Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Thomas asks…

How much weight will i lose per week if i do this?

ok so lets say (hypatheticly) i eat 200 calories a day. and i know 3500 calories are in a pound. and if i do that for a week, how much weight would i lose at the end of the week? im not good at math lol but i wanna know how many calories i should eat to be able to achieve my weight goal
btw please dont tell me how eating 200 calories isnt good- i just made up a low number im not actually eating that much

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you managed to survive the whole week you might actually weigh MORE. Eating so little your metabolism screeches to a complete halt and your body goes into starvation or survival mode to conserve every bit of fuel you put into it. You will not be burning any fat whatsoever. Your body will be feeding off of your muscles and internal organs (including your heart) just for the energy to stay alive!

If you are trying to lose weight you should be exercising for a MINIMUM of 60 minutes every day, and eating at least every 2-3 hours. Eating at least 5 or 6 small meals or healthy snacks every day will speed up your metabolism, combined with the exercise, you will drop weight off in no time. You should never go under 1200 calories per day for any reason. Also, the more active you are, the more calories you need in your diet to give you the energy to get through your day without damaging your body.

Charles asks…

Is it ok to eat only 1000 calories a day and work out 5 x per week to lose weight?

I am a 31 year old female, 5’1, 138 pounds.. trying to lose 30 pounds in 90 days.
I am working out 5-6 times a day for 30 minutes (I burn about 230 calories per 30 minutes)… Why does everyone say to eat 1200? I think 1000 will get me to my goal faster.

weight loss cardiff answers:

If you don’t give your body enough fuel to support the work you are doing, your metabolism will actually slow down and go into starvation mode, causing you to gain weight or lose it much more slowly. Feed your body and it will thank you!

Lizzie asks…

What is a safe amount of weight to lose per week?

My heaviest weight was 105 kgs about 2 years ago.

In the last 13 weeks I have lost 10.9kgs. Is this safe? I’ve been eating right and exercising. I’m now at 86.1kgs.

weight loss cardiff answers:

I don’t know metrics, but it depends on what shape you’re in when you start. If you have a lot of weight to lose, it is semi normal to lose a lot right off. If you have less weight to lose, 2 or 3 pounds per week is normal if you’re just eating healthy and exercising.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Mary asks…

do i factor in calories burned from exercise into my daily caloric intake to lose weight?

i calculated from a weight loss calculator online that to maintain my current weight i should consume no more than 1700 calories a day and subtract 500 calories a day from that amount to lose about a pound a week. so i try to eat no more than 1200 calories a day. if i exercise and burn aprox. 200 calories does that mean i can eat 1400 calories a day and still lose the same amount of weight?

weight loss cardiff answers:

In theory yes this is correct

Lisa asks…

weight loss?

how many calories would I have to burn each day to loose ten lbs by august. an online calculator would also help. and what do you think of trampoline exersises are they effective for fast weight loss. I have a mini one and a 14ft one. Thanks any advise is welcome.
PS I’m 5’2 and abt 200lbs

weight loss cardiff answers:

U cant count on 1 exercise plan

go for walks every1 once in a while and go to youtube ans search for sparkpeople exercise videos they rock!
Or go to the website and sign up, they offer everything from a calorie calculator to support groups

Linda asks…

Anyone knows a good weight loss web site with calorie counter and bmi calculator?

It should have calorie information about foods and support groups. Of course, I’d rather try a free one… thanks!

weight loss cardiff answers:

Have you tried It’s a great site, and it’s free. It’s got menu and workout planners, and an integrated calorie calculator that lets you calculate how many calories you eat, and then how many you burn when you work out. Plus, it’s got really nice graphs – I’ve been using it for a couple of months and I love it!

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Laura asks…

If I eat normally, how many calories should i burn per week to lose weight?

Preferably like.. 3-5 pounds in one month? Also, i eat very irregularly, sometimes I don’t have that much to eat all day and sometimes I have a lot. So, basically, if i didn’t eat completely healthily and didn’t lower the amount i eat, how many calories per week should i burn through exercise to lose 3-5 pounds in one month?

weight loss cardiff answers:

3500 calories = 1 pound

Richard asks…

I lose about 500 calories running 5 times a week.How much weight could I lose in that week?

