Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Nancy asks…

what are some fast working weight loss pills that are sole at your local drug store?

i need some fat weight loss pills and that are easy to find and en-expenssive. thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Pills are honestly not the answer. If there were a magic pill that really worked everyone would know about it and obesity wouldn’t be such a problem. The answer is first to really decide if you need to lose weight. Many people don’t. If you decide you do need to lose weight, do it slowly and steadily with lifestyle changes instead of quick fixes. In the long run, any type of pill you take will only be temporary, be very expensive and have negative effects both while you take it and after you stop. Try to find things you can change in your life to be more active and control portions sizes. Most of all, be careful.

Chris asks…

What is the best weight loss pills?

Ok…I don’t need people saying eat right and exercise and diet pills are bad… I don’t care. I plan on eating right and exercising I just want an extra boost so if anybody could give me some suggestions on some good weight loss pills I would appreciate it. Thanks.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I have some very good result with proactol
i lost about 5kg in the first week and had no side effects at all.
I was attracted to them because they are an all natural product.
I found this site doing a quick search that has a good review.

Betty asks…

What are some good weight loss pills?

Need to lose weight and change my metabolism. Right now I am still skinny but a little full and a bit of fat to lose and I can’t exercise everyday of the week because of college so what are some safe weight loss pills to take?

weight loss cardiff answers:

I’ve been using Raspberry Ketone Max that I found on the review website

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