Your Question About Easy Weight Loss

George asks…

What is the best weight loss plan?

I’m 5’9 and about 160 pounds, it has finally dawned on me that I really need to start losing weight. What’s a good daily plan I can stick to?

weight loss cardiff answers:

The most commonly known weight loss programs available in America include Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, eDiets and Nutrisystem. However they are not always the same. Some programs such as Weight Watchers may ask you to visit their centers for regular meetings, while others such as Nutrisystem encourage you to work on losing weight at the comfort of your home. Some may promise a fast weight loss while other focus on setting a realistic weight loss goal.

Some important questions you must ask before choosing a weight loss program:

* How much weight do you wish to lose? Setting a realistic goal is very important to keep you motivated!!! To lose 1 lb to 2 lb a week is more realistic than trying to lose 40 lb in a month!!!
* How much support will you receive from the program? Any online weight loss classes? Online personal weight loss counseling? Support groups? Chat rooms? Etc
* What is the Total cost for the program? Will you have to pay extra on top of what you have paid? Does the total cost include foods?
* Will they consider your lifestyle before making a diet plan for you? Or do they simply restrict your normal eating habit so that it’s tough to follow through? Is the program able to personalize your likes and dislikes?
* What kind of maintenance program is provided and at what cost? Find out what the maintenance program consists of, how long it lasts, and what you must do. Remember that the longer the program focuses on helping you change your eating and exercise patterns, the greater the chances of long-term success.
* What is the refund policy? If you are not happy, you should have every right to quit the program and receive your money back.

William asks…

What is a good weight loss plan?

I have a bad weakness for you know fatty non-healthy foods. How do I overcome that? Anyway, what foods should i eat. I’m not looking for super hard to make foods just quick easy things to eat. Also what are some good exercises to lose about 15 to 20 pounds OR to flatten your stomach. Ok well thank you. or if you have a good recomendation for a FREE website to customize your own weight loss plan for teens that would be helpful too. Thank you.

weight loss cardiff answers:

Weight loss plan basics (just for you)
1. The plan works out around 1400kcal per day: 300kcal for breakfast, 350kcal for lunch, 450kcal for dinner and 250kcal for snacks. But these figures are approximations that average out, because people’s ideas of what ‘small’ or ‘thinly spread’ is varies so much.
2. Watch your portion sizes – stick to the recommendations. Little changes like using more oil than suggested, having extra meat or using standard margarine or whole-fat milk will add to your daily calorie count and mean weight loss is slower.
3. Never skip breakfast.
4. Keep hydrated: drink at least six to eight glasses of water each day.
5. Dress your salads with fat-free salad dressings or a splash of balsamic vinegar.

All the best

Charles asks…

Weight loss Plan???

Okay, I am 15, 16 in sept and 5’4 weigh 145-150 (it fluctuates) anyway, i think im a little too pudgy so i am going to try and lose 20-30 lbs. my mom got one of those bender ball thingys and i plan on using it 3-4 times a week and jogging 20-30 min on my treadmill the days i dont use it. I am also starting a 1200-1400 calorie diet with lots of fruits and veggies and limited amounts of meat, which isnt that unusual for me, bcuz i just dont like meat that much. any way, to the question does this sound like it will be an effective and healthy weight loss plan, also how long do you think it will take to reach my goal it if follow this plan??? thanks for your help
oh i also figured i should mention that i do marching band. Starting next week through the 27th of August i will have full band camp that includes 3-4 hrs outside working and then after that i will be doing a total of 8 hrs of practice a week through november

weight loss cardiff answers:

The weight loss programs usually adopt a holistic approach. The more, the merrier – all facets of life are necessary and better together than alone. Dieting or fasting alone is not the best means to reduce your body weight. The ideal weight loss programs usually combine a sensible diet (to shed weight) along with fifteen minutes of daily exercise (to lose the extra inches). The key to successful weight loss is to make enduring changes in your eating habits and lifestyle. If you really want your weight loss programs to be effective, you must feel strongly about it and adhere to the weight loss programs full-time. Do not despair if you stop losing pounds after a certain period or level of shedding weight. This is a ‘weight plateau’ that most people hit, and is usually a transitory phase.

For more effective tips on reducing weight, you can read abt them here:

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