Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Donna asks…

How often can I cheat on my diet and still maintain weight loss?

Well, it’s not actually a diet. I have totally changed my eating habits and have been working out regularly. I have been keeping track of my weight loss on a computer program and have been losing an average of 3.4 oz per day. How often can I cheat on my eating and still maintain weight loss? Right now its been once or twice per month. I don’t want to risk weight gain but I want to enjoy good food with my kids every once in a while. Last night I ate pizza and this morning my weight is 4 lbs higher according to the scale, I can’t do that! 4lbs is a major setback. I had a friend that said I can eat bad once per week. What do you think? I’m not sure how often really fit people eat what they want. Or why I gain so easily (one night of junk and I gain 3 or 4 lbs that took me weeks to lose.)

weight loss cardiff answers:

Actually, cheating once in a while (and not giant binges, but uppering calorie intake) HELPS you lose weight. You don’t want your body to become accustom to the calories you are eating. If once every month or so you “go off your diet” and eat still healthy, but a bit higher calorie (allow yourself to indulge) you’ll notice when you go back on your diet two days later, the weight will come off easier.

George asks…

I have been running, but need to change my diet to start shedding pounds. What diet is best for runners?

My weight stays very steady no matter how much physical activity I add. My diet is poor and I am ready for change. Carbs are good for running, but not so good for weight loss. I need to find a happy medium and am hoping there is an easy to follow diet out there for me.

weight loss cardiff answers:

You want to eat lean white meats and fishes, plenty of fruits and veggies and limit your carbs. Carbs are good but unless you’re marathon training, they stick on you like glue.

I also eat red meat about 1x a week for protein and iron.

Charles asks…

What is the best way to inject hcg for weight loss?

I just ordered some hCG for my weight loss protocol but im not sure what im doing here, has anyone got any tips.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Where did you buy it from?

Most people inject in the butt but you can also get hcg that you put under your tongue which is much easier.

You can find the injection method here –

and more information about the hcg diet and weblogs can be found here –

i hope this helps.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Steven asks…

How can I go from a size 8 to a size 4?

I’m 21 years old, 5’4, 135 and a size 8. I would like to get down to about 115 and a size 4. I’ve tried a lot of different diets and exercises but nothing seems to work. I have a hard time staying motivated. Can anyone recommend a exercise routine or weight loss tips for someone like me?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Umm, i went from a size 9 to a 5 from exercising and eating part good =] just eat 5 small meals which include lots of protein like chicken. Also eat lots of veggies. RUNNING is thee best,i know you might not want too but ask yourself DO I REALLY WANNA LOOK LIKE THIS FOREVER? It is sooo easy to change your body by exercising 🙂 activities like swimming and trampolining help, walking even.

P.s and I SWEAR if you drop soda drinks youll loose like 10 pounds.

David asks…

What’s a good daily workout on an elliptical?

How much should I aim to work out a day if I’m trying to lose weight? I can only manage about 10-12 minutes at a time right now, but I’m working on getting that up higher. How many 10 minute workouts should I try to fit in my day?

Also any other workout/weight loss tips would help.

weight loss cardiff answers:

As many as you can if you want to lose weight.

Don’t overdo it – but at the same time, it takes work to get results.

At least 2-3 times a day. Every day.

Once you start to get in shape, it gets easier.

Jenny asks…

what are the reprocutions or being overweight at a young age?

im 13 yrs old and around 5’10. i weight 200 on a good day (usually around 205) am i in serious trouble and i neeed a couple weight loss tips. Thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

You must get out and start exercising. Because you are young, your weight loss will be easier and quicker than it will be as you get older. Eat a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean white meats. Avoid all starches, red or fatty meats, and oils. No junk food at all. Substitute fat free/ sugar free treats for other sweets, so that you can feel happy when you need a sugar fix, but at the same time, you are not killing yourself. There are so many great food products for dieters out there, the variety is great, best thing to do, read the labels on the backs of all store bought foods. You want zeroes in the cholesterol, sat. Fat and trans fat column. There is NO real difference between trans and saturated fat. Both are bad. Get under 6 grams of Sat. Fat and 0 in the trans fat and cholesterol and those are the prepared foods that you can enjoy. Once you get in the habit of reading labels, you will be a pro in no time at picking out foods that are good for you. Remember though…you must EXERCISE….walking is the best, use small light handweights and just walk, hit the hiking trails, nature trails, a track at school, do the mall (without stopping) about 4-5 times, just move. It’s essential. Drink lots of water, avoid Pop, even the diet sodas. Water washes out excess salt in our bodies and keeps us hydrated and feeling fuller longer. You can do this…this isn’t punishment, you are making a choice and it’s a good one. Stick with it, in 6 months you will look and feel quite different.

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