I don’t know how calories work when trying to lose weight.Can anyone please help me on how calories work? =]
I don’t own a scale and unfortunately the gym I go to also does not own a scale.I know I lose about 500 calories in one day and run/walk about 2 1/2 miles a day.I am losing about 500 calories doing this.How much weight could I lose in a week doing this?

weight loss cardiff answers:

1-3 pounds. 500 calories burned from exercise, plus all the calories you burn doing other activities, probably adds up to around 2000-2200. You need to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound. Your BMR is most likely around 1400, so burning a total of 2200 calories a day. Net burn is 800 calories a day times 7 days a week=5600. If you eat healthy, around 1200-1400 calories a day, closer to 1200, you could lose up to 3 pounds in a week.

Chris asks…

How many calories should you burn in a week to lose weight?

I can go to the gym four times a week for an hour and a half, I’ve been able to burn 700 to 800 calories per session, Is that too much, too little? How much should i burn per session or in a week. Im 15 if that matters and 189 pounds and tryin to get healthier

weight loss cardiff answers:

How do you know you’re burning 7-800? Let’s assume that amount IS accurate–If you can measure your expenditure that accurately, then surely you can measure how many cals you’re eating, ’cause most foods these days have energy content printed on the package, or you can look it up on the web. Look up on Google or someplace what are 1) the energy requirements per day for a growing teenager, 2) what the resting energy expenditure is per day for someone like you, multiply this by 7 (7 days per week), then add the total to what you expend per week when you work out. That sum is your weekly energy expenditure. If you want to lose weight, eat fewer calories than you’re burning.

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Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

Michael asks…

How can I effectivley lose quick weight for an occation three weeks away?

I really want to lose some quick weight for my birthday which is about three weeks away. I’m staying away from carbs, eating fruits and veggies and Boca Burgers, drinking diet pop and a lot of water and going on the treadmill for about 20 minutes a day. Is there anything else I could do and how much weight could I lose by February 8th if I do this?

weight loss cardiff answers:

Ten pounds, tops.

Go here (calorie calc):
Figure out how many calories you need to stay where you are right now, then cut 500-1000 from that. That’s all you can have every day. Space this out between 4-6 meals, eating every 3-4 hours. You can cheat one meal a week, but only one meal and be sure to really cheat when you do or you’ll try to make up for it with other meals. Make a calorie sheet and write down everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, you eat or drink that has calories. Basically, everything except water. Make sure it adds up to whatever number you got earlier. Be sure to recalculate every few weeks as you lose weight.

Start running, swimming, biking, etc. Whatever you pick, do it 3-6x a week. Work up to 30+ minutes straight and don’t wuss out on the intensity.

If you can go to a gym, start a good weight training program as well. Every kilo of muscle you gain will burn another ~75 Calories a day, which really adds up. I’m not typing out an entire weight training program, as I can make a good $100-500 off that.

Nancy asks…

How can I lose weight quick, and how much would be healthy to lose?

I’m 5’10 1/2″- 5’11” and I weight 165 pounds. I know I’m over wuight but how much should I lose and how can I lose it quick?

weight loss cardiff answers:

U only should lose like 10/15 lbs. Ur not that overweight. If u want to lose it quickly u can write out like a 800 calorie a day diet for urself but if u want to be really healthy u should only be losing like 4 lbs a week at the most.

Donald asks…

Is 200 calories a day a dangerous way to lose weight quick?

I am about 15 lbs over weight and i need to lose it within 4-6 weeks.. sooo last time i went on a diet i did 400 cals a day lost the weight in 5 weeks then i added more calories every week until i stabilized my diet.. Now i would like to lose more and I cant seem to find the quickest way..

weight loss cardiff answers:

Very dangerous. Its a good start to having an eating disorder which can be hard to reverse. Shouldn’t take in less than 1200 cal a day

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