

SNACK ON SOUP. Water-based soups don’t contain many calories and are a great way to fill up-staving off your craving for a big meal or at least slowing you down if you do load your plate.

Avoid chugging calories. Downing regular soda, juice, and milk are all ways to consume a lot of calories quickly and without feeling satiated. Instead, learn to like plain old water. To make it more palatable, try adding a bit of calorie-free green-tea extract.

Taper your meals. A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that people who ate most of their daily food intake earlier in the day and consumed smaller and smaller portions as the day went on ate less overall than people who ate consistently sized meals over a 24-hour period.

Fidget. Play with a ball while you talk on the phone. Bounce your knees. Whatever works for you. A classic study in the journal Science reported that people who frequently shift their posture weigh less than those who stay put. The reason: Burning five extra calories here and there adds up, helping fidgeters create something researchers (appropriately enough) call NEAT-Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (fat loss without direct exercise).

Turn off the machines. When you’re working out, opt for free weights over machines. They activate more muscle when you lift, burning more calories and causing greater strength gains.

Don’t bug in bulk. It’s a good strategy when it comes to toilet paper, but the more food you pack into your fridge at once, the more likely you are to eat it right away.

Lilt heavier. If your dumbbells are pink and allow you to “bang out” 20-plus reps without breaking a sweat, they’re not challenging your muscles, and you won’t lose fat.

Weigh in. Studies show that weighing yourself daily improves your healthy and motivation. Of course, a scale doesn’t decipher between fat and a lean body, so use a mirror to monitor changes in your appearance, as well.

Eat slower. It takes approximately 15-20 minutes for the stomach to sense it’s full. If you chow down like a starved sled dog, you’ll likely out-eat your hunger level, packing in more calories than your body needs before it s had a chance to even register that you’re full.

Pack ahead. Most people give up their diet because they’re pressed for time. Avoid the problem by making your meals for the work week ahead on Sunday afternoon. That way, you’ll have a good supply of healthy food ready and waiting, and you won’t run out of options or be forced to hit the vending machine.

Dip a fork in salad dressing, instead of pouring the dressing directly onto the greens. This gives you max control over how many calories of dressing you get in each bite.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Betty asks…

i feel so unattractive because of weight gain?

i am 5¨2 in height and from 109 lbs last year, i ballooned to 129 lbs today. i have been married for a year now and has no baby yet, what more if i have one? i wanna go back to my old figure..i have a very low self esteem right now whenever i look to my old pictures and my new pictures today… pls tell me the fastest way on how can i lose this weight easily and effectively.. i feel so unpretty, not that im saying fat people are ugly but its frustrating not to fit on my old jeans anymore… pls help! thanks a lot in advance…

weight loss cardiff answers:

I know how you feel.

Since it is recent weight gain, you should be able to lose it fairly quickly (maybe in 5-6 months).

The only way is diet and exercise. Just limit what kinds of foods you eat and how much, and get to exercising.

It will raise your self esteem as well.

Susan asks…

How much calories should I consume to lose weight?

I’m 5’2 and 14 years old. I want to shed a couple of pounds before school starts in September.
Current weight: 97 pounds
Goal weight: 88 pounds
So I was just wondering how much calories should I eat and how many calories should I burn on a treadmill to lose weight? And I want to lose it the healthy way 😀

weight loss cardiff answers:

To effectively shed the weight, drastic changes in a whole lifestyle should be made. Changes which suits you, helps you to turn into a healthy person. Moreover changes you may maintain throughout your life. Way of life changes basically start from what you consume to the level of exertion your entire body undergoes everyday. Right here are the few simple steps which would bring a huge difference within your efforts to tone up your body:

Smart Changes in Old Eating Habits

1. It is not an simple employment to improve your old eating habits appropriate away. However depriving yourself all of a sudden from the normal diet isn’t a beneficial idea since it could lead you to depression and resentment. Being a matter of fact, “slow and steady” may be the method to go for it.

2. Reduce the size and increase the variety of meals instead of taking 3 heavy meals every day. The idea isn’t to allow your entire body starve. Consequently, it will increase the metabolic rate of the entire body to break down fat and calories more quickly.

3. Furthermore, balanced diet also plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy life style. Leafy greens, whole grains, and lean protein should be an significant part of your normal meal. To make the meal more fascinating and tempting to eat, add flavors according to your taste buds. Replace soda and all of the fattening drinks with plain water.

4. Take in everything in moderation is one more valuable improve you can bring within your lifestyle of eating. Select healthy alternatives every time you go out to eat. It would give you a fresh start in losing weight.

5. Regular exercise should be an significant part of your daily routine. Doing a lifestyle improve doesn’t mean you should go to the gym, spend funds on costly pounds loss machines. There are lots of exercises that can be done at household which require tiny space. Low cardiovascular exercises are more strong as compared to intense workout.

6. Start your day having a brisk walk for 35 to 40 minutes to allow your entire body sweat. You possibly can also try push-ups and sit-ups as this catalyzes the fat burning technique thereby trims the body. Mostly individuals avoid exercise mainly because they do not try to appreciate it. Because of which they fail to lose weight.

If you follow the above-mentioned tips, you will not only be in a position to lose pounds easily but it will also assist you to to adopt a healthy life style.

Sandy asks…

how can a male to female transgender lose weight especially get a flat tummy?

i have been trying very hard to lose weight my body has always been naturally feminine but just lot of fat everywhere its not like i am obese but i am the plumpy type i need to become skinny and men are supposed to have high metabolisms but its the opposite for me i have a verry low metabolism and gain weight easily which may or may not be good for a transgender anyway i really need to get a flat tummy please suggest how?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Take a walk before dinner. You’ll do more than burn calories — you’ll cut your appetite. In a study of 10 obese women conducted at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, 20 minutes of walking reduced appetite and increased sensations of fullness as effectively as a light meal.
Substitute a handful of almonds in place of a sugary snack. A study from the City of Hope National Medical Center found that overweight people who ate a moderate-fat diet containing almonds lost more weight than a control group that didn’t eat nuts. Really, any nut will do.

